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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences

Department of Mathematics

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Chairs of the Department of Mathematics

ChairResearch topics & professors
Applied and Numerical Analysisgridless methods for partial differential equations,
scientific computing, radial basis functions
Applied Mathematicsnumerical and applied analysis with applications in
systems and control theory,
function space oriented optimization, set-valued numerics
Complex Analysiscomplex analysis, algebraic geometry
Complex Analysis, Differential
Geometry, and Algebraic Geometry
algebraic geometry, complex analysis
Computer Algebracomputer algebra, algorithmic arithmetic geometry, coding theory
Dynamical Systems and Data
dynamical systems, stochastic processes, mathematical data science
Mathematics and Didactics [de]
teaching and education in mathematics, mathematical capabilities,
systematic development of education, dynamical mathematics,
digital media in education
Mathematics in Economy [de]discrete (online) optimization, applications in telecommunications,
logistics and traffic, underling discrete structures
Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Physicsnonlinear differential equations, integrable systems, random matrices
Number Theory
number theory, especially Galois theory as well as analytical
and algebraic number theory
Scientific Computing
numerical methods for partial differential equations,
differential-algebraic equations, optimal control, numerical analysis, scientific computing
Stochastics and Machine Learningstochastics, machine learning, mathematical statistics,
nonparametric statistics, robust statistics, and applications

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