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Publications at the Department of Mathematics
sorted by publication type

year    2025   2024   2023   2022   2021    all years


Model Predictive Control : Engineering Methods for Economists
publ: Daniilidis, Aris; Grüne, Lars; Haunschmied, Josef; Tragler, Gernot
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2025. - 198 pp. . - (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance; 31)

Ulm, Volker
Normierung des Bayreuther Rechentests (BRT)
publ: Miller, Carsten; Ulm, Volker
Bayreuth 2024. - 20 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 10)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008051 ...

Zeitler, Tobias
Punkt, Gerade, Kreis : Eine verfahrensbasierte Herleitung von Grundvorstellungen
publ: Ulm, Volker; Miller, Carsten
Bayreuth 2024. - 120 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 9)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008038 ...

Advances in Collective Decision Making : Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Centu ...
publ: Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Mayer, Alexander
Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2023. - XIV, 404 pp. . - (Studies in Choice and Welfare)

Mironchenko, Andrii
Input-to-State Stability : Theory and Applications
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2023. - XVI, 406 pp. . - (Communications and Control Engineering Series)
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-14674-9 ...

rev.: AMS MatSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Bayreuth 2023
publ: Wittmann, Jochen; Chudej, Kurt
Düren : Shaker Verlag, 2023. - 156 pp.

Steinecke, Annalisa; Martin, Maximilian
Bayreuther Testpaket zur Erfassung von Rechenschwäche im Mathematikunterricht
publ: Ulm, Volker; Miller, Carsten
Bayreuth 2022. - 102 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 8)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006616 ...

Schwarm, Martina; Ulm, Volker
Kindern mit Rechenschwäche helfen : Eine Studie zur Arbeit der Förder- und Beratungsstelle ...
publ: Miller, Carsten; Ulm, Volker
Bayreuth 2022. - 220 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 7)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006057 ...

Zehnder, Moritz
Mathematische Begabung in den Jahrgangsstufen 9 und 10 : Ein theoretischer und empirischer ...
Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2022. - XXXIV, 691 pp. . - (Studien zur theoretischen und empirischen Forschung in der Mathematikdidaktik)
doi:10.1007/978-3-658-37627-7 ...

Ulm, Volker
Rechenschwäche in der Sekundarstufe, Diagnostik und Förderung von Schülerinnen und Schüler ...
publ: Miller, Carsten; Ulm, Volker
Bayreuth 2022. - 57 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 5)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006623 ...

Armbrust, Sarah-Sofie
Sprachsensibler Aufbau des Vektorbegriffs : Eine Entwicklungsforschungsstudie in der Sekun ...
Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2022. - XXVIII, 434 pp.
doi:10.1007/978-3-658-37706-9 ...

Extended Abstracts presented at the 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of ...
publ: Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars; Jacob, Birgit; Worthmann, Karl
Bayreuth 2022. - 815 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006809 ...

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.
(In-)Stability of Differential Inclusions : Notions, Equivalences, and Lyapunov-like Chara ...
Cham : Springer, 2021. - IX, 116 pp. . - (Springer Briefs in Mathematics)
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-76317-6 ...

Miller, Carsten
Normal – Digital – Digital normal : Ein digitales Konzept am Beispiel einer Vorlesung zur ...
Bayreuth 2020. - 28 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 6)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005133 ...

Ulm, Volker
Komplexe Zahlen : Materialien für Schülerinnen und Schüler
Bayreuth 2020. - 34 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 4)
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Ulm, Volker; Zehnder, Moritz
Mathematische Begabung in der Sekundarstufe : Modellierung, Diagnostik, Förderung
Berlin : Springer, 2020
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-61134-0 ...

Ulm, Volker
Rechenschwäche in der Sekundarstufe : Diagnostik und Förderung von Schülerinnen und Schüle ...
Bayreuth 2020. - 51 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 5)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004873 ...

Leppmeier, Max
Der Tetraederwinkel arccos (1/3) : eine Elementarisierung am Einheitskreis
publ: Ulm, Volker
Bayreuth 2019. - 63 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 3)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004436 ...

Leppmeier, Max
Mathematische Begabungsförderung am Gymnasium : Konzepte für Unterricht und Schulentwicklu ...
Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2019. - XVI, 263 pp. . - (Perspektiven der Mathematikdidaktik)
doi:10.1007/978-3-658-26115-3 ...

Leppmeier, Max
Der Tetraederkantenwinkel arccos (1/3) : eine Elementarisierung am Einheitskreis mit einem ...
Beau Bassin : Lehrbuch-Verlag, 2019. - 72 pp.
https://www.verlag-lehrbuch.de/catalog/details//st ...

Ulm, Volker
20 Fragen und Antworten zu Rechenschwäche
publ: Miller, Carsten; Ulm, Volker
Bayreuth 2018. - 37 pp. . - (Mathematikdidaktik im Kontext; 1)
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Stoll, Michael; Worthmann, Karl
Angewandte Mathematik : ein Lehrbuch für Lehramtsstudierende
Berlin : Springer, 2018. - XVIII + 210 pp.
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-56705-0 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Mathematische Grundlagen für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. 3. Auflage
Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2018. - 288 pp.

Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems
publ: Falcone, Maurizio; Ferretti, Roberto; Grüne, Lars; McEneaney, William M.
Cham : Springer, 2018. - X, 268 pp. . - (Springer INdAM Series; 29)
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01959-4 ...

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control : Theory and Algorithms. 2nd Edition
Cham : Springer, 2017. - 456 pp. . - (Communications and Control Engineering)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-46024-6 ...

rev.: Zentralblatt Mathematik
rev.: Mathematical Reviews

Wendland, Holger
Numerical Linear Algebra : An Introduction
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017. - X, 408 pp.
doi:10.1017/9781316544938 ...

Miller, Carsten
Workshop Dynamische Geometrie
Bayreuth 2017. - 91 pp.

Höniger, Edgar
Über die Lage von Schwerpunkten
Bayreuth 2016. - 14 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Höniger, Edgar
Die Schildkröte verliert!
Bayreuth 2016. - 129 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Greefrath, Gilbert; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Didaktik der Analysis : Aspekte und Grundvorstellungen zentraler Begriffe
Berlin : Springer, 2016. - XIII, 300 pp. . - (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-48877-5 ...

Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen : eine Einführung aus der Perspektive der dynamischen ...
Heidelberg : Springer, 2016. - 249 pp.
doi:10.1007/978-3-658-10241-8 ...

rev.: Zentralblatt Mathematik

Developing key competences by mathematics education
publ: Ulm, Volker; Gehring, Carolin
Bayreuth : Universität, 2015. - 76 pp.
http://btmdx1.mat.uni-bayreuth.de/kcm/data/Materia ...

Baptist, Peter; Jost, Eugen; Miller, Carsten
Alles ist Zahl : Mathematik andersARTig
Bayreuth : Universität, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik und ihre Didaktik, 2013. - 176 pp.

ABIfit. Band 3. Analytische Geometrie
publ: Schätz, Ulrike
Bamberg : Buchner, 2012. - 100 pp.

Implementing Inquiry in Mathematics Education
publ: Baptist, Peter; Raab, Dagmar
Bayreuth : Universität, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik und ihre Didaktik, 2012. - VIII, 176 pp.

Baptist, Peter; Miller, Carsten; Jost, Eugen
Mathematik andersARTig
Bayreuth : Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik und ihre Didaktik, 2012. - 160 pp.

Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Mathematische Grundlagen für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. 2. Auflage
Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2012. - XI, 273 pp. . - (Grundzüge der BWL)

Koltai, Peter
Efficient approximation methods for the global long-term behavior of dynamical systems : T ...
Berlin : Logos-Verlag, 2011. - VIII, 162 pp.

Inquiry-based mathematics education for gifted children in primary school
publ: Ulm, Volker
Augsburg 2011. - 96 pp.

Gerdts, Matthias; Lempio, Frank
Mathematische Optimierungsverfahren des Operations Research
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2011. - IX, 527 pp.
doi:10.1515/9783110249989 ...

rev.: Zentralblatt

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control : Theory and Algorithms
London : Springer, 2011. - XII, 360 pp. . - (Communications and Control Engineering)
doi:10.1007/978-0-85729-501-9 ...

Baptist, Peter; Miller, Carsten
Alles ist Zahl 60
Bayreuth 2010

Mathematics education with technology : experiences in Europe
publ: Ulm, Volker
Augsburg 2010. - 272 pp.

Mathematische Begabungen fördern
publ: Ulm, Volker
Berlin : Cornelsen, 2010. - 94 pp.

Wendland, Holger
Scattered Data Approximation
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. - X, 336 pp. . - (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics; 17)

de Loera, Jesús A.; Rambau, Jörg; Santos, Francisco
Triangulations : Structures for Applications and Algorithms
Berlin : Springer, 2010. - XIII, 535 pp. . - (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics; 25)
http://www.springer.com/mathematics/geometry/book/ ...

Baptist, Peter; Beutelspacher, Albrecht; Jost, Eugen
Alles ist Zahl
publ: Baptist, Peter
Köln : Kölner Universitätsverlag, 2009. - 128 pp.

Baptist, Peter; Bocka, Doris; Miller, Carsten
Alles ist Zahl : Dokumentation zur Wanderausstellung
Bayreuth : Universität, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik und ihre Didaktik, 2009. - 60 pp.
http://mathematik-kalender.uni-bayreuth.de/fileadm ...

Wienholtz, Ernst; Kalf, Hubert; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Elliptische Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung : Eine Einführung mit historischen Bem ...
Berlin : Springer, 2009. - XI, 401 pp.
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-45721-3 ...

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baptist, Peter; Jost, Eugen
Everything is Number : Dokumentation der Wanderausstellung
Bayreuth 2009

Grüne, Lars
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen : Eine Einführung aus der Perspektive der dynamischen ...
Wiesbaden : Vieweg + Teubner, 2009. - XI, 243 pp.
doi:10.1007/978-3-8348-9261-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Mathematische Grundlagen für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2009 . - (Grundzüge der BWL)

Baptist, Peter; Beutelspacher, Albrecht; Jost, Eugen
Alles ist Zahl
Köln : Kölner Universitäts-Verlag, 2008. - 128 pp.

rev.: Ulm Volker: Baptist, P.: Alles ist Zahl, In: Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule, PM, Jg.:2009, Hnr.: 28

Gute Aufgaben Mathematik
publ: Ulm, Volker
Berlin : Cornelsen, 2008. - 112 pp.

Bebendorf, Mario
Hierarchical Matrices: A Means to Efficiently Solve Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
Berlin : Springer, 2008. - 290 pp. . - (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering; 63)
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-77147-0 ...

Baptist, Peter
SINUS : A Trademark for Improving Mathematics Education in Germany
Bayreuth 2008. - 24 pp.

Steinwart, Ingo; Christmann, Andreas
Support Vector Machines
New York : Springer, 2008. - 601 pp. . - (Information Science and Statistics)
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-77242-4 ...

Baptist, Peter; Raab, Dagmar
Auf dem Weg zu einem veränderten Mathematikunterricht
Bayreuth : Universität, Zentrum zur Förderung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts, 2007. - 72 pp. . - (Sinus - Transfer)
http://www.sinus-transfer.uni-bayreuth.de/fileadmi ...

Fröba, Stephanie; Wassermann, Alfred
Die bedeutendsten Mathematiker
Wiesbaden : Marix-Verl., 2007. - 253 pp.

Baik, Jinho; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Miller, Peter D.
Discrete orthogonal polynomials
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2007 . - (Annals of Mathematics Studies; 164)
doi:10.1515/9781400837137 ...

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baptist, Peter; Miller, Carsten
GEONExT Worksheet Creator : Dynamische Arbeitsblätter gestalten : für WINDOWS XP
Seelze : Erhard Friedrich, 2007 . - (Mathematik verstehen durch Handeln)

Kerner, Hans; von Wahl, Wolf
Mathematik für Physiker. 2., überarb. und erw. Auflage
Berlin : Springer, 2007. - XII, 572 pp.
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-72480-3 ...

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells : Modeling, Analysis, Simulation, and Control
publ: Sundmacher, Kai; Kienle, Achim; Pesch, Hans Josef; Berndt, Joachim; Huppmann, Gerhard
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2007. - XVI, 243 pp.

Betten, Anton; Braun, Michael; Fripertinger, Harald; Kerber, Adalbert; Kohnert, Axel; Wassermann, Alfred
Error-correcting linear codes : classification by isometry and applications
Berlin : Springer, 2006. - XXIX, 798 pp. . - (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics; 18)
doi:10.1007/3-540-31703-1 ...

Ulm, Volker; Miller, Carsten
Experimentieren und Entdecken mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern
Seelze-Velber : Friedrich, 2006. - 176 pp.

Ehmann, Matthias; Miller, Carsten
GEONExT für Einsteiger : Dynamische Mathematiksoftware für den Unterricht
Seelze : Friedrich, 2006. - 160 pp.

Wassermann, Alfred
Lattice point enumeration and applications
Bayreuth 2006. - 114 pp. . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 73)

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kerner, Hans; von Wahl, Wolf
Mathematik für Physiker
Berlin : Springer, 2006. - XII, 548 pp.

Schaback, Robert; Wendland, Holger
Numerische Mathematik
Berlin : Springer, 2005
doi:10.1007/b137970 ...

Wendland, Holger
Scattered data approximation
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005. - X, 336 pp. . - (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics; 17)

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baier, Robert; Gerdts, Matthias
Set-Valued Numerical Analysis and Optimal Control : Lecture Notes for the DAAD Intensive C ...
Borovets, Bulgaria 2005. - 264 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-5 ...

Baptist, Peter
Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8 : Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeit ...
Velber : Friedrich, 2004. - 144 pp. . - (Geonext)

Elschenbroich, Hans-Jürgen; Ulm, Volker
Empfehlungen zur Umsetzung der Bildungsstandards der KMK im Fach Mathematik
Troisdorf : Bildungsverl. Eins, 2004. - VIII pp. . - (Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht; 57,8 Beil.)

Ulm, Volker
Mathematikunterricht für individuelle Lernwege öffnen
Seelze-Velber : Kallmeyer, 2004. - 159 pp.

Christmann, Andreas; Weihs, Claus
Data Mining und Statistik in Hochschule und Wirtschaft : Proceedings der 6. Konferenz der ...
Aachen : Shaker, 2003. - 396 pp.
http://www.shaker.de/de/content/catalogue/index.as ...

Ulm, Volker
Objekte in Grafiken : Lehren und Lernen im Informatikunterricht mit einem Beispiel zu obje ...
Bayreuth : Univ., Zentrum zur Förderung des Math.-Naturwiss. Unterrichts, 2003. - 108 pp.

Grüne, Lars
Asymptotic Behavior of Dynamical and Control Systems under Perturbation and Discretization
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - 235 pp. . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 1783)
doi:10.1007/b83677 ...

rev.: Zentralblatt Mathematik
rev.: Mathematical Reviews

Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control
publ: Colonius, Fritz; Grüne, Lars
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - 301 pp. . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 273)
doi:10.1007/3-540-45606-6 ...

rev.: Zentralblatt Mathematik

Pesch, Hans Josef
Schlüsseltechnologie Mathematik : Einblicke in aktuelle Anwendungen der Mathematik
Wiesbaden : Teubner, 2002. - 185 pp.

Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications : Proceedings
publ: Betten, Anton; Kohnert, Axel; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
Heidelberg : Springer, 2001. - XI, 347 pp.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-59448-9 ...

Grötschel, Martin; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg
Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - 803 pp.

Bauer, Ingrid
Surfaces with K²=7 and pg=4
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, 2001 . - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; 721)
doi:10.1090/memo/0721 ...

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baptist, Peter
Mathematikunterricht im Wandel : Bausteine für den Unterricht
Bamberg : Buchner, 2000. - 211 pp.

Ulm, Volker
Operationen von Hopfalgebren in Kategorien von Yetter-Drinfeld-Moduln
München : Utz, 2000. - 163 pp.

Betten, Anton; Fripertinger, Harald; Kerber, Adalbert; Wassermann, Alfred; Zimmermann, Karl-Heinz
Codierungstheorie : Konstruktion und Anwendung linearer Codes
Berlin : Springer, 1998. - XVIII, 338 pp.

Lempio, Frank
Numerische Mathematik. Band 2. Methoden der Analysis
Bayreuth : Mathematisches Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 1998. - VI, 263 pp. . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 55)

rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Miyaoka, Yoichi; Peternell, Thomas
Geometry of Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties
Basel : Birkhäuser, 1997 . - (DMV Seminar; 26)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-8893-6 ...

Lempio, Frank
Numerische Mathematik. Band 1. Methoden der Linearen Algebra
Bayreuth : Mathematisches Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 1997. - VI, 234 pp. . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 51)

rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Baptist, Peter
Pythagoras und kein Ende?
Leipzig ; Stuttgart ; Düsseldorf : Klett, 1997. - 152 pp.

Lönne, Michael
Zur Darstellung der Diffeomorphismengruppe komplexer Flächen auf dem Homologiegitter = On ...
Hannover : Univ. Hannover, Institut für Algebraische Geometrie, 1997. - 100 pp.

Rambau, Jörg
Projections of Polytopes and Polyhedral Subdivisions
Aachen : Shaker, 1996. - XIII, 123 pp. . - (Berichte aus der Mathematik)

Baier, Robert
Mengenwertige Integration und die diskrete Approximation erreichbarer Mengen
Bayreuth : Universität, 1995 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 50)

rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Bauer, Ingrid
Projektionen von glatten Flächen in den P⁴
Bonn 1994. - 92 pp. . - (Bonner mathematische Schriften; 260)

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grauert, Hans; Peternell, Thomas; Remmert, Reinhold
Several Complex Variables VII : Sheaf-Theoretical Methods in Complex Analysis
Berlin : Springer, 1994. - VIII, 372 pp. . - (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8 ...

Baptist, Peter
Die Entwicklung der Neueren Dreiecksgeometrie
Mannheim ; Leipzig ; Wien ; Zürich : BI-Wissenschaftsverlag, 1992. - 307 pp.

von Wahl, Wolf
The equations of Navier-Stokes and abstract parabolic equations
Wiesbaden : Vieweg + Teubner, 1985. - XXIV, 264 pp. . - (Aspects of Mathematics; E 8)
doi:10.1007/978-3-663-13911-9 ...

rev.: AMS MatSciNet
rev.: Giga, Yoshikazu, In: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society N.S., 19, 1, 1988, S. 337-340

Editorial work for a series or a journal

Towards New Teaching in Mathematics
publ: Baptist, Peter; Miller, Carsten; Raab, Dagmar

Complete issue of a journal

1st International JSXGraph Conference – Book of Abstracts
publ: Miller, Carsten; Wassermann, Alfred
CMLDT publications (2023) issue 2. - 30 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007209 ...

Baptist, Peter
Maths with the index finger – sketchometry
publ: Miller, Carsten; Wassermann, Alfred
CMLDT publications (2023) issue 1. - 12 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007208 ...

25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022
publ: Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars; Jacob, Birgit; Worthmann, Karl
IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 55 (2022) issue 30. - 516 pp.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/ifac-paperso ...

Miller, Carsten; Gehring, Carolin
Eine Software, ein Konzept, ein Erfolg!
sketchometry (2016) issue 10
https://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/hef ...

Hohm, Vanessa; Miller, Carsten
Die Dreiecksungleichung : Ein experimenteller Zugang
sketchometry (2015) issue 3. - 10 pp.
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

Baltrock, Markus; Gehring, Carolin
Der Inkreis : Ein Unterrichtsversuch
sketchometry (2015) issue 7. - 10 pp.
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

Gehring, Carolin
Der Kreis als geometrische Ortslinie : Eine Einführung
sketchometry (2015) issue 4. - 10 pp.
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

Reinke, Lena; Miller, Carsten
Kreise und Tangenten : Ein Stundenprotokoll
sketchometry (2015) issue 5. - 12 pp.
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

Ritter, Wilhelm
Mathematik mit dem Finger : Unterrichtserfahrungen
sketchometry (2015) issue 1
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

Schwab, Tabea
Schulbuchaufgaben mit sketchometry : ein Vergleich
sketchometry (2015) issue 8
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

Miller, Carsten
Tablets im Mathematikunterricht : Eine Momentaufnahme
sketchometry (2015) issue 2. - 10 pp.
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

Schäfer, Christian
Der Winkelhalbierenden auf der Spur : ein Einstieg
sketchometry (2015) issue 6. - 10 pp.
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

Gehring, Carolin
Die zentrische Streckung : Eine Unterrichtssequenz
sketchometry (2015) issue 9. - 20 pp.
http://sketchometry.org/de/download/heftreihe/heft ...

publ: Baptist, Peter
Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 43 (1997) issue 3

Article in a journal (peer-reviewed)

Schlotter, Ildiko; Cseh, Ágnes
Maximum-utility Popular Matchings with Bounded Instability
in ACM Transactions on Computation Theory vol. 17 (2025) issue 1
doi:10.1145/3711843 ...

Bamberg, John; Filmus, Yuval; Ihringer, Ferdinand; Kurz, Sascha
Affine vector space partitions
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 93 (2025) . - pp. 331-357
doi:10.1007/s10623-023-01263-z ...

Schoeller, Henry; Chemnitz, Robin; Koltai, Peter; Engel, Maximilian; Pfahl, Stephan
Assessing Lagrangian coherence in atmospheric blocking
in Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics vol. 32 (2025) issue 1. - pp. 51-73
doi:10.5194/npg-32-51-2025 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Capacity of an infinite family of networks related to the diamond network for fixed alphab ...
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 93 (2025) . - pp. 409-421
doi:10.1007/s10623-024-01485-9 ...

Polzin, Robert M.; Klebanov, Ilja; Nüsken, Nikolas; Koltai, Peter
Coherent Set Identification Via Direct Low Rank Maximum Likelihood Estimation
in Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 35 (2025)
doi:10.1007/s00332-024-10091-x ...

Aziz, Haris; Csáji, Gergely; Cseh, Ágnes
Computational Complexity of k-stable Matchings
in ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation vol. 13 (2025) issue 1
doi:10.1145/3708507 ...

Bold, Lea; Grüne, Lars; Schaller, Manuel; Worthmann, Karl
Data-driven MPC with stability guarantees using extended dynamic mode decomposition
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 70 (2025) issue 1. - pp. 534-541
doi:10.1109/TAC.2024.3431169 ...

Chemnitz, Robin; Engel, Maximilian; Koltai, Peter
Extracting coherent sets in aperiodically driven flows from generators of Mather semigroup ...
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B vol. 30 (2025) issue 6. - pp. 1952-1995
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Catanese, Fabrizio
General birationality and hyperelliptic theta divisors
in Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata vol. 204 (2025) . - pp. 53-71
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Kurz, Sascha; Landjev, Ivan; Pavese, Francesco; Rousseva, Assia
The Geometry of (t mod q)-arcs
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 93 (2025) . - pp. 359-372
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Kilian, Alexander; Maschke, Bernhard; Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
Infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems with a stationary interface
in European Journal of Control vol. 82 (2025)
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Ou, Ruchuan; Schießl, Jonas; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars; Faulwasser, Timm
A polynomial chaos approach to stochastic LQ optimal control : Error bounds and infinite-h ...
in Automatica vol. 174 (2025)
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Glück, Jochen; Mironchenko, Andrii
Stability criteria for positive semigroups on ordered Banach spaces
in Journal of Evolution Equations vol. 25 (2025) issue 1
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rev.: Zentralblatt

Schießl, Jonas; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars
On the relationship between stochastic turnpike and dissipativity notions
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2024)
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Bauer, Maximilian; Bebendorf, Mario
Adaptive H-matrix computations in linear elasticity
in Applied Numerical Mathematics vol. 201 (2024) . - pp. 1-19
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Pande, Naman Krishna; Jain, Aditi; Kumar, Arun; Gupta, Arvind Kumar
Conservative deep neural networks for modeling competition of ribosomes with extended leng ...
in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol. 470 (2024) issue Part A
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rev.: Zentralblatt

Chemnitz, Robin; Engel, Maximilian; Koltai, Peter
Continuous-time extensions of discrete-time cocycles
in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Series B vol. 11 (2024) . - pp. 23-35
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Ashlagi, Itai; Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David; Ockenfels, Axel; Pettersson, William
Designing a kidney exchange program in Germany : simulations and recommendations
in Central European Journal of Operations Research (2024) . - pp. 1-27
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Kiermaier, Michael; Schmidt, Kai-Uwe; Wassermann, Alfred
Designs in finite classical polar spaces
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2024)
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Angeli, David; Grüne, Lars
Dissipativity in infinite horizon optimal control and dynamic programming
in Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol. 89 (2024)
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McKay, Michael; Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David
Envy-freeness in 3D hedonic games
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Straub, Christopher; Wolfschmidt, Sebastian
EVStabilityNet: predicting the stability of star clusters in general relativity
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Nurkanović, Armin; Sperl, Mario; Albrecht, Sebastian; Diehl, Moritz
Finite Elements with Switch Detection for Direct Optimal Control of Nonsmooth Systems
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Chaillet, Antoine; Wirth, Fabian; Mironchenko, Andrii; Brivadis, Lucas
For time-invariant delay systems, global asymptotic stability does not imply uniform globa ...
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Brivadis, Lucas; Chaillet, Antoine; Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
Forward completeness implies bounded reachable sets for time-delay systems on the state sp ...
in IEEE Control Systems Letters vol. 8 (2024) . - pp. 1667-1672
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Sauer, Pascal; Cseh, Ágnes; Lenzner, Pascal
Improving ranking quality and fairness in Swiss-system chess tournaments
in Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports vol. 20 (2024) issue 2. - pp. 127-146
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Koltai, Peter; Kunde, Philipp
A Koopman-Takens theorem : Linear least squares prediction of nonlinear time series
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 405 (2024)
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Lücke, Marvin; Winkelmann, Stefanie; Heitzig, Jobst; Molkenthin, Nora; Koltai, Peter
Learning interpretable collective variables for spreading processes on networks
in Physical Review E vol. 109 (2024) issue 2
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Kurz, Sascha
Lengths of divisible codes : the missing cases
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 92 (2024) . - pp. 2367-2378
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Körner, Theresa; Kurz, Sascha
Lengths of divisible codes with restricted column multiplicities
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 18 (2024) issue 2. - pp. 505-534
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Köhler, Hannes
Lp- and Risk Consistency of Localized SVMs
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Bachmann, Patrick; Ahmed, Saeed; Bajcinca, Naim
Lyapunov characterization of input-to-state stability for a class of impulsive systems
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 69 (2024) issue 10. - pp. 6996-7003
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Jain, Aditi; Gupta, Arvind Kumar
A mathematical framework for analysing particle flow in a network with multiple pools
in Royal Society Open Science vol. 11 (2024) issue 5
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Pioch, Kilian; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Margaliot, Michael; Grüne, Lars
Model order reduction for the TASEP Master equation
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MTNS 2024, 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Cambridge, UK

Kurz, Sascha
Non-projective two-weight Codes
in Entropy vol. 26 (2024) issue 4
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Straub, Christopher
Numerical experiments on stationary, oscillating, and damped spherical galaxy models
in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol. 470 (2024)
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Köhler, Hannes
On the Connection between Lp- and Risk Consistency and its Implications on Regularized Ker ...
in Journal of Machine Learning Research vol. 25 (2024) issue 213. - pp. 1-33

Katz, Rami; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Grüne, Lars; Margaliot, Michael
On the gain of entrainment in a class of weakly contractive bilinear control systems
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 62 (2024) issue 5. - pp. 2723-2749
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Cao, Junyan; Paun, Mihai; Berndtsson, Bo
On the Ohsawa–Takegoshi Extension Theorem
in The Journal of Geometric Analysis vol. 34 (2024)
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Braun, Philipp; Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Semmler, Willi; Weller, Steven R.
On the social cost of carbon and discounting in the DICE model
in AIMS Environmental Science vol. 11 (2024) issue 3. - pp. 471-495
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Heeger, Klaus; Cseh, Ágnes
Popular matchings with weighted voters
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Ahmadi, Pouyan; Dichgans, Franz; Jagau, Lisa; Schmidt, Christian; Aizinger, Vadym; Gilfedder, Benjamin Silas; Fleckenstein, Jan
Systematic CFD-based evaluation of physical factors influencing the spatiotemporal distrib ...
in Science of the Total Environment vol. 917 (2024)
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Kurz, Sascha
Trifferent codes with small lengths
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Mironchenko, Andrii
Well-posedness and properties of the flow for semilinear evolution equations
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Filmus, Yuval; Hirsch, Edward A.; Kurz, Sascha; Ihringer, Ferdinand; Ryazanov, Artur; Smal, Alexander V.; Vinyals, Marc
Irreducible Subcube Partitions
in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics vol. 30 (2023) issue 3
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Pötzl, Bastian; Schiela, Anton; Jaap, Patrick
Inexact Proximal Newton methods in Hilbert spaces
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The visible-volume function of a set of cameras is continuous, piecewise rational, locally ...
in Discrete & Computational Geometry vol. 70 (2023) . - pp. 1038-1058
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Kurz, Sascha; Landjev, Ivan; Rousseva, Assia
Classification of (3 mod 5) arcs in PG(3,5)
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 17 (2023) issue 1. - pp. 172-206
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Froyland, Gary; Koltai, Peter
Detecting the birth and death of finite-time coherent sets
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (2023)
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Kurz, Sascha
The interplay of different metrics for the construction of constant dimension codes
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 17 (2023) issue 1. - pp. 152-171
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Lücke, Marvin; Heitzig, Jobst; Koltai, Peter; Molkenthin, Nora; Winkelmann, Stefanie
Large population limits of Markov processes on random networks
in Stochastic Processes and their Applications vol. 166 (2023)
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Ernst, Andreas; Grüne, Lars; Rieger, Janosch
A linear programming approach to approximating the infinite time reachable set of strictly ...
in Journal of Global Optimization vol. 86 (2023) . - pp. 521-543
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
Market Structure and Instability Artifacts in Heterogeneous Agent Models: Lessons from Imp ...
in Computational Economics vol. 62 (2023) . - pp. 855-890
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Greefrath, Gilbert; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Mathematics Students' Characteristics of Basic Mental Models of the Derivative
in Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik vol. 44 (2023) . - pp. 143-169
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dela Cruz, Romar; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
On the minimum number of minimal codewords
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 17 (2023) issue 2. - pp. 333-341
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Bittracher, Andreas; Mollenhauer, Mattes; Koltai, Peter; Schütte, Christof
Optimal reaction coordinates : Variational characterization and sparse computation
in Multiscale Modeling & Simulation vol. 21 (2023) issue 2. - pp. 449-488
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Cechlárová, Katarína; Cseh, Ágnes; Jankó, Zsuzsanna; Kireš, Marián; Miňo, Lukáš
A quest for a fair schedule : The International Young Physicists' Tournament
in Journal of Scheduling vol. 26 (2023) . - pp. 3-18
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Eichfelder, Gabriele; Grüne, Lars; Krügel, Lisa; Schießl, Jonas
Relaxed dissipativity assumptions and a simplified algorithm for multiobjective MPC
in Computational Optimization and Applications vol. 86 (2023) . - pp. 1081-1116
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Köhler, Johannes; Zeilinger, Melanie; Grüne, Lars
Stability and performance analysis of NMPC : Detectable stage costs and general terminal c ...
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 68 (2023) issue 10. - pp. 6114-6129
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Kilian, Alexander; Maschke, Bernhard; Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
A case study of port-Hamiltonian systems with a moving interface
in IEEE Control Systems Letters vol. 7 (2023) . - pp. 1572-1577
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Classification of Δ-Divisible Linear Codes Spanned by Codewords of Weight Δ
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 69 (2023) issue 6. - pp. 3544-3551
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Maity, Priyanka; Bittracher, Andreas; Koltai, Peter; Schumacher, Jörg
Collective variables between large-scale states in turbulent convection
in Physical Review Research vol. 5 (2023) issue 3
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Cossidente, Antonio; Kurz, Sascha; Marino, Giuseppe; Pavese, Francesco
Combining subspace codes
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 17 (2023) issue 3. - pp. 536-550
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Cseh, Ágnes; Escamocher, Guillaume; Quesada, Luis
Computing relaxations for the three-dimensional stable matching problem with cyclic prefer ...
in Constraints vol. 28 (2023) . - pp. 138-165
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Bachmann, Patrick; Ahmed, Saeed
Construction of time-varying ISS-Lyapunov functions for impulsive systems
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 56 (2023) issue 1. - pp. 1-6
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12th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2022), Canberra, Australia

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Kemmler, Samuel; Köstler, Harald; Aizinger, Vadym
Discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations on complex domains using mas ...
in Advances in Water Resources (2023)
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Kurz, Sascha; Samaniego, Dani
Enumeration of simple games with two equivalence classes of players
in Discrete Applied Mathematics vol. 334 (2023) . - pp. 26-35
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Mazzuca, Guido; Grava, Tamara; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, Kenneth T.-R.; Mendl, Christian B.; Spohn, Herbert
Equilibrium Spacetime Correlations of the Toda Lattice on the Hydrodynamic Scale
in Journal of Statistical Physics vol. 190 (2023)
doi:10.1007/s10955-023-03155-x ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars; Sperl, Mario
Examples for separable control Lyapunov functions and their neural network approximation
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 56 (2023) issue 1. - pp. 19-24
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Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza
A Filippov Approximation Theorem for Strengthened One-Sided Lipschitz Differential Inclusi ...
in Computational Optimization and Applications vol. 86 (2023) . - pp. 885-923
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Feist, Bernd; Bebendorf, Mario
Fractional Laplacian – Quadrature Rules for Singular Double Integrals in 3D
in Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics vol. 23 (2023) issue 3. - pp. 623-645
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Kempf, Rüdiger; Wendland, Holger
High-dimensional approximation with kernel-based multilevel methods on sparse grids
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 154 (2023) issue 3. - pp. 485-519
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Musch, Markus; Rupp, Andreas; Aizinger, Vadym; Knabner, Peter
Hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method with mixed-order spaces for non-linear diffusio ...
in GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics vol. 14 (2023) issue 1
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Jain, Aditi; Gupta, Arvind Kumar
Large-scale closed and generalized networks of ribosome flow model with different site siz ...
in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol. 455 (2023)
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rev.: Zentralblatt

Mironchenko, Andrii
Lyapunov criteria for robust forward completeness of distributed parameter systems
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 180 (2023)
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Kawan, Christoph; Mironchenko, Andrii; Zamani, Majid
A Lyapunov-based ISS small-gain theorem for infinite networks of nonlinear system
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 68 (2023) issue 3. - pp. 1447-1462
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Jain, Aditi; Gupta, Arvind Kumar
Modeling mRNA translation with ribosome abortions
in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics vol. 20 (2023) issue 2. - pp. 1600-1605
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Franz, Tino; Wendland, Holger
Multilevel quasi-interpolation
in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 43 (2023) . - pp. 2934-2964
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Sharon, Nir; Cohen, Rafael Sherbu; Wendland, Holger
On multiscale quasi-interpolation of scattered scalar- and manifold-valued functions
in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol. 45 (2023) issue 5
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Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Solé, Patrick; Stoll, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
On strongly walk regular graphs, triple sum sets and their codes
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 91 (2023) . - pp. 645-675
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Coughlan, Stephen; Franciosi, Marco; Pardini, Rita; Rana, Julie; Rollenske, Sönke
On T-divisors and intersections in the moduli space of stable surfaces¯M₁₋₃
in Journal of the London Mathematical Society vol. 107 (2023) issue 2. - pp. 750-776
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Ofir, Ron; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Grüne, Lars; Margaliot, Michael
On the gain of entrainment in the n-dimensional ribosome flow model
in Interface : Journal of the Royal Society vol. 20 (2023) issue 199
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich
On theoretical foundations of mostly model-free cross-coupled simultaneously long-short st ...
in European Journal of Control vol. 74 (2023)
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Kraiczy, Sonja; Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David
On weakly and strongly popular rankings
in Discrete Applied Mathematics vol. 340 (2023) . - pp. 134-152
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Guo, Zheng-Chu; Christmann, Andreas; Shi, Lei
Optimality of Robust Online Learning
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Fallucca, Federico; Gleißner, Christian
Some surfaces with canonical maps of degrees 10, 11, and 14
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Rein, Gerhard
Stability and instability results for equilibria of a (relativistic) self-gravitating coll ...
in Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 40 (2023)
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Derickx, Maarten; Kamienny, Sheldon; Stein, William; Stoll, Michael
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Köhler, Matthias; Krügel, Lisa; Grüne, Lars; Müller, Matthias A.; Allgöwer, Frank
Transient Performance of MPC for Tracking
in IEEE Control Systems Letters vol. 7 (2023) . - pp. 2545-2550
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Jakob, Konstantin
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Kaiser, Ralf; Ramming, Tobias
Axisymmetric Solutions in the Geomagnetic Direction Problem
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Beating the market? A mathematical puzzle for market efficiency
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Cseh, Ágnes; Escamocher, Guillaume; Genç, Begüm; Quesada, Luis
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CP 2021, Montpellier, France

Polzin, Robert; Müller, Annette; Rust, Henning; Névir, Peter; Koltai, Peter
Direct Bayesian model reduction of smaller scale convective activity conditioned on large- ...
in Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics vol. 29 (2022) issue 1. - pp. 37-52
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Grüne, Lars
Dissipativity and optimal control : Examining the Turnpike Phenomenon
in IEEE Control Systems Magazine vol. 42 (2022) issue 2. - pp. 74-87
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Shen, Bo-Wen; Pielke Sr., Roger; Zeng, Xubin; Cui, Jialin; Faghih-Naini, Sara; Paxson, Wei; Kesarkar, Amit; Zeng, Xiping; Atlas, Robert
The Dual Nature of Chaos and Order in the Atmosphere
in Atmosphere vol. 13 (2022) issue 11
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Grüne, Lars; Schaller, Manuel; Schiela, Anton
Efficient Model Predictive Control for parabolic PDEs with goal oriented error estimation
in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol. 44 (2022) issue 1. - pp. A471-A500
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Günther, Sebastian; Rein, Gerhard
The Einstein-Vlasov system in maximal areal coordinates : Local existence and continuation
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Grüne, Lars; Meurer, Thomas
Finite-dimensional output stabilization for a class of linear distributed parameter system ...
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 164 (2022)
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Kamp, Dominik; Rambau, Jörg
Flow Formulation of Demand Propagation in Guaranteed Service Models
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MATHMOD 2022 - 10th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria

Kurz, Sascha; Mattheus, Sam
A Generalization of the Cylinder Conjecture for Divisible Codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 68 (2022) issue 4. - pp. 2281-2289
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Gathungu, Duncan; Bebendorf, Mario; Borzì, Alfio
Hierarchical-matrix method for a class of diffusion-dominated partial integro-differential ...
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich
An illustrative derivation of the sum of fifth powers
in The Mathematical Gazette vol. 106 (2022) issue 565. - pp. 68-77
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Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars; Humaloja, Jukka-Pekka; Schaller, Manuel
The interval turnpike property for adjoints
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Mollenhauer, Mattes; Klus, Stefan; Schütte, Christof; Koltai, Peter
Kernel Autocovariance Operators of Stationary Processes : Estimation and Convergence
in Journal of Machine Learning Research vol. 23 (2022) issue 327. - pp. 1-34

Bauer, Maximilian; Bebendorf, Mario; Feist, Bernd
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Maity, Priyanka; Koltai, Peter; Schumacher, Jörg
Large-scale flow in a cubic Rayleigh-Bénard cell : long-term turbulence statistics and Mar ...
in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 380 (2022) issue 2225
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Grüne, Lars; Krügel, Lisa; Müller, Matthias A.
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Tonchev, Vladimir; Wassermann, Alfred
On the classification of unitals on 28 points of low rank
in Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing vol. 33 (2022) . - pp. 903-913
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006638 ...

Hadžić, Mahir; Rein, Gerhard; Straub, Christopher
On the Existence of Linearly Oscillating Galaxies
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 243 (2022) . - pp. 611-696
doi:10.1007/s00205-021-01734-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha
On the number of minimal codewords in codes generated by the adjacency matrix of a graph
in Discrete Applied Mathematics vol. 309 (2022) . - pp. 221-228
doi:10.1016/j.dam.2021.12.015 ...

Kiermaier, Michael
On α-points of q-analogs of the Fano plane
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 90 (2022) issue 6. - pp. 1335-1345
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006621 ...

Baier, Robert; Eichfelder, Gabriele; Gerlach, Tobias
Optimality conditions for set optimization using a directional derivative based on general ...
in Optimization vol. 71 (2022) issue 8. - pp. 2273-2314
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Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym
p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations with a parameter- ...
in GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics vol. 13 (2022) issue 1
doi:10.1007/s13137-022-00208-3 ...

Andrej, Julian; Grüne, Lars; Mechelli, Luca; Meurer, Thomas; Pirkelmann, Simon; Volkwein, Stefan
Parallelized POD-based Suboptimal Economic Model Predictive Control of a State-Constrained ...
in Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 116 (2022) . - pp. 71-81
doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2021.09.004 ...

Naumann, Philipp
Positivity of direct images with a Poincaré type twist
in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma vol. 10 (2022)
doi:10.1017/fms.2022.79 ...

Fischler, Yannic; Rückamp, Martin; Bischof, Christian; Aizinger, Vadym; Morlighem, Mathieu; Humbert, Angelika
A scalability study of the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM, version 4.18)
in Geoscientific Model Development vol. 15 (2022) issue 9. - pp. 3753-3771
doi:10.5194/gmd-15-3753-2022 ...

Grüne, Lars; Philipp, Friedrich; Schaller, Manuel
Strict dissipativity for generalized linear-quadratic problems in infinite dimensions
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 55 (2022) issue 30. - pp. 311-316
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.11.071 ...
25th IFAC Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2022, Bayreuth, Germany

Shen, Bo-Wen; Pielke, Roger A., Sr.; Zeng, Xubin; Cui, Jialin; Faghih-Naini, Sara; Paxson, Wei; Atlas, Robert
Three Kinds of Butterfly Effects within Lorenz Models
in Encyclopedia vol. 2 (2022) issue 3. - pp. 1250-1259
doi:10.3390/encyclopedia2030084 ...

Shi, Minjia; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Solé, Patrick
Three-Weight Codes over Rings and Strongly Walk Regular Graphs
in Graphs and Combinatorics vol. 38 (2022)
doi:10.1007/s00373-021-02430-6 ...

Köhler, Hannes; Christmann, Andreas
Total Stability of SVMs and Localized SVMs
in Journal of Machine Learning Research vol. 23 (2022) issue 100. - pp. 1-41

Cseh, Ágnes; Faenza, Yuri; Kavitha, Telikepalli; Powers, Vladlena
Understanding popular matchings via stable matchings
in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics vol. 36 (2022) issue 1. - pp. 188-213
doi:10.1137/19M124770X ...

Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Detecting Manipulated Wine Ratings with Autoencoders and Supervised Machine Learning Techn ...
in International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology vol. 15 (2022) issue 3&4. - pp. 64-77
https://www.iariajournals.org/internet_technology/ ...

Jacob, Birgit; Mironchenko, Andrii; Schwenninger, Felix
Editorial: Input-to-state stability for infinite-dimensional systems
in Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems vol. 34 (2022) issue 1. - pp. 215-216
doi:10.1007/s00498-021-00302-1 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Fu, Hang; Stoll, Michael
Elliptic curves with common torsion x-coordinates and hyperelliptic torsion packets
in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol. 150 (2022) . - pp. 5137-5149
doi:10.1090/proc/16102 ...
rev.: MathSciNet

Keller, Timo; Stoll, Michael
Exact verification of the strong BSD conjecture for some absolutely simple abelian surface ...
in Comptes Rendus Mathématique vol. 360 (2022) . - pp. 483-489
doi:10.5802/crmath.313 ...
rev.: MathSciNet

Jain, Aditi; Margaliot, Michael; Gupta, Arvind Kumar
Large-scale mRNA translation and the intricate effects of competition for the finite pool ...
in Interface : Journal of the Royal Society vol. 19 (2022) issue 188
doi:10.1098/rsif.2022.0033 ...
rev.: PMID: 35259953

Fleermann, Michael; Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Local semicircle law for Curie-Weiss type ensembles
in Electronic Journal of Probability vol. 27 (2022)
doi:10.1214/22-ejp767 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Jain, Aditi; Gupta, Arvind Kumar
Modeling transport of extended interacting objects with drop-off phenomenon
in PLoS One vol. 17 (2022) issue 5
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0267858 ...
rev.: PMID: 35499998

Collas, Benjamin; Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan; Sawin, Will
Monodromy of elliptic curve convolution, seven-point sheaves of G₂-type, and motives of Be ...
in Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2022) issue 784. - pp. 1-26
doi:10.1515/crelle-2021-0070 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Bachmann, Patrick; Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Schroll, Andreas
Nonlinear discrete time systems with inputs in Banach spaces
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 55 (2022) issue 30. - pp. 272-277
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.11.064 ...
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2022), Bayreuth

Noroozi, Navid; Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
A relaxed small-gain theorem for discrete-time infinite networks
in Automatica vol. 142 (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2022.110363 ...

Glück, Jochen; Mironchenko, Andrii
Revisiting stability of positive linear discrete-time systems
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 55 (2022) issue 30. - pp. 37-42
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.11.025 ...
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2022), Bayreuth

Noroozi, Navid; Mironchenko, Andrii; Kawan, Christoph; Zamani, Majid
A small-gain theorem for set stability of infinite networks : Distributed observation and ...
in European Journal of Control vol. 67 (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.ejcon.2022.100634 ...

Jain, Aditi; Kumar, Arun; Gupta, Arvind Kumar
A theoretical framework to analyse the flow of particles in a dynamical system with stocha ...
in Royal Society Open Science vol. 9 (2022) issue 10
doi:10.1098/rsos.220698 ...
rev.: PMID: 36277836

Kurz, Sascha
Vector space partitions of GF(2)^8
in Serdica Journal of Computing vol. 16 (2022) issue 2. - pp. 71-100
doi:10.55630/sjc.2022.16.71-100 ...

Reinke, Bernhard; Schleicher, Dierk; Stoll, Michael
The Weierstrass–Durand–Kerner root finder is not generally convergent
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 92 (2022) issue 340. - pp. 839-866
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Bruin, Peter; Derickx, Maarten; Stoll, Michael
Elliptic curves with a point of order 13 defined over cyclic cubic fields
in Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici vol. 65 (2021) issue 2. - pp. 191-197
doi:10.7169/facm/1945 ...
rev.: MathSciNet

Kurz, Sascha
The [46,9,20]₂ code is unique
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 15 (2021) issue 3. - pp. 415-422
doi:10.3934/amc.2020074 ...

Grüne, Lars; Schaller, Manuel; Schiela, Anton
Abstract nonlinear sensitivity and turnpike analysis and an application to semilinear para ...
in ESAIM : Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol. 27 (2021)
doi:10.1051/cocv/2021030 ...

Sproll, Tobias; Schiela, Anton
An adjoint approach to identification in Electromyography : Modeling and first order optim ...
in Inverse Problems vol. 37 (2021) issue 12
doi:10.1088/1361-6420/ac362c ...

Fleermann, Michael; Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
The almost sure semicircle law for random band matrices with dependent entries
in Stochastic Processes and their Applications vol. 131 (2021) . - pp. 172-200
doi:10.1016/j.spa.2020.09.004 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kurz, Sascha
Are Weighted Games Sufficiently Good for Binary Voting?
in Homo Oeconomicus vol. 38 (2021) . - pp. 29-36
doi:10.1007/s41412-021-00111-6 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Moyouwou, Issofa; Touyem, Hilaire
Axiomatizations for the Shapley-Shubik power index for games with several levels of approv ...
in Social Choice and Welfare vol. 56 (2021) . - pp. 569-594
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Greefrath, Gilbert; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Basic mental models of integrals : theoretical conception, development of a test instrumen ...
in ZDM : Mathematics Education vol. 53 (2021) . - pp. 649-661
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Bauer, Maximilian; Bebendorf, Mario
Block-adaptive Cross Approximation of Discrete Integral Operators
in Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics vol. 21 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 13-29
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Kurz, Sascha
Bounds for flag codes
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 89 (2021) issue 12. - pp. 2759-2785
doi:10.1007/s10623-021-00953-w ...

Günther, Sebastian; Straub, Christopher; Rein, Gerhard
Collisionless Equilibria in General Relativity : Stable Configurations beyond the First Bi ...
in The Astrophysical Journal vol. 918 (2021) issue 2
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac0eef ...

Rücker, Christoph; Meringer, Markus; Wassermann, Alfred
Comment on "Nomenclature, Chemical Abstracts Service Numbers, Isomer Enumeration, Ring Str ...
in Journal of Chemical Education vol. 98 (2021) issue 4. - pp. 1465-1467
doi:10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01023 ...

Bouyukliev, Iliya; Bouyuklieva, Stefka; Kurz, Sascha
Computer classification of linear codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 67 (2021) issue 12. - pp. 7807-7814
doi:10.1109/TIT.2021.3114280 ...

Grüne, Lars
Computing Lyapunov functions using deep neural networks
in Journal of Computational Dynamics vol. 8 (2021) issue 2. - pp. 131-152
doi:10.3934/jcd.2021006 ...

Grüne, Lars; Muff, David; Schaller, Manuel
Conditions for strict dissipativity of infinite-dimensional generalized linear-quadratic p ...
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 54 (2021) issue 19. - pp. 302-306
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.11.094 ...
7th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, Berlin, Germany

Xu, Fei; Xiong, Qingang; Aizinger, Vadym; Ducrozet, Guillaume
Development and Application of Open-Source Software for Problems with Numerical PDEs
in Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 81 (2021) . - pp. 1-2
doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2020.12.002 ...

Graf, Patrick
Differential forms on log canonical spaces in positive characteristic
in Journal of the London Mathematical Society vol. 104 (2021) issue 5. - pp. 2208-2239
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005966 ...

Bittracher, Andreas; Klus, Stefan; Hamzi, Boumediene; Koltai, Peter; Schütte, Christof
Dimensionality Reduction of Complex Metastable Systems via Kernel Embeddings of Transition ...
in Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 31 (2021)
doi:10.1007/s00332-020-09668-z ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Does the effort of Monte Carlo pay off? : A case study on stochastic MPC
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 54 (2021) issue 6. - pp. 70-75
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.526 ...
7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
σ₅-equivariant syzygies for the Del Pezzo surface of degree 5
in Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 vol. 70 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 97-120
doi:10.1007/s12215-020-00483-9 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kießling, Miriam; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem
in TOP : An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research vol. 29 (2021) issue 3. - pp. 741-780
doi:10.1007/s11750-020-00582-x ...

Reuter, Balthasar; Hajduk, Hennes; Rupp, Andreas; Frank, Florian; Aizinger, Vadym; Knabner, Peter
FESTUNG 1.0 : Overview, usage, and example applications of the MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox f ...
in Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 81 (2021) . - pp. 3-41
doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2020.08.018 ...

Buratti, Marco; Naki´c, Anamari; Wassermann, Alfred
Graph decompositions in projective geometries
in Journal of Combinatorial Designs vol. 29 (2021) issue 3. - pp. 141-174
doi:10.1002/jcd.21761 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Influence in weighted committees
in European Economic Review vol. 132 (2021)
doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103634 ...

Greefrath, Gilbert; Ulm, Volker
Integral : Grundvorstellungen dynamisch visualisiert
in Mathematik lehren (2021) issue 224. - pp. 36-40

Shen, Bo-Wen; Pielke, Roger A., Sr.; Zeng, Xubin; Baik, Jong-Jin; Faghih-Naini, Sara; Cui, Jialin; Atlas, Robert
Is Weather Chaotic? : Coexistence of Chaos and Order within a Generalized Lorenz Model
in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society vol. 102 (2021) issue 1. - pp. E148-E158
doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0165.1 ...

Graf, Patrick; Schwald, Martin
The Kodaira Problem for Kähler Spaces with Vanishing First Chern Class
in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma vol. 9 (2021)
doi:10.1017/fms.2021.18 ...

Grüne, Lars; Krügel, Lisa
Local turnpike analysis using local dissipativity for discrete time discounted optimal con ...
in Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol. 84 (2021) issue Suppl. 2. - pp. 1585-1606
doi:10.1007/s00245-021-09805-4 ...

de la Cruz, Romar; Wassermann, Alfred
Majority Logic Decoding With Subspace Designs
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 67 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 179-186
doi:10.1109/TIT.2020.3022683 ...

Ulm, Volker
Mathematische Begabung : Begriff und Entwicklungsmodell
in Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 67 (2021) issue 4. - pp. 3-10

Ulm, Volker
Mathematische Begabung : ein natürlicher Aspekt von Diversität
in Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 67 (2021) issue 4. - pp. 2

Wulkow, Niklas; Koltai, Peter; Schütte, Christof
Memory-Based Reduced Modelling and Data-Based Estimation of Opinion Spreading
in Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 31 (2021)
doi:10.1007/s00332-020-09673-2 ...

Hahn, Markus; Grüne, Lars; Plank, Christian; Katzer, Felix; Rüther, Tom; Jahn, Leonard; Danzer, Michael A.
Model predictive fast charging control by means of a real-time discrete electrochemical mo ...
in Journal of Energy Storage vol. 42 (2021)
doi:10.1016/j.est.2021.103056 ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
A new stochastic Fubini-type theorem : On interchanging expectations and Itô integrals
in Sankhya A vol. 83 (2021) . - pp. 408-420
doi:10.1007/s13171-019-00195-y ...

Kurz, Sascha
No Projective 16-Divisible Binary Linear Code of Length 131 Exists
in IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 38-40
doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2020.3021939 ...

Kurz, Sascha
A note on the growth of the dimension in complete simple games
in Mathematical Social Sciences vol. 110 (2021) . - pp. 14-18
doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2021.01.001 ...

Günther, Sebastian; Körner, Jacob; Lebeda, Timo; Pötzl, Bastian; Rein, Gerhard; Straub, Christopher; Weber, Jörg
A numerical stability analysis for the Einstein–Vlasov system
in Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 38 (2021) issue 3
doi:10.1088/1361-6382/abcbdf ...

dela Cruz, Romar; Kurz, Sascha
On the maximum number of minimal codewords
in Discrete Mathematics vol. 344 (2021) issue 9
doi:10.1016/j.disc.2021.112510 ...

Grüne, Lars; Guglielmi, Roberto
On the relation between turnpike properties and dissipativity for continuous time linear q ...
in Mathematical Control and Related Fields vol. 11 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 169-188
doi:10.3934/mcrf.2020032 ...

Riedl, Wolfgang; Baier, Robert; Gerdts, Matthias
Optimization-based subdivision algorithm for reachable sets
in Journal of Computational Dynamics vol. 8 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 99-130
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Andersson, Tommy; Cseh, Ágnes; Ehlers, Lars; Erlanson, Albin
Organizing time exchanges : Lessons from matching markets
in American Economic Journal : Microeconomics vol. 13 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 338-373
doi:10.1257/mic.20180236 ...

Grüne, Lars
Overcoming the curse of dimensionality for approximating Lyapunov functions with deep neur ...
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 54 (2021) issue 9. - pp. 317-322
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.06.152 ...
24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2020, Cambridge

Cseh, Ágnes; Juhos, Attila
Pairwise preferences in the stable marriage problem
in ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation vol. 9 (2021) issue 1
doi:10.1145/3434427 ...

Grüne, Lars; Mechelli, Luca; Pirkelmann, Simon; Volkwein, Stefan
Performance estimates for economic model predictive control and their application in prope ...
in Mathematical Control and Related Fields vol. 11 (2021) issue 3. - pp. 579-599
doi:10.3934/mcrf.2021013 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Yaakobi, Eitan
PIR Codes with Short Block Length
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 89 (2021) issue 3. - pp. 559-587
doi:10.1007/s10623-020-00828-6 ...

Cseh, Ágnes; Kavitha, Telikepalli
Popular matchings in complete graphs
in Algorithmica vol. 83 (2021) issue 5. - pp. 1493-1523
doi:10.1007/s00453-020-00791-7 ...

Grüne, Lars; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Margaliot, Michael
Random attraction in the TASEP model
in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems vol. 20 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 65-93
doi:10.1137/20M131446X ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ou, Ruchuan; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars; Faulwasser, Timm
A Simulation Study on Turnpikes in Stochastic LQ Optimal Control
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 54 (2021) issue 3. - pp. 516-521
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.294 ...

Bänsch, Eberhard; Faghih-Naini, Sara
Simulations With a Thermodynamically Consistent Model for Convective Transport in Nanoflui ...
in Journal of Heat Transfer vol. 143 (2021) issue 12
doi:10.1115/1.4051601 ...

Nüske, Feliks; Koltai, Peter; Boninsegna, Lorenzo; Clementi, Cecilia
Spectral Properties of Effective Dynamics from Conditional Expectations
in Entropy vol. 23 (2021) issue 2
doi:10.3390/e23020134 ...

Hadžić, Mahir; Lin, Zhiwu; Rein, Gerhard
Stability and instability of self-gravitating relativistic matter distributions
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 241 (2021) . - pp. 1-89
doi:10.1007/s00205-021-01647-2 ...

Helfmann, Luzie; Heitzig, Jobst; Koltai, Peter; Kurths, Jürgen; Schütte, Christof
Statistical analysis of tipping pathways in agent-based models
in The European Physical Journal Special Topics vol. 230 (2021) . - pp. 3249-3271
doi:10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00191-0 ...

Njoroge, Parmenas; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Shevchenko, Dmitry
Stock Price Reactions to Publications of Financial Statements : Evidence from the Moscow S ...
in Journal of Corporate Finance Research = Корпоративные Финансы vol. 15 (2021) issue 1. - pp. 19-36
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005594 ...

Fleig, Arthur; Grüne, Lars
Strict dissipativity analysis for classes of optimal control problems involving probabilit ...
in Mathematical Control and Related Fields vol. 11 (2021) issue 4. - pp. 935-964
doi:10.3934/mcrf.2020053 ...

Grüne, Lars; Müller, Matthias A.; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.
Strict dissipativity for discrete time discounted optimal control problems
in Mathematical Control and Related Fields vol. 11 (2021) issue 4. - pp. 771-796
doi:10.3934/mcrf.2020046 ...

Körner, Jacob; Rein, Gerhard
Strong Lagrangian solutions of the (relativistic) Vlasov-Poisson system for non-smooth, sp ...
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol. 53 (2021) issue 4. - pp. 4985-4996
doi:10.1137/20M1378910 ...

Rupp, Andreas; Hauck, Moritz; Aizinger, Vadym
A subcell-enriched Galerkin method for advection problems
in Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 93 (2021) . - pp. 120-129
doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2021.04.010 ...

Yegorov, Ivan; Dower, Peter M.; Grüne, Lars
Synthesis of control Lyapunov functions and stabilizing feedback strategies using exit‐tim ...
in Optimal Control Applications and Methods vol. 42 (2021) issue 5. - pp. 1385-1409
doi:10.1002/oca.2732 ...

Yegorov, Ivan; Dower, Peter M.; Grüne, Lars
Synthesis of control Lyapunov functions and stabilizing feedback strategies using exit‐tim ...
in Optimal Control Applications and Methods vol. 42 (2021) issue 5. - pp. 1410-1440
doi:10.1002/oca.2733 ...

Giulietti, Paolo; Koltai, Peter; Vaienti, Sandro
Targets and holes
in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol. 149 (2021) issue 8. - pp. 3293-3306
doi:10.1090/proc/15384 ...

Koltai, Peter; von Lindheim, Johannes; Neumayer, Sebastian; Steidl, Gabriele
Transfer operators from optimal transport plans for coherent set detection
in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol. 426 (2021)
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Miron, Philippe; Beron-Vera, Francisco J.; Helfmann, Luzie; Koltai, Peter
Transition paths of marine debris and the stability of the garbage patches
in Chaos : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 31 (2021) issue 3
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Weber, Jörg
Weak solutions of the relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell system with external currents
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol. 44 (2021) issue 6. - pp. 4770-4801
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Grava, T.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Mazzuca, G.; McLaughlin, K. D. T.-R.
Correlation functions for a chain of short range oscillators
in Journal of Statistical Physics vol. 183 (2021)
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Franz, Tino; Wendland, Holger
An Improved Convergence Result for the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol. 53 (2021) . - pp. 1239-1262
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Mironchenko, Andrii; Noroozi, Navid; Kawan, Christoph; Zamani, Majid
ISS small-gain criteria for infinite networks with linear gain functions
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 157 (2021)
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Kawan, Christoph; Mironchenko, Andrii; Swikir, Abdalla; Noroozi, Navid; Zamani, Majid
A Lyapunov-based small-gain theorem for infinite networks
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 66 (2021) issue 12. - pp. 5830-5844
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Hoff, Daniel; Wendland, Holger
A meshfree method for a PDE-constrained optimization problem
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 59 (2021) . - pp. 1896-1917
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Giesl, Peter; Argáez, Carlos; Hafstein, Sigurdur; Wendland, Holger
Minimization with differential inequality constraints applied to complete Lyapunov functio ...
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 90 (2021) . - pp. 2137-2160
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Mironchenko, Andrii
Non-uniform ISS small-gain theorem for infinite networks
in IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information vol. 38 (2021) issue 4. - pp. 1029-1045
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Mironchenko, Andrii; Kawan, Christoph; Glück, Jochen
Nonlinear small-gain theorems for input-to-state stability of infinite interconnections
in Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems vol. 33 (2021) . - pp. 573-615
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Yakhshimuratov, A.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Babajanov, B.
On the construction and integration of a hierarchy for the Kaup system with a self-consist ...
in Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry vol. 17 (2021) issue 2. - pp. 233-257
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Noroozi, Navid; Mironchenko, Andrii; Kawan, Christoph; Zamani, Majid
Set stability of infinite networks : ISS small-gain theory and its applications
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 54 (2021) issue 9. - pp. 72-77
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.06.063 ...
24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2020), Cambridge, UK

Glück, Jochen; Mironchenko, Andrii
Stability criteria for positive linear discrete-time systems
in Positivity vol. 25 (2021) issue 5. - pp. 2029-2059
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Campana, Frédéric; Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Peternell, Thomas
The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 156 (2020) issue 4. - pp. 679-696
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Jakob, Konstantin
Classification of rigid irregular G2-connections
in Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society vol. 120 (2020) issue 6. - pp. 831-852
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Cseh, Ágnes; Fleiner, Tamás
The complexity of cake cutting with unequal shares
in ACM Transactions on Algorithms vol. 16 (2020) issue 3
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Froyland, Gary; Koltai, Peter; Stahn, Martin
Computation and optimal perturbation of finite-time coherent sets for aperiodic flows with ...
in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems vol. 19 (2020) issue 3. - pp. 1659-1700
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Xausa, Ilaria; Baier, Robert; Bokanowski, Olivier; Gerdts, Matthias
Computation of avoidance regions for driver assistance systems by using a Hamilton-Jacobi ...
in Optimal Control Applications and Methods vol. 41 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 668-689
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Noroozi, Navid; Geiselhart, Roman; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Control of discrete-time nonlinear systems via finite-step control Lyapunov functions
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 138 (2020)
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Bänsch, Eberhard; Faghih-Naini, Sara; Morin, Pedro
Convective transport in nanofluids : The stationary problem
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Peternell, Thomas
Deformations of the tangent bundle of projective manifolds
in International Journal of Mathematics vol. 31 (2020) issue 11
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Koltai, Peter; Weiss, Stephan
Diffusion maps embedding and transition matrix analysis of the large-scale flow structure ...
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Banisch, Ralf; Trstanova, Zofia; Bittracher, Andreas; Klus, Stefan; Koltai, Peter
Diffusion maps tailored to arbitrary non-degenerate Itô processes
in Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis vol. 48 (2020) issue 1. - pp. 242-265
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Lee, Ju A; Lönne, Michael; Rollenske, Sönke
Double Kodaira fibrations with small signature
in International Journal of Mathematics vol. 31 (2020) issue 7
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Leppmeier, Max
Drittes Hilbertsches Problem und Dehn-Invariante : Eine Elementarisierung mit Kugeldreieck ...
in Elemente der Mathematik vol. 75 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 58-68
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Grüne, Lars; Pirkelmann, Simon
Economic Model Predictive Control for Time-Varying System : Performance and Stability Resu ...
in Optimal Control Applications and Methods vol. 41 (2020) issue 1. - pp. 42-64
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Hauck, Moritz; Aizinger, Vadym; Frank, Florian; Hajduk, Hennes; Rupp, Andreas
Enriched Galerkin method for the shallow-water equations
in GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics vol. 11 (2020) issue 1
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DeMark, David; Hindes, Wade; Jones, Rafe; Misplon, Moses; Stoll, Michael; Stoneman, Michael
Eventually stable quadratic polynomials over ℚ
in New York Journal of Mathematics vol. 26 (2020) . - pp. 526-561

Grüne, Lars; Schaller, Manuel; Schiela, Anton
Exponential sensitivity and turnpike analysis for linear quadratic optimal control of gene ...
in Journal of Differential Equations vol. 268 (2020) issue 12. - pp. 7311-7341
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Helfmann, Luzie; Ribera Borrell, Enric; Schütte, Christof; Koltai, Peter
Extending Transition Path Theory : Periodically Driven and Finite-Time Dynamics
in Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 30 (2020) . - pp. 3321-3366
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Bauer, Ingrid; Gleißner, Christian
Fermat's cubic, Klein's quartic and rigid complex manifolds of Kodaira dimension one
in Documenta Mathematica vol. 25 (2020) . - pp. 1241-1262
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Reuter, Balthasar; Rupp, Andreas; Aizinger, Vadym; Frank, Florian; Knabner, Peter
FESTUNG: A MATLAB / GNU Octave Toolbox for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method. Part IV. Gen ...
in Communications in Computational Physics vol. 28 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 827-876
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Freitas, Nuno; Naskręcki, Bartosz; Stoll, Michael
The generalized Fermat equation with exponents 2, 3, n
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 156 (2020) issue 1. - pp. 77-113
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Kurz, Sascha
Generalized LMRD code bounds for constant dimension codes
in IEEE Communications Letters vol. 24 (2020) issue 10. - pp. 2100-2103
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Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas; Taji, Behrouz
Harmonic metrics on Higgs sheaves and uniformization of varieties of general type
in Mathematische Annalen vol. 378 (2020) . - pp. 1061-1094
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Sawin, Will; Shusterman, Mark; Stoll, Michael
Irreducibility of polynomials with a large gap
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 192 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 111-139
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Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
The Lengths of Projective Triply-Even Binary Codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 66 (2020) issue 5. - pp. 2713-2716
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Bergner, Hannah; Graf, Patrick
The Lipman–Zariski Conjecture in Genus One Higher
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Lazić, Vladimir; Peternell, Thomas
Maps from K-trivial varieties and connectedness problems
in Annales Henri Lebesgue vol. 3 (2020) . - pp. 473-500
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Coron, Jean-Michel; Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Model predictive control, cost controllability, and homogeneity
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 58 (2020) issue 5. - pp. 2979-2996
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Banholzer, Stefan; Fabrini, Giulia; Grüne, Lars; Volkwein, Stefan
Multiobjective model predictive control of a parabolic advection-diffusion-reaction equati ...
in Mathematics vol. 8 (2020) issue 5
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Lazić, Vladimir; Oguiso, Keiji; Peternell, Thomas
Nef Line Bundles on Calabi–Yau Threefolds : I
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Kurz, Sascha
A note on limit results for the Penrose-Banzhaf index
in Theory and Decision vol. 88 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 191-203
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Lazić, Vladimir; Peternell, Thomas
On Generalised Abundance : I
in Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences : Ky¯oto-daigaku-s¯uri-kaiseki-kenky¯usho-kiy¯o vol. 56 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 353-389
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Lazić, Vladimir; Peternell, Thomas
On Generalised Abundance : II
in Peking Mathematical Journal vol. 3 (2020) issue 1. - pp. 1-46
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Oguiso, Keiji; Peternell, Thomas
On the Homeomorphism Type of Smooth Projective Fourfolds
in Acta Mathematica Vietnamica vol. 45 (2020) . - pp. 137-160
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Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
On the lengths of divisible codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 66 (2020) issue 7. - pp. 4051-4060
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Rein, Gerhard; Straub, Christopher
On the transport operators arising from linearizing the Vlasov-Poisson or Einstein-Vlasov ...
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Lönne, Michael; Penegini, Matteo
On Zariski Multiplets of Branch Curves from Surfaces Isogenous to a Product
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Babadjanova, Aygul; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Urazboev, Gayrat
The periodic solutions of the discrete modified KdV equation with a self-consistent source
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Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Grosso, Roberto; Köstler, Harald
Quadrature-free discontinuous Galerkin method with code generation features for shallow wa ...
in Advances in Water Resources vol. 138 (2020)
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Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Random matrices with exchangeable entries
in Reviews in Mathematical Physics vol. 32 (2020) issue 7
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Hof, Frits; Kern, Walter; Kurz, Sascha; Pashkovich, Kanstantsin; Paulusma, Daniël
Simple games versus weighted voting games : Bounding the critical threshold value
in Social Choice and Welfare vol. 54 (2020) issue 4. - pp. 609-621
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Cseh, Ágnes; Heeger, Klaus
The stable marriage problem with ties and restricted edges
in Discrete Optimization vol. 36 (2020)

Etzion, Tuvi; Kurz, Sascha; Otal, Kamil; Özbudak, Ferruh
Subspace packings : constructions and bounds
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 88 (2020) . - pp. 1781-1810
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Kurz, Sascha
Subspaces intersecting in at most a point
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Borzì, Alfio; Grüne, Lars
Towards a solution of mean-field control problems using model predictive control
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 53 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 4973-4978
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21th IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin (virtual)

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
Towards price-based predictive control of a small scale electricity network
in International Journal of Control vol. 93 (2020) issue 1. - pp. 40-61
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Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted Committee Games
in European Journal of Operational Research vol. 282 (2020) issue 3. - pp. 972-979
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Kurz, Sascha
Which criteria qualify power indices for applications? A comment on "The story of the poor ...
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Bachmann, Patrick; Bajcinca, Naim
Average dwell-time conditions for input-to-state stability of impulsive systems
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 53 (2020) issue 2. - pp. 1980-1985
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.2564 ...
21st IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany

Mironchenko, Andrii; Prieur, Christophe
Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems : Recent results and open questio ...
in SIAM Review vol. 62 (2020) issue 3. - pp. 529-614
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Jacob, Birgit; Mironchenko, Andrii; Partington, Jonathan R.; Wirth, Fabian
Noncoercive Lyapunov functions for input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional system ...
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 58 (2020) issue 5. - pp. 2952-2978
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Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
On the Hodge Theory of the Additive Middle Convolution
in Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences : Ky¯oto-daigaku-s¯uri-kaiseki-kenky¯usho-kiy¯o vol. 56 (2020) . - pp. 503-537
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Nurkanović, Armin; Mešanović, Amer; Sperl, Mario; Albrecht, Sebastian; Münz, Ulrich; Findeisen, Rolf; Diehl, Moritz
Optimization-based primary and secondary control of microgrids
in Automatisierungstechnik vol. 68 (2020) issue 12. - pp. 1044-1058
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Höring, Andreas; Peternell, Thomas
Algebraic integrability of foliations with numerically trivial canonical bundle
in Inventiones Mathematicae vol. 216 (2019) issue 2. - pp. 395-419
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Pirkelmann, Simon; Angeli, David; Grüne, Lars
Approximate computation of storage functions for discrete-time systems using sum-of-square ...
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 52 (2019) issue 16. - pp. 508-513
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Leppmeier, Max
Die Betragsfunktion : verschiedene Facetten für den Unterricht in der Sekundarstufe I
in MNU Journal vol. 72 (2019) issue 4. - pp. 287-288

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
Bounds for the Nakamura number
in Social Choice and Welfare vol. 52 (2019) issue 4. - pp. 607-634
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Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Classification of large partial plane spreads in PG(6,2) and related combinatorial objects
in Journal of Geometry vol. 110 (2019)
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Jungnickel, Dieter; Magliveras, Spyros S.; Tonchev, Vladimir D.; Wassermann, Alfred
The Classification of Steiner triple systems on 27 points with 3-rank 24
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Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Classifying optimal binary subspace codes of length 8, constant dimension 4 and minimum di ...
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 87 (2019) issue 2-3. - pp. 375-391
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Giesl, Peter; Wendland, Holger
Construction of a contraction metric by meshless collocation
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B vol. 24 (2019) issue 8. - pp. 3843-3863
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Baier, Robert; Le, Thuy Thi Thien
Construction of the Minimum Time Function for Linear Systems Via Higher-Order Set-Valued M ...
in Mathematical Control and Related Fields vol. 9 (2019) issue 2. - pp. 223-255
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rev.: Zentralblatt

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
Del Pezzo surfaces, rigid line configurations and Hirzebruch-Kummer coverings
in Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana vol. 12 (2019) . - pp. 43-62
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Stoll, Michael
Diagonal genus 5 curves, elliptic curves over ℚ(t), and rational diophantine quintuples
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 190 (2019) issue 3. - pp. 239-261
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Reuter, Balthasar; Rupp, Andreas; Aizinger, Vadym; Knabner, Peter
Discontinuous Galerkin method for coupling hydrostatic free surface flows to saturated sub ...
in Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 77 (2019) issue 9. - pp. 2291-2309
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Ulm, Volker
Diversität als Entwicklungsimpuls für Lehrerbildung
in Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (2019) issue 107. - pp. 23-27
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Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi
Feedback, dynamics, and optimal control in climate economics
in Annual Reviews in Control vol. 47 (2019) . - pp. 7-20
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Fackeldey, Konstantin; Koltai, Peter; Névir, Peter; Rust, Henning; Schild, Axel; Weber, Marcus
From metastable to coherent sets : Time-discretization schemes
in Chaos : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 29 (2019) issue 1
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Koltai, Peter; Lie, Han Cheng; Plonka, Martin
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in Nonlinearity vol. 32 (2019) issue 11. - pp. 4232-4257
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Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Generalized vector space partitions
in The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics vol. 73 (2019) issue 1. - pp. 162-178

Zint, Daniel; Grosso, Roberto; Aizinger, Vadym; Köstler, Harald
Generation of Block Structured Grids on Complex Domains for High Performance Simulation
in Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics vol. 59 (2019) issue 12. - pp. 2108-2123
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Hans, Christian A.; Braun, Philipp; Raisch, Jörg; Grüne, Lars; Reincke-Collon, Carsten
Hierarchical distributed model predictive control of interconnected microgrids
in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy vol. 10 (2019) issue 1. - pp. 407-416
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Künemund, Jens; Narcowich, Francis J.; Ward, Joseph D.; Wendland, Holger
A high-order meshless Galerkin method for semilinear parabolic equations on spheres
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 142 (2019) . - pp. 383-419
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Steinecke, Annalisa
Integralrechnung in der Primarstufe
in Montessori : Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik (2019)

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Johnson type bounds for mixed dimension subspace codes
in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics vol. 26 (2019) issue 3
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Die k-dimensionale Champagnerpyramide
in Mathematische Semesterberichte vol. 66 (2019) . - pp. 89-100
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Schneide, Christiane; Stahn, Martin; Pandey, Ambrish; Junge, Oliver; Koltai, Peter; Padberg-Gehle, Kathrin; Schumacher, Jörg
Lagrangian coherent sets in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
in Physical Review E vol. 100 (2019) issue 5
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Erler, Alexander
Limitations of stabilizing effects of fundamentalists : facing positive feedback traders
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Miron, Philippe; Beron-Vera, Francisco J.; Olascoaga, Maria J.; Koltai, Peter
Markov-chain-inspired search for MH370
in Chaos : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 29 (2019) issue 4
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Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas; Taji, Behrouz
The Miyaoka-Yau inequality and uniformisation of canonical models
in Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure vol. 52 (2019) issue 6. - pp. 1487-1535
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Grüne, Lars; Stieler, Marleen
Multiobjective Model Predictive Control for Stabilizing Cost Criteria
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B vol. 24 (2019) issue 8. - pp. 3905-3928
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Banisch, Ralf; Koltai, Peter; Padberg-Gehle, Kathrin
Network measures of mixing
in Chaos : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 29 (2019) issue 6
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Braun, Michael; Kiermaier, Michael; Laue, Reinhard
New 2-designs over finite fields from derived and residual designs
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Cseh, Ágnes; Matuschke, Jannik
New and simple algorithms for stable flow problems
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Hajduk, Hennes; Kuzmin, Dmitri; Aizinger, Vadym
New directional vector limiters for discontinuous Galerkin methods
in Journal of Computational Physics vol. 384 (2019) . - pp. 308-325
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Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas; Taji, Behrouz
Nonabelian Hodge theory for klt spaces and descent theorems for vector bundles
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 155 (2019) issue 2. - pp. 289-323
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Baier, Robert; Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.
Numerical Calculation of Nonsmooth Control Lyapunov Functions via Piecewise Affine Approxi ...
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 52 (2019) issue 16. - pp. 370-375
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.808 ...

Grüne, Lars; Pirkelmann, Simon
Numerical Verification of Turnpike and Continuity Properties for Time-Varying PDEs
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 52 (2019) issue 2. - pp. 7-12
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.002 ...

Keller, Timo
On an analogue of the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for Abelian schemes over hig ...
in Documenta Mathematica vol. 24 (2019) . - pp. 915-993
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Fleig, Arthur; Grüne, Lars
On Dissipativity of the Fokker-Planck Equation for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 52 (2019) issue 2. - pp. 13-18
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.003 ...

Höger, Matthias; Grüne, Lars
On the relation between detectability and strict dissipativity for nonlinear discrete time ...
in IEEE Control Systems Letters vol. 3 (2019) issue 2. - pp. 458-462
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Fischer, Anne; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal vaccination and control strategies against dengue
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol. 42 (2019) issue 10. - pp. 3496-3507
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Cseh, Ágnes; Fleiner, Tamás; Harján, Petra
Pareto optimal coalitions of fixed size
in Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design vol. 4 (2019) issue 1. - pp. 87-108
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Cseh, Ágnes; Skutella, Martin
Paths to stable allocations
in International Journal of Game Theory vol. 48 (2019) issue 3. - pp. 835-862
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Vishkautsan, Solomon; Stoll, Michael
Quadratic rational functions with a rational periodic critical point of period 3 : with 5 ...
in Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux vol. 31 (2019) issue 1. - pp. 49-79
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Koldunov, N. V.; Aizinger, Vadym; Rakowsky, N.; Scholz, P.; Sidorenko, D.; Danilov, S.; Jung, Thomas
Scalability and some optimization of the Finite-volumE Sea ice--Ocean Model, Version 2.0 ( ...
in Geoscientific Model Development vol. 12 (2019) issue 9. - pp. 3991-4012
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Canci, Jung Kyu; Troncoso, Sebastian; Vishkautsan, Solomon
Scarcity of finite orbits for rational functions over a number field
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 190 (2019) issue 3. - pp. 221-237
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Cechlárová, Katarína; Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David F.
Selected open problems in matching under preferences
in Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS (2019) issue 128

Grüne, Lars; Schaller, Manuel; Schiela, Anton
Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Control for a Class of Parabolic PDEs Motivated by Model P ...
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 57 (2019) issue 4. - pp. 2753-2774
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Hutz, Benjamin; Stoll, Michael
Smallest representatives of SL(2,ℤ)-orbits of binary forms and endomorphisms of ℙ¹
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 189 (2019) issue 3. - pp. 283-308
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Cseh, Ágnes; Irving, Robert W.; Manlove, David F.
The stable roommates problem with short lists
in Theory of Computing Systems vol. 63 (2019) issue 1. - pp. 128-149
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Heinlein, Daniel; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
A subspace code of size 333 in the setting of a binary q-analog of the Fano plane
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 13 (2019) issue 3. - pp. 457-475
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Eckl, Thomas; Lönne, Michael
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Stoll, Michael
Uniform bounds for the number of rational points on hyperelliptic curves of small Mordell- ...
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Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
Existence of non-coercive Lyapunov functions is equivalent to integral uniform global asym ...
in Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems vol. 31 (2019) issue 4. - pp. 1-26
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The explicit Mordell conjecture for families of curves
in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma vol. 7 (2019)
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Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
Non-coercive Lyapunov functions for infinite-dimensional systems
in Journal of Differential Equations vol. 266 (2019) issue 11. - pp. 7038-7072
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Lazić, Vladimir; Peternell, Thomas
Abundance for varieties with many differential forms
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Aizinger, Vadym; Rupp, Andreas; Schütz, Jochen; Knabner, Peter
Analysis of a mixed discontinuous Galerkin method for instationary Darcy flow
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Approximately axisymmetric antidynamo theorems
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Rein, Gerhard
The asymptotic behavior of solutions to the repulsive n-body problem
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol. 50 (2018) issue 1. - pp. 1-4
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Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
Binary subspace codes in small ambient spaces
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Aizinger, Vadym; Bungert, Leon; Fried, Michael
Comparison of two local discontinuous Galerkin formulations for the subjective surfaces pr ...
in Computing and Visualization in Science vol. 18 (2018) issue 6. - pp. 193-202
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Beyer, Sebastian; Kleiner, Thomas; Aizinger, Vadym; Rückamp, Martin; Humbert, Angelika
A confined-unconfined aquifer model for subglacial hydrology and its application to the No ...
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Convergence of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for a specific barotropic fluid ...
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol. 50 (2018) issue 5. - pp. 4752-4784
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Kurz, Sascha
Correction to : On minimum sum representations for weighted voting games
in Annals of Operations Research vol. 271 (2018) issue 2. - pp. 1087-1089
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Klus, Stefan; Nüske, Feliks; Koltai, Peter; Wu, Hao; Kevrekidis, Ioannis; Schütte, Christof; Noé, Frank
Data-driven model reduction and transfer operator approximation
in Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 28 (2018) issue 3. - pp. 985-1010
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Braun, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
Disjoint q-Steiner systems in dimension 13
in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics vol. 65 (2018) . - pp. 23-29
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Keller, Timo
A duality theorem for Tate–Shafarevich groups of curves over algebraically closed fields
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Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars; Müller, Matthias A.
Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
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Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venker, Martin
Edge statistics for a class of repulsive particle systems
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Margaliot, Michael; Grüne, Lars; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Entrainment in the Master Equation
in Royal Society Open Science vol. 5 (2018) issue 4
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Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan
Fair representation and a linear Shapley rule
in Games and Economic Behavior vol. 108 (2018) . - pp. 152-161
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Jaust, Alexander; Reuter, Balthasar; Aizinger, Vadym; Schütz, Jochen; Knabner, Peter
FESTUNG: A MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for the discontinuous Galerkin method. Part III. Hybr ...
in Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 75 (2018) issue 12. - pp. 4505-4533
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From Large Deviations to Semidistances of Transport and Mixing : Coherence Analysis for Fi ...
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Marx, Anne; Conrad, Marcus; Aizinger, Vadym; Prechtel, Alexander; van Geldern, Robert; Barth, Johannes A. C.
Groundwater data improve modelling of headwater stream CO₂ outgassing with a stable DIC is ...
in Biogeosciences vol. 15 (2018) issue 10. - pp. 3093-3106
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Darmann, Andreas; Elkind, Edith; Kurz, Sascha; Lang, Jérôme; Schauer, Joachim; Woeginger, Gerhard
Group activity selection problem with approval preferences
in International Journal of Game Theory vol. 47 (2018) issue 3. - pp. 767-796
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Greefrath, Gilbert; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Grundvorstellungen von Ableitung und Integral als Zugang zur Analysis
in Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 64 (2018) issue 3. - pp. 50-56

Kurz, Sascha
Heden's bound on the tail of a vector space partition
in Discrete Mathematics vol. 341 (2018) issue 12. - pp. 3447-3452
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Braun, Philipp; Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
Hierarchical distributed ADMM for predictive control with applications in power networks
in IFAC Journal of Systems and Control vol. 3 (2018) . - pp. 10-22
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Kurz, Sascha
Importance in systems with interval decisions
in Advances in Complex Systems vol. 21 (2018) issue 6-7
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Peternell, Thomas
Jean-Pierre : some personal reminiscences
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Ramming, Tobias; Wendland, Holger
A kernel-based discretisation method for first order partial differential equations
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Giesl, Peter; Wendland, Holger
Kernel-based discretization for solving matrix-valued PDEs
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Hajduk, Hennes; Hodges, Ben R.; Aizinger, Vadym; Reuter, Balthasar
Locally Filtered Transport for computational efficiency in multi-component advection-react ...
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Fleig, Arthur; Grüne, Lars
L²-Tracking of Gaussian Distributions via Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck E ...
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Kienle Garrido, Melina-Lorén; Breitenbach, Tim; Chudej, Kurt; Borzì, Alfio
Modeling and Numerical Solution of a Cancer Therapy Optimal Control Problem
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Modeling the self-discharge by voltage decay of a NMC/graphite lithium-ion cell
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Koltai, Peter; Schütte, Christof
A Multiscale Perturbation Expansion Approach for Markov State Modeling of Nonstationary Mo ...
in Multiscale Modeling & Simulation vol. 16 (2018) issue 4. - pp. 1455-1485
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Braun, Michael; Östergård, Patric R. J.; Wassermann, Alfred
New lower bounds for binary constant-dimension subspace codes
in Experimental Mathematics vol. 27 (2018) issue 2. - pp. 179-183
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Kiermaier, Michael; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
A new series of large sets of subspace designs over the binary field
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 86 (2018) issue 2. - pp. 251-268
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Noroozi, Navid; Geiselhart, Roman; Grüne, Lars; Rüffer, Björn; Wirth, Fabian
Non-conservative discrete-time ISS small-gain conditions for closed sets
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 63 (2018) issue 5. - pp. 1231-1242
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Stieler, Marleen; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Noncooperative Model Predictive Control for Affine-Quadratic Games
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 18 (2018) issue 1
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89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Munich

Sproll, Tobias; Schiela, Anton; Lowery, Madeleine
Numerical Identification of Motor Units using an Optimal Control Approach
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9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, TU Wien, Österreich

Schreppel, Christina; Chudej, Kurt
Numerical optimal control applied to an epidemiological model
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Lönne, Michael
On a discriminant knot group problem of Brieskorn
in Journal of Singularities vol. 18 (2018) . - pp. 455-463
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Buratti, Marco; Wassermann, Alfred
On decomposability of cyclic triple systems
in The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics vol. 71 (2018) issue 2. - pp. 184-195

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
On rigid compact complex surfaces and manifolds
in Advances in Mathematics vol. 333 (2018) . - pp. 620-669
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Koltai, Peter; Wu, Hao; Noé, Frank; Schütte, Christof
Optimal Data-Driven Estimation of Generalized Markov State Models for Non-Equilibrium Dyna ...
in Computation vol. 6 (2018) issue 1
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Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Optimal energy bounds in spherically symmetric α²-dynamos
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Chudej, Kurt; Fischer, Anne
Optimal vaccination strategies for a new dengue model with two serotypes
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Thäter, Markus; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal vaccination strategies for an SEIR model of infectious diseases with logistic grow ...
in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering vol. 15 (2018) issue 2. - pp. 485-505
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Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
The order of the automorphism group of a binary q-analog of the Fano plane is at most two
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Oscillating solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson system : A numerical investigation
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Cseh, Ágnes; Kavitha, Telikepalli
Popular edges and dominant matchings
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Kurz, Sascha
The power of the largest player
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Faghih-Naini, Sara; Shen, Bo-Wen
Quasi-Periodic Orbits in the Five-Dimensional Nondissipative Lorenz Model : the Role of th ...
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Kaniovski, Serguei; Kurz, Sascha
Representation-compatible power indices
in Annals of Operations Research vol. 264 (2018) issue 1-2. - pp. 235-265
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Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
The roll call interpretation of the Shapley value
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Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Semicircle law for generalized Curie-Weiss matrix ensembles at subcritical temperature
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Teschler, Marc; Wassermann, Alfred; Weissenfels, Anja; Fröhlich, Michael; Kohl, Matthias; Bebenek, Michael; von Stengel, Simon; Kemmler, Wolfgang
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in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism vol. 43 (2018) issue 5. - pp. 528-530
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Gaitsgory, Vladimir; Grüne, Lars; Höger, Matthias; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.
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Bittracher, Andreas; Koltai, Peter; Klus, Stefan; Banisch, Ralf; Dellnitz, Michael; Schütte, Christof
Transition Manifolds of Complex Metastable Systems
in Journal of Nonlinear Science vol. 28 (2018) . - pp. 471-512
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Grüne, Lars; Guglielmi, Roberto
Turnpike properties and strict dissipativity for discrete time linear quadratic optimal co ...
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 56 (2018) issue 2. - pp. 1282-1302
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A typology and literature review on stochastic multi-echelon inventory models
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Dumpert, Florian; Christmann, Andreas
Universal consistency and robustness of localized support vector machines
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Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars
Verteilte Optimierung : Anwendungen in der Modellprädiktiven Regelung
in Automatisierungstechnik vol. 66 (2018) issue 11. - pp. 939-949
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Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
Characterizations of input-to-state stability for infinite-dimensional systems
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Dettweiler, Michael; Sabbah, Claude
Erratum to Hodge Theory of the Middle Convolution
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Aizinger, Vadym; Kosík, Adam; Kuzmin, Dmitri; Reuter, Balthasar
Anisotropic slope limiting for discontinuous Galerkin methods
in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids vol. 84 (2017) issue 9. - pp. 543-565
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Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
Coset Construction for Subspace Codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 63 (2017) issue 12. - pp. 7651-7660
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Bungert, Leon; Aizinger, Vadym; Fried, Michael
A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Subjective Surfaces Problem
in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision vol. 58 (2017) issue 1. - pp. 147-161
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Grüne, Lars; Le, Thuy Thi Thien
A double-sided Dynamic Programming approach to the minimum time problem and its numerical ...
in Applied Numerical Mathematics vol. 121 (2017) . - pp. 68-81
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Dumpert, Florian; Beck, Martin
Einsatz von Machine-Learning-Verfahren in amtlichen Unternehmensstatistiken
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Froyland, Gary; Koltai, Peter
Estimating long-term behavior of periodically driven flows without trajectory integration
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Achtziger, Wolfgang; Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza; Roshchina, Vera
Exact Penalty and Lagrange Duality via the Directed Subdifferential
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Ludwig, Matthias; Lutz-Westphal, Brigitte; Ulm, Volker
Forschendes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht, Mathematische Phänomene aktiv hinterfragen und ...
in PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule vol. 59 (2017) issue 73. - pp. 2-9

Bauer, Ingrid; Stoll, Michael
Geometry and arithmetic of primary Burniat surfaces
in Mathematische Nachrichten vol. 290 (2017) issue 14–15. - pp. 2132-2153
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Schütz, Jochen; Aizinger, Vadym
A hierarchical scale separation approach for the hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method
in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics vol. 317 (2017) . - pp. 500-509
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Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Di Scala, Antonio José
Higher dimensional lemniscates : the geometry of r particles in n-space with logarithmic p ...
in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze vol. 17 (2017) issue 3. - pp. 1091-1119
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Kurz, Sascha
Improved upper bounds for partial spreads
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 85 (2017) issue 1. - pp. 97-106
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Braun, Michael; Kiermaier, Michael; Kohnert, Axel; Laue, Reinhard
Large sets of subspace designs
in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A vol. 147 (2017) . - pp. 155-185
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Löhr, Johannes; de las Heras, Daniel; Lönne, Michael; Bugase, Jonas; Jarosz, Adam; Urbaniak, Maciej; Stobiecki, Feliks; Tomita, Andreea; Huhnstock, Rico; Koch, Iris; Ehresmann, Arno; Holzinger, Dennis; Fischer, Thomas M.
Lattice symmetries and the topologically protected transport of colloidal particles
in Soft Matter vol. 13 (2017) issue 29. - pp. 5044-5075
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Kühn, Ulf; Müller, Jan Steffen
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Farrell, Patricio; Gillow, Kathryn; Wendland, Holger
Multilevel Interpolation of Divergence-Free Vector Fields
in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 37 (2017) issue 1. - pp. 332-353
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Botner, Meir; Zarai, Yoram; Margaliot, Michael; Grüne, Lars
On approximating contractive systems
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 62 (2017) issue 12. - pp. 6451-6457
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Betten, Anton; Dempwolff, Ulrich; Wassermann, Alfred
On dual hyperovals of rank 4 oder F_2
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich
On Stock Trading Via Feedback Control When Underlying Stock Returns Are Discontinuous
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 62 (2017) issue 6. - pp. 2987-2992
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Freixas, Josep; Freixas, Marc; Kurz, Sascha
On the characterization of weighted simple games
in Theory and Decision vol. 83 (2017) issue 4. - pp. 469-498
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Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan
On the Democratic Weights of Nations
in Journal of Political Economy vol. 125 (2017) issue 5. - pp. 1599-1634
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Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.
On the relation between turnpike properties for finite and infinite horizon optimal contro ...
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 173 (2017) issue 3. - pp. 727-745
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Kaiser, Ralf; Busse, Friedrich
On the robustness of the toroidal velocity theorem
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Clason, Christian; Schiela, Anton
Optimal control of elliptic equations with positive measures
in ESAIM : Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol. 23 (2017) issue 1. - pp. 217-240
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Fleig, Arthur; Guglielmi, Roberto
Optimal Control of the Fokker-Planck Equation with Space-Dependent Controls
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 174 (2017) issue 2. - pp. 408-427
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Kurz, Sascha
Packing vector spaces into vector spaces
in The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics vol. 68 (2017) issue 1. - pp. 122-130

Zanon, Mario; Grüne, Lars; Diehl, Moritz
Periodic optimal control, dissipativity and MPC
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 62 (2017) issue 6. - pp. 2943-2949
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Cseh, Ágnes; Huang, Chien-Chung; Kavitha, Telikepalli
Popular matchings with two-sided preferences and one-sided ties
in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics vol. 31 (2017) issue 4. - pp. 2348-2377
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Koster, Maurice; Kurz, Sascha; Lindner, Ines; Napel, Stefan
The prediction value
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Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Schönig, Stefan; Jablonski, Stefan
The Process Checklist : Paper-based Enactment of Human-driven Processes
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Lazić, Vladimir; Peternell, Thomas
Rationally connected varieties : On a conjecture of Mumford
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Sampling inequalities for sparse grids
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Stoll, Michael
Simultaneous torsion in the Legendre family
in Experimental Mathematics vol. 26 (2017) issue 4. - pp. 446-459
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Simultaneously long short trading in discrete and continuous time
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Wu, Hao; Nüske, Feliks; Paul, Fabian; Klus, Stefan; Koltai, Peter; Noé, Frank
Variational Koopman models : Slow collective variables and molecular kinetics from short o ...
in The Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 146 (2017) issue 15
doi:10.1063/1.4979344 ...

Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger
Zooming from Global to Local : A Multiscale RBF Approach
in Advances in Computational Mathematics vol. 43 (2017) . - pp. 581-606
doi:10.1007/s10444-016-9498-4 ...

Ramming, Tobias; Rein, Gerhard
Mass-radius spirals for steady state families of the Vlasov-Poisson system
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 224 (2017) . - pp. 1127-1159
doi:10.1007/s00205-017-1098-z ...

Mironchenko, Andrii
Uniform weak attractivity and criteria for practical global asymptotic stability
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 105 (2017) . - pp. 92-99
doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2017.05.005 ...

Campana, Frédéric; Höring, Andreas; Peternell, Thomas
Abundance for Kähler threefolds : Abondance pour les variétés kälhériennes de dimension 3 ...
in Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure vol. 49 (2016) issue 4. - pp. 971-1025
doi:10.24033/asens.2301 ...

de la Cruz, Javier; Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred; Willems, Wolfgang
Algebraic structures of MRD codes
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 10 (2016) issue 3. - pp. 499-510
doi:10.3934/amc.2016021 ...
4. International ALCOMA Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications, Kloster Banz, Deutschland

Grüne, Lars
Approximation properties of receding horizon optimal control
in Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung vol. 118 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 3-37
doi:10.1365/s13291-016-0134-5 ...

Greefrath, Gilbert; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Aspects and "Grundvorstellungen" of the Concepts of Derivative and Integral : Subject Matt ...
in Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik vol. 37 (2016) issue Suppl. 1. - pp. 99-129
doi:10.1007/s13138-016-0100-x ...

de la Cruz, Javier; Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
The automorphism group of an extremal [120, 60, 24] code does not contain elements of orde ...
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 78 (2016) issue 3. - pp. 693-702
doi:10.1007/s10623-014-0025-7 ...

Fleig, Arthur; Guglielmi, Roberto
Bilinear Optimal Control of the Fokker-Planck Equation
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 49 (2016) issue 8. - pp. 254-259
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.450 ...
2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations - CPDE 2016, Bertinoro, Italien

Müller, Jan Steffen; Stoll, Michael
Canonical heights on genus-2 Jacobians
in Algebra & Number Theory vol. 10 (2016) issue 10. - pp. 2153-2234
doi:10.2140/ant.2016.10.2153 ...

Li, Huijuan; Grüne, Lars
Computation of Local ISS Lyapunov Functions for Discrete-time Systems Via Linear Programmi ...
in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol. 438 (2016) issue 2. - pp. 701-719
doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.01.045 ...

Müller, Jan Steffen; Stoll, Michael
Computing canonical heights on elliptic curves in quasi-linear time
in LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics vol. 19 (2016) . - pp. 391-405
doi:10.1112/S1461157016000139 ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Constructions and bounds for mixed-dimension subspace codes
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 10 (2016) issue 3. - pp. 649-682
doi:10.3934/amc.2016033 ...

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
The cost of getting local monotonicity
in European Journal of Operational Research vol. 251 (2016) issue 2. - pp. 600-612
doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.11.030 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Molinero, Xavier; Olsen, Martin; Serna, Maria
Dimension and Codimension of Simple Games
in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics vol. 55 (2016) . - pp. 147-150
doi:10.1016/j.endm.2016.10.037 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
Dimension of the Lisbon voting rules in the EU Council : a challenge and new world record
in Optimization Letters vol. 10 (2016) issue 6. - pp. 1245-1256
doi:10.1007/s11590-015-0917-0 ...

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
A distributed optimization algorithm for the predictive control of smart grids
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 61 (2016) issue 12. - pp. 3898-3911
doi:10.1109/TAC.2016.2525808 ...

Müller, Matthias A.; Grüne, Lars
Economic model predictive control without terminal constraints for optimal periodic behavi ...
in Automatica vol. 70 (2016) . - pp. 128-139
doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2016.03.024 ...

Kerber, Adalbert; Kiermaier, Michael; Laue, Reinhard; Pavčević, Mario Osvin; Wassermann, Alfred
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 10 (2016) issue 3
doi:10.3934/amc.201603i ...
4. International ALCOMA Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications, Kloster Banz, Deutschland

Jaust, Alexander; Schütz, Jochen; Aizinger, Vadym
An efficient linear solver for the hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 16 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 845-846
doi:10.1002/pamm.201610411 ...

Geveler, M.; Reuter, B.; Aizinger, Vadym; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S.
Energy efficiency of the simulation of three-dimensional coastal ocean circulation on mode ...
in Computer Science : Research + Development vol. 31 (2016) issue 4. - pp. 225-234
doi:10.1007/s00450-016-0324-5 ...

Fleig, Arthur; Grüne, Lars
Estimates on the Minimal Stabilizing Horizon Length in Model Predictive Control for the Fo ...
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 49 (2016) issue 8. - pp. 260-265
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.451 ...
2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations - CPDE 2016, Bertinoro, Italien

Braun, Michael; Etzion, Tuvi; Östergård, Patric R. J.; Vardy, Alexander; Wassermann, Alfred
Existence of q-analogs of Steiner systems
in Forum of Mathematics, Pi vol. 4 (2016)
doi:10.1017/fmp.2016.5 ...

Reuter, B.; Aizinger, Vadym; Wieland, Manuel; Frank, F.; Knabner, P.
FESTUNG : A MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for the discontinuous Galerkin method. Part II: Adve ...
in Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 72 (2016) issue 7. - pp. 1896-1925
doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2016.08.006 ...

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza; Roshchina, Vera
From Quasidifferentiable to Directed Subdifferentiable Functions : Exact Calculus Rules
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 171 (2016) issue 2. - pp. 384-401
doi:10.1007/s10957-016-0926-x ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Bruin, Nils; Poonen, Bjorn; Stoll, Michael
Generalized explicit descent and its application to curves of genus 3
in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma vol. 4 (2016)
doi:10.1017/fms.2016.1 ...

Catanese, Fabrizio; Lönne, Michael; Perroni, Fabio
Genus stabilization for the components of moduli spaces of curves with symmetries
in Algebraic Geometry vol. 3 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 23-49
doi:10.14231/AG-2016-002 ...

Rein, Gerhard; Taegert, Lukas
Gravitational collapse and the Vlasov-Poisson system
in Annales Henri Poincaré vol. 17 (2016) issue 6. - pp. 1415-1427
doi:10.1007/s00023-015-0424-y ...

Keim, Christopher; Wendland, Holger
A High-order, analytically divergence-free approximation method for the time-dependent Sto ...
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 54 (2016) issue 2. - pp. 1288-1312
doi:10.1137/151006196 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Cseh, Ágnes; Dean, Brian C.
Improved algorithmic results for unsplittable stable allocation problems
in Journal of Combinatorial Optimization vol. 32 (2016) issue 3. - pp. 657-671
doi:10.1007/s10878-015-9889-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
The inverse problem for power distributions in committees
in Social Choice and Welfare vol. 47 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 65-88
doi:10.1007/s00355-015-0946-8 ...

García-Valiñas, María; Kurz, Sascha; Zaporozhets, Vera
Key Drivers of EU Budget Allocation : Does Power Matter?
in European Journal of Political Economy vol. 43 (2016) . - pp. 57-70
doi:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2016.02.004 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Zhou, Ding-Xuan
Learning rates for the risk of kernel-based quantile regression estimators in additive mod ...
in Analysis and Applications vol. 14 (2016) issue 3. - pp. 449-477
doi:10.1142/S0219530515500050 ...

Bebendorf, Mario
Low-rank approximation of elliptic boundary value problems with high-contrast coefficients
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol. 48 (2016) issue 2. - pp. 932-949
doi:10.1137/140991030 ...

Bolognesi, Michele; Lönne, Michael
Mapping class groups of trigonal loci
in Selecta Mathematica vol. 22 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 417-445
doi:10.1007/s00029-015-0187-9 ...

Höring, Andreas; Peternell, Thomas
Minimal models for Kähler threefolds
in Inventiones Mathematicae vol. 203 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 217-264
doi:10.1007/s00222-015-0592-x ...

Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Movable Curves and Semistable Sheaves
in International Mathematics Research Notices (2016) issue 2. - pp. 536-570
doi:10.1093/imrn/rnv126 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred; Zwanzger, Johannes
New upper bounds on binary linear codes and a ℤ₄-code with a better-than-linear Gray image ...
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 62 (2016) issue 12. - pp. 6768-6771
doi:10.1109/TIT.2016.2612654 ...

Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.
On a discounted notion of strict dissipativity
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 49 (2016) issue 18. - pp. 247-252
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.171 ...
10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems - NOLCOS 2016, Monterey, California, USA

Lönne, Michael; Penegini, Matteo
On Asymptotic Bounds for the Number of Irreducible Components of the Moduli Space of Surfa ...
in Documenta Mathematica vol. 21 (2016) . - pp. 197-204
https://www.emis.de///journals/DMJDMV/vol-21/06.pd ...

Worthmann, Karl; Braun, Philipp; Proch, Michael; Schlüchtermann, Jörg; Pannek, Jürgen
On Contractual Periods in Supplier Development
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 49 (2016) issue 2. - pp. 60-65
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.03.011 ...
7th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics MCPL (2016), Bremen, Deutschland

Christmann, Andreas; Dumpert, Florian; Xiang, Dao-Hong
On extension theorems and their connection to universal consistency in machine learning
in Analysis and Applications vol. 14 (2016) issue 6. - pp. 795-808
doi:10.1142/S0219530516400029 ...

Koltai, Peter; Ciccotti, Giovanni; Schütte, Christof
On metastability and Markov state models for non-stationary molecular dynamics
in The Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 145 (2016) issue 17
doi:10.1063/1.4966157 ...

Braun, Michael; Kiermaier, Michael; Nakić, Anamari
On the automorphism group of a binary q-analog of the Fano plane
in European Journal of Combinatorics vol. 51 (2016) . - pp. 443-457
doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2015.07.014 ...

Klus, Stefan; Koltai, Peter; Schütte, Christof
On the numerical approximation of the Perron-Frobenius and Koopman operator
in Journal of Computational Dynamics vol. 3 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 51-79
doi:10.3934/jcd.2016003 ...

Grüne, Lars; Müller, Matthias A.
On the relation between strict dissipativity and turnpike properties
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 90 (2016) . - pp. 45-53
doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2016.01.003 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Zhou, Ding-Xuan
On the Robustness of Regularized Pairwise Learning Methods Based on Kernels
in Journal of Complexity vol. 37 (2016) . - pp. 1-33
doi:10.1016/j.jco.2016.07.001 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Bollhöfer, Matthias; Bratsch, Michael
On the Spectral Equivalence of Hierarchical Matrix Preconditioners for Elliptic Problems
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 85 (2016) issue 302. - pp. 2839-2861
doi:10.1090/mcom/3086 ...

Balakrishnan, Jennifer S.; Müller, Jan Steffen; Stein, William A.
A p-adic analogue of the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for modular abelian varie ...
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 85 (2016) issue 298. - pp. 983-1016
doi:10.1090/mcom/3029 ...

Eichelsbacher, Peter; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Schüler, Katharina
Precise deviations results for the maxima of some determinantal point processes : the uppe ...
in Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications vol. 12 (2016)
doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2016.093 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Bauer, Ingrid; Pignatelli, Roberto
Product-quotient surfaces : new invariants and algorithms
in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics vol. 10 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 319-363
doi:10.4171/GGD/351 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Balakrishnan, Jennifer S.; Besser, Amnon; Müller, Jan Steffen
Quadratic Chabauty : p-adic heights and integral points on hyperelliptic curves
in Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2016) issue 720. - pp. 51-79
doi:10.1515/crelle-2014-0048 ...

Strohriegl, Katharina; Hable, Robert
Qualitative robustness of estimators on stochastic processes
in Metrika vol. 79 (2016) . - pp. 895-917
doi:10.1007/s00184-016-0582-z ...

Braun, Philipp; Hernández, Erwin; Kalise, Dante
Reduced-order LQG control of a Timoshenko beam model
in Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society : New Series vol. 47 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 143-155
doi:10.1007/s00574-016-0128-z ...

Feist, Bernd
Solution of the suicide substrate kinetics with an O'Malley/Hoppensteadt approximation of ...
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 16 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 687-688
doi:10.1002/pamm.201610332 ...

Betten, Anton; Wassermann, Alfred
Spreads of PG (3,8) and PG (3,9) containing a regulus
in Congressus Numerantium vol. 276 (2016) . - pp. 289-300

Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David F.
Stable marriage and roommates problems with restricted edges : complexity and approximabil ...
in Discrete Optimization vol. 20 (2016) . - pp. 62-89
doi:10.1016/j.disopt.2016.03.002 ...

Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Étale fundamental groups of Kawamata log terminal spaces, flat sheaves, and quotients of a ...
in Duke Mathematical Journal vol. 165 (2016) issue 10. - pp. 1965-2004
doi:10.1215/00127094-3450859 ...

Löhr, Johannes; Lönne, Michael; Ernst, Adrian; de las Heras, Daniel; Fischer, Thomas M.
Topological protection of multiparticle dissipative transport
in Nature Communications vol. 7 (2016)
doi:10.1038/ncomms11745 ...

de las Heras, Daniel; Löhr, Johannes; Lönne, Michael; Fischer, Thomas M.
Topologically protected colloidal transport above a square magnetic lattice
in New Journal of Physics vol. 18 (2016)
doi:10.1088/1367-2630/18/10/105009 ...

Worthmann, Karl; Proch, Michael; Braun, Philipp; Schlüchtermann, Jörg; Pannek, Jürgen
Towards Dynamic Contract Extension in Supplier Development
in Logistics Research vol. 9 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 1-12
doi:10.1007/s12159-016-0141-z ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
Global converse Lyapunov theorems for infinite-dimensional systems
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 49 (2016) issue 18. - pp. 897-902
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.280 ...
10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems - NOLCOS 2016, Monterey, California, USA

Mironchenko, Andrii
Local input-to-state stability : Characterizations and counterexamples
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 87 (2016) . - pp. 23-28
doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2015.10.014 ...

Dettweiler, Michael; Schmidt, Johannes
Rigid G₂-representations and motives of type G₂
in Israel Journal of Mathematics vol. 212 (2016) issue 1. - pp. 81-106
doi:10.1007/s11856-016-1295-8 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Dettweiler, Michael; Catanese, Fabrizio
Vector bundles on curves coming from variation of Hodge structures
in International Journal of Mathematics vol. 27 (2016) issue 7
doi:10.1142/S0129167X16400012 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Mirabito, Chris; Dawson, Clint; Aizinger, Vadym
An a priori error estimate for the local discontinuous Galerkin method applied to two-dime ...
in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations vol. 31 (2015) issue 2. - pp. 397-421
doi:10.1002/num.21914 ...

Freitas, Nuno; Siksek, Samir
The asymptotic Fermat's last theorem for five-sixths of real quadratic fields
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 151 (2015) issue 8. - pp. 1395-1415
doi:10.1112/S0010437X14007957 ...

Kaniovski, Serguei; Kurz, Sascha
The average representation : a cornucopia of power indices?
in Homo Oeconomicus vol. 32 (2015) issue 2. - pp. 169-182

Bauer, Ingrid; Frapporti, Davide
Bloch's conjecture for generalized Burniat type surfaces with pg=0
in Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 vol. 64 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 27-42
doi:10.1007/s12215-014-0176-4 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Collas, Benjamin; Maugeais, Sylvain
Composantes irréductibles de lieux spéciaux d’espaces de modules de courbes, action galois ...
in Annales de l'Institut Fourier vol. 65 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 245-276
doi:10.5802/aif.2930 ...

Li, Huijuan; Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr; Kellett, Christopher M.
Computation of continuous and piecewise affine Lyapunov functions for discrete-time system ...
in Journal of Difference Equations and Applications vol. 21 (2015) issue 6. - pp. 486-511
doi:10.1080/10236198.2015.1025069 ...

Li, Huijuan; Baier, Robert; Grüne, Lars; Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr; Wirth, Fabian
Computation of local ISS Lyapunov functions with low gains via linear programming
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B vol. 20 (2015) issue 8. - pp. 2477-2495
doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2015.20.2477 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr; Kellett, Christopher M.; Li, Huijuan
Computing continuous and piecewise affine Lyapunov functions for nonlinear systems
in Journal of Computational Dynamics vol. 2 (2015) issue 2. - pp. 227-246
doi:10.3934/jcd.2015004 ...

Freitas, Nuno; Siksek, Samir
Criteria for irreducibility of mod p representations of Frey curves
in Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux vol. 27 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 67-76
doi:10.5802/jtnb.894 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Laue, Reinhard
Derived and residual subspace designs
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 9 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 105-115
doi:10.3934/amc.2015.9.105 ...

Worthmann, Karl; Kellett, Christopher M.; Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Weller, Steven R.
Distributed and decentralized control of residential energy systems incorporating battery ...
in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid vol. 6 (2015) issue 4. - pp. 1914-1923
doi:10.1109/TSG.2015.2392081 ...

Freitas, Nuno; Le Hung, Bao V.; Siksek, Samir
Elliptic curves over real quadratic fields are modular
in Inventiones Mathematicae vol. 201 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 159-206
doi:10.1007/s00222-014-0550-z ...

Sigurani, Manuela; Stöcker, Christian; Grüne, Lars; Lunze, Jan
Experimental evaluation of two complementary decentralized event-based control methods
in Control Engineering Practice vol. 35 (2015) . - pp. 22-34
doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2014.10.002 ...

Cremona, John E.; Fisher, Tom A.; O'Neil, C.; Simon, D.; Stoll, Michael
Explicit n-descent on elliptic curves III. Algorithms
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 84 (2015) issue 292. - pp. 895-922
doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-2014-02858-5 ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Grunewald, Fritz
Faithful actions of the absolute Galois group on connected components of moduli spaces
in Inventiones Mathematicae vol. 199 (2015) issue 3. - pp. 859-888
doi:10.1007/s00222-014-0531-2 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Freitas, Nuno; Siksek, Samir
Fermat’s last theorem over some small real quadratic fields
in Algebra & Number Theory vol. 9 (2015) issue 4. - pp. 875-895
doi:10.2140/ant.2015.9.875 ...

Frank, F.; Reuter, B.; Aizinger, Vadym; Knabner, P.
FESTUNG : A MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for the discontinuous Galerkin method. Part I: Diffu ...
in Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 70 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 11-46
doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.04.013 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Britzelmeier, Andreas
Flight Path Optimization of a Hang-Glider in a Thermal Updraft
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 48 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 808-812
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.05.076 ...
8th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Wien, Österreich

Rein, Gerhard
Galactic dynamics in MOND : Existence of equilibria with finite mass and compact support
in Kinetic & Related Models vol. 8 (2015) issue 2. - pp. 381-394
doi:10.3934/krm.2015.8.381 ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Frapporti, Davide
Generalized Burniat type surfaces and Bagnera-de Franchis varieties
in Journal of Mathematical Sciences / The University of Tokyo vol. 22 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 55-111
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Schüler, Katharina; Schubert, Kristina; Venker, M.
Global asymptotics for the Christoffel-Darboux kernel of random matrix theory
in Markov Processes and Related Fields vol. 21 (2015) issue 3. - pp. 639-694
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Reiter, Stefan
Halphen's transform and middle convolution
in Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2015) issue 704. - pp. 1-20
doi:10.1515/crelle-2013-0048 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kühn, Ulf; Müller, Jan Steffen
A height inequality for rational points on elliptic curves implied by the abc-conjecture
in Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici vol. 52 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 127-132
doi:10.7169/facm/2015.52.1.10 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
A higher-order-decay result for the dynamo equation with an application to the toroidal ve ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics vol. 145 (2015) issue 3. - pp. 535-557
doi:10.1017/S0308210513000449 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kiermaier, Michael; Pavčević, Mario Osvin
Intersection numbers for subspace designs
in Journal of Combinatorial Designs vol. 23 (2015) issue 11. - pp. 463-480
doi:10.1002/jcd.21403 ...

Catanese, Fabrizio; Lönne, Michael; Perroni, Fabio
The irreducible components of the moduli space of dihedral covers of algebraic curves
in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics vol. 9 (2015) issue 4. - pp. 1185-1229
doi:10.4171/GGD/338 ...

Aizinger, Vadym; Korn, Peter; Giorgetta, Marco; Reich, Sebastian
Large-scale turbulence modelling via α-regularisation for atmospheric simulations
in Journal of Turbulence vol. 16 (2015) issue 4. - pp. 367-391
doi:10.1080/14685248.2014.991443 ...

Kartak, Vadim; Kurz, Sascha; Scheithauer, Guntram; Ripatti, Artem
Minimal proper non-IRUP instances of the one-dimensional Cutting Stock Problem
in Discrete Applied Mathematics vol. 187 (2015) . - pp. 120-129
doi:10.1016/j.dam.2015.02.020 ...

Höring, Andreas; Peternell, Thomas
Mori Fibre Spaces for Kähler Threefolds
in Journal of Mathematical Sciences / The University of Tokyo vol. 22 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 219-246

Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan; Weber, Matthias
Mostly sunny : a forecast of tomorrow's power index research
in Homo Oeconomicus vol. 32 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 133-146

Reuter, Balthasar; Aizinger, Vadym; Köstler, Harald
A multi-platform scaling study for an OpenMP parallelization of a discontinuous Galerkin o ...
in Computers & Fluids vol. 117 (2015) . - pp. 325-335
doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2015.05.020 ...

Grüne, Lars; Sigurani, Manuela
Numerical event-based ISS controller design via a dynamic game approach
in Journal of Computational Dynamics vol. 2 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 65-81
doi:10.3934/jcd.2015.2.65 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Wagner, Lisa; Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Solution of an Optimal Control Problem in Cancer Treatment : Combined Radio and ...
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 48 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 665-666
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.05.082 ...
8th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Wien, Österreich

Lönne, Michael; Penegini, Matteo
On asymptotic bounds for the number of irreducible components of the moduli space of surfa ...
in Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 vol. 64 (2015) issue 3. - pp. 483-492
doi:10.1007/s12215-015-0212-z ...

Shokina, N.; Aizinger, Vadym
On numerical modelling of impulse water waves generated by submarine landslides
in Environmental Earth Sciences vol. 74 (2015) issue 11. - pp. 7387-7405
doi:10.1007/s12665-015-4746-3 ...

Müller, Matthias A.; Grüne, Lars; Allgöwer, Frank
On the role of dissipativity in economic model predictive control
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 48 (2015) issue 23. - pp. 110-116
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.11.269 ...
5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Seville, Spain

Andréasson, Håkan; Rein, Gerhard
On the rotation curves for axially symmetric disk solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 446 (2015) issue 4. - pp. 3932-3942
doi:10.1093/mnras/stu2346 ...

Hadžić, Mahir; Rein, Gerhard
On the small redshift limit of steady states of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov ...
in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 159 (2015) issue 3. - pp. 529-546
doi:10.1017/S0305004115000511 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Optimal control of the freezing time in the Hegselmann--Krause dynamics
in Journal of Difference Equations and Applications vol. 21 (2015) issue 8. - pp. 633-648
doi:10.1080/10236198.2015.1045890 ...

Hegselmann, Rainer; König, Stefan; Kurz, Sascha; Niemann, Christoph; Rambau, Jörg
Optimal Opinion Control : The Campaign Problem
in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation vol. 18 (2015) issue 3. - pp. 1-47

Bittracher, Andreas; Hartmann, Carsten; Junge, Oliver; Koltai, Peter
Pseudo generators for under-resolved molecular dynamics
in The European Physical Journal Special Topics vol. 224 (2015) issue 12. - pp. 2463-2490
doi:10.1140/epjst/e2015-02422-y ...

Bittracher, Andreas; Koltai, Peter; Junge, Oliver
Pseudogenerators of Spatial Transfer Operators
in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems vol. 14 (2015) issue 3. - pp. 1478-1517
doi:10.1137/14099872X ...

Kurz, Sascha
Ready for the design of voting rules?
in Homo Oeconomicus vol. 32 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 117-129

Chen, Jinhai; Pesch, Hans Josef
Revisiting Estimates for Domains of Invertibility of Diffeomorphisms
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 165 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 1-13
doi:10.1007/s10957-014-0632-5 ...

Hinkelmann, Reinhard; Liang, Q.; Aizinger, Vadym; Dawson, Clint
Robust shallow water models
in Environmental Earth Sciences vol. 74 (2015) issue 11. - pp. 7273-7274
doi:10.1007/s12665-015-4764-1 ...

Grüne, Lars; Palma, Vryan Gil
Robustness of performance and stability for multistep and updated multistep MPC schemes
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol. 35 (2015) issue 9. - pp. 4385-4414
doi:10.3934/dcds.2015.35.4385 ...

Aizinger, Vadym; Kuzmin, D.; Korous, L.
Scale separation in fast hierarchical solvers for discontinuous Galerkin methods
in Applied Mathematics and Computation vol. 266 (2015) . - pp. 838-849
doi:10.1016/j.amc.2015.05.047 ...

Palma, Vryan Gil; Suardi, Andrea; Kerrigan, Eric C.
Sensitivity-based multistep MPC for embedded systems
in IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 48 (2015) issue 23. - pp. 360-365
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.11.306 ...
5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC 2015), Seville, Spain

Gaitsgory, Vladimir; Grüne, Lars; Thatcher, Neil
Stabilization with discounted optimal control
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 82 (2015) . - pp. 91-98
doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2015.05.010 ...

Boulesteix, Anne-Laure; Hable, Robert; Lauer, Sabine; Eugster, Manuel J. A.
A Statistical Framework for Hypothesis Testing in Real Data Comparison Studies
in American Statistician vol. 69 (2015) issue 3. - pp. 201-212
doi:10.1080/00031305.2015.1005128 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ulm, Volker
Systemic Innovations in Educational Systems via in-Service Teacher Education
in American International Journal of Social Science vol. 4 (2015) issue 6. - pp. 18-28

Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg; Schlüchtermann, Jörg; Wolf, Rainer-Johannes
The Top-Dog Index : a new measurement for the demand consistency of the size distribution ...
in Annals of Operations Research vol. 229 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 541-563
doi:10.1007/s10479-014-1746-8 ...

Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi; Stieler, Marleen
Using nonlinear model predictive control for dynamic decision problems in economics
in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control vol. 60 (2015) . - pp. 112-133
doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2015.08.010 ...

Bokanowski, Olivier; Falcone, Maurizio; Ferretti, Roberto; Grüne, Lars; Kalise, Dante; Zidani, Hasnaa
Value iteration convergence of ε-monotone schemes for stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equations ...
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol. 35 (2015) issue 9. - pp. 4041-4070
doi:10.3934/dcds.2015.35.4041 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Kuske, Christian; Venn, Raoul
Wideband nested cross approximation for Helmholtz problems
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 130 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 1-34
doi:10.1007/s00211-014-0656-7 ...

Grüne, Lars; Zidani, Hasnaa
Zubov's equation for state-constrained perturbed nonlinear systems
in Mathematical Control and Related Fields vol. 5 (2015) issue 1. - pp. 55-71
doi:10.3934/mcrf.2015.5.55 ...

Grüne, Lars; Picarelli, Athena
Zubov's method for controlled diffusions with state constraints
in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA vol. 22 (2015) issue 6. - pp. 1765-1799
doi:10.1007/s00030-015-0343-0 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Ito, Hiroshi
Construction of Lyapunov Functions for Interconnected Parabolic Systems : An iISS Approach
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 53 (2015) issue 6. - pp. 3364-3382
doi:10.1137/14097269X ...

Freitas, Nuno
Recipes to Fermat-type equations of the form xʳ+yʳ=Czᵖ
in Mathematische Zeitschrift vol. 279 (2015) . - pp. 605-639
doi:10.1007/s00209-014-1384-5 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian; Wulff, Kai
Stabilization of switched linear differential algebraic equations and periodic switching
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 60 (2015) issue 8. - pp. 2102-2113
doi:10.1109/TAC.2015.2406979 ...

Grüne, Lars; Stieler, Marleen
Asymptotic stability and transient optimality of economic MPC without terminal conditions
in Journal of Process Control vol. 24 (2014) issue 8. - pp. 1187-1196
doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2014.05.003 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
The axisymmetric antidynamo theorem revisited
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics vol. 74 (2014) issue 2. - pp. 571-597
doi:10.1137/130928376 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Bauer, Ingrid
Bloch's conjecture for Inoue surfaces with pg=0,K²=7
in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol. 142 (2014) issue 10. - pp. 3335-3342
doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-2014-12246-5 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Feulner, Thomas
Classification and nonexistence results for linear codes with prescribed minimum distances
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 70 (2014) issue 1-2. - pp. 127-138
doi:10.1007/s10623-012-9700-8 ...

Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
The classification of orthogonally rigid G₂-local systems and related differential operato ...
in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society vol. 366 (2014) issue 11. - pp. 5821-5851
doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-2014-06042-X ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baier, Robert; Dellnitz, Michael; Hessel-von Molo, Mirko; Kevrekidis, Yannis G.; Sertl, Stefan
The computation of convex invariant sets via Newton's method
in Journal of Computational Dynamics vol. 1 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 39-69
doi:10.3934/jcd.2014.1.39 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Heinz, Stefan; Rambau, Jörg; Tuchscherer, Andreas
Computational bounds for elevator control policies by large scale linear programming
in Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol. 79 (2014) . - pp. 87-117
doi:10.1007/s00186-013-0454-5 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Noll, Landon Curt; Rathbun, Randall; Simmons, Chuck
Constructing 7-clusters
in Serdica Journal of Computing vol. 8 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 47-70

Le Gia, Q. T.; Wendland, Holger
Data compression on the sphere using multiscale radial basis function approximation
in Advances in Computational Mathematics vol. 40 (2014) . - pp. 923-943
doi:10.1007/s10444-013-9334-z ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Catanese, Fabrizio; Dettweiler, Michael
The direct image of the relative dualizing sheaf needs not be semiample : L'image directe ...
in Comptes Rendus Mathematique vol. 352 (2014) issue 3. - pp. 241-244
doi:10.1016/j.crma.2013.12.015 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza; Roshchina, Vera
Directed Subdifferentiable Functions and the Directed Subdifferential Without Delta-Convex ...
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 160 (2014) issue 2. - pp. 391-414
doi:10.1007/s10957-013-0401-x ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Greiner, Alfred; Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi
Economic growth and the transition from non-renewable to renewable energy
in Environment and Development Economics vol. 19 (2014) issue 4. - pp. 417-439
doi:10.1017/S1355770X13000491 ...

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
Enumeration of weighted games with minimum and an analysis of voting power for bipartite c ...
in Annals of Operations Research vol. 222 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 317-339
doi:10.1007/s10479-013-1348-x ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
Erratum to: Burniat surfaces II: secondary Burniat surfaces form three connected component ...
in Inventiones Mathematicae vol. 197 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 237-240
doi:10.1007/s00222-014-0526-z ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Hable, Robert; Christmann, Andreas
Estimation of scale functions to model heteroscedasticity by regularised kernel-based quan ...
in Journal of Nonparametric Statistics vol. 26 (2014) issue 2. - pp. 219-239
doi:10.1080/10485252.2013.875547 ...

Farkhi, Elza; Donchev, Tzanko D.; Baier, Robert
Existence of Solutions for Nonconvex Differential Inclusions of Monotone Type
in Comptes Rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences vol. 67 (2014) issue 3. - pp. 323-330
http://www.proceedings.bas.bg/content/2014_3_cnten ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Damm, Tobias; Grüne, Lars; Stieler, Marleen; Worthmann, Karl
An exponential turnpike theorem for dissipative discrete time optimal control problems
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 52 (2014) issue 3. - pp. 1935-1957
doi:10.1137/120888934 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Siksek, Samir; Stoll, Michael
The generalised Fermat equation x²+y³=z¹⁵
in Archiv der Mathematik vol. 102 (2014) . - pp. 411-421
doi:10.1007/s00013-014-0639-z ...

Ehmann, Matthias; Miller, Carsten
Geometrie mit dem Finger : Sketchometry
in Mathematik lehren (2014) issue 185. - pp. 43-45

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
Heuristic and exact solutions to the inverse power index problem for small voting bodies
in Annals of Operations Research vol. 215 (2014) . - pp. 137-163
doi:10.1007/s10479-012-1293-0 ...

Carlet, Claude; Freibert, Finley; Guilley, Sylvain; Kiermaier, Michael; Kim, Jon-Lark; Solé, Patrick
Higher-order CIS codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 60 (2014) issue 9. - pp. 5283-5295
doi:10.1109/TIT.2014.2332468 ...

Kurz, Sascha
How long does it take to consensus in the Hegselmann-Krause model?
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 14 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 803-804
doi:10.1002/pamm.201410382 ...

Ulm, Volker
In der Umfrage steckt viel Arbeit : Den Umgang mit Bildschirm-Medien statistisch erforsche ...
in Mathematik lehren (2014) issue 184. - pp. 20-24

Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.
ISS-Lyapunov functions for discontinuous discrete-time systems
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 59 (2014) issue 11. - pp. 3098-3103
doi:10.1109/TAC.2014.2321667 ...

Braun, Michael; Kohnert, Axel; Östergård, Patric R. J.; Wassermann, Alfred
Large sets of t-designs over finite fields
in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A vol. 124 (2014) . - pp. 195-202
doi:10.1016/j.jcta.2014.01.008 ...

Hintermüller, Michael; Schiela, Anton; Wollner, Winnifried
The length of the primal-dual path in Moreau-Yosida-based path-following methods for state ...
in SIAM Journal on Optimization vol. 24 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 108-126
doi:10.1137/120866762 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Kurz, Sascha
Measuring Voting Power in Convex Policy Spaces
in Economies vol. 2 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 45-77
doi:10.3390/economies2010045 ...

Poonen, Bjorn; Stoll, Michael
Most odd degree hyperelliptic curves have only one rational point
in Annals of Mathematics vol. 180 (2014) issue 3. - pp. 1137-1166
doi:10.4007/annals.2014.180.3.7 ...

Napel, Stefan; Nohn, Andreas; Kurz, Sascha
The Nucleolus of Large Majority Games
in Economics Letters vol. 123 (2014) issue 2. - pp. 139-143
doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2014.01.041 ...

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
On alpha-roughly weighted games
in International Journal of Game Theory vol. 43 (2014) issue 3. - pp. 659-692
doi:10.1007/s00182-013-0402-x ...

Greenberg, Ralph; Rubin, Karl; Silverberg, Alice; Stoll, Michael
On elliptic curves with an isogeny of degree 7
in American Journal of Mathematics vol. 136 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 77-109
doi:10.1353/ajm.2014.0005 ...

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
On minimum integer representations of weighted games
in Mathematical Social Sciences vol. 67 (2014) . - pp. 9-22
doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2013.10.005 ...

Derenthal, Ulrich; Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
On the factor alpha in Peyre’s constant
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 83 (2014) issue 286. - pp. 965-977
doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-2013-02772-X ...

Schiela, Anton; Ulbrich, Stefan
Operator preconditioning for a class of inequality constrained optimal control problems
in SIAM Journal on Optimization vol. 24 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 435-466
doi:10.1137/120877532 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Lubkoll, Lars; Schiela, Anton; Weiser, Martin
An optimal control problem in polyconvex hyperelasticity
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 52 (2014) issue 3. - pp. 1403-1422
doi:10.1137/120876629 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Koltai, Peter; Junge, Oliver
Optimal value functions for weakly coupled systems : a posteriori estimates
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 94 (2014) issue 4. - pp. 345-355
doi:10.1002/zamm.201100138 ...

Koltai, Peter; Volf, Alexander
Optimizing the stable behavior of parameter-dependent dynamical systems : maximal domains ...
in Journal of Computational Dynamics vol. 1 (2014) issue 2. - pp. 339-356
doi:10.3934/jcd.2014.1.339 ...

Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Reflexive differential forms on singular spaces : Geometry and cohomology
in Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2014) issue 697. - pp. 57-89
doi:10.1515/crelle-2012-0097 ...

Worthmann, Karl; Reble, Marcus; Grüne, Lars; Allgöwer, Frank
The role of sampling for stability and performance in unconstrained nonlinear model predic ...
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 52 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 581-605
doi:10.1137/12086652X ...

Andréasson, Håkan; Kunze, Markus; Rein, Gerhard
Rotating, stationary, axially symmetric spacetimes with collisionless matter
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 329 (2014) issue 2. - pp. 787-808
doi:10.1007/s00220-014-1904-5 ...

Creutz, Brendan
Second p-descents on elliptic curves
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 83 (2014) issue 285. - pp. 365-409
doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-2013-02713-5 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Kuske, Christian
Separation of variables for function generated high-order tensors
in Journal of Scientific Computing vol. 61 (2014) issue 1. - pp. 145-165

Ehmann, Matthias; Miller, Carsten
in Mathematik : Unterricht, Aufgaben, Materialien. 5 - 10 (2014) issue 28. - pp. 46-47

Rambau, Jörg; Schwarz, Cornelius
Solving a vehicle routing problem with resource conflicts and makespan objective with an a ...
in Optimization Methods and Software vol. 29 (2014) issue 2. - pp. 353-375
doi:10.1080/10556788.2013.768993 ...

Boccia, Andrea; Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Stability and feasibility of state constrained MPC without stabilizing terminal constraint ...
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 72 (2014) . - pp. 14-21
doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2014.08.002 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Rambau, Jörg; Schade, Konrad
The stochastic guaranteed service model with recourse for multi-echelon warehouse manageme ...
in Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol. 79 (2014) . - pp. 293-326
doi:10.1007/s00186-014-0464-y ...

Bamberg, John; Betten, Anton; Praeger, Cheryl E.; Wassermann, Alfred
Unitals in the Desarguesian projective plane of order 16
in Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol. 144 (2014) . - pp. 110-122
doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2012.10.006 ...
International Conference on Design of Experiments, Memphis, TN, USA

Sander, Oliver; Schiela, Anton
Variational analysis of the coupling between a geometrically exact Cosserat rod and an ela ...
in Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol. 65 (2014) issue 6. - pp. 1261-1288
doi:10.1007/s00033-013-0389-y ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Damm, Tobias; Muhirwa, Luc N.
Zero crossings, overshoot and initial undershoot in the step and impulse responses of line ...
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 59 (2014) issue 7. - pp. 1925-1929
doi:10.1109/TAC.2013.2294616 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Mironchenko, Andrii; Kozłowski, Jan
Optimal allocation patterns and optimal seed mass of a perennial plant
in Journal of Theoretical Biology vol. 354 (2014) . - pp. 12-24
doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.03.023 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Bebendorf, Mario; Hardesty, Sean
Adaptive cross approximation of tensors arising in the discretization of boundary integral ...
in Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements vol. 37 (2013) issue 1. - pp. 60-67
doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2012.09.003 ...

Baier, Robert; Gerdts, Matthias; Xausa, Ilaria
Approximation of reachable sets using optimal control algorithms
in Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization vol. 3 (2013) issue 3. - pp. 519-548
doi:10.3934/naco.2013.3.519 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Alt, Walter; Baier, Robert; Lempio, Frank; Gerdts, Matthias
Approximations of linear control problems with bang-bang solutions
in Optimization vol. 62 (2013) issue 1. - pp. 9-32
doi:10.1080/02331934.2011.568619 ...
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
Burniat surfaces III: deformations of automorphisms and extended Burniat surfaces
in Documenta Mathematica vol. 18 (2013) . - pp. 1089-1136
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
Burniat-type surfaces and a new family of surfaces with pg=0,K²=3
in Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 vol. 62 (2013) issue 1. - pp. 37-60
doi:10.1007/s12215-013-0108-8 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Pesch, Hans Josef
Caratheodory's Royal Road of the Calculus of Variations
in Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization vol. 3 (2013) issue 1. - pp. 161-173
doi:10.3934/naco.2013.3.161 ...

Kiermaier, Michael
Codes from translation schemes on Galois rings of characteristic 4
in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics vol. 40 (2013) . - pp. 175-180
doi:10.1016/j.endm.2013.05.032 ...

Škulj, Damjan; Hable, Robert
Coefficients of ergodicity for Markov chains with uncertain parameters
in Metrika vol. 76 (2013) . - pp. 107-133
doi:10.1007/s00184-011-0378-0 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Altmüller, Nils; Grüne, Lars
A comparative stability analysis of Neumann and Dirichlet boundary MPC for the heat equati ...
in IFAC Proceedings Volumes vol. 46 (2013) issue 26. - pp. 161-166
doi:10.3182/20130925-3-FR-4043.00048 ...

Schiela, Anton
A concise proof for existence and uniqueness of solutions of linear parabolic PDEs in the ...
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 62 (2013) issue 10. - pp. 895-901
doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2013.06.013 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Schiela, Anton; Wachsmuth, Daniel
Convergence analysis of smoothing methods for optimal control of stationary variational in ...
in ESAIM : Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis vol. 47 (2013) issue 3. - pp. 771-787
doi:10.1051/m2an/2012049 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Grüne, Lars
Economic receding horizon control without terminal constraints
in Automatica vol. 49 (2013) issue 3. - pp. 725-734
doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2012.12.003 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Kühnemund, Andreas; Rjasanow, S.
An equi-directional generalization of adaptive cross approximation for higher-order tensor ...
in Applied Numerical Mathematics vol. 74 (2013) . - pp. 1-16
doi:10.1016/j.apnum.2013.08.001 ...

Froyland, Gary; Junge, Oliver; Koltai, Peter
Estimating long term behavior of flows without trajectory integration : the infinitesimal ...
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 51 (2013) issue 1. - pp. 223-247
doi:10.1137/110819986 ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael
The existence of maximal (q², 2)-arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of l ...
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 68 (2013) issue 1–3. - pp. 105-126
doi:10.1007/s10623-012-9653-y ...

Miller, Robert L.; Stoll, Michael
Explicit isogeny descent on elliptic curves
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 82 (2013) . - pp. 513-529
doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-2012-02619-6 ...

Stoll, Michael; van Luijk, Ronald
Explicit Selmer groups for cyclic covers of P¹
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 159 (2013) . - pp. 133-148
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Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
The golden number and Fibonacci sequences in the design of voting structures
in European Journal of Operational Research vol. 226 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 246-257

Bebendorf, Mario; Bollhöfer, Matthias; Bratsch, Michael
Hierarchical matrix approximation with blockwise constraints
in BIT Numerical Mathematics vol. 53 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 311-339
doi:10.1007/s10543-012-0413-1 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Krämer, Florian
Hierarchical Matrix Preconditioning for Low-Frequency–Full-Maxwell Simulations
in Proceedings of the IEEE vol. 101 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 423-433
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Wendland, Holger
A high-order approximation method for semilinear parabolic equations on spheres
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 82 (2013) . - pp. 227-245
doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-2012-02623-8 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Dettweiler, Michael; Sabbah, Claude
Hodge theory of the middle convolution
in Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences : Ky¯oto-daigaku-s¯uri-kaiseki-kenky¯usho-kiy¯o vol. 49 (2013) issue 4. - pp. 761-800
doi:10.4171/PRIMS/119 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Schiela, Anton
An interior point method in function space for the efficient solution of state constrained ...
in Mathematical Programming Series A vol. 138 (2013) issue 1-2. - pp. 83-114
doi:10.1007/s10107-012-0595-y ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Schauer, Joachim; Schwarz, Cornelius
Job-shop scheduling in a body shop
in Journal of Scheduling vol. 16 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 215-229
doi:10.1007/s10951-012-0300-2 ...

Damm, Tobias; Stahl, Dominik
Linear least squares problems with additional constraints and an application to scattered ...
in Linear Algebra and its Applications vol. 439 (2013) issue 4. - pp. 933-943
doi:10.1016/j.laa.2012.08.015 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Jarlebring, Elias; Damm, Tobias; Michiels, Wim
Model reduction of time-delay systems using position balancing and delay Lyapunov equation ...
in Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems vol. 25 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 147-166
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Townsend, Alex; Wendland, Holger
Multiscale analysis in Sobolev spaces on bounded domains with zero boundary values
in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 33 (2013) issue 3. - pp. 1095-1114
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kiermaier, Michael; Zwanzger, Johannes
New ring-linear codes from dualization in projective Hjelmslev geometries
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 66 (2013) issue 1–3. - pp. 39-55
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Kurz, Sascha; Tautenhahn, Nikolas
On Dedekind’s problem for complete simple games
in International Journal of Game Theory vol. 42 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 411-437
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Bogner, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
On symplectically rigid local systems of rank four and Calabi-Yau operators
in Journal of Symbolic Computation vol. 48 (2013) . - pp. 64-100
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
On the computation of the Picard group for certain singular quartic surfaces
in Mathematica Slovaca vol. 63 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 215-228
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Lazic, Vladimir; Peternell, Thomas
On the cone conjecture for Calabi-Yau manifolds with Picard number two
in Mathematical Research Letters vol. 20 (2013) issue 6. - pp. 1103-1113
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Kurz, Sascha; Mishkin, Valery
Open sets avoiding integral distances
in Discrete & Computational Geometry vol. 50 (2013) issue 1. - pp. 99-123
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Boucksom, Sébastien; Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Păun, Mihai; Peternell, Thomas
The pseudo-effective cone of a compact Kähler manifold and varieties of negative Kodaira d ...
in Journal of Algebraic Geometry vol. 22 (2013) issue 2. - pp. 201-248
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RBF Multiscale Collocation for Second Order Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 51 (2013) issue 4. - pp. 2403-2425
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Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza
Regularity of set-valued maps and their selections through set differences. Part 1: Lipsch ...
in Serdica Mathematical Journal vol. 39 (2013) issue 3-4. - pp. 365-390
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Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza
Regularity of set-valued maps and their selections through set differences. Part 2: One-si ...
in Serdica Mathematical Journal vol. 39 (2013) issue 3-4. - pp. 391-422
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Volgushev, Stanislav; Birke, Melanie; Dette, Holger; Neumeyer, Natalie
Significance testing in quantile regression
in Electronic Journal of Statistics vol. 7 (2013) . - pp. 105-145
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Ehmann, Matthias; Gerhäuser, Michael; Miller, Carsten; Wassermann, Alfred
Sketchometry and JSXGraph — Dynamic Geometry for mobile devices
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Spherically symmetric equilibria for self-gravitating kinetic or fluid models in the non-r ...
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Stability for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system : a coercivity estimate
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Stable flows over time
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Testing monotonicity of regression functions : an empirical process approach
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There is no self-dual ℤ₄-linear code whose Gray image has the parameters (72,2³⁶,16) ...
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Towards More Fairness: Forbid IOC Vote Trading
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Feulner, Thomas; Sok, Lin; Solé, Patrick; Wassermann, Alfred
Towards the classification of self-dual bent functions in eight variables
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Höring, Andreas; Peternell, Thomas; Radloff, Ivo
Uniformisation in dimension four : towards a conjecture of Iitaka
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Universal consistency of localized versions of regularized kernel methods
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Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional control systems
in Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems vol. 25 (2013) issue 1. - pp. 1-35
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Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Input-to-state stability of nonlinear impulsive systems
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 51 (2013) issue 3. - pp. 1962-1987
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Hable, Robert
Asymptotic normality of support vector machine variants and other regularized kernel metho ...
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Feulner, Thomas; Nebe, Gabriele
The automorphism group of an extremal [72,36,16] code does not contain Z₇, Z₃ x Z₃, or D₁₀ ...
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 58 (2012) issue 11. - pp. 6916-6924
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Kurz, Sascha; Lätsch, Martin
Bounds for the minimum oriented diameter
in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science vol. 14 (2012) issue 1. - pp. 109-140

Bauer, Ingrid; Pignatelli, R.
The classification of minimal product-quotient surfaces with pg=0
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Peternell, Thomas
Compact subvarieties with ample normal bundles, algebraicity, and cones of cycles
in Michigan Mathematical Journal vol. 61 (2012) issue 4. - pp. 875-889
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Christmann, Andreas; Hable, Robert
Consistency of support vector machines using additive kernels for additive models
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Constructing nested bases approximations from the entries of non-local operators
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Buczyński, Jarosław; Peternell, Thomas
Contact Moishezon threefolds with second Betti number one
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Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza; Roshchina, Vera
The directed and Rubinov subdifferentials of quasidifferentiable functions, Part I : Defin ...
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications vol. 75 (2012) issue 3. - pp. 1074-1088
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Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza; Roshchina, Vera
The directed and Rubinov subdifferentials of quasidifferentiable functions, Part II : Calc ...
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications vol. 75 (2012) issue 3. - pp. 1058-1073
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Düben, P. D.; Korn, P.; Aizinger, Vadym
A discontinuous/continuous low order finite element shallow water model on the sphere
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Altmüller, Nils; Grüne, Lars
Distributed and boundary model predictive control for the heat equation
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Grüne, Lars
Economic MPC and the role of exponential turnpike properties
in Oberwolfach Reports vol. 9 (2012) issue 1. - pp. 678-681
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Alt, Walter; Baier, Robert; Gerdts, Matthias; Lempio, Frank
Error bounds for Euler approximation of linear-quadratic control problems with bang-bang s ...
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Schräder, Daniela; Wendland, Holger
An extended error analysis for a meshfree discretization method of Darcy's problem
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Baier, Robert; Din, Q.; Donchev, T. D.
Higher order Runge–Kutta methods for impulsive differential systems
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Kießling, Miriam; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
The Integrated Size and Price Optimization problem
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan
Invariants for the computation of intransitive and transitive Galois groups
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
Kummer surfaces and the computation of the Picard group
in LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics vol. 15 (2012) . - pp. 84-100
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Baier, Robert; Grüne, Lars; Freyr Hafstein, Sigurđur
Linear programming based Lyapunov function computation for differential inclusions
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B vol. 17 (2012) issue 1. - pp. 33-56
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Busch, Vincenz; Müller, Jan Steffen
Local heights on elliptic curves and intersection multiplicities
in International Journal of Number Theory vol. 8 (2012) issue 6. - pp. 1477-1484
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Mathematical cancer therapy planning in deep regional hyperthermia
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Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael
The maximal size of 6- and 7-arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of order ...
in Science China Mathematics vol. 55 (2012) issue 1. - pp. 73-92
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Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
Minimum weights and weight enumerators of ℤ₄-linear quadratic residue codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 58 (2012) issue 7. - pp. 4870-4883
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Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger
Multiscale approximation for functions in arbitrary Sobolev spaces by scaled radial basis ...
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Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger
Multiscale RBF collocation for solving PDEs on spheres
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 121 (2012) issue 1. - pp. 99-125
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Grüne, Lars
NMPC without terminal constraints
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IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2012 (NMPC'12), NH Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands

Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
On cubic surfaces with a rational line
in Archiv der Mathematik vol. 98 (2012) . - pp. 229-234
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Kurz, Sascha
On minimum sum representations for weighted voting games
in Annals of Operations Research vol. 196 (2012) issue 1. - pp. 361-369
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
On the arithmetic of the discriminant for cubic surfaces
in Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society vol. 27 (2012) issue 3. - pp. 355-373

Kurz, Sascha
On the inverse power index problem
in Optimization vol. 61 (2012) issue 8. - pp. 989-1011
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
On the order three Brauer classes for cubic surfaces
in Central European Journal of Mathematics vol. 10 (2012) . - pp. 903-926
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
On the quasi-group of a cubic surface over a finite field
in Journal of Number Theory vol. 132 (2012) issue 7. - pp. 1554-1571
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Hänel, Maria; Kuhn, Stefan; Henrich, Dominik; Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen
Optimal camera placement to measure distances regarding static and dynamic obstacles
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Optimal Control for a Simplified 1D Fuel Cell Model
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Optimal control of coupled multiphysics problems : Guidelines for real-life applications d ...
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Kießling, Miriam; Kreisel, Tobias; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg; Schade, Konrad; Schwarz, Cornelius
Das Optimierungslabor : ein Erfahrungsbericht
in Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 58 (2012) issue 2. - pp. 18-29

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Byrne, Eimear; Kiermaier, Michael; Sneyd, Alison
Properties of codes with two homogeneous weights
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Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Grunewald, Fritz; Pignatelli, Roberto
Quotients of products of curves, new surfaces with pg=0 and their fundamental groups
in American Journal of Mathematics vol. 134 (2012) issue 4. - pp. 993-1049
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan
Rational points on diagonal quartic surfaces
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 81 (2012) issue 277. - pp. 481-492
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Kurz, Sascha
Squaring the square with integer linear programming
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Geigant, Edith; Stoll, Michael
Stability of peak solutions of a non-linear transport equation on the circle
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Testing for symmetries in multivariate inverse problems
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Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in the non-axisymmetric direction problem
in The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics vol. 65 (2012) issue 3. - pp. 357-360
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Peternell, Thomas
Varieties with generically nef tangent bundles
in Journal of the European Mathematical Society vol. 14 (2012) issue 2. - pp. 571-603
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Kaiser, Ralf
Well-posedness of the kinematic dynamo problem
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol. 35 (2012) issue 11. - pp. 1241-1255
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Giesl, Peter; Wendland, Holger
Numerical determination of the basin of attraction for asymptotically autonomous dynamical ...
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications vol. 75 (2012) issue 5. - pp. 2823-2840
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Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Kosmykov, Michael; Mironchenko, Andrii; Naujok, Lars
Stability of interconnected impulsive systems with and without time delays, using Lyapunov ...
in Nonlinear Analysis : Hybrid Systems vol. 6 (2012) issue 3. - pp. 899-915
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Kiermaier, Michael; Koch, Matthias; Kurz, Sascha
2-arcs of maximal size in the affine and the projective Hjelmslev plane over Z25
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 5 (2011) issue 2. - pp. 287-301
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Bebendorf, Mario
Adaptive Cross Approximation of Multivariate Functions
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Klapproth, Corinna; Schiela, Anton; Deuflhard, Peter
Adaptive timestep control for the contact-stabilized Newmark method
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rev.: Zentralblatt

Schiela, Anton; Wollner, Winnifried
Barrier Methods for Optimal Control Problems with Convex Nonlinear Gradient State Constrai ...
in SIAM Journal on Optimization vol. 21 (2011) issue 1. - pp. 269-286
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Feulner, Thomas
Canonization of linear codes over ℤ₄
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 5 (2011) issue 2. - pp. 245-266
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Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, Hannes
Corrigendum : Well-posedness of some initial-boundary-value problems for dynamo-generated ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics vol. 141 (2011) issue 4. - pp. 819-824
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
Cubic surfaces with a Galois invariant pair of Steiner trihedra
in International Journal of Number Theory vol. 7 (2011) issue 4. - pp. 947-970
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Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Kovács, Sándor J.; Peternell, Thomas
Differential forms on log canonical spaces
in Publications Mathématiques de L'IHÉS vol. 114 (2011) issue 1. - pp. 87-169
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Grüne, Lars; Serea, Oana Silvia
Differential Games and Zubov's Method
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 49 (2011) issue 6. - pp. 2349-2377
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Hinze, Michael; Schiela, Anton
Discretization of interior point methods for state constrained elliptic optimal control pr ...
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Kerber, Adalbert; Kohnert, Axel; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
Editorial (A special issue ALCOMA'10)
in Advances in Mathematics of Communications vol. 5 (2011) issue 2
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ALCOMA'10 Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications, Designs and Codes, Thurnau, Deutschland
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Estimating conditional quantiles with the help of the pinball loss
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EU-Projekt Fibonacci
in Mathematik : Unterricht, Aufgaben, Materialien. 5 - 10 vol. 17 (2011) . - pp. 5-10

Andréasson, Håkan; Kunze, Markus; Rein, Gerhard
Existence of axially symmetric static solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system
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Kurz, Sascha
Fast regocnition of planar non unit distance graphs
in Geombinatorics Quarterly vol. 21 (2011) issue 1. - pp. 25-33

Karafyllis, Iasson; Grüne, Lars
Feedback stabilization methods for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equatio ...
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Aoyama, Hideaki; Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi; Fujiwara, Yoshi; Souma, Wataru
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Andréasson, Håkan; Kunze, Markus; Rein, Gerhard
The formation of black holes in spherically symmetric gravitational collapse
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Forschungslabor: Mathematikunterricht
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Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas
Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifo ...
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Schiela, Anton; Günther, Andreas
An interior point algorithm with inexact step computation in function space for state cons ...
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Catanese, Fabrizio; Lönne, Michael; Perroni, Fabio
Irreducibility of the space of dihedral covers of the projective line of a given numerical ...
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Gerhäuser, Michael; Valentin, Bianca; Wassermann, Alfred; Wilfahrt, Peter
JSXGraph — Dynamic Mathematics running on (nearly) every device
in Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology vol. 5 (2011) issue 1. - pp. 26

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A ℤ₄-linear code of high minimum Lee distance derived from a hyperoval
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Kurz, Sascha
A lower bound for 4-regular planar unit distance graphs
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Benner, Peter; Damm, Tobias
Lyapunov Equations, Energy Functionals, and Model Order Reduction of Bilinear and Stochast ...
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Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
The moduli space of Keum-Naie surfaces
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Catanese, Fabrizio; Lönne, Michael; Wajnryb, Bronislaw
Moduli spaces and braid monodromy types of bidouble covers of the quadric
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Höring, Andreas; Peternell, Thomas
Non-algebraic compact Kähler threefolds admitting endomorphisms
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Wendland, Holger; Giesl, Peter
Numerical determination of the basin of attraction for exponentially asymptotically autono ...
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On Qualitative Robustness of Support Vector Machines
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
On the computation of the Picard group for K3 surfaces
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Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
On the Hegselmann-Krause conjecture in opinion dynamics
in Journal of Difference Equations and Applications vol. 17 (2011) issue 6. - pp. 859-876

Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
On the minimum diameter of plane integral point sets
in Ars Combinatoria vol. 101 (2011) . - pp. 265-287

Faber, Xander; Hutz, Benjamin; Stoll, Michael
On the number of rational iterated preimages of the origin under quadratic dynamical syste ...
in International Journal of Number Theory vol. 7 (2011) issue 7. - pp. 1781-1806
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On the purely algebraic data-sparse approximation of the inverse and the triangular factor ...
in Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol. 18 (2011) issue 1. - pp. 105-122
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
The Picard group of a K3 surface and its reduction modulo p
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Rational points on curves
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan
Rational points on some Fano quadratic bundles
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Pannek, Jürgen; Worthmann, Karl
Reducing the Prediction Horizon in NMPC : An Algorithm Based Approach
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18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy

Stoll, Michael
Reduction theory of point clusters in projective space
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Kurz, Sascha; Pinchasi, Rom
Regular matchstick graphs
in The American Mathematical Monthly vol. 118 (2011) issue 3. - pp. 264-268

Findeisen, Rolf; Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen; Varutti, Paolo
Robustness of Prediction Based Delay Compensation for Nonlinear Systems
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18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy

Baier, Robert; Perria, Gilbert
Set-valued Hermite interpolation
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Koltai, Peter
A stochastic approach for computing the domain of attraction without trajectory simulation
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8th AIMS International Conference, Dresden

Birke, Melanie; Dette, Holger; Stahljans, Kristin
Testing symmetry of a nonparametric bivariate regression function
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Threefolds with big and nef anticanonical bundles II
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Uniqueness criteria for the adjoint equation in state-constrained elliptic optimal control
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Schräder, Daniela; Wendland, Holger
A high-order, analytically divergence-free discretization method for Darcy's problem
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 80 (2011) . - pp. 263-277
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Local ISS of reaction-diffusion systems
in IFAC Proceedings Volumes vol. 44 (2011) issue 1. - pp. 11018-11023
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Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Görges, Michael; Kosmykov, Michael; Mironchenko, Andrii; Naujok, Lars
Modeling and stability analysis of autonomously controlled production networks
in Logistics Research vol. 3 (2011) issue 2/3. - pp. 145-157
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Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen
Analysis of unconstrained NMPC schemes with incomplete optimization
in IFAC Proceedings Volumes vol. 43 (2010) issue 14. - pp. 238-243
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8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS 2010, Bologna, Italy

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen; Seehafer, Martin; Worthmann, Karl
Analysis of Unconstrained Nonlinear MPC Schemes with Time Varying Control Horizon
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 48 (2010) issue 8. - pp. 4938-4962
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Andréasson, Håkan; Rein, Gerhard
The asymptotic behaviour in Schwarzschild time of Vlasov matter in spherically symmetric g ...
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Braid Monodromy of some Brieskorn-Pham Singularities
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Burniat surfaces II: Secondary Burniat surfaces form three connected components of the mod ...
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Brunner, D.; Junge, M.; Rapp, P.; Bebendorf, Mario; Gaul, L.
Comparison of the fast multipole method with hierarchical matrices for the Helmholtz-BEM
in Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences vol. 58 (2010) issue 2. - pp. 131-160
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Baier, Robert; Grüne, Lars; Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr
Computing Lyapunov functions for strongly asymptotically stable differential inclusions
in IFAC Proceedings Volumes vol. 43 (2010) issue 14. - pp. 1098-1103
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8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS 2010, Bologna, Italy

Birke, Melanie; Bissantz, Nicolai; Holzmann, Hajo
Confidence bands for inverse regression models
in Inverse Problems vol. 26 (2010) issue 11
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Consistency results on Newmark methods for dynamical contact problems
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
Cubic surfaces with a Galois invariant double-six
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Baier, Robert; Donchev, Tzanko
Discrete Approximation of Impulsive Differential Inclusions
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Müller, Jan Steffen
Explicit Kummer surface formulas for arbitrary characteristic
in LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics vol. 13 (2010) . - pp. 47-64
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Andréasson, Håkan; Rein, Gerhard
Formation of trapped surfaces for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system
in Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations vol. 7 (2010) issue 4. - pp. 707-731
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Baptist, Peter
Forschergeist statt Formeln pauken
in Kon-te-xis vol. 2010 (2010) issue 34. - pp. 6-7

Ulm, Volker
Funktionen dynamisch : DGS zum Arbeiten mit Funktionen
in PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule vol. 52 (2010) issue 34. - pp. 32

Kaiser, Ralf
The geomagnetic direction problem : the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional axisymme ...
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol. 42 (2010) issue 2. - pp. 701-728
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Lönne, Michael
Geometric and algebraic significance of some Hurwitz stabilisers in Brₙ
in International Electronic Journal of Algebra vol. 8 (2010) . - pp. 1-17
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Andréasson, Håkan; Kunze, Markus; Rein, Gerhard
Gravitational collapse and the formation of black holes for the spherically symmetric Eins ...
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Ulm, Volker
Das ist neu, das erforsche ich! Einstiege differenzierend gestalten
in Mathematik lehren (2010) issue 162. - pp. 10-13

Gerhäuser, Michael; Valentin, Bianca; Wassermann, Alfred
JSXGraph — Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript
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Antonov, Andrey Radoslavov; Kurz, Sascha
Maximal integral point sets over Z2
in International Journal of Computer Mathematics vol. 87 (2010) issue 12. - pp. 2653-2676

Cremona, John E.; Fisher, Tom A.; Stoll, Michael
Minimisation and reduction of 2-, 3- and 4-coverings of elliptic curves
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Minimum distance estimation in imprecise probability models
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Hable, Robert
A Minimum Distance Estimator in an Imprecise Probability Model : Computational Aspects and ...
in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 51 (2010) issue 9. - pp. 1114-1128
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6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ; ISIPTA, Durham, United Kingdom

Bruin, Nils; Stoll, Michael
The Mordell-Weil sieve : proving non-existence of rational points on curves
in LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics vol. 13 (2010) . - pp. 272-306
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Grüne, Lars; von Lossow, Marcus; Pannek, Jürgen; Worthmann, Karl
MPC : implications of a growth condition on exponentially controllable systems
in IFAC Proceedings Volumes vol. 43 (2010) issue 14. - pp. 385-390
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8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS 2010, Bologna, Italy

Wendland, Holger; Le Gia, Quoc T.; Sloan, Ian H.
Multiscale analysis in Sobolev spaces on the sphere
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 48 (2010) issue 6. - pp. 2065-2090
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Multiscale analysis of Sobolev spaces on bounded domains
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 116 (2010) . - pp. 493-517
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Araya, Makoto; Harada, Masaaki; Tonchev, Vladimir D.; Wassermann, Alfred
Mutually disjoint designs and new 5-designs derived from groups and codes
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Harada, Masaaki; Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred; Yorgova, Radinka
New binary singly even self-dual codes
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On rigid covers associated to the three-cuspidal quartic
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Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
On the Brauer-Manin obstruction for cubic surfaces
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On the impact of robust statistics on imprecise probability models : a review
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Gaul, Constantin; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
On the lot-type design problem
in Optimization Methods and Software vol. 25 (2010) issue 2. - pp. 217-227

Catanese, Fabrizio; Oguiso, Keiji; Peternell, Thomas
On volume-preserving complex structures on real tori
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Hable, Robert; Ruckdeschel, Peter; Rieder, Helmut
Optimal robust influence functions in semiparametric regression
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Lönne, Michael
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Grüne, Lars; Müller, Florian; Jerg, Stefan; Junge, Oliver; Post, Marcus; Lehmann, Daniel; Lunze, Jan
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in Automatisierungstechnik vol. 58 (2010) issue 4. - pp. 173-182
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Worst case vs. average performance estimates for unconstrained NMPC schemes
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81st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Karlsruhe

Fisher, Tom A.; Schaefer, Edward F.; Stoll, Michael
The yoga of the Cassels-Tate pairing
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On globally nilpotent differential equations
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Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Kreowski, Hans-Jörg; Kuske, Sabine; Mironchenko, Andrii; Naujok, Lars; von Totth, Caroline
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Kurz, Sascha; Mazzuoccolo, Giuseppe
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CAPS in Z (2, n)
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Divergence-free kernel methods for approximating the Stokes problem
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Henri Cartan, ein französischer Freund
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Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger
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Integral point sets over finite fields
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Kunst macht neugierig : Der Künstler Eugen Jost und sein Zugang zur Mathematik
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A numerical investigation of the steady states of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlaso ...
in Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 26 (2009) issue 14
doi:10.1088/0264-9381/26/14/145003 ...

Christmann, Andreas; van Messem, Arnout; Steinwart, Ingo
On consistency and robustness properties of support vector machines for heavy-tailed distr ...
in Statistics and Its Interface vol. 2 (2009) issue 3. - pp. 311-327
doi:10.4310/SII.2009.v2.n3.a5 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
On purely toroidal dynamo magnetic fields caused by conductivity variations
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics vol. 103 (2009) issue 6. - pp. 503-513
doi:10.1080/03091920903366311 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Stoll, Michael; Walsh, P. G.; Yuan, Pingzhi
On the Diophantine equation X² - (2²ᵐ + 1) Y⁴ = -2²ᵐ
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 139 (2009) issue 1. - pp. 57-63
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Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Sternberg, Kati
Optimal Control of Load Changes for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Systems : A Challenge in PD ...
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics vol. 70 (2009) issue 2. - pp. 621-639
doi:10.1137/080722102 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung eines dynamischen Schmelzcarbonat-Brennstoffzellen-Modells
in Automatisierungstechnik vol. 57 (2009) issue 6. - pp. 306-314
doi:10.1524/auto.2009.0773 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Ostrowski, Joerg Marc
Parallel hierarchical matrix preconditioners for the curl-curl operator
in Journal of Computational Mathematics vol. 27 (2009) issue 5. - pp. 624-641
doi:10.4208/jcm.2009.27.5.014 ...

Klapproth, Corinna; Deuflhard, Peter; Schiela, Anton
A perturbation result for dynamical contact problems
in Numerical Mathematics : Theory, Methods and Applications vol. 2 (2009) issue 3. - pp. 237-257
doi:10.4208/nmtma.2009.m9003 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen
Practical NMPC suboptimality estimates along trajectories
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 58 (2009) issue 3. - pp. 161-168
doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2008.10.012 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Kunis, Stefan
Recompression Techniques for Adaptive Cross Approximation
in Journal of Integral Equations and Applications vol. 21 (2009) issue 3. - pp. 331-357
doi:10.1216/JIE-2009-21-3-331 ...

von Wahl, Wolf
Remarks on lines of reversibility for Poincaré's centre problem
in Analysis vol. 29 (2009) issue 3. - pp. 259-264
doi:10.1524/anly.2009.1037 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
Set Oriented Construction of Globally Optimal Controllers : Mengenorientierte Konstruktion ...
in Automatisierungstechnik vol. 57 (2009) issue 6. - pp. 287-295
doi:10.1524/auto.2009.0777 ...

Birke, Melanie
Shape constrained kernel density estimation
in Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol. 139 (2009) issue 8. - pp. 2851-2862
doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2009.01.007 ...

Wendland, Holger; Krebs, Jochen; Louis, Alfred K.
Sobolev error estimates and a priori parameter selection for semi-discrete Tikhonov regula ...
in Journal of Inverse and ILL-Posed Problems vol. 17 (2009) issue 9. - pp. 845-869
doi:10.1515/JIIP.2009.050 ...

Schiela, Anton
State constrained optimal control problems with states of low regularity
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 48 (2009) issue 4. - pp. 2407-2432
doi:10.1137/080727610 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Ulm, Volker
Stochastik : Teil mathematischer Bildung
in Grundschulmagazin vol. 77 (2009) issue 2. - pp. 8-11

Bauer, Ingrid; Pignatelli, Roberto
Surfaces with K²=8, pg=4 and canonical involution
in Osaka Journal of Mathematics vol. 46 (2009) issue 3. - pp. 799-820
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
A toroidal magnetic field theorem
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 290 (2009) issue 2. - pp. 633-649
doi:10.1007/s00220-009-0866-5 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Bruin, Nils; Stoll, Michael
Two-cover descent on hyperelliptic curves
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 78 (2009) issue 268. - pp. 2347-2370
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Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, Hannes
Well-posedness of some initial-boundary-value problems for dynamo-generated poloidal magne ...
in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics vol. 139 (2009) issue 6. - pp. 1209-1235
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Amram, Meirav; Dettweiler, Michael; Friedman, Michael; Teicher, Mina
The fundamental group for the complement of Cayley's singularities
in Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie = Contributions to Algebra and Geometry vol. 50 (2009) issue 2. - pp. 469-482
https://www.emis.de/journals/BAG/vol.50/no.2/b50h2 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Baptist, Peter
Alles ist Zahl : Kunst, die neugierig macht - auf Mathematik
in Aviso (2008) issue 4. - pp. 46-51

Jahnke, Priska; Peternell, Thomas
Almost del Pezzo manifolds
in Advances in Geometry vol. 8 (2008) issue 3. - pp. 387-411
doi:10.1515/ADVGEOM.2008.026 ...

Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi
Asset pricing with loss aversion
in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control vol. 32 (2008) issue 10. - pp. 3253-3274
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Yorgova, Radinka; Wassermann, Alfred
Binary self-dual codes with automorphisms of order 23
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 48 (2008) issue 2. - pp. 155-164
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Christmann, Andreas; van Messem, Arnout
Bouligand Derivatives and Robustness of Support Vector Machines for Regression
in Journal of Machine Learning Research vol. 9 (2008) issue 6. - pp. 915-936
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Birke, Melanie
Central limit theorems for the integrated squared error of derivative estimators
in Statistics & Probability Letters vol. 78 (2008) issue 13. - pp. 1903-1913
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Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Grunewald, Fritz
The classification of surfaces with pg=q=0 isogenous to a product of curves
in Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly vol. 4 (2008) issue 2. - pp. 547-586
doi:10.4310/PAMQ.2008.v4.n2.a10 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Hwang, Jun-Muk; Peternell, Thomas
Compact Manifolds Covered by a Torus
in Journal of Geometric Analysis vol. 18 (2008) issue 2. - pp. 324-340
doi:10.1007/s12220-008-9017-z ...

Christmann, Andreas; Steinwart, Ingo
Consistency of kernel based quantile regression
in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry vol. 24 (2008) issue 2. - pp. 171-183
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Kohnert, Axel
Construction of linear codes having prescribed primal-dual minimum distance with applicati ...
in Albanian Journal of Mathematics vol. 2 (2008) issue 3. - pp. 221-227
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Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl; Nešić, Dragan
Continuous-time controller redesign for digital implementation : A trajectory based approa ...
in Automatica vol. 44 (2008) issue 1. - pp. 225-232
doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2007.05.003 ...

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Control Lyapunov Functions and Zubov's Method
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 47 (2008) issue 1. - pp. 301-326
doi:10.1137/06065129X ...

Weiser, Martin; Gänzler, Tobias; Schiela, Anton
A control reduced primal interior point method for a class of control constrained optimal ...
in Computational Optimization and Applications vol. 41 (2008) issue 1. - pp. 127-145
doi:10.1007/s10589-007-9088-y ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Kurz, Sascha
Convex hulls of polyominoes
in Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie = Contributions to Algebra and Geometry vol. 49 (2008) issue 1. - pp. 125-136
http://www.emis.de/journals/BAG/vol.49/no.1/b49h1k ...

Kurz, Sascha
Counting polyominoes with minimum perimeter
in Ars Combinatoria vol. 88 (2008) . - pp. 161-174
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Bruin, Nils; Stoll, Michael
Deciding existence of rational points on curves : an experiment
in Experimental Mathematics vol. 17 (2008) issue 2. - pp. 181-189

Maurer, Helmut; Pesch, Hans Josef
Direct optimization methods for solving a complex state-constrained optimal control proble ...
in Applied Mathematics and Computation vol. 204 (2008) issue 2. - pp. 568-579
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Steinmetz, T.; Gödel, N.; Wimmer, G.; Clemens, Markus; Kurz, S.; Bebendorf, Mario
Efficient symmetric FEM-BEM coupled simulations of electro-quasistatic fields
in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics vol. 44 (2008) issue 6. - pp. 1346-1349
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Cremona, John E.; Fisher, Tom A.; O'Neil, C.; Simon, D.; Stoll, Michael
Explicit n-descent on elliptic curves, I. Algebra
in Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2008) issue 615. - pp. 121-155
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Peternell, Thomas
Finite morphisms of projective and Kähler manifolds
in Science in China Series A : Mathematics vol. 51 (2008) . - pp. 685-694
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Aprodu, Marian; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Galois coverings and endomorphisms of projective varieties
in Mathematische Zeitschrift vol. 260 (2008) . - pp. 431-449
doi:10.1007/s00209-007-0282-5 ...

Andréasson, Håkan; Kunze, Markus; Rein, Gerhard
Global existence for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system with outgoing matter
in Communications in Partial Differential Equations vol. 33 (2008) issue 4. - pp. 656-668
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Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
Global Optimal Control of Perturbed Systems
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 136 (2008) issue 3. - pp. 411-429
doi:10.1007/s10957-007-9312-z ...

Zwanzger, Johannes
A heuristic algorithm for the construction of good linear codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 54 (2008) issue 5. - pp. 2388-2392
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Grüne, Lars
Input-to-state stability, numerical dynamics and sampled-data control
in GAMM-Mitteilungen vol. 31 (2008) issue 1. - pp. 94-114
doi:10.1002/gamm.200890005 ...

Bugeaud, Yann; Mignotte, Maurice; Siksek, Samir; Stoll, Michael; Tengely, Szabolcs
Integral points on hyperelliptic curves
in Algebra & Number Theory vol. 2 (2008) issue 8. - pp. 859-885
doi:10.2140/ant.2008.2.859 ...

Ulm, Volker
Mathematik als Feld für freies und kreatives Denken
in Themendienst (2008) issue 1

Dyn, Nira; Iske, Armin; Wendland, Holger
Meshfree thinning of 3D point clouds
in Foundations of Computational Mathematics vol. 8 (2008) issue 4. - pp. 409-425
doi:10.1007/s10208-007-9008-7 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Birke, Melanie; Dette, Holger
A note on estimating a smooth monotone regression by combining kernel and density estimate ...
in Journal of Nonparametric Statistics vol. 20 (2008) issue 8. - pp. 679-691
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Gerdts, Matthias; Greif, Günter; Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Optimal Control of the Wave Equation: Optimal Boundary Control of a String to Re ...
in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation vol. 79 (2008) issue 4. - pp. 1020-1032
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Kurz, Sascha
On the generation of Heronian triangles
in Serdica Journal of Computing vol. 2 (2008) issue 2. - pp. 181-196
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Grüne, Lars; Rantzer, Anders
On the Infinite Horizon Performance of Receding Horizon Controllers
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 53 (2008) issue 9. - pp. 2100-2111
doi:10.1109/TAC.2008.927799 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
On the inverse dynamo problem in a simplified mean-field model
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics vol. 102 (2008) issue 5. - pp. 477-487
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Krumke, Sven O.; de Paepe, Willem E.; Rambau, Jörg; Stougie, Leen
Online Bin-Coloring
in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 407 (2008) . - pp. 231-241
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Sternberg, Kati; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Fast Load Changes of a Dynamic MCFC Model
in Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology vol. 5 (2008) issue 2
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Stoll, Michael
Rational 6-cycles under iteration of quadratic polynomials
in LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics vol. 11 (2008) . - pp. 367-380
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Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen; Worthmann, Karl; Nešić, Dragan
Redesign Techniques for Nonlinear Sampled-data Systems : (Entwurfstechniken für nichtlinea ...
in Automatisierungstechnik vol. 56 (2008) issue 1. - pp. 38-48
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Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
A Refinement of Stein Factorization and Deformations of Surjective Morphisms
in Asian Journal of Mathematics vol. 12 (2008) issue 3. - pp. 365-390
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Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
Simple 8-(31,12,3080), 8-(40,12,16 200) and 8-(40,12,16 520) designs from PSL(3, 5) and PS ...
in Discrete Mathematics vol. 308 (2008) issue 2-3. - pp. 166-174
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Schiela, Anton
A simplified approach to semismooth Newton methods in function space
in SIAM Journal on Optimization vol. 19 (2008) issue 3. - pp. 1417-1432
doi:10.1137/060674375 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Campana, Frédéric; Chen, Jungkai A.; Peternell, Thomas
Strictly nef divisors
in Mathematische Annalen vol. 342 (2008) . - pp. 565-585
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Schiela, Anton; Weiser, Martin
Superlinear convergence of the control reduced interior point method for PDE constrained o ...
in Computational Optimization and Applications vol. 39 (2008) issue 3. - pp. 369-393
doi:10.1007/s10589-007-9057-5 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Bocka, Doris; Ehmann, Matthias; Miller, Carsten
Teaching and learning mathematics with dynamic worksheets
in International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning vol. 18 (2008) issue 5/6. - pp. 510-519
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Kreisel, Tobias; Kurz, Sascha
There Are Integral Heptagons, no Three Points on a Line, no Four on a Circle
in Discrete & Computational Geometry vol. 39 (2008) issue 4. - pp. 786-790
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Lönne, Michael
Versal braid monodromy
in Comptes Rendus Mathematique vol. 346 (2008) issue 15-16. - pp. 873-876
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Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
A volume maximizing canonical surface in 3-space
in Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici vol. 83 (2008) issue 2. - pp. 387-406
doi:10.4171/CMH/129 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baier, Robert; Lempio, Frank
Von Eudoxos bis zur Klimafolgenforschung : Exhaustion, Finite Elemente und mengenwertige N ...
in Spektrum (2008) issue 1. - pp. 6-12

Rütten, Markus; Alrutz, Thomas; Wendland, Holger
A Vortex axis and vortex core border grid adaptation algorithm
in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids vol. 58 (2008) issue 12. - pp. 1379-1405
doi:10.1002/fld.1792 ...

Ulm, Volker
Warum Mathematik?
in Top Schwaben (2008) issue 3

Reichmann, Karl
Abstand gewinnen - in Vielecken : dynamische Entdeckungen im Umfeld des Satzes von Viviani
in PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule vol. 49 (2007) issue 18. - pp. 42-44

Baier, Robert; Büskens, Christof; Chahma, Ilyes Aïssa; Gerdts, Matthias
Approximation of reachable sets by direct solution methods for optimal control problems
in Optimization Methods and Software vol. 22 (2007) issue 3. - pp. 433-452
doi:10.1080/10556780600604999 ...
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi
Asset pricing with dynamic programming
in Computational Economics vol. 29 (2007) . - pp. 233-265
doi:10.1007/s10614-006-9063-1 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Laue, Reinhard
Bounds for the minimum diameter of integral point sets
in The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics vol. 39 (2007) . - pp. 233-240

Becker, Stephanie; Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi
Comparing accuracy of second-order approximation and dynamic programming
in Computational Economics vol. 30 (2007) . - pp. 65-91
doi:10.1007/s10614-007-9087-1 ...

Grüne, Lars
Computing minimal optimization horizons for stabilizing unconstrained MPC schemes
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 7 (2007) issue 1
doi:10.1002/pamm.200700203 ...
6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 07) and GAMM Annual Meeting, Zürich, Schweiz

Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
Computing the minimum Lee weight of the ℤ₄-linear Quadratic Residue Codes of length 72 and ...
in Oberwolfach Reports vol. 4 (2007) issue 4. - pp. 3216-3217
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Christmann, Andreas; Steinwart, Ingo
Consistency and robustness of kernel-based regression in convex risk minimization
in Bernoulli vol. 13 (2007) issue 3. - pp. 799-819
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Kohnert, Axel
Constructing two-weight codes with prescribed groups of automorphisms
in Discrete Applied Mathematics vol. 155 (2007) issue 11. - pp. 1451-1457
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Narcowich, Francis J.; Sun, Xingping; Ward, Joseph D.; Wendland, Holger
Direct and inverse Sobolev error estimates for scattered data interpolation via spherical ...
in Foundations of Computational Mathematics vol. 7 (2007) issue 3. - pp. 369-390
doi:10.1007/s10208-005-0197-7 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baptist, Peter; Miller, Carsten
Drei-Vier-Fünf-Viele : Erkundungen zu Transversalen in Vielecken
in PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule vol. 49 (2007) issue 18. - pp. 25-28

Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
An efficient algorithm for perturbed shortest path problems
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 7 (2007) issue 1. - pp. 1025003-1025004
doi:10.1002/pamm.200700714 ...
6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 07) and GAMM Annual Meeting, Zürich, Schweiz

Bebendorf, Mario; Chen, Y.
Efficient solution of nonlinear elliptic problems using hierarchical matrices with Broyden ...
in Computing vol. 81 (2007) issue 4. - pp. 239-257
doi:10.1007/s00607-007-0252-0 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Enumeration of integral tetrahedra
in Journal of Integer Sequences vol. 10 (2007) issue 9
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Birke, Melanie; Dette, Holger
Estimating a convex function in nonparametric regression
in Scandinavian Journal of Statistics vol. 34 (2007) issue 2. - pp. 384-404
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Smajić, Jasmin; Andjelić, Zoran; Bebendorf, Mario
Fast BEM for Eddy-Current Problems Using H-Matrices and Adaptive Cross Approximation
in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics vol. 43 (2007) issue 4. - pp. 1269-1272
doi:10.1109/TMAG.2006.890971 ...

Stoll, Michael
Finite descent obstructions and rational points on curves
in Algebra & Number Theory vol. 1 (2007) issue 4. - pp. 349-391
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Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi; Bernard, Lucas
Firm value, diversified capital assets, and credit risk: towards a theory of default corre ...
in The Journal of Credit Risk vol. 3 (2007) issue 4. - pp. 81-109
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Lönne, Michael
Fundamental group of discriminant complements of Brieskorn-Pham polynomials
in Comptes Rendus Mathematique vol. 345 (2007) issue 2. - pp. 93-96
doi:10.1016/j.crma.2007.05.022 ...

Hadžić, Mahir; Rein, Gerhard
Global existence and nonlinear stability for the relativistic Vlasov-Poisson system in the ...
in Indiana University Mathematics Journal vol. 56 (2007) issue 5. - pp. 2453-2488
doi:10.1512/iumj.2007.56.3064 ...

Hwang, Jun-Muk; Peternell, Thomas
Holomorphic maps onto Kähler manifolds with non-negative Kodaira dimension
in Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society vol. 44 (2007) issue 5. - pp. 1079-1092

Aizinger, Vadym; Dawson, Clint
The local discontinuous Galerkin method for three-dimensional shallow water flow
in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering vol. 196 (2007) issue 4-6. - pp. 734-746
doi:10.1016/j.cma.2006.04.010 ...

Grüne, Lars; Kloeden, Peter E.; Siegmund, Stefan; Wirth, Fabian
Lyapunov's second method for nonautonomous differential equations
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol. 18 (2007) issue 2-3. - pp. 375-403
doi:10.3934/dcds.2007.18.375 ...

Giesl, Peter; Wendland, Holger
Meshless collocation : error estimates with application to dynamical systems
in SIAM Journal Numerical Analysis vol. 45 (2007) issue 4. - pp. 1723-1741
doi:10.1137/060658813 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Lossow, Marcus von
A min-max version of Dijkstra's algorithm with application to perturbed optimal control pr ...
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 7 (2007) issue 1. - pp. 4130027-4130028
doi:10.1002/pamm.200700646 ...
6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 07) and GAMM Annual Meeting, Zürich, Schweiz

Laue, Reinhard; Omidi, G. R.; Tayfeh-Rezaie, B.; Wassermann, Alfred
New Large Sets of t-Designs with Prescribed Groups of Automorphisms
in Journal of Combinatorial Designs vol. 15 (2007) issue 3. - pp. 210-220
doi:10.1002/jcd.20128 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
The non-radial velocity theorem revisited
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics vol. 101 (2007) issue 3-4. - pp. 185-197
doi:10.1080/03091920701485453 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Guo, Yan; Rein, Gerhard
A non-variational approach to nonlinear stability in stellar dynamics applied to the King ...
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 271 (2007) issue 2. - pp. 489-509
doi:10.1007/s00220-007-0212-8 ...

Kohnert, Axel; Kurz, Sascha
A note on Erdős-Diophantine graphs and Diophantine carpets
in Mathematica Balkanica. New Series vol. 21 (2007) issue 1–2. - pp. 1-5
http://www.wm-archive.uni-bayreuth.de/fileadmin/Sa ...

Wendland, Holger
On the stability of meshless symmetric collocation for boundary value problems
in BIT Numerical Mathematics vol. 47 (2007) issue 2. - pp. 455-468
doi:10.1007/s10543-007-0121-4 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Andréasson, Håkan; Rein, Gerhard
On the steady states of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system
in Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 24 (2007) issue 7. - pp. 1809-1832
doi:10.1088/0264-9381/24/7/008 ...

Rund, Armin; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt
Optimal control of a large PDAE molten carbonate fuel cell model
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 7 (2007) issue 1. - pp. 1151703-1151704
doi:10.1002/pamm.200700312 ...

Ulm, Volker
Quadrate - einfach und reichhaltig : geometrische Muster als Spielwiese für mathematisches ...
in PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule vol. 49 (2007) issue 18. - pp. 16

Brandes, Kerstin; Griesse, Roland
Quantitative stability analysis of optimal solutions in PDE-constrained optimization
in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics vol. 206 (2007) issue 2. - pp. 908-926
doi:10.1016/j.cam.2006.08.038 ...

Ahrem, Regine; Beckert, Armin; Wendland, Holger
Recovering rotations in aeroelasticity
in Journal of Fluids and Structures vol. 23 (2007) issue 6. - pp. 874-884
doi:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2007.02.003 ...

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza
Regularity and Integration of Set-Valued Maps Represented by Generalized Steiner Points
in Set-Valued Analysis vol. 15 (2007) . - pp. 185-207
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Vandewalle, B.; Beirlant, J.; Christmann, Andreas; Hubert, M.
A Robust Estimator for the Tail Index of Pareto-type Distributions
in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis vol. 51 (2007) issue 12. - pp. 6252-6258
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Christmann, Andreas; Steinwart, Ingo; Hubert, Mia
Robust Learning from Bites for Data Mining
in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis vol. 52 (2007) issue 1. - pp. 347-361
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Baier, Robert; Chahma, Ilyes Aïssa; Lempio, Frank
Stability and Convergence of Euler's Method for State-Constrained Differential Inclusions
in SIAM Journal on Optimization vol. 18 (2007) issue 3. - pp. 1004-1026
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rev.: Zentralblatt

Bebendorf, Mario; Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Stabilized rounded addition of hierarchical matrices
in Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol. 14 (2007) issue 5. - pp. 407-423
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Sternberg, Kati; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef
Suboptimal Control of a 2D Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell PDAE Model
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Testing strict monotonicity in nonparametric regression
in Mathematical Methods of Statistics vol. 16 (2007) issue 2. - pp. 110-123
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Universality for orthogonal and symplectic Laguerre-type ensembles
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Ulm, Volker; Leuders, T.
Viel Eckiges : forschend entdecken
in PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule vol. 49 (2007) issue 18. - pp. 1

Bebendorf, Mario
Why finite element discretizations can be factored by triangular hierarchical matrices
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 45 (2007) issue 4. - pp. 1472-1494
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Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
Middle convolution of Fuchsian systems and the construction of rigid differential systems
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
Painlevé equations and the middle convolution
in Advances in Geometry vol. 7 (2007) issue 3. - pp. 317-330
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Kohnert, Axel
Update on the extension of good linear codes
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Bebendorf, Mario; Grzhibovskis, R.
Accelerating Galerkin BEM for Linear Elasticity using Adaptive Cross Approximation
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Adaptive spline interpolation for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations
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Engelhardt, Martin; Bast, P.; Jeblink, N.; Lauer, W.; Popovic, A.; Eufinger, H.; Scholz, M.; Christmann, Andreas; Harders, A.; Radermacher, K.; Schmieder, K.
Analysis of surgical management of calvarian tumours for the design of a robot-assisted tr ...
in Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery vol. 49 (2006) issue 2. - pp. 98-103
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Bebendorf, Mario
Approximate Inverse Preconditioning of Finite Element Discretizations of Elliptic Operator ...
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A bijection between the d-dimensional simplices with distances in {1, 2} and the partition ...
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Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Grunewald, Fritz
Chebycheff and Belyi polynomials, dessins d'enfants, Beauville surfaces and group theory
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Kohnert, Axel; Wassermann, Alfred
Construction of self-orthogonal linear codes
in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics vol. 27 (2006) . - pp. 105
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ODSA 2006 - Conference on Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithms, ODSA 2006 - Conference on Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithms, Rostock, Deutschland

Le Gia, Quoc T.; Narcowich, Francis J.; Ward, Joseph D.; Wendland, Holger
Continuous and discrete least-squares approximation by basis functions on spheres
in Journal of Approximation Theory vol. 143 (2006) issue 1. - pp. 124-133
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Drag reduction and improvement of material transport in creeping films
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Schmieder, K.; Moller, F.; Engelhardt, Martin; Scholz, M.; Schregel, W.; Christmann, Andreas; Harders, A.
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Ostrowski, Joerg Marc; Andjelić, Zoran; Bebendorf, Mario; Cranganu-Cretu, Bogdan; Smajić, Jasmin
Fast BEM-solution of Laplace problems with H-matrices and ACA
in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics vol. 42 (2006) issue 4. - pp. 627-630
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Grüne, Lars; Kloeden, Peter E.
Higher order numerical approximation of switching systems
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 55 (2006) issue 9. - pp. 746-754
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Hwang, Jun-Muk; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Holomorphic maps onto varieties of non-negative Kodaira dimension
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Stoll, Michael
Independence of rational points on twists of a given curve
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 142 (2006) issue 5. - pp. 1201-1214
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Schleicher, Dierk; Stoll, Michael
An introduction to Conway’s games and numbers
in Moscow Mathematical Journal vol. 6 (2006) issue 2. - pp. 359-388
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Introduction to the Cosserat problem
in Analysis vol. 26 (2006) issue 1. - pp. 1-7
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Grüne, Lars; Saint-Pierre, Patrick
An invariance kernel representation of ISDS Lyapunov functions
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 55 (2006) issue 9. - pp. 736-745
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Schaback, Robert; Wendland, Holger
Kernel techniques : from machine learning to meshless methods
in Acta Numerica vol. 15 (2006) . - pp. 543-639
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Peternell, Thomas
Kodaira Dimension of Subvarieties : II
in International Journal of Mathematics vol. 17 (2006) issue 5. - pp. 619-631
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Ahrem, Regine; Beckert, Armin; Wendland, Holger
A meshless spatial coupling scheme for large-scale fluid-structure-interaction problems
in Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences vol. 12 (2006) issue 2. - pp. 121-136
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Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Pignatelli, Roberto
The moduli space of surfaces with K²=6 and pg=4
in Mathematische Annalen vol. 336 (2006) issue 2. - pp. 421-438
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Bauer, Sebastian; Kunze, Markus; Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.
Multipole radiation in a collisionless gas coupled to electromagnetism or scalar gravitati ...
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 266 (2006) issue 1. - pp. 267-288
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Andréasson, Håkan; Rein, Gerhard
A numerical investigation of the stability of steady states and critical phenomena for the ...
in Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 23 (2006) issue 11. - pp. 3659-3677
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On bifurcation braid monodromy of elliptic fibrations
in Topology vol. 45 (2006) issue 4. - pp. 785-806
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Kurz, Sascha
On the characteristic of integral point sets in E^m
in The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics vol. 36 (2006) . - pp. 241-248

Stoll, Michael
On the number of rational squares at fixed distance from a fifth power
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 125 (2006) issue 1. - pp. 79-88
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Online-optimization of a multi-elevator transport system with reoptimization algorithms ba ...
in Discrete Applied Mathematics vol. 154 (2006) issue 13. - pp. 1908-1931

Kemmler, Wolfgang; Lauber, Dirk; Wassermann, Alfred; Mayhew, Jerry
Predicting Maximal Strength in Trained Postmenopausal Woman
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Nešić, Dragan; Grüne, Lars
A receding horizon control approach to sampled-data implementation of continuous-time cont ...
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Reoptimization Gaps versus Model Errors in Online-Dispatching of Service Units for ADAC
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Robust estimation of Cronbach's alpha
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Narcowich, Francis J.; Ward, Joseph D.; Wendland, Holger
Sobolev error estimates and a Bernstein inequality for scattered data interpolation via ra ...
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Firt, Roman; Rein, Gerhard
Stability of disk-like galaxies : Part I: Stability via reduction
in Analysis vol. 26 (2006) issue 4. - pp. 507-525
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Camilli, Fabio; Cesaroni, Annalisa; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Stabilization of controlled diffusions and Zubov's method
in Stochastics and Dynamics vol. 6 (2006) issue 3. - pp. 373-394
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Le Gia, Q. T.; Narcowich, F. J.; Ward, J. D.; Wendland, Holger
Continuous and discrete least-squares approximation by radial basis functions on spheres
in Journal of Approximation Theory vol. 143 (2006) issue 1. - pp. 124-133
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Dettweiler, Michael; Wewers, Stefan
Variation of local systems and parabolic cohomology
in Israel Journal of Mathematics vol. 156 (2006) . - pp. 157-185
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Dettweiler, Michael; Wewers, Stefan
Variation of parabolic cohomology and poincaré duality
in Séminaires et Congrès vol. 13 (2006) . - pp. 145-164
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von Wahl, Wolf
Analytic integrals and Poincaré's centre problem
in Analysis vol. 25 (2005) issue 4. - pp. 275-279
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ulm, Volker; Baptist, Peter
Anregungen zu individuellen Lernwegen : Folgerungen aus den BLK-Modellversuchen SINUS und ...
in Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 51 (2005) issue 2-3. - pp. 108-123

Wendland, Holger; Rieger, Christian
Approximate interpolation with applications to selecting smoothing parameters
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 101 (2005) . - pp. 729-748
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Weiser, Martin; Schiela, Anton; Deuflhard, Peter
Asymptotic mesh independence of Newton's method revisited
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 42 (2005) issue 5. - pp. 1830-1845
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rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
Constructing Robust Feedback Laws by Set Oriented Numerical Methods
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 5 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 157-160
doi:10.1002/pamm.200510059 ...
GAMM Annual Meeting 2005, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Braun, Michael; Kohnert, Axel; Wassermann, Alfred
Construction of (n,r)-arcs in PG(2,q)
in Innovations in Incidence Geometry vol. 1 (2005) . - pp. 133-141
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Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi; Sieveking, Malte
Creditworthiness and thresholds in a credit market model with multiple equilibria
in Economic Theory vol. 25 (2005) issue 2. - pp. 287-315
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Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi
Default Risk, Asset Pricing, and Debt Control
in Journal of Financial Econometrics vol. 3 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 79-106
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Petzet, Verena; Pesch, Hans Josef; Prikhodovsky, Andrey; Ploshikhin, Vasily
Different Optimization Models for Crack-Free Laser Welding
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 5 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 755-756
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A discontinuous Galerkin method for three-dimensional shallow water equations
in Journal of Scientific Computing vol. 22 (2005) issue 1-3. - pp. 245-267
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Karkhin, Victor A.; Ilin, A. S.; Pesch, Hans Josef; Prikhodovsky, Andrey; Ploshikhin, Vasily; Makhutin, Maksym; Zoch, H.-W.
Effects of Latent Heat of Fusion on Thermal Processes in Laser Welding of Alumium Alloys
in Science and Technology of Welding and Joining vol. 10 (2005) issue 5. - pp. 597-603
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Bebendorf, Mario
Efficient inversion of Galerkin matrix of general second-order elliptic operators with non ...
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 74 (2005) . - pp. 1179-1199
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Ulm, Volker
Experimentell-entdeckendes Lernen mit dynamischer Mathematik
in Themendienst (2005) issue 1

Bebendorf, Mario; Kriemann, R.
Fast parallel solution of boundary integral equations and related problems
in Computing and Visualization in Science vol. 8 (2005) issue 3-4. - pp. 121-135
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Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas; von Wahl, Wolf
A generalized energy functional for plane Couette flow
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol. 37 (2005) issue 2. - pp. 438-454
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ulm, Volker
Geometrie am Bildschirm : selbständiges Lernen mit dynamischer Mathematik
in Lernchancen vol. 8 (2005) issue 45. - pp. 16-21

Andréasson, Håkan; Calogero, Simone; Rein, Gerhard
Global classical solutions to the spherically symmetric Nordström-Vlasov system
in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 138 (2005) issue 3. - pp. 533-539
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Bebendorf, Mario
Hierarchical LU decomposition-based preconditioners for BEM
in Computing vol. 74 (2005) . - pp. 225-247
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Chudej, Kurt; Heidebrecht, Peter; Petzet, Verena; Scherdel, Sabine; Schittkowski, Klaus; Pesch, Hans Josef; Sundmacher, Kai
Index Analysis and Numerical Solution of a Large Scale Nonlinear PDAE System Describing th ...
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 85 (2005) issue 2. - pp. 132-140
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Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Eckl, Thomas; Peternell, Thomas
Line bundles on complex tori and a conjecture of Kodaira
in Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici vol. 80 (2005) issue 2. - pp. 229-242
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Nešić, Dragan; Grüne, Lars
Lyapunov-based continuous-time nonlinear controller redesign for sampled-data implementati ...
in Automatica vol. 41 (2005) issue 7. - pp. 1143-1156
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de Marchi, Stefano; Schaback, Robert; Wendland, Holger
Near-optimal data-independent point locations for radial basis function interpolation
in Advances in Computational Mathematics vol. 23 (2005) . - pp. 317-330
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Östergård, Patric R. J.; Quistorff, Jörn; Wassermann, Alfred
New results on codes with covering radius 1 and minimum distance 2
in Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 35 (2005) issue 2. - pp. 241-250
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Kaiser, Ralf; Mulone, G.
A note on nonlinear stability of plane parallel shear flows
in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol. 302 (2005) issue 2. - pp. 543-556
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Christmann, Andreas
On a Strategy to Develop Robust and Simple Tariffs from Motor Vehicle Insurance Data
in Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica vol. 21 (2005) issue 2. - pp. 193-208
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Kunzinger, Michael; Rein, Gerhard; Steinbauer, Roland; Teschl, Gerald
On classical solutions of the relativistic Vlasov-Klein-Gordon system
in Electronic Journal of Differential Equations vol. 2005 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 1-17
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Wendland, Holger
On the convergence of a general class of finite volume methods
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 43 (2005) issue 3. - pp. 987-1002
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
On the geomagnetic directional problem : a uniqueness result
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications vol. 63 (2005) issue 5-7
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Gaborit, Philippe; Nedeloaia, Carmen-Simona; Wassermann, Alfred
On the Weight Enumerators of Duadic and Quadratic Residue Codes
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 51 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 402-407
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van Dijk, Marten; Egner, Sebastian; Greferath, Marcus; Wassermann, Alfred
On two doubly even self-dual binary codes of length 160 and minimum weight 24
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 51 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 408-411
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Braun, Michael; Kohnert, Axel; Wassermann, Alfred
Optimal linear codes from matrix groups
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 51 (2005) issue 12. - pp. 4247-4251
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ulm, Volker
PISA 2003 : Ergebnisse und Folgerungen für den Mathematikunterricht
in Themendienst (2005)

Kemmler, Wolfgang; Lauber, Dirk; Wassermann, Alfred
Rechnerische Bestimmung des Einwiederholungsmaximums auf der Basis ausbelastender Wiederho ...
in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin vol. 56 (2005) issue 7/8. - pp. 238
39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention, Hamburg

Grüne, Lars; Nešić, Dragan; Pannek, Jürgen
Redesign techniques for nonlinear sampled-data control
in Oberwolfach Reports vol. 2 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 584-586

Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
A set oriented approach to optimal feedback stabilization
in Systems & Control Letters vol. 54 (2005) issue 2. - pp. 169-180
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Narcowich, Francis J.; Ward, Joseph D.; Wendland, Holger
Sobolev bounds on functions with scattered zeros, with applications to radial basis functi ...
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 74 (2005) . - pp. 743-763
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Grüne, Lars; Kato, Mika; Semmler, Willi
Solving ecological management problems using dynamic programming
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization vol. 57 (2005) issue 4. - pp. 448-473
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Jahnke, Priska; Peternell, Thomas; Radloff, Ivo
Threefolds with big and nef anticanonical bundles I
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Chudej, Kurt; Wächter, Markus; Le Bras, Florent
Verringerung der thermischen Belastung eines Hyperschall-Flugsystems durch Trajektorienopt ...
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 5 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 803-804
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Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Zubov's method for stochastic control systems
in IFAC Proceedings Volumes vol. 38 (2005) issue 1. - pp. 259-264
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16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Prague, Czech Republic

Kerber, Adalbert; Kohnert, Axel
Modular irreducible representations of the symmetric group as linear codes
in European Journal of Combinatorics vol. 25 (2004) issue 8. - pp. 1285-1299
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Christmann, Andreas
An approach to model complex high-dimensional insurance data
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Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Construction of Lyapunov functions on the domain of asymptotic nullcontrollability : Numer ...
in IFAC Proceedings Volumes vol. 37 (2004) issue 13. - pp. 715-720
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6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems 2004 (NOLCOS 2004), Stuttgart, Germany

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Construction of Lyapunov functions on the domain of asymptotic nullcontrollability : Theor ...
in IFAC Proceedings Volumes vol. 37 (2004) issue 13. - pp. 709-714
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6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems 2004 (NOLCOS 2004), Stuttgart, Germany

Kohnert, Axel
Dominance order and graphical partitions
in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics vol. 11 (2004) issue 1
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Oguiso, Keiji; Peternell, Thomas
The Dual Kähler Cone of Compact Kähler Threefolds
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Baptist, Peter; Ulm, Volker
Dynamische Arbeitsblätter : ein Weg zum eigenständigen Lernen
in Lernende Schule (2004) issue 28. - pp. 40-42

Petzet, Verena; Büskens, Christof; Pesch, Hans Josef; Prikhodovsky, Andrey; Karkhin, Victor A.; Ploshikhin, Vasily
Elimination of Hot Cracking in Laser Beam Welding by Minimization
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 4 (2004) issue 1. - pp. 580-581
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Grüne, Lars
Error estimation and adaptive discretization for the discrete stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi-B ...
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 99 (2004) issue 1. - pp. 85-112
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Weiser, Martin; Schiela, Anton
Function space interior point methods for PDE constrained optimization
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 4 (2004) issue 1. - pp. 43-46
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Baptist, Peter; Ulm, Volker
GEONExT : ein Werkzeug für mathematisches Exyperimentieren und Entdecken
in Lernende Schule (2004) issue 28

Calogero, Simone; Rein, Gerhard
Global weak solutions to the Nordström-Vlasov system
in Journal of Differential Equations vol. 204 (2004) issue 2. - pp. 323-338
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Rein, Gerhard
Global weak solutions to the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system revisited
in Communications in Mathematical Sciences vol. 2 (2004) issue 2. - pp. 145-158
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Schaefer, Edward F.; Stoll, Michael
How to do a p-descent on an elliptic curve
in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society vol. 356 (2004) issue 3. - pp. 1209-1231
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Bauer, Thomas; Peternell, Thomas
Nef Reduction and Anticanonical Bundles
in Asian Journal of Mathematics vol. 8 (2004) issue 2. - pp. 315-352
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Kaiser, Ralf; Neudert, Michael
A non-standard boundary value problem related to geomagnetism
in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics vol. 62 (2004) issue 3. - pp. 423-457
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Rein, Gerhard
On future geodesic completeness for the Einstein-Vlasov system with hyperbolic symmetry
in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 137 (2004) issue 1. - pp. 237-244
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Christmann, Andreas; Steinwart, Ingo
On robust properties of convex risk minimization methods for pattern recognition
in Journal of Machine Learning Research vol. 5 (2004) . - pp. 1007-1034
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Sternberg, Kati; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef
A partial differential algebraic dynamic model of a molten carbonate fuel cell
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 4 (2004) issue 1. - pp. 584-585
doi:10.1002/pamm.200410273 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Uecker, H.
Relaxed plasma-vacuum states in cylinders
in The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics vol. 57 (2004) issue 1. - pp. 1-17
doi:10.1093/qjmam/57.1.1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars
Robust asymptotic controllability under time-varying perturbations
in Stochastics and Dynamics vol. 4 (2004) issue 3. - pp. 297-316
doi:10.1142/S0219493704001085 ...

Birner, Michel; Kaiser, Ralf
Stability balls in the rotating Bénard system
in Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics vol. 6 (2004) issue 3. - pp. 311-364
doi:10.1007/s00021-003-0096-0 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
Symmetry and variation of Hodge structures
in Asian Journal of Mathematics vol. 8 (2004) issue 2. - pp. 363-390
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi
Using dynamic programming with adaptive grid scheme for optimal control problems in econom ...
in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control vol. 28 (2004) issue 12. - pp. 2427-2456
doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2003.11.002 ...

Baptist, Peter; Ulm, Volker
Veränderungen beim Lehren und Lernen im Mathematikunterricht anstoßen
in Spektrum (2004) issue 1

Baptist, Peter; Ulm, Volker
Von SINUS zu SINUS-Transfer
in Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung vol. 12 (2004) issue 2. - pp. 127-129
doi:10.1515/dmvm-2004-0042 ...

Baptist, Peter; Ulm, Volker
Von SINUS zu SINUS-Transfer
in Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (2004) issue 78

Dettweiler, Michael
Plane curve complements and curves on Hurwitz spaces
in Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2004) issue 573. - pp. 19-43
doi:10.1515/crll.2004.060 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Ulm, Volker
Actions of Hopf Algebras in Categories of Yetter-Drinfeld-Modules
in Communications in Algebra vol. 31 (2003) issue 6. - pp. 2719-2743
doi:10.1081/AGB-120021889 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Rjasanow, S.
Adaptive low-rank approximation of collocation matrices
in Computing vol. 70 (2003) issue 1. - pp. 1-24
doi:10.1007/s00607-002-1469-6 ...

Grüne, Lars
Attraction Rates, Robustness, and Discretization of Attractors
in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol. 41 (2003) issue 6. - pp. 2096-2113
doi:10.1137/S003614290139411X ...

Geigant, Edith; Stoll, Michael
Bifurcation analysis of an orientational aggregation model
in Journal of Mathematical Biology vol. 46 (2003) issue 6. - pp. 537-563
doi:10.1007/s00285-002-0187-1 ...

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars
Characterizing attraction probabilities via the stochastic Zubov equation
in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B vol. 3 (2003) issue 3. - pp. 457-468
doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2003.3.457 ...

Rein, Gerhard; Rodewis, Thomas
Convergence of a particle-in-cell scheme for the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein sys ...
in Indiana University Mathematics Journal vol. 52 (2003) issue 4. - pp. 821-862
doi:10.1512/iumj.2003.52.2363 ...

Ulm, Volker; Baptist, Peter; Fronczek, Walter; Weigand, Gabriele
Empfehlungen zur Lehrerbildung
in Seminar : Lehrerbildung und Schule vol. 9 (2003) issue 1

Ulm, Volker
An Equivalence of Categories for Lie Color Algebras
in Communications in Algebra vol. 31 (2003) issue 7. - pp. 3271-3285
doi:10.1081/AGB-120022224 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Existence of H-matrix approximants to the inverse FE-matrix of elliptic operators with L-c ...
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 95 (2003) issue 1. - pp. 1-28
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Kaiser, Ralf
Extension of Taylor's principle to plasma-vacuum systems
in Astronomische Nachrichten vol. 324 (2003) issue S3. - pp. 72

Kunzinger, Michael; Rein, Gerhard; Steinbauer, Roland; Teschl, Gerald
Global weak solutions of the relativistic Vlasov-Klein-Gordon system
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 238 (2003) issue 1-2. - pp. 367-378
doi:10.1007/s00220-003-0861-1 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Petzet, Verena; Scherdel, Sabine; Pesch, Hans Josef; Schittkowski, Klaus; Heidebrecht, Peter; Sundmacher, Kai
Index Analysis of a Nonlinear PDAE System Describing a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 3 (2003) issue 1. - pp. 563-564
doi:10.1002/pamm.200310549 ...

Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Peternell, Thomas
A Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem on Compact Kähler Manifolds
in Journal of Differential Geometry vol. 63 (2003) issue 2. - pp. 231-277
doi:10.4310/jdg/1090426678 ...

Rein, Gerhard
Non-linear stability of gaseous stars
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 168 (2003) issue 2. - pp. 115-130
doi:10.1007/s00205-003-0260-y ...

Bebendorf, Mario
A note on the Poincaré inequality for convex domains
in Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen vol. 22 (2003) issue 4. - pp. 751-756
doi:10.4171/ZAA/1170 ...

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Petzet, Verena; Scherdel, Sabine; Schittkowski, Klaus; Heidebrecht, Peter; Sundmacher, Kai
Numerical Simulation of a 1D Model of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 3 (2003) issue 1. - pp. 521-522
doi:10.1002/pamm.200310530 ...

Calogero, Simone; Rein, Gerhard
On classical solutions of the Nordström-Vlasov system
in Communications in Partial Differential Equations vol. 28 (2003) issue 11-12. - pp. 1863-1885
doi:10.1081/PDE-120025488 ...

Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas; Zhang, Qi
On the Albanese maps of compact Kähler manifolds
in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol. 131 (2003) issue 2. - pp. 549-553

Andréasson, Håkan; Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.
On the Einstein-Vlasov system with hyperbolic symmetry
in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 134 (2003) issue 3. - pp. 529-549
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Stoll, Michael; Yang, Tonghai
On the L-function of the curves y² = x⁵ + A
in Journal of the London Mathematical Society vol. 68 (2003) issue 2. - pp. 273-287
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Stoll, Michael; Cremona, John E.
On the reduction theory of binary forms
in Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2003) issue 565. - pp. 79-99
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Sternberg, Kati; Büskens, Christof
Optimal Control and Parametric Sensitivity Analysis in Cancer Chemotherapy
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 3 (2003) issue 1. - pp. 525-526
doi:10.1002/pamm.200310532 ...

Grüne, Lars; Nešić, Dragan
Optimization-Based Stabilization of Sampled-Data Nonlinear Systems via Their Approximate D ...
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 42 (2003) issue 1. - pp. 98-122
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Griesse, Roland; Walther, Andrea
Parametric Sensitivites for Optimal Control Methods
in Optimal Control Applications and Methods vol. 24 (2003) issue 6. - pp. 297-314
doi:10.1002/oca.733 ...

Narcowich, Francis J.; Ward, Joseph D.; Wendland, Holger
Refined error estimates for radial basis function interpolation
in Constructive Approximation vol. 19 (2003) issue 4. - pp. 541-564
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Rousseeuw, Peter J.; Christmann, Andreas
Robustness against separation and outliers in logistic regression
in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis vol. 43 (2003) issue 3. - pp. 315-332
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Schiela, Anton; Bornemann, Folkmar
Sparsing in real time simulation
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 83 (2003) issue 10. - pp. 637-647
doi:10.1002/zamm.200310070 ...
ECMI-Workshop "Numerical Methods in Multibody Dynamics'', Bad Herrenalb, Germany
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Guo, Yan; Rein, Gerhard
Stable models of elliptical galaxies
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 344 (2003) issue 4. - pp. 1296-1306
doi:10.1046/j.1365-8711.2003.06920.x ...

Baik, J.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. D. T.-R.; Miller, Peter D.
Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to a general class of discrete ...
in International Mathematics Research Notices (2003) issue 15. - pp. 821-858
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ulm, Volker
Wechselspiele zwischen Figur und Zahl mit dynamischer Mathematik entdecken
in Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 49 (2003) issue 6

Wassermann, Alfred
Attacking the Market Split Problem with Lattice Point Enumeration
in Journal of Combinatorial Optimization vol. 6 (2002) issue 1. - pp. 5-16
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Jäger, Horst J.; Mathias, Klaus; Hauth, Elke; Drescher, Robert; Gissler, Hans M.; Hennigs, Svenja P.; Christmann, Andreas
Cerebral ischemia detected with diffusion-weighted MR imaging after stent implantation in ...
in American Journal of Neuroradiology vol. 23 (2002) . - pp. 200-207
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Rambau, Jörg
Circuit admissible triangulations of oriented matroids
in Discrete & Computational Geometry vol. 27 (2002) issue 1. - pp. 155-161
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Christmann, Andreas; Fischer, Paul; Joachims, Thorsten
Comparison between various regression depth methods and the support vector machine to appr ...
in Computational Statistics vol. 17 (2002) issue 2. - pp. 273-287
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Gerdts, Matthias; Büskens, Christof
Consistent initialization of sensitivity matrices for a class of parametric DAE systems
in BIT Numerical Mathematics vol. 42 (2002) issue 4. - pp. 796-813
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Aizinger, Vadym; Dawson, Clint
A discontinuous Galerkin method for two-dimensional flow and transport in shallow water
in Advances in Water Resources vol. 25 (2002) issue 1. - pp. 67-84
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Markowich, Peter A.; Rein, Gerhard; Wolansky, Gershon
Existence and nonlinear stability of steady states of the Schrödinger-Poisson system
in Journal of Statistical Physics vol. 106 (2002) issue 5-6. - pp. 1221-1239
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Winderl, Susanne; Büskens, Christof
Exploiting the Special Structure for Real-Time Control of Optimal Control Problems with Li ...
in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol. 1 (2002) issue 1. - pp. 484-485
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Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas; Pukhlikov, A. V.
Generalized Tsen's theorem and rationally connected Fano fibrations
in Sbornik : Mathematics vol. 193 (2002) issue 10. - pp. 1443-1468
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Ulm, Volker
Ich, Du, Wir : ein Lern- und Arbeitsprinzip im Mathematikunterricht
in Praxis Schule 5-10 (2002) issue 4. - pp. 30-34

Grüne, Lars
Input-to-state dynamical stability and its Lyapunov function characterization
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol. 47 (2002) issue 9. - pp. 1499-1504
doi:10.1109/TAC.2002.802761 ...

Schaback, Robert; Wendland, Holger
Inverse and saturation theorems for radial basis function interpolation
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 71 (2002) issue 238. - pp. 669-681
doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-01-01383-7 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grötschel, Martin; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg; Torres, Luis M.
Making the Yellow Angels Fly : Online Dispatching Of Service Vehicles in Real Time
in SIAM News vol. 35 (2002) issue 4. - pp. 10-11

Ulm, Volker
Mathematikunterricht mit "EVA" : EVA = Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten
in Praxis Schule 5-10 (2002) issue 4. - pp. 12-20

Ulm, Volker; Baptist, Peter
Mathematikunterricht verändern - Verständnis fördern
in Praxis Schule 5-10 (2002) issue 4. - pp. 6-9

Cremona, John E.; Stoll, Michael
Minimal models for 2-coverings of elliptic curves
in LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics vol. 5 (2002) . - pp. 220-243
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Lönne, Michael
Monodromy groups of irregular elliptic surfaces
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 133 (2002) issue 1. - pp. 37-48
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Lönne, Michael
Monodromy groups of regular elliptic surfaces
in Mathematische Zeitschrift vol. 239 (2002) issue 3. - pp. 441-453
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Östergård, Patric R. J.; Wassermann, Alfred
A New Lower Bound for the Football Pool Problem for Six Matches
in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A vol. 99 (2002) issue 1. - pp. 175-179
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Stoll, Michael
On the arithmetic of the curves y² = xˡ + A, II
in Journal of Number Theory vol. 93 (2002) issue 2. - pp. 183-206
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Stoll, Michael
On the height constant for curves of genus two, II
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 104 (2002) issue 2. - pp. 165-182
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Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg
Probieren geht über Studieren? Entscheidungshilfen für kombinatorische Online-Optimierungs ...
in Automatisierungstechnik vol. 50 (2002) issue 12. - pp. 568-575

Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas
Projective manifolds with splitting tangent bundle : I
in Mathematische Zeitschrift vol. 241 (2002) . - pp. 613-637
doi:10.1007/s00209-002-0435-5 ...

Rein, Gerhard
Reduction and a concentration-compactness principle for energy-Casimir functionals
in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol. 33 (2002) issue 4. - pp. 896-912
doi:10.1137/P0036141001389275 ...

Rein, Gerhard
Stability of spherically symmetric steady states in galactic dynamics against general pert ...
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 161 (2002) issue 1. - pp. 27-42
doi:10.1007/s002050100167 ...

Ulm, Volker; Baptist, Peter
Stufen mathematischer Kompetenz nach PISA
in Spektrum (2002) issue 2

Osmolovskii, Nikolai P.; Lempio, Frank
Transformation of quadratic forms to perfect squares for broken extremals
in Set-Valued Analysis vol. 10 (2002) issue 2/3. - pp. 209-232
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rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Georgieva, Anna; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
1:2 resonance mediated second harmonic generation in a 1-D nonlinear discrete periodic med ...
in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics vol. 61 (2001) issue 5. - pp. 1802-1815
doi:10.1137/S0036139999365341 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas
Appendix to the article of T. Peternell: the Kodaira dimension of Kummer threefolds
in Bulletin de la SMF (Société Mathématique de France) vol. 129 (2001) issue 3. - pp. 357-359
doi:10.24033/bsmf.2401 ...

Neudert, Michael; von Wahl, Wolf
Asymptotic behaviour of the div-curl problem in exterior domains
in Advances in Differential Equations vol. 6 (2001) issue 11. - pp. 1347-1376
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Kaiser, Ralf; Schmitt, Burkhard J.
Bounds on the energy stability limit of plane parallel shear flows
in Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol. 52 (2001) issue 4. - pp. 573-596
doi:10.1007/PL00001562 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Gerdts, Matthias; Büskens, Christof
Computation of consistent initial values for optimal control problems with DAE systems of ...
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 81 (2001) issue S2. - pp. S249-S250

Wassermann, Alfred
Covering the Aztec Diamond with One-sided Tetrasticks
in Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications vol. 32 (2001) . - pp. 70-76

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza M.
Differences of Convex Compact Sets in the Space of Directed Sets. Part I: The Space of Dir ...
in Set-Valued Analysis vol. 9 (2001) . - pp. 217-245
doi:10.1023/A:1012046027626 ...
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza M.
Differences of Convex Compact Sets in the Space of Directed Sets. Part II: Visualization o ...
in Set-Valued Analysis vol. 9 (2001) . - pp. 247-272
doi:10.1023/A:1012009529492 ...
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Hennigs, Svenja P.; Garmer, Marietta; Jäger, Horst J.; Classen, Reinhard; Jacobs, Andreas; Gissler, Hans M.; Christmann, Andreas; Mathias, Klaus
Digital chest radiography with a large-area flat panel silicon X-ray detector : clinical c ...
in European Radiology vol. 11 (2001) issue 9. - pp. 1688-1696
doi:10.1007/s003300000795 ...

Flynn, E. Victor; Leprévost, Franck; Schaefer, Edward F.; Stein, William A.; Stoll, Michael; Wetherell, Joseph L.
Empirical evidence for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectures for modular Jacobians of ...
in Mathematics of Computation vol. 70 (2001) issue 236. - pp. 1675-1697
doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-01-01320-5 ...

Hauptmeier, Dietrich; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg; Wirth, Hans-Christoph
Euler is standing in line
in Discrete Applied Mathematics vol. 113 (2001) issue 1. - pp. 87-107

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Remling, Christian
Finite gap potentials and WKB asymptotics for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 223 (2001) issue 2. - pp. 409-435
doi:10.1007/s002200100550 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
A Generalization of Zubov's Method to Perturbed Systems
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 40 (2001) issue 2. - pp. 496-515
doi:10.1137/S036301299936316X ...

Xu, Lanxi; Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf
Global stability in the rotating Bénard system with Couette flow, the case Pr<
in Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications vol. 47 (2001) issue 6. - pp. 4233-4244
doi:10.1016/S0362-546X(01)00539-9 ...
Third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA 2000, Catania, Sicily, Italy
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars; Kloeden, Peter E.
Higher order numerical schemes for affinely controlled nonlinear systems
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 89 (2001) . - pp. 669-690
doi:10.1007/s002110000279 ...

Stoll, Michael
Implementing 2-descent for Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves
in Acta Arithmetica vol. 98 (2001) issue 3. - pp. 245-277
doi:10.4064/aa98-3-4 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Invisible mean field dynamos
in Physical Review E vol. 63 (2001) issue 3
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.63.037301 ...

Guo, Yan; Rein, Gerhard
Isotropic steady states in galactic dynamics
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 219 (2001) . - pp. 607-629
doi:10.1007/s002200100434 ...

Wendland, Holger
Local polynomial reproduction and moving least squares approximation
in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 21 (2001) issue 1. - pp. 285-300
doi:10.1093/imanum/21.1.285 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Rousseeuw, Peter J.
Measuring overlap in binary regression
in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis vol. 37 (2001) issue 1. - pp. 65-75
doi:10.1016/S0167-9473(00)00063-3 ...

Chudej, Kurt
Minimalkoordinaten zur effizienten Lösung singulärer optimaler Steuerungsaufgaben
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 81 (2001) issue S2. - pp. S245-S246

Büskens, Christof
A mixed open-loop-closed-loop strategy for real-time optimization of perturbed optimal con ...
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 81 (2001) issue S2. - pp. S243-S244

Beckert, Armin; Wendland, Holger
Multivariate interpolation for fluid-structure-interaction problems using radial basis fun ...
in Aerospace Science and Technology vol. 5 (2001) issue 2. - pp. 125-134
doi:10.1016/S1270-9638(00)01087-7 ...

Laue, Reinhard; Magliveras, Spyros S.; Wassermann, Alfred
New large sets of t-designs
in Journal of Combinatorial Designs vol. 9 (2001) issue 1. - pp. 40-59
doi:10.1002/1520-6610(2001)9:1<40::AID-JCD4>3.0.CO ...

Grüne, Lars; Kloeden, Peter E.
Pathwise Approximation of Random Ordinary Differential Equations
in BIT Numerical Mathematics vol. 41 (2001) issue 4. - pp. 711-721
doi:10.1023/A:1021995918864 ...

Grüne, Lars
Persistence of attractors for one-step discretization of ordinary differential equations
in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 21 (2001) issue 3. - pp. 751-767
doi:10.1093/imanum/21.3.751 ...

Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, Michael
Pseudo-effective line bundles on compact Kähler manifolds
in International Journal of Mathematics vol. 12 (2001) issue 6. - pp. 689-741
doi:10.1142/S0129167X01000861 ...

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Marklof, Jens; Soshnikov, Alexander
Random matrices and quantum chaos
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 98 (2001) issue 19. - pp. 10531-10532
doi:10.1073/pnas.191366198 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Winderl, Susanne; Büskens, Christof
Real-time optimization of perturbed control systems with linear control
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 81 (2001) issue S2. - pp. S263-S264

Spies, G. O.; Lortz, D.; Kaiser, Ralf
Relaxed plasma-vacuum systems
in Physics of Plasmas vol. 8 (2001) issue 8. - pp. 3652-3663
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Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Venakides, S.; Zhou, X.
A Riemann-Hilbert approach to asymptotic questions for orthogonal polynomials
in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics vol. 133 (2001) issue 1-2. - pp. 47-63
doi:10.1016/S0377-0427(00)00634-8 ...
5th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and their Applications, Patras, Greece
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Griesse, Roland
Some Aspects for Instantaneous Boundary Control of Backward-facing Step Flow
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 81 (2001) issue S2. - pp. S251-S252

Dolbeault, Jean; Rein, Gerhard
Time-dependent rescalings and Lyapunov functionals for the Vlasov-Poisson and Euler-Poisso ...
in Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences vol. 11 (2001) issue 3. - pp. 407-432
doi:10.1142/S021820250100091X ...

Peternell, Thomas
Towards a Mori theory on compact Kähler threefolds : III
in Bulletin de la SMF (Société Mathématique de France) vol. 129 (2001) issue 3. - pp. 339-356
doi:10.24033/bsmf.2400 ...

Ulm, Volker
Wege zur Weiterentwicklung von Mathematikunterricht
in PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule vol. 43 (2001) issue 4. - pp. 161

Dettweiler, Michael; Kühn, Ulf; Reiter, Stefan
On Galois representations via Siegel modular forms of genus two
in Mathematical Research Letters vol. 8 (2001) issue 4. - pp. 577-588
doi:10.4310/MRL.2001.v8.n4.a16 ...
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Schaback, Robert; Wendland, Holger
Adaptive greedy techniques for approximate solution of large RBF systems
in Numerical Algorithms vol. 24 (2000) . - pp. 239-254
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Peternell, Thomas; Sommese, Andrew J.
Ample vector bundles and branched coverings
in Communications in Algebra vol. 28 (2000) issue 12. - pp. 5573-5599
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Bebendorf, Mario
Approximation of boundary element matrices
in Numerische Mathematik vol. 86 (2000) issue 4. - pp. 565-589
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Huber, Birkett; Rambau, Jörg; Santos, Francisco
The Cayley trick, lifting subdivisions, and the Bohne-Dress theorem on zonotopal tilings
in Journal of the European Mathematical Society vol. 2 (2000) issue 2. - pp. 179-198
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Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.
Compact support of spherically symmetric equilibria in non-relativistic and relativistic ...
in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 128 (2000) issue 2. - pp. 363-380

Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas
Complex threefolds with non-trivial holomorphic 2-forms
in Journal of Algebraic Geometry vol. 9 (2000) issue 2. - pp. 223-264

Grüne, Lars
Convergence Rates of Perturbed Attracting Sets with Vanishing Perturbation
in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol. 244 (2000) issue 2. - pp. 369-392
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Garmer, Marietta; Hennigs, Svenja P.; Jäger, Horst J.; Schrick, Felicitas; van de Loo, Thomas; Jacobs, Andreas; Hanusch, Axel; Christmann, Andreas; Mathias, Klaus
Digital Radiography Versus Conventional Radiography in Chest Imaging : Diagnostic Performa ...
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The Generalized Baues Problem for Cyclic Polytopes I
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Group actions on S6 and complex structures on ℙ3
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Homogeneous State Feedback Stabilization of Homogenous Systems
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Aizinger, Vadym; Dawson, Clint; Cockburn, Bernardo; Castillo, Paul
The local discontinuous Galerkin method for contaminant transport
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Numerical Approximation of the Maximal Solutions for a Class of Degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi ...
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On subdivision posets of cyclic polytopes
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Kaiser, Ralf; Neudert, M.; von Wahl, Wolf
On the existence of force-free magnetic fields with small nonconstant α in exterior domain ...
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 211 (2000) issue 1. - pp. 111-136
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On the number of defining relations for nonfibered Kähler groups
in International Journal of Mathematics vol. 11 (2000) issue 3. - pp. 285-290
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Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
On the rate of convergence of infinite horizon discounted optimal value functions
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Wendland, Holger
Optimal approximation orders in Lp for radial basis functions
in East Journal on Approximations vol. 6 (2000) issue 1. - pp. 87-102

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Projective contact manifolds
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Projectivity via the dual Kähler cone : Huybrechts’ criterion
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Betten, Anton; Laue, Reinhard; Molodtsov, Sergey; Wassermann, Alfred
Steiner Systems with Automorphism Groups PSL(2,71), PSL(2,83), and PΣL(2,3⁵)
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Lönne, Michael
The topological types of some irregular Kähler surfaces
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A uniform exponential spectrum for linear flows on vector bundles
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Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
An algorithm of Katz and its application to the inverse Galois problem
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Grüne, Lars; Sontag, Eduardo D.; Wirth, Fabian
Asymptotic stability equals exponential stability, and ISS equals finite energy gain - if ...
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Asymptotic stability of steady flows in infinite layers of viscous incompressible fluids i ...
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The Cassels-Tate pairing on polarized abelian varieties
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Guo, Yan; Rein, Gerhard
Existence and stability of Camm type steady states in galactic dynamics
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Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Feedback stabilization of discrete-time homogeneous semi-linear systems
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Flat steady states in stellar dynamics : existence and stability
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The Generalized Baues Problem for cyclic polytopes II
in Publications de l'Institut Mathematique vol. 66 (80) (1999) . - pp. 3-15

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Global Stability in Some Dissipative Systems
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Global State Space Approach for the Efficient Numerical Solution of State-Constrained Traj ...
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Input-to-state stability of exponentially stabilized semilinear control systems with inhom ...
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Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
Kinematic dynamos surrounded by a stationary conductor
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Meshless Galerkin methods using radial basis functions
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New t-designs and large sets of t-designs
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On Numerical Algorithm and Interactive Visualization for Optimal Control Problems
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On the height constant for curves of genus two
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On the smoothness of positive definite and radial functions
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On Vainshtein's dynamo conjecture
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Betten, Anton; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
Simple 7-Designs with small parameters
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Simple 8-(40,11,1440) Designs
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Stable steady states in stellar dynamics
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Rein, Gerhard
Static shells for the Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Einstein systems
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Betten, Anton; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
A Steiner 5-Design on 36 Points
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Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.
Strong asymptotics of polynomials orthogonal with respect to Freud weights
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Two methods to compute stability balls in the rotating Bénard system, a comparison
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 79 (1999)

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Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights ...
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Upwind-mixed methods for transport equations
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Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
On rigid tuples in linear groups of odd dimension
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Campana, Frédéric; Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Peternell, Thomas
The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number
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Asymptotic Controllability and Exponential Stabilization of Nonlinear Control Systems at S ...
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Calabi–Yau threefolds with positive second Chern class
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The classification of surfaces in P⁵ having few trisecants
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Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.; Schaeffer, Jack
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Discrete approximations of differential inclusions
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Effiziente Lösung einer realistischen Optimalsteuerungsaufgabe durch Transformation des Ra ...
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Error estimates for interpolation by compactly supported radial basis functions of minimal ...
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Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Estimates on Green's functions of quasi-periodic matrix operators and a new version of the ...
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Finding simple t-designs with enumeration techniques
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Growth estimates for the solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system in the plasma physics case
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Jäger, Horst J.; Kolb, Stefan; Mair, Thomas; Geller, Marius; Christmann, Andreas; Kinne, Rolf K.; Mathias, Klaus
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Konvergenzbeschleunigung der Mehrzielmethode für Flugbahnoptimierungsaufgaben
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Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.
New results on the equilibrium measure for logarithmic potentials in the presence of an ex ...
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On the arithmetic of the curves y² = xˡ + A and their Jacobians
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On the asymptotic behaviour of a one-dimensional monocharged plasma and a rescaling method
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On the asymptotics of the growth of 2-step nilpotent groups
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On the diffeomorphism groups of elliptic surfaces
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On the Relation between Discounted and Average Optimal Value Functions
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On the uniqueness of the MHD ball lightning solution
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Simple 8-Designs with Small Parameters
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Threefolds with nef anticanonical bundles : Dedicated to the memory of Fernando Serrano
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Towards a Mori theory on compact Kähler threefolds : II
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in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 77 (1997) issue S1

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Using Schubert basis to compute with multivariate polynomials
in Advances in Applied Mathematics vol. 19 (1997) issue 1. - pp. 45-60
doi:10.1006/aama.1997.0526 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.
Analytic Three-Dimensional Solutions of the Magnetohydrostatic Equations with Twisted Fiel ...
in Physical Review Letters vol. 77 (1996) issue 15. - pp. 3133-3136
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Kagei, Yoshiyuki; von Wahl, Wolf
Asymptotic stability of higher order norms in terms of asymptotic energy stability for vis ...
in Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics vol. 13 (1996) issue 1. - pp. 33-49
doi:10.1007/BF03167297 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, Michael
Compact Kähler manifolds with hermitian semipositive anticanonical bundle
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 101 (1996) issue 2. - pp. 217-224

Rein, Gerhard
Cosmological solutions of the Vlasov-Einstein system with spherical, plane, and hyperbolic ...
in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 119 (1996) issue 4. - pp. 739-762
doi:10.1017/S0305004100074569 ...

Grüne, Lars
Discrete feedback stabilization of semilinear control systems
in ESAIM : Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol. 1 (1996) . - pp. 207-224
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Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.
Erratum: Global existence of solutions of the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system ...
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 176 (1996) issue 2. - pp. 475-478
doi:10.1007/BF02099559 ...

Stoll, Michael
An example of a simple 2-dimensional abelian variety defined over Q with Mordell-Weil grou ...
in Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Series I vol. 322 (1996) issue 9. - pp. 849-851

Chudej, Kurt
Extended Necessary Conditions for Challenging State-Constrained Optimal Control Problems i ...
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 76 (1996) issue S3. - pp. 1-4
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Lempio, Frank; Silin, D. B.
Generalized differential equations with strongly one-sided Lipschitzian right-hand side
in Differencial’nye Uravnenija : Du ; Ežemesjačnyj Matematičeskij Žurnal vol. 32 (1996) issue 11. - pp. 1488-1494
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank; Silin, D. B.
Generalized differential equations with strongly one-sided Lipschitzian right-hand side
in Differential Equations vol. 32 (1996) issue 11. - pp. 1485-1491
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Kreim, H.; Kugelmann, Bernd; Pesch, Hans Josef; Breitner, Michael H.
Minimizing the maximum heating of a re-entering space shuttle : An optimal control problem ...
in Optimal Control Applications and Methods vol. 17 (1996) issue 1. - pp. 45-69
doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-1514(199601/03)17:1<45::AID ...

Kaiser, Ralf
Note on the scalar dynamo model
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics vol. 82 (1996) issue 1-2. - pp. 125-135
doi:10.1080/03091929608213632 ...

Grüne, Lars
Numerical Stabilization of Bilinear Control Systems
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 34 (1996) issue 6. - pp. 2024-2050
doi:10.1137/S0363012994272290 ...

Rambau, Jörg; Ziegler, Günter M.
Projections of polytopes and the Generalized Baues Conjecture
in Discrete & Computational Geometry vol. 16 (1996) issue 3. - pp. 215-237
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Stoll, Michael
Rational and transcendental growth series for the higher Heisenberg groups
in Inventiones Mathematicae vol. 126 (1996) issue 1. - pp. 85-109
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Chudej, Kurt
Realistic Modelled Optimal Control Problems in Aerospace Engineering : A Challenge to the ...
in Mathematical Modelling of Systems vol. 2 (1996) issue 4. - pp. 252-261
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Baptist, Peter
Der Satz des Pythagoras - eine "qualitas occulta"?
in Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 42 (1996) issue 3. - pp. 22-30

Illner, Reinhard; Rein, Gerhard
Time decay of the solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system in the plasma physical case
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol. 19 (1996) issue 17. - pp. 1409-1413
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Deift, Percy; Kamvissis, Spyridon; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Zhou, Xin
The Toda rarefaction problem
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics vol. 49 (1996) issue 1. - pp. 35-83
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Berkmann, P.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Abort landing in windshear : optimal control problem with third-order state constraint and ...
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 85 (1995) issue 1. - pp. 21-57
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Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.
Ball lightning as an example of a magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium
in Physical Review E vol. 52 (1995) issue 3. - pp. 3034-3044
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Bulirsch, Roland; Chudej, Kurt
Combined optimization of trajectory and stage separation of a hypersonic two-stage space v ...
in Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung vol. 19 (1995) issue 1. - pp. 55-60

Stoll, Michael
Construction of semiabelian Galois extensions
in Glasgow Mathematical Journal vol. 37 (1995) issue 1. - pp. 99-104
doi:10.1017/S0017089500030433 ...

Bauer, Ingrid
Embeddings of curves
in Manuscripta Mathematica vol. 87 (1995) issue 1. - pp. 27-34
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Lempio, Frank
Euler's Method Revisited
in Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics vol. 211 (1995) . - pp. 429-449
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank
Euler's Method Revisited
in Trudy Matematičeskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova vol. 211 (1995) . - pp. 473-494
rev.: Mathematical Reviews

Deift, Percy; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
Forced lattice vibrations. Part I
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics vol. 48 (1995) issue 11. - pp. 1187-1249
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Deift, Percy; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
Forced lattice vibrations. Part II
in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics vol. 48 (1995) issue 11. - pp. 1251-1298
doi:10.1002/cpa.3160481103 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Bauer, Ingrid
Inner projections of algebraic surfaces : a finiteness result
in Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (1995) issue 460. - pp. 1-13
doi:10.1515/crll.1995.460.1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Breitner, Michael H.; Koslik, Birgit; von Stryk, Oskar; Pesch, Hans Josef
Iterative design of economic models via simulation, optimization and modeling
in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation vol. 39 (1995) issue 5-6. - pp. 527-532
doi:10.1016/0378-4754(95)00114-5 ...

Batt, Jürgen; Morrison, Philip J.; Rein, Gerhard
Linear stability of stationary solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system in three dimensions
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 130 (1995) issue 2. - pp. 163-182
doi:10.1007/BF00375154 ...

Oguiso, Keiji; Peternell, Thomas
On polarized canonical Calabi-Yau threefolds
in Mathematische Annalen vol. 301 (1995) . - pp. 237-248
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Peternell, Thomas; Wiśniewski, Jarosław A.
On stability of tangent bundles of Fano manifolds with b2=1
in Journal of Algebraic Geometry vol. 4 (1995) issue 2. - pp. 363-384

Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.; Tataronis, J. A.
On the existence of toroidal magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with poloidally closed magneti ...
in Physics of Plasmas vol. 2 (1995) issue 5. - pp. 1599-1604
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Wendland, Holger
Piecewise polynomial, positive definite and compactly supported radial basis functions of ...
in Advances in Computational Mathematics vol. 4 (1995) issue 1. - pp. 389-396
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Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.; Schaeffer, Jack
A regularity theorem for solutions of the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 168 (1995) issue 3. - pp. 467-478
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Wassermann, Alfred
The simple 7-(33,8,10)-Designs with Automorphism Group PΓL(2,32)
in Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire vol. 35 (1995)

Maurer, Helmut; Pesch, Hans Josef
Solution differentiability for parametric nonlinear control problems with control-state co ...
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 86 (1995) issue 2. - pp. 285-309
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Deuring, Paul; von Wahl, Wolf
Strong solutions of the Navier-Stokes system in Lipschitz bounded domains
in Mathematische Nachrichten vol. 171 (1995) issue 1. - pp. 111-148
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Salat, A.; Kaiser, Ralf
Three‐dimensional closed field line magnetohydrodynamic equilibria without symmetries
in Physics of Plasmas vol. 2 (1995) issue 10. - pp. 3777-3781
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Kaiser, Ralf
Towards a poloidal magnetic field theorem
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics vol. 80 (1995) issue 1-2. - pp. 129-144
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Stoll, Michael
Two simple 2-dimensional abelian varieties defined over Q with Mordell-Weil group of rank ...
in Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Series I vol. 321 (1995) issue 10. - pp. 1341-1345

Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, Michael
Compact complex manifolds with numerically effective tangent bundles
in Journal of Algebraic Geometry vol. 3 (1994) issue 2. - pp. 295-345

Baier, Robert
Extrapolation Methods for the Computation of Set-Valued Integrals and Reachable Sets of Li ...
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 74 (1994) issue 6
doi:10.1002/zamm.19940740604 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Ancona, Vincenzo; Peternell, Thomas; Wiśniewski, Jarosław A.
Fano bundles and splitting theorems on projective spaces and quadrics
in Pacific Journal of Mathematics vol. 163 (1994) issue 1. - pp. 17-42
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Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.
Global existence of classical solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system in a three-dimensiona ...
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 126 (1994) issue 2. - pp. 183-201
doi:10.1007/BF00391558 ...

Christmann, Andreas
Least median of weighted squares in logistic regression with large strata
in Biometrika vol. 81 (1994) issue 2. - pp. 413-417
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Pesch, Hans Josef; Bulirsch, Roland
The maximum principle, Bellman's equation, and Carathéodory's work
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 80 (1994) issue 2. - pp. 199-225
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Kaiser, Ralf
MHD equilibria with cusped plasma-vacuum interfaces
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 74 (1994) issue 7. - pp. 257-264
doi:10.1002/zamm.19940740708 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Peternell, Thomas
Minimal varieties with trivial canonical classes : I
in Mathematische Zeitschrift vol. 217 (1994) . - pp. 377-405
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von Wahl, Wolf
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of flows of incompressible viscous f ...
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 126 (1994) issue 2. - pp. 103-129
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Rein, Gerhard
Non-linear stability for the Vlasov-Poisson system : the energy-Casimir method
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol. 17 (1994) issue 14. - pp. 1129-1140
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Kaiser, Ralf; Schmitt, Burkhard J.; Busse, Friedrich
On the invisible dynamo
in Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics vol. 77 (1994) issue 1. - pp. 91-109
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Kaiser, Ralf
On three-dimensional toroidal surface current equilibria with rational rotational transfor ...
in Physics of Plasmas vol. 1 (1994) issue 8. - pp. 2693-2699
doi:10.1063/1.870596 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Lachner, Rainer; Breitner, Michael H.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Strategies of a Complex Pursuit-Evasion Game
in Journal of Computing and Information vol. 4 (1994) . - pp. 87-110

Pesch, Hans Josef
A Practical Guide to the Solution of Real-Life Optimal Control Problems
in Control and Cybernetics vol. 23 (1994) issue 1/2. - pp. 7-60
doi: ...

Grunau, Hans-Christoph; von Wahl, Wolf
Regularity of weak solutions of semilinear parabolic systems of arbitrary order
in Journal d'Analyse Mathematique vol. 62 (1994) . - pp. 307-322
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas
Rigidity theorems for primitive Fano 3-folds
in Communications in Analysis and Geometry vol. 2 (1994) issue 2. - pp. 173-201
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Maurer, Helmut; Pesch, Hans Josef
Solution Differentiability for Nonlinear Parametric Control Problems
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol. 32 (1994) issue 6. - pp. 1542-1554
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Christmann, Andreas; Gather, U.; Scholz, G.
Some properties of the length of the shortest half
in Statistica Neerlandica vol. 48 (1994) issue 3. - pp. 209-213
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Kagei, Yoshiyuki; von Wahl, Wolf
Stability of higher norms in terms of energy-stability for the Boussinesq equations : rema ...
in Differential and Integral Equations vol. 7 (1994) issue 3-4. - pp. 921-948
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Rein, Gerhard
Static solutions of the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system
in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 115 (1994) issue 3. - pp. 559-570
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Kaiser, Ralf; Salat, A.
Surface current equilibria from a geometric point of view
in Physics of Plasmas vol. 1 (1994) issue 2. - pp. 281-295
doi:10.1063/1.870830 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baptist, Peter
Von Pythagoras zu Ptolemäus : Aufdecken einer verborgenen Verwandtschaft
in Praxis der Mathematik vol. 36 (1994) issue 3. - pp. 97-99

Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas
4-folds with numerically effective tangent bundles and second Betti numbers greater than o ...
in Manuscripta Mathematica vol. 79 (1993) . - pp. 225-238
doi:10.1007/BF02568341 ...

Baptist, Peter
Alt, aber nicht veraltet : der Goldene Schnitt
in Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik vol. 25 (1993) issue 4. - pp. 122-127

Breitner, Michael H.; Pesch, Hans Josef; Grimm, Werner
Complex differential games of pursuit-evasion type with state constraints. Part 1: Necessa ...
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 78 (1993) issue 3. - pp. 419-441
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Breitner, Michael H.; Pesch, Hans Josef; Grimm, Werner
Complex differential games of pursuit-evasion type with state constraints. Part 2: Numeric ...
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 78 (1993) issue 3. - pp. 443-463
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Kastner-Maresch, Alois; Lempio, Frank
Difference methods with selection strategies for differential inclusions
in Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol. 14 (1993) issue 5-6. - pp. 555-572
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rev.: Mathematical Reviews

Bauer, Ingrid; Oliverio, Paolo A.
Infinitesimal Torelli theorem for surfaces with K²=6, χ=4, and torsion
in Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées vol. 38 (1993) issue 7-8. - pp. 601-607
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baptist, Peter
Karl Wilhelm Feuerbach : Geometrie und Gemütskrankheit
in Der Mathematikunterricht vol. 40 (1993) issue 6. - pp. 6-13

Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, Michael
Kähler manifolds with numerically effective Ricci class
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 89 (1993) issue 2. - pp. 217-240

Schmitt, Burkhard J.; von Wahl, Wolf
Monotonicity and boundedness in the Boussinesq-equations
in European Journal of Mechanics B : Fluids vol. 12 (1993) issue 2. - pp. 245-270
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Chudej, Kurt; Bulirsch, Roland
Numerical solution of a simultaneous staging and trajectory optimization problem of a hype ...
in American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Meeting Papers vol. 93 (1993)
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AIAA/DGLR Fifth International Aerospace Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, München, Deutschland

Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.
On the existence of plasma corners
in ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 73 (1993) issue 3. - pp. 165-171
doi:10.1002/zamm.19930730310 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kaiser, Ralf
Resistive ballooning modes in W7-AS and W7-X
in Nuclear Fusion vol. 33 (1993) issue 9. - pp. 1281-1291
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Batt, Jürgen; Rein, Gerhard
A rigorous stability result for the Vlasov-Poisson system in three dimensions
in Anali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata vol. 164 (1993) issue 1. - pp. 133-154
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Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.
Smooth static solutions of the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system
in Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré A vol. 59 (1993) issue 4. - pp. 383-397
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Kaiser, Ralf; Tasso, H.
Three‐dimensional toroidal magnetohydrodynamics equilibria with "canal" surface currents
in Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics vol. 5 (1993) issue 3. - pp. 1030-1031
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Baptist, Peter
Alte Mathematik - aber nicht veraltet : Historische Aufgaben im Mathematikunterricht der G ...
in Grundschulmagazin vol. 7 (1992) issue 11. - pp. 43-45

Baptist, Peter
Überlegungen am Satz des Ceva
in Didaktik der Mathematik vol. 20 (1992) issue 4. - pp. 271-280

von Wahl, Wolf
The continuity or stability method for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations and syst ...
in Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico vol. 62 (1992) issue 1. - pp. 157-183
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Dontchev, Asen; Lempio, Frank
Difference Methods for Differential Inclusions : A Survey
in SIAM Review vol. 34 (1992) issue 2. - pp. 263-294
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rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

von Wahl, Wolf
Estimating ∇u by div u and curl u
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol. 15 (1992) issue 2. - pp. 123-143
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Rein, Gerhard
Existence of stationary, collisionless plasmas in bounded domains
in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol. 15 (1992) issue 5. - pp. 365-374
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Peternell, Thomas; Szurek, Michal; Wiśniewski, Jarosław A.
Fano manifolds and vector bundles
in Mathematische Annalen vol. 294 (1992) . - pp. 151-165
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Rein, Gerhard; Weckler, Jürgen
Generic global classical solutions of the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck-Poisson system in three dim ...
in Journal of Differential Equations vol. 99 (1992) issue 1. - pp. 59-77
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Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.
Global existence of solutions of the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system with sma ...
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 150 (1992) issue 3. - pp. 561-583
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Rein, Gerhard; Rendall, Alan D.
The Newtonian limit of the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system
in Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 150 (1992) issue 3. - pp. 585-591
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Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas
On the second exterior power of tangent bundles of threefolds
in Compositio Mathematica vol. 83 (1992) issue 3. - pp. 329-346

Baptist, Peter
Peter Hilton begegnet Pythagoras : ein Beispiel für richtiges Sehen in der Elementargeomet ...
in Praxis der Mathematik vol. 34 (1992) issue 1. - pp. 38-39

Kaiser, Ralf; Lortz, D.; Spies, G. O.
Plasma corners. I. Constant toroidal current density
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Baptist, Peter
Problemlösen durch Rekursion : Was haben Kaninchen und Briefträger gemeinsam?
in Grundschulmagazin vol. 7 (1992) issue 2. - pp. 37-40

Kohnert, Axel
Schubert polynomials and skew Schur functions
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Lunardi, Alessandra; Sinestrari, Eugenio; von Wahl, Wolf
A semigroup approach to the time dependent parabolic initial-boundary value problem
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rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Kruse, Kai-Olaf; Rein, Gerhard
A stability result for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system
in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol. 121 (1992) issue 2. - pp. 187-203
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Bulirsch, Roland; Chudej, Kurt
Staging and ascent optimization of a dual-stage space transporter
in Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung vol. 16 (1992) . - pp. 143-151

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Symplectic phase flow approximation for the numerical integration of canonical systems
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Bulirsch, Roland; Montrone, Francesco; Pesch, Hans Josef
Abort landing in the presence of windshear as a minimax optimal control problem. Part 1: N ...
in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 70 (1991) issue 1. - pp. 1-23
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Abort landing in the presence of windshear as a minimax optimal control problem. Part 2: M ...
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Ample vector bundles on fano manifolds
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Peternell, Thomas
Calabi-Yau manifolds and a conjecture of Kobayashi
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Baptist, Peter
Dreiecksgeometrie und Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik
in Didaktik der Mathematik vol. 19 (1991) issue 4. - pp. 279-293

Batt, Jürgen; Rein, Gerhard
Global classical solutions of the periodic Vlasov-Poisson system
in Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Series I vol. 313 (1991) . - pp. 411-416

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von Wahl, Wolf
Abschätzungen für das Neumann-Problem und die Helmholtz-Zerlegung von Lᵖ
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Baptist, Peter
Über ein Extremwertproblem aus der Dreiecksgeometrie : historische und schulgeometrische B ...
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The Earth and its Magnetic Field
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Formal cohomology, analytic cohomology and non-algebraic manifolds
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On two conjectures of Hartshorne's
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Serielle und parallele Algorithmen zur Korrektur optimaler Flugbahnen in Echtzeit-Rechnung
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Compactifications of ℂ3 : II
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Real-time computation of feedback controls for constrained optimal control problems. Part ...
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Real-time computation of feedback controls for constrained optimal control problems. Part ...
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Der Satz von Steiner-Lehmus : Anmerkungen zu einer Aufgabe aus der Dreiecksgeometrie
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Singular surfaces and the rigidity of ℙ3
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Über Nagelsche Punktepaare
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Baptist, Peter
Überlegungen an der Pythagorasfigur
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Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, Michael
Compactifications of ℂ3 : I
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Baptist, Peter
From Notable Points to Nagel-Point-Pairs : a Historical Approach
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Baptist, Peter
Geometrie und Schule : ein Bericht aus Israel
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Baptist, Peter; Diener, Volker
Historische Aufgaben für den Mathematikunterricht
in Die Realschule vol. 96 (1988) issue 6. - pp. 231-234

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Merkwürdige Punkte von Dreiecken in euklidischen und minkowskischen Ebenen
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Baptist, Peter
Algorithmen zur Lösung linearer Kongruenzen
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Direct images of sheaves of differentials and the Atiyah class
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Fairing cubic b-spline curves
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Historische Anmerkungen zu Gergonne- und Nagel-Punkt
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Regionale Lehrerfortbildung an der Universität Bayreuth : Ein Erfahrungsbericht
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Winkeldreiteilung und Trisektierer
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Algebraic structures on certain 3-folds
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Peternell, Thomas
Algebraicity criteria for compact complex manifolds
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Bestimmung kürzester Wege unter Berücksichtigung der speziellen Gestalt der Entfernungsmat ...
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Baptist, Peter; Kurpiers, Felicitas
Dreieckskonstruktionen aus gegebenen Punkten
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Baptist, Peter
Über die Längen von Dreiecks- und Viereckstransversalen
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Baptist, Peter
Über ein Trapez aus merkwürdigen Punkten des Dreiecks
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Der Kodairasche Verschwindungssatz auf streng pseudokonvexen Räumen : Teil 1
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Der Kodairasche Verschwindungssatz auf streng pseudokonvexen Räumen : Teil 2
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Baptist, Peter
Längenbestimmung von Dreieckstransversalen
in Didaktik der Mathematik vol. 13 (1985) issue 4. - pp. 306-315

Baptist, Peter
Notable points in a triangle
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Peternell, Thomas
A rigidity theorem for ℙ3(ℂ)
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Baptist, Peter
Ein Verfahren zur Erzeugung von beliebig vielen merkwürdigen Punkten
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Baptist, Peter; Diener, Volker
Zum Mathematik- und Informatikunterricht an Realschulen in Bayern
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Baptist, Peter
Algorithmen zur Lösung linearer diophantischer Gleichungen
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Baptist, Peter
Über Tripel merkwürdiger Punkte und deren Kollinearität
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Baptist, Peter
Iterative Matrixinversion mit einem aus der Analysis bekannten Iterationsverfahren
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Peternell, Thomas
Erratum et Addendum zu der Arbeit: Über exzeptionelle Mengen
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Peternell, Thomas
Vektorraumbündel auf exzeptionellen Unterräumen
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Baptist, Peter
Yhdenmukainen todistusmenetelmä kolmion merkillisten pisteiden todistamiseksi
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Peternell, Thomas
Über exzeptionelle Mengen
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Baptist, Peter
Inkreisradius und pythagoreische Zahlentripel
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Baptist, Peter
Konvergenz und monotone Einschließung für das Steffensen-Verfahren
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Baptist, Peter
Monotone Enclosing of Solutions of the Steffensen-type
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Baptist, Peter
Nagel-Punkte und Eulersche Geraden
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Peternell, Thomas
On strongly pseudo-convex Kähler manifolds
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Vektorraumbündel in der Nähe von exzeptionellen Unterräumen : das Modulproblem
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Berechnung komplexer Wurzeln mit dem Taschenrechner
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Berlekamp-Algorithmus und programmierbarer Taschenrechner
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Iterative Einschließung von Nullstellen
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Numerical treatment of delay differential equations by Hermite Interpolation
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Baptist, Peter
Lösung der nichtlinearen Gleichung f(x) = 0 mit Hilfe von Iterationsverfahren und deren Pr ...
in Didaktik der Mathematik vol. 8 (1980) issue 1. - pp. 65-74

Pesch, Hans Josef
Neighboring Optimum Guidance of a Space-Shuttle-Orbiter-Type Vehicle
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Programmierung auf dem Taschenrechner und Konvergenzuntersuchungen für das Steffensen-Verf ...
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Baptist, Peter
Lösung der nichtlinearen Gleichung f(x) = 0 mit Hilfe von Iterationsverfahren und deren Pr ...
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Numerical computation of neighboring optimum feedback control schemes in real-time
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Baptist, Peter
Optimale Wege in endlich gerichteten Graphen
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Numerical Solution of the Flow between Two-Counter-Rotating Infinite Plane Disks by Multip ...
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Oberwolfach Mini Workshop on Analysis of Data-driven Optimal Control, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach

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Erkennung nicht relevanter Unternehmen in den Handwerksstatistiken
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Brennstoffzellen brennen nicht durch - Lebensdauerrekord mit Mathematik
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... ohne Mathematik ist alles nichts
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Frauen-Power 4 Hard Skills : Ist Mathematik so schwer, dass nur Frauen es aushalten?
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Wieviel Mathematik braucht ein Hai? Wieviel eine zukunftsstarke Gesellschaft? : Die ersten ...
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Wo bleibt der Aufzug?
in OR News (1999) issue 5. - pp. 11-13

Ascheuer, Norbert; Grötschel, Martin; Kamin, Nicola; Rambau, Jörg
Combinatorial online optimization in practice
in Optima (1998) issue 57. - pp. 1-6

Wassermann, Alfred
Das Brachistochronenproblem mit DERIVE
in Akademiebericht der Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung Dillingen (1995)

von Wahl, Wolf
The Boussinesq-equations in terms of poloidal and toroidal fields and the mean flow
in Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften vol. 40 (1992) . - pp. 203-290
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Article in a book (peer-reviewed)

Kurz, Sascha; Landjev, Ivan; Rousseva, Assia
Quadratic sets and (3 mod 5)-arcs in PG(r,5)
In: Zlateva, Tanya ; Tuparov, Georgi (ed.): Computer Science and Education in Computer Science : Proceedings - Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025. - pp. 88-96 . - (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; 609)
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-84312-9_6 ...

Jain, Aditi; Gupta, Arvind Kumar
A Closed Network of RNA Polymerase Flow Models for Analyzing Intracellular Transport
In: Rao, K. Ramachandra ; Seyfried, Armin ; Schadschneider, Andreas (ed.): Traffic and Granular Flow '22 - Singapore Singapore: Springer Nature, 2024. - pp. 249-256 . - (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering; 443)
doi:10.1007/978-981-99-7976-9_31 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Kurz, Sascha
Computer classification of linear codes based on lattice point enumeration
In: Buzzard, Kevin ; Dickenstein, Alicia ; Eick, Bettina ; Leykin, Anton ; Ren, Yue (ed.): Mathematical Software - ICMS 2024 : 8th International Conference on Mathematical Software, Durham, UK, July 22–25, 2024, Proceedings - Cham: Springer, 2024. - pp. 97-105 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 14749)
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-64529-7_11 ...

Büttner, Markus; Alt, Christoph; Kenter, Tobias; Köstler, Harald; Plessl, Christian; Aizinger, Vadym
Enabling Performance Portability for Shallow Water Equations on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs with ...
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference - New York, NY, 2024
doi:10.1145/3659914.3659925 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Rohlfs, Jann
Hopfbifurkation und Grenzzyklus bei einem Modell einer mückenübertragenen Krankheit mit te ...
In: Rose, Oliver ; Uhlig, Tobias (ed.): ASIM SST 2024 : Tagungsband Langbeiträge - Wien: ARGESIM Verlag, 2024. - pp. 9-17 . - (ARGESIM Report; 47) (ASIM Mitteilung ; 190)
doi:10.11128/arep.47.a4706 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian; Chaillet, Antoine; Brivadis, Lucas
ISS Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorem with point-wise dissipation : a V-stability approach
2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2024. - pp. 7896-7901
doi:10.1109/CDC56724.2024.10886158 ...

Niotis, Aristeidis; Chudej, Kurt
Mathematical Analysis of a Compartment Model
In: Rose, Oliver ; Uhlig, Tobias (ed.): ASIM SST 2024 : Tagungsband Langbeiträge - Wien: ARGESIM Verlag, 2024. - pp. 1-8 . - (ARGESIM Report; 47) (ASIM Mitteilung ; 190)
doi:10.11128/arep.47.a4707 ...

Schießl, Jonas; Ou, Ruchuan; Faulwasser, Timm; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Near-optimal performance of stochastic economic MPC
2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings - Milan, Italy, 2024. - pp. 2565-2571
doi:10.1109/CDC56724.2024.10886281 ...

Bachmann, Patrick; Ahmed, Saeed; Bajcinca, Naim
Stochastic ISS of impulsive evolution equations with randomly distributed jump instants
Proceedings of 2024 European Control Conference (ECC) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2024. - pp. 3286-3291
doi:10.23919/ecc64448.2024.10590835 ...

Bachmann, Patrick; Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Superposition theorems for input-to-output stability of infinite dimensional systems
2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2024. - pp. 3434-3439
doi:10.1109/CDC56724.2024.10886548 ...

Appel, Christian; Chudej, Kurt
Theoretische Analyse eines Kompartimentmodells einer mückenübertragenen Krankheit mit mehr ...
In: Rose, Oliver ; Uhlig, Tobias (ed.): ASIM SST 2024 : Tagungsband Langbeiträge - Wien: ARGESIM Verlag, 2024. - pp. 35-42 . - (ARGESIM Report; 47) (ASIM Mitteilung ; 190)
doi:10.11128/arep.47.a4728 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Rohlfs, Jann
Theoretische Untersuchung eines Kompartimentmodells einer mückenübertragenen Krankheit mit ...
In: Wittmann, Jochen ; Müller, Mike (ed.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Leipzig 2024 - Düren: Shaker, 2024. - pp. 163-172 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 188)

Chudej, Kurt; Bludau, Johann
Wann gibt es keine Backward Bifurcation bei Impfungen?
In: Wittmann, Jochen ; Müller, Mike (ed.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Leipzig 2024 - Düren: Shaker, 2024. - pp. 173-184 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 188)

Sperl, Mario; Saluzzi, Luca; Grüne, Lars; Kalise, Dante
Separable approximations of optimal value functions under a decaying sensitivity assumptio ...
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023 - Singapore, Singapore, 2023. - pp. 259-264
doi:10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383497 ...

Schwarz, Christina
The principle of solving a mixed boundary value problem with the help of hierarchical matr ...
In: Krull, Claudia ; Commerell, Walter ; Durak, Umut ; Körner, Andreas ; Pawletta, Thorsten (ed.): ASIM WORKSHOP 2023, STS/GMMS/EDU : Kurzbeiträge & Abstract-Beiträge - Wien: Argesim Verlag, 2023. - pp. 31 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 186) (ARGESIM Report ; 22)
doi:10.11128/arep.22 ...

Kurz, Sascha
The Public Good Index for Games with Several Levels of Approval in the Input and Output
In: Leroch, Martin A. ; Rupp, Florian (ed.): Power and Responsibility : Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Century in Honor of Manfred J. Holler - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. - pp. 257-269
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-23015-8_14 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
The Art and Beauty of Voting Power
In: Leroch, Martin A. ; Rupp, Florian (ed.): Power and Responsibility : Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Century in Honor of Manfred J. Holler - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. - pp. 125-141
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-23015-8 ...

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher; Worthmann, Karl
Model Predictive Control and Distributed Optimization in Smart Grid Applications
In: Fathi, Michel ; Zio, Enrico ; Pardalos, Panos M. (ed.): Handbook of Smart Energy Systems - Cham: Springer, 2023
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72322-4_163-1 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Schwenninger, Felix
Coercive quadratic ISS Lyapunov functions for analytic systems
2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2023. - pp. 4699-4704
doi:10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10384024 ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
How Skewed are Simultaneously Long-Short Trading Gains?
2023 European Control Conference (ECC) - Bucharest, Romania: IEEE, 2023. - pp. 1-6

Mironchenko, Andrii
Live systems of varying dimension : modeling and stability
2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2023. - pp. 3956-3961
doi:10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383609 ...

Krügel, Lisa; Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars
Local Turnpike Properties in Finite Horizon Optimal Control
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023 - Singapore, 2023. - pp. 5273-5278
doi:10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383850 ...

Folger, Gaby; Chudej, Kurt
Numerical Simulation of a Temperature Dependent Two Strain Dengue Fever Model
In: Wittmann, Jochen ; Chudej, Kurt (ed.): Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Bayreuth 2023 - Düren: Shaker Verlag, 2023. - pp. 89-99

Schießl, Jonas; Ou, Ruchuan; Faulwasser, Timm; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Pathwise turnpike and dissipativity results for discrete-time stochastic linear-quadratic ...
2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2023. - pp. 2790-2795
doi:10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10384081 ...

Bauer, Maximilian
Räumliche Modellierung von vektorübertragenen Krankheiten
In: Wittmann, Jochen ; Chudej, Kurt (ed.): Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Bayreuth 2023 - Düren: Shaker Verlag, 2023. - pp. 113-124

Faj, Jennifer; Kenter, Tobias; Faghih-Naini, Sara; Plessl, Christian; Aizinger, Vadym
Scalable Multi-FPGA Design of a Discontinuous Galerkin Shallow-Water Model on Unstructured ...
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference - New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, 2023
doi:10.1145/3592979.3593407 ...

Alt, Christoph; Kenter, Tobias; Faghih-Naini, Sara; Faj, Jennifer; Opdenhövel, Jan-Oliver; Plessl, Christian; Aizinger, Vadym; Hönig, Jan; Köstler, Harald
Shallow Water DG Simulations on FPGAs : Design and Comparison of a Novel Code Generation P ...
In: Bhatele, Abhinav ; Hammond, Jeff ; Baboulin, Marc ; Kruse, Carola (ed.): High Performance Computing : Proceedings - Cham: Springer, 2023. - pp. 86-105 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 13948)
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-32041-5_5 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Folger, Gaby
Theoretische Analyse eines SEIR-Modells mit Impfung und nichtlinearem logistischen Wachstu ...
In: Wittmann, Jochen ; Chudej, Kurt (ed.): Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Bayreuth 2023 - Düren: Shaker Verlag, 2023. - pp. 101-112

Gensler, Patrick; Christmann, Andreas
On the Robustness of Kernel-Based Pairwise Learning
In: Steland, Ansgar ; Tsui, Kwok-Leung (ed.): Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data Science in Statistics : Challenges and Solutions in Environmetrics, the Natural Sciences and Technology - Cham: Springer, 2022. - pp. 111-153
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07155-3_5 ...

Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Autoencoder vs. Regression Neural Networks for Detecting Manipulated Wine Ratings
In: Mäkiö, Juho (ed.): ICCGI 2022, The Seventeenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology - Venice, Italy: IARIA, 2022. - pp. 7-13
https://www.thinkmind.org/articles/iccgi_2022_2_20 ...

Zint, Daniel; Grosso, Roberto; Aizinger, Vadym; Faghih-Naini, Sara; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Köstler, Harald
Automatic Generation of Load-Balancing-Aware Block-Structured Grids for Complex Ocean Doma ...
In: Robinson, Trevor ; Moxey, David ; Tomov, Vladimir Z. (ed.): Proceedings of the 2022 SIAM International Meshing Roundtable - Virtual Conference: Zenodo, 2022
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6562440 ...

Cseh, Ágnes; Escamocher, Guillaume; Quesada, Luis
Computing Relaxations for the Three-Dimensional Stable Matching Problem with Cyclic Prefer ...
In: Solnon, Christine (ed.): 28th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming : CP 2022 - Wadern: Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2022 (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs); 235)
https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2022/1664 ...

Schwarz, Christina; Leleux, Philippe; Kühn, Martin J.; Rüde, Ulrich
Geometrisches Mehrgitterverfahren für die gyrokinetische Poisson-Gleichung mit Anwendung a ...
In: Breitenecker, Felix ; Deatcu, Christina ; Durak, Umut ; Körner, Andreas ; Pawletta, Thorsten (ed.): ASIM SST 2022 : Proceedings, Kurzbeiträge - Wien: ARGESIM Verlag, 2022. - pp. 73-76 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 179) (ARGESIM Report ; 19)
doi:10.11128/arep.19 ...

Führlich, Pascal; Cseh, Ágnes; Lenzner, Pascal
Improving ranking quality and fairness in Swiss-system chess tournaments
In: Pennock, David M. (ed.): Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation : EC '22 - New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022. - pp. 1101-1102
doi:10.1145/3490486.3538298 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Thäter, Markus; Pesch, Hans Josef
L1-Optimal Vaccination for SEIR Models with Logistic Growth
In: Wittmann, Jochen ; Wieland, Ralf (ed.): Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Müncheberg 2021 - Düren: Shaker, 2022. - pp. 189-218

Cseh, Ágnes; Friedrich, Tobias; Peters, Jannik
Pareto optimal and popular house allocation with lower and upper quotas
In: Pelachaud, Catherine (ed.): Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems : AAMAS 2022 - Richland, USA: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2022. - pp. 300-308
https://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2022/pdfs ...

Cseh, Ágnes; Peters, Jannik
Three-dimensional popular matching with cyclic preferences
In: Pelachaud, Catherine (ed.): Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems : AAMAS 2022 - Richland, USA: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2022. - pp. 309-317
https://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2022/pdfs ...

Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars
Turnpike Properties in Optimal Control : An Overview of Discrete-Time and Continuous-Time ...
In: Trélat, Emmanuel ; Zuazua, Enrique (ed.): Handbook of Numerical Analysis : Numerical Control. Part A - Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2022. - pp. 367-400 . - (Handbook of Numerical Analysis; 23)
doi:10.1016/bs.hna.2021.12.011 ...

Bachmann, Patrick; Ahmed, Saeed; Bajcinca, Naim
Discrete abstractions of infinite-dimensional impulsive systems
Proceedings of 2022 European Control Conference (ECC '22) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2022. - pp. 1110-1117
doi:10.23919/ecc55457.2022.9838166 ...

Folger, Gaby; Chudej, Kurt
Numerical Simulation of a Four Serotype Dengue Fever Model
In: Ehrhardt, Matthias ; Günther, Michael (ed.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2021 : selected and revised papers - Cham: Springer, 2022. - pp. 61-66 . - (Mathematics in Industry; 39)
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-11818-0_9 ...

Sauerteig, Philipp; Worthmann, Karl; Chudej, Kurt
Towards Model Predictive Control for Maintainig a Hard Infection Cap During an Outbreak of ...
In: Breitenecker, Felix ; Kemmetmüller, Wolfgang ; Körner, Andreas ; Kugi, Andreas ; Troch, Inge (ed.): Discussion Contributions 10th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling - Wien: Argesim Publisher, 2022. - pp. 99-100 . - (ARGESIM Report; 17)
doi:10.11128/arep.17.a17221 ...

Kenter, Tobias; Shambhu, Adesh; Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym
Algorithm-hardware co-design of a discontinuous Galerkin shallow-water model for a dataflo ...
In: Association for Computing Machinery (ed.): Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference - Geneva, 2021. - pp. 1-11
doi:10.1145/3468267.3470617 ...

Wassermann, Alfred
Algorithmic Methods
In: Huffman, W. Cary ; Kim, Jon-Lark ; Solé, Patrick (ed.): Concise Encyclopedia of Coding Theory - Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2021. - pp. 575-598
doi:10.1201/9781315147901 ...

Wu, Chengshuai; Grüne, Lars; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Margaliot, Michael
Behavior of totally positive differential systems near a periodic solution
Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Austin, Texas, USA, 2021. - pp. 3160-3165
doi:10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683061 ...

Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars; Humaloja, Jukka-Pekka; Schaller, Manuel
Inferring the adjoint turnpike property from the primal turnpike property
Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Austin, Texas, USA, 2021. - pp. 2578-2583
doi:10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683079 ...

Aziz, Haris; Chan, Hau; Cseh, Ágnes; Li, Bo; Ramezani, Fahimeh; Wang, Chenhao
Multi-Robot Task Allocation : Complexity and Approximation
In: Dignum, Frank (ed.): Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems : AAMAS 2021 - Richland, SC, USA: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2021. - pp. 133-141
https://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2021/pdfs ...

Kraiczy, Sonja; Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David
On absolutely and simply popular rankings
In: Dignum, Frank (ed.): Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems : AAMAS 2021 - Richland, SC, USA: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2021. - pp. 1563-1565
https://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2021/pdfs ...

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
Strategy Optimization in Sports via Markov Decision Problems
In: Bock, Hans Georg ; Jäger, Willi ; Kostina, Ekaterina ; Phu, Hoang Xuan (ed.): Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes HPSC 2018 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 19-23, 2018 - Cham: Springer, 2021. - pp. 277-322
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-55240-4_14 ...

Herath, Mark; Chudej, Kurt
Analyse, Simulation und optimale Steuerung eines Dengue-Fieber-Modells mit temporärer Kreu ...
In: Deatcu, Christina ; Lückerath, Daniel ; Ullrich, Oliver ; Durak, Umut (ed.): Proceedings ASIM SST 2020 : 25. ASIM Symposium Simulationstechnik - Wien: ARGESIM, 2020. - pp. 63-71 . - (ARGESIM Report; 59) (ASIM Mitteilung ; 174)
doi:10.11128/arep.59.a59010 ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Are ETFs Bad for Financial Health?
In: Chodnicka-Jaworska, Patrycja (ed.): 18th RSEP International Economics, Finance & Business Conference : Conference Proceedings - Ankara: BC Publishing, 2020. - pp. 10-18
https://rsepconferences.com/wp-content/uploads/202 ...

Herath, Mark; Albrecht, Gaby; Chudej, Kurt
Ein asymmetrisches zwei Serotyp Dengue Fieber Modell mit Kontrollmaßnahmen
In: Wittmann, Jochen (ed.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften - Düren: Shaker Verlag, 2020. - pp. 191-202 . - (Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik) (ASIM-Mitteilung AM; 173)

Hajduk, Hennes; Kuzmin, Dmitri; Aizinger, Vadym
Bathymetry Reconstruction Using Inverse ShallowWater Models : Finite Element Discretizatio ...
In: van Brummelen, Harald ; Corsini, Alessandro ; Perotto, Simona ; Rozza, Gianluigi (ed.): Numerical Methods for Flows : FEF 2017 Selected Contributions - Cham: Springer, 2020. - pp. 223-230
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30705-9_20 ...

Lönne, Michael
Branch Stabilisation for the Components of Hurwitz Moduli Spaces of Galois Covers
In: Neumann, Frank ; Schroll, Sibylle (ed.): Galois Covers, Grothendieck-Teichmüller Theory and Dessins d'Enfants : Interactions between Geometry, Topology, Number Theory and Algebra, Leicester, UK, June 2018 - Cham: Springer, 2020. - pp. 181-204 . - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics; 330)
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-51795-3_9 ...

Flothow, Amelie; Chudej, Kurt
Entwicklung und Analyse einer stufigen SVIR-Baummodellierung
In: Deatcu, Christina ; Lückerath, Daniel ; Ullrich, Oliver ; Durak, Umut (ed.): Proceedings ASIM SST 2020 : 25. ASIM Symposium Simulationstechnik - Wien: ARGESIM, 2020. - pp. 73-81 . - (ARGESIM Report; 59) (ASIM Mitteilung ; 174)
doi:10.11128/arep.59.a59011 ...

Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
From Bellman to Dijkstra : Set oriented construction of globally optimal controllers
In: Junge, Oliver ; Schütze, Oliver ; Froyland, Gary ; Ober-Blöbaum, Sina ; Padberg-Gehle, Kathrin (ed.): Advances in dynamics, optimization and computation : a volume dedicated to Michael Dellnitz on the occasion of his 60th birthday - Cham: Springer, 2020. - pp. 265-294 . - (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control; 304)
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-51264-4_11 ...

Kazemi, Fatemeh; Kurz, Sascha; Soljanin, Emina
A Geometric View of the Service Rates of Codes Problem and its Application to the Service ...
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2020. - pp. 66-71
doi:10.1109/ISIT44484.2020.9174345 ...

Grüne, Lars
Numerical methods for nonlinear optimal control problems, 2nd edition
In: Samad, Tariq ; Baillieul, John (ed.): Encyclopedia of Systems and Control - London: Springer, 2020
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_208-3 ...

Fechner, Pascal; Chudej, Kurt; Albrecht, Gaby
Optimale Impfstrategien für ein mathematisches Chikungunyafieber-Modell
In: Wittmann, Jochen (ed.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften - Düren: Shaker Verlag, 2020. - pp. 203-213 . - (Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik) (ASIM-Mitteilung AM; 173)

Tanwani, Aneel; Chatterjee, Debasish; Grüne, Lars
Performance bounds for stochastic receding horizon control with randomly sampled measureme ...
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Nice, France, 2019. - pp. 2330-2335
doi:10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9029947 ...

Shen, Bo-Wen; Reyes, Tiffany; Faghih-Naini, Sara
Coexistence of Chaotic and Non-chaotic Orbits in a New Nine-Dimensional Lorenz Model
In: Skiadas, Christos H. ; Lubashevsky, Ihor (ed.): 11th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference - Cham: Springer, 2019. - pp. 239-255
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-15297-0_22 ...

Braun, Philipp; Sauerteig, Philipp; Worthmann, Karl
Distributed Optimization Based Control on the Example of Microgrids
In: Blondin, Maude Josée ; Pardalos, Panos M. ; Sanchis Sáez, Javier (ed.): Computational Intelligence and Optimization Methods for Control Engineering - Cham: Springer, 2019. - pp. 173-200 . - (Springer Optimization and its Applications; 150)
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-25446-9_8 ...

Weigand, Hans-Georg; Drösemeier, Annalisa; Greefrath, Gilbert; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Ulm, Volker
An Empirical Study for Identifying Basic Mental Models for the Derivative and the Integral
In: Graven, Mellony ; Venkat, Hamsa ; Essien, Anthony A. ; Vale, Pamela (ed.): Proceedings of the 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Volume 4. Oral Communications and Poster Presentations - Pretoria: PME, 2019. - pp. 114
https://www.up.ac.za/media/shared/705/pme43/Procee ...

Zint, Daniel; Grosso, Roberto; Aizinger, Vadym; Köstler, Harald
Generation of Block Structured Grids on Complex Domains for High Performance Simulation
In: Garanzha, Vladimir A. ; Kamenski, Lennard ; Si, Hang (ed.): Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing : Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, NUMGRID 2018 - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. - pp. 87-99
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-23436-2_6 ...

Kempf, Rüdiger; Wendland, Holger; Rieger, Christian
Kernel-based reconstructions for parametric PDEs
In: Griebel, Michael ; Schweitzer, Marc Alexander (ed.): Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IX - Cham: Springer, 2019. - pp. 53-71
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-15119-5_4 ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Positive Expected Feedback Trading Gain for all Essentially Linearly Representable Prices
2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2019. - pp. 150-155

Buratti, Marco; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Nakić, Anamari; Wassermann, Alfred
q-analogs of group divisible designs
In: Schmidt, Kai-Uwe ; Winterhof, Arne (ed.): Combinatorics and Finite Fields : Difference Sets, Polynomials, Pseudorandomness and Applications - Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019 (Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics; 23)

Etzion, Tuvi; Kurz, Sascha; Otal, Kamil; Özbudak, Ferruh
Subspace packings
The Eleventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2019 : WCC Proceedings - Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, 2019

Chudej, Kurt; Albrecht, Gaby; Jende, Lucas
Vereinfachung eines Denguefieber-Modells mit zwei Serotypen und einer extrinsischen Inkuba ...
In: Wittmann, Jochen (ed.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Kassel 2019 - Düren: Shaker Verlag, 2019. - pp. 217-227 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 171) (Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik)

Yegorov, Ivan; Dower, Peter; Grüne, Lars
A characteristics based curse-of-dimensionality-free approach for approximating control Ly ...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Hong Kong, 2018. - pp. 342-349

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Partial Spreads and Vector Space Partitions
In: Greferath, Marcus ; Pavčević, Mario Osvin ; Silberstein, Natalia ; Vázquez-Castro, María Ángeles (ed.): Network Coding and Subspace Designs - Cham: Springer, 2018. - pp. 131-170 . - (Signals and Communication Technology)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70293-3_7 ...

Albrecht, Gaby; Fischer, Anne; Chudej, Kurt
Analyse, Simulation und Optimale Steuerung eines mathematischen Dengue-Fieber Modells mit ...
In: Loose, Tobias; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation ASIM (ed.): Tagungsband Workshop 2018 ASIM/GI Fachgruppen : 8. und 9. März an der Hochschule Heilbronn - Wien: ARGESIM, 2018. - pp. 223-229 . - (ARGESIM Report; 54)

Höring, Andreas; Peternell, Thomas
Bimeromorphic geometry of Kähler threefolds
In: de Fernex, Tommaso ; Hassett, Brendan ; Mustaţă, Mircea ; Olsson, Martin ; Popa, Mihnea ; Thomas, Richard (ed.): Algebraic Geometry : Salt Lake City 2015 (Part 1) ; 2015 Summer Research Institute, July 13-31, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah - Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2018. - pp. 381-402 . - (Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics; 97,1)

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.
Complete Instability of Differential Inclusions using Lyapunov Methods
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Tagungsband - Miami Beach, Florida, 2018. - pp. 718-724
doi:10.1109/CDC.2018.8618663 ...

Braun, Michael; Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
Computational methods in subspace designs
In: Greferath, Marcus ; Pavčević, Mario Osvin ; Natalia, Silberstein ; María Ángeles, Vázquez-Castro (ed.): Network Coding and Subspace Designs - Cham: Springer, 2018. - pp. 213-244 . - (Signals and Communication Technology)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70293-3_9 ...

Giesl, Peter; Argáez, Carlos; Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr; Wendland, Holger
Construction of a complete Lyapunov function using quadratic programming
In: Madani, Kurosh ; Gusikhin, Oleg (ed.): ICINCO 2018 : Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Volume 1 - Setúbal: SciTePress, 2018. - pp. 560-568

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza
Discrete Filippov-type stability for one-sided Lipschitzian difference inclusions
In: Feichtinger, Gustav ; Kovacevic, Raimund M. ; Tragler, Gernot (ed.): Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics : Essays in Honor of Vladimir M. Veliov - Cham: Springer, 2018. - pp. 27-55 . - (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems; 687)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75169-6_3 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Grüne, Lars
Dynamic programming, optimal control and model predictive control
In: Raković, Saša V. ; Levine, William S. (ed.): Handbook of Model Predictive Control - Basel: Birkhäuser, 2018. - pp. 29-52
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-77489-3_2 ...

Ulm, Volker; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Drösemeier, Annalisa; Greefrath, Gilbert; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Grundvorstellungen zu Ableitungen und Integralen : eine theoretische Konzeption und empiri ...
In: Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (ed.): Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Band 4 - Münster: WTM-Verlag, 2018. - pp. 1835-1838

Löhnert, Madeleine; Rambau, Jörg
Modeling Demand Propagation in Guaranteed Service Models
In: Breitenecker, Felix ; Kemmetmüller, Wolfgang ; Körner, Andreas ; Kugi, Andreas ; Troch, Inge (ed.): 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling - New York: Elsevier, 2018. - pp. 284-289 . - (IFAC PapersOnLine; 51,2)
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.03.049 ...

Lazić, Vladimir; Oguiso, Keiji; Peternell, Thomas
The Morrison-Kawamata Cone Conjecture and Abundance on Ricci flat manifolds
In: Ji, Lizhen ; Yau, Shing-Tung (ed.): Uniformization, Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence, Calabi-Yau Manifolds & Picard-Fuchs Equations - Somerville, MA: International Press, Inc., 2018. - pp. 157-185 . - (Advanced Lectures in Mathematics; 42)

Baier, Robert; Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.
Numerical construction of nonsmooth control Lyapunov functions
In: Giselsson, Pontus ; Rantzer, Anders (ed.): Large-Scale and Distributed Optimization - Cham: Springer, 2018. - pp. 343-373 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 2227)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97478-1_12 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Chudej, Kurt; Fischer, Anne; Albrecht, Gaby; Herath, Mark
Optimale Mückenbekämpfung bei einem neuen mathematischen Dengue-Fieber Modell mit 2 Seroty ...
In: Wittmann, Jochen ; Wolf, Lennard ; Ahlers, Volker ; Koschel, Arne ; Pump, Richard (ed.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Hannover 2018 - Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2018. - pp. 221-233 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 167) (Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik)

Albrecht, Gaby; Chudej, Kurt
Optimale Steuerung und theoretische Analyse eines mathematischen zwei Serotypen Dengue-Fie ...
In: Deatcu, Christina ; Schramm, Thomas ; Kay, Zobel (ed.): Tagungsband ASIM 2018 - 24. Symposium Simulationstechnik an der HafenCity Universität Hamburg - Wien: ARGESIM, 2018. - pp. 127-135 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 168) (Argesim Report 56)

Braun, Michael; Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
q-analogs of designs : Subspace designs
In: Greferath, Marcus ; Pavčević, Mario Osvin ; Silberstein, Natalia ; Vázquez-Castro, María Ángeles (ed.): Network Coding and Subspace Designs - Cham: Springer, 2018. - pp. 171-211 . - (Signals and Communication Technology)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70293-3_8 ...

Ulm, Volker
Rechenschwäche : ein natürliches Phänomen und ein Aufgabenfeld für die Schule
In: Stückl, Gisela ; Wilhelm, M (ed.): Lehren und Lernen in der bayerischen Grundschule. Loseblattausg. - Köln: Carl Link Verlag, 2018. - pp. 1-22

Hof, Frits; Kern, Walter; Kurz, Sascha; Paulusma, Daniël
Simple Games versus Weighted Voting Games
In: Deng, Xiaotie (ed.): Algorithmic Game Theory : Proceedings - Cham: Springer, 2018. - pp. 69-81 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 11059)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99660-8_7 ...

Kirsch, Werner; Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Sixty years of moments for random matrices
Non-linear partial differential equations, mathematical physics, and stochastic analysis - Zürich: European Mathematical Society, 2018. - pp. 349-379 . - (EMS Series of Congress Reports)
doi:10.4171/186-1/15 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Wendland, Holger
Solving partial differential equations with multiscale radial basis functions
In: Dick, Josef ; Kuo, Frances Y. ; Wozniakowski, Henryk (ed.): Contemporary Computational Mathematics : A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloan - Cham: Springer, 2018. - pp. 1191-1213
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-72456-0_55 ...

Grüne, Lars; Pirkelmann, Simon; Stieler, Marleen
Strict dissipativity implies turnpike behavior for time-varying discrete time optimal cont ...
In: Feichtinger, Gustav ; Kovacevic, Raimund M. ; Tragler, Gernot (ed.): Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics: Essays in Honor of Vladimir M. Veliov - Cham: Springer, 2018. - pp. 195-218 . - (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems; 687)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75169-6_10 ...

Grüne, Lars; Stieler, Marleen
Performance Guarantees for Multiobjective Model Predictive Control
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Melbourne, Australia, 2017. - pp. 5545-5550
doi:10.1109/CDC.2017.8264482 ...

Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
An upper bound for binary subspace codes of length 8, constant dimension 4 and minimum dis ...
In: Augot, Daniel ; Krouk, Evgeny ; Loidreau, Pierre (ed.): The Tenth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2017 : WCC Proceedings - Saint-Petersburg, 2017

Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
Asymptotic Bounds for the Sizes of Constant Dimension Codes and an Improved Lower Bound
In: Barbero, Ángela I. ; Skachek, Vitaly ; Ytrehus, Øyvind (ed.): Coding Theory and Applications : 5th International Castle Meeting, ICMCTA 2017, Vihula, Estonia, August 28-31, 2017, Proceedings - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017. - pp. 163-191 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 10495)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-66278-7_15 ...

Greefrath, Gilbert; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Aspects and Basic Mental Models ("Grundvorstellungen") of Basic Concepts of Calculus
In: Berinderjeet, Kaur (ed.): Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education : PME Singapore, 21-22 July 2017 - Singapore: PME, 2017

Greefrath, Gilbert; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Aspekte und Grundvorstellungen von Ableitung und Integral
In: Kortenkamp, Ulrich ; Kuzle, Ana (ed.): Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2017 - Münster: WTM-Verlag, 2017. - pp. 329-332

Lazić, Vladimir; Oguiso, Keiji; Peternell, Thomas
Automorphisms of Calabi-Yau threefolds with Picard number three
In: Oguiso, Keiji ; Birkar, Caucher ; Ishii, Shihoko ; Takayama, Shigeharu (ed.): Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry : In honour of Professor Yujiro Kawamata's sixtieth birthday - Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan, 2017. - pp. 279-290 . - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 74)
doi:10.2969/aspm/07410279 ...

Stoll, Michael
Chabauty without the Mordell-Weil group
In: Böckle, Gebhard ; Decker, Wolfram ; Malle, Gunter (ed.): Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory - Cham: Springer, 2017. - pp. 623-663
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70566-8_28 ...

Grüne, Lars; Pirkelmann, Simon
Closed-loop performance analysis for economic model predictive control of time-varying sys ...
Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017), Melbourne, Australia - Melbourne, 2017. - pp. 5563-5569
doi:10.1109/CDC.2017.8264485 ...

Zanon, Mario; Boccia, Andrea; Palma, Vryan Gil; Parenti, Sonja; Xausa, Ilaria
Direct Optimal Control and Model Predictive Control
In: Tonon, Daniela ; Aronna, Maria Soledad ; Kalise, Dante (ed.): Optimal Control : Novel Directions and Applications - Cham: Springer, 2017. - pp. 263-382 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 2180)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60771-9_3 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt Mathematik

Stoll, Michael
An explicit theory of heights for hyperelliptic Jacobians of genus three
In: Böckle, Gebhard ; Decker, Wolfram ; Malle, Gunter (ed.): Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory - Cham: Springer, 2017. - pp. 665-715
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70566-8_29 ...

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.
Feedback Design Using Nonsmooth Control Lyapunov Functions: A Numerical Case Study for the ...
Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017), Melbourne, Australia - Melbourne, 2017. - pp. 4890-4895
doi:10.1109/CDC.2017.8264382 ...

Hoffmann, Isabella; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
The Maximum Scatter TSP on a Regular Grid
In: Doerner, Karl Franz ; Ljubic, Ivana ; Pflug, Georg ; Tragler, Gernot; Gesellschaft für Operations-Research (ed.): Operations Research Proceedings 2015 - Cham: Springer, 2017. - pp. 63-70
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42902-1_9 ...

Ditter, Alexander; Schönwetter, Dominik; Kuzmin, Anton; Fey, Dietmar; Aizinger, Vadym
Memory Analysis and Performance Modeling for HPC Applications on Embedded Hardware via Ins ...
In: Janech, Jan ; Kostolny, Jozef ; Gratkowski, Tomasz (ed.): Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Software Development and Object Technologies - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017. - pp. 19-34
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-46535-7_2 ...

Wendland, Holger
Multiscale radial basis functions
In: Pesenson, Isaac (ed.): Frames and Other Bases in Abstract and Function Spaces : Novel Methods in Harmonic Analysis. Volume 1 - Cham: Birkhäuser, 2017. - pp. 265-299
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-55550-8_12 ...

Jungnickel, Dieter; Magliveras, Spyros S.; Tonchev, Vladimir D.; Wassermann, Alfred
On Classifying Steiner triple systems by their 3-rank
In: Blömer, Johannes ; Kotsireas, Ilias S. ; Kutsia, Temur ; Simos, Dimitris E. (ed.): Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences - Cham: Springer, 2017. - pp. 295-305
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-72453-9_24 ...

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Shen, Bo-Wen
On quasi-periodic solutions associated with the extended nonlinear feedback loop in the fi ...
In: Skiadas, Christos H. (ed.): CHAOS 2017 Proceedings - Barcelona: International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology, 2017. - pp. 197-213

Shen, Bo-Wen; Faghih-Naini, Sara
On recurrent solutions within high-dimensional, non-dissipative Lorenz models
In: Skiadas, Christos H. (ed.): CHAOS 2017 Proceedings - Barcelona: International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology, 2017. - pp. 773-787

Müller, Matthias A.; Grüne, Lars
On the relation between dissipativity and discounted dissipativity
Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017), Melbourne, Australia - Melbourne, 2017. - pp. 5570-5575
doi:10.1109/CDC.2017.8264486 ...

Britzelmeier, Andreas; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Chudej, Kurt
Optimaler Flug eines Drachenfliegers durch eine Wolkenstraße
In: Commerell, Walter ; Pawletta, Thorsten (ed.): Tagungsband Workshop 2017 ASIM/GI-Fachgruppen : 9. und 10. März an der Hochschule Ulm - Wien: ARGESIM, 2017. - pp. 169-176 . - (ARGESIM Report; 53) (ASIM Mitteilung ; 161)

Stein, Manuel S.
Performance analysis for time-of-arrival estimation with oversampled low-complexity 1-bit ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : proceedings - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. - pp. 4491-4495
doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7953006 ...

Cseh, Ágnes
Popular matchings
In: Endriss, Ulle (ed.): Trends in Computational Social Choice - Europa: AI Access, 2017. - pp. 105-122

Bankau, Marcel; Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Schönig, Stefan; Jablonski, Stefan
The Process Checklist Generator : Establishing Paper-based Process Support
In: Clarisó, Robert ; Leopold, Henrik ; Mendling, Jan ; van der Aalst, Wil ; Kumar, Akhil ; Pentland, Brian T. ; Weske, Mathias (ed.): Proceedings of the BPM Demo Track and BPM Dissertation Award co-located with 15th International Conference on Business Process Modeling (BPM 2017) - Barcelona, 2017 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; 1920)

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Projective divisible binary codes
In: Augot, Daniel ; Krouk, Evgeny ; Loidreau, Pierre (ed.): The Tenth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2017 : WCC Proceedings - Saint-Petersburg, 2017

Rambau, Jörg
Rapid Mathematical Programming for Cooperative Truck Networks
In: Kliewer, Natalie ; Ehmke, Jan Fabian ; Borndörfer, Ralf (ed.): Operations Research Proceedings 2017 - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017. - pp. 317-324

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
Sport Strategy Optimization in Beach Volleyball– How to bound direct point probabilities d ...
Proceedings of MathSport International 2017 Conference - Padua, 2017. - pp. 184-193

Catanese, Fabrizio; Dettweiler, Michael
Answer to a question by Fujita on Variation of Hodge Structures
In: Oguiso, Keiji ; Birkar, Caucher ; Ishii, Shihoko ; Takayama, Shigeharu (ed.): Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry : In Honor of Professor Yujiro Kawamata's sixtieth Birthday - Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan, 2017. - pp. 73-102 . - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 74)
doi:10.2969/aspm/07410073 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Dettweiler, Michael; Jöllenbeck, Mirjam
Monodromy of the Multiplicative and the Additive Convolution
In: Böckle, Gebhard ; Decker, Wolfram ; Malle, Gunter (ed.): Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory - Cham: Springer, 2017. - pp. 177-197
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70566-8_7 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Kurz, Sascha
The price of fairness for a small number of indivisible items
In: Lübbecke, Marco ; Koster, Arie ; Letmathe, Peter ; Madlener, Reinhard ; Peis, Britta ; Walther, Grit (ed.): Operations Research Proceedings 2014 - Cham: Springer, 2016. - pp. 335-340
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28697-6_47 ...

Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Ackermann, Lars; Schönig, Stefan; Jablonski, Stefan
Ansätze zum Ähnlichkeitsabgleich von deklarativen Geschäftsprozessmodellen
In: Mayr, Heinrich C. ; Pinzger, Martin (ed.): INFORMATIK 2016 - Bonn: Köllen, 2016. - pp. 733-738 . - (Proceedings / GI-Edition; 259) (Lecture Notes in Informatics)
http://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings259 ...

Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Aspects of the Geometry of Varieties with Canonical Singularities
In: Cascini, Paolo ; McKernan, James ; Pereira, Jorge Vitório (ed.): Foliation Theory in Algebraic Geometry - Cham: Springer, 2016. - pp. 73-102 . - (Simons Symposia)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24460-0_4 ...

Ulm, Volker
Aufgabensettings als Werkzeuge für systemische Unterrichtsentwicklung
In: Keller, Stefan ; Reintjes, Christian (ed.): Aufgaben als Schlüssel zur Kompetenz : Didaktische Herausforderungen, wissenschaftliche Zugänge und empirische Befunde - Münster: Waxmann, 2016. - pp. 329-344

Schönwetter, Dominik; Ditter, A.; Aizinger, Vadym; Reuter, B.; Fey, D.
Cache Aware Instruction Accurate Simulation of a 3-D Coastal Ocean Model on Low Power Hard ...
In: Merkuryev, Yuri (ed.): SIMULTECH 2016 : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Volume 1 - Setúbal: SCITEPRESS, 2016. - pp. 129-137
doi:10.5220/0006006501290137 ...

Braun, Philipp; Faulwasser, Timm; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
Maximal Islanding Time For Microgrids via Distributed Predictive Control
In: University of Minnesota (ed.): 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems : July 12-15, 2016 (MTNS 2016, Proceedings) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2016. - pp. 652-659

Fleig, Arthur; Grüne, Lars
Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck equation : analysis and structural insight
In: University of Minnesota (ed.): 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems : July 12-15, 2016 (MTNS 2016, Proceedings) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2016. - pp. 689-690

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
Model predictive control of residential energy systems using energy storage and controllab ...
In: Russo, Giovanni ; Capasso, Vincenzo ; Nicosia, Giuseppe ; Romano, Vittorio (ed.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2014 - Heidelberg: Springer, 2016. - pp. 617-623 . - (Mathematics in Industry; 22)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23413-7_85 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Huebner, Dominik; Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Lösung eines mathematischen Modells für eine optimale Krebskombinationstherapie ...
In: Wiedemann, Thomas (ed.): Tagungsband ASIM 2016 - 23. Symposium Simulationstechnik : am 7.-9.10. 2016 an der HTW Dresden - Wien, 2016. - pp. 169-176 . - (ARGESIM Report; 52)

Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Jablonski, Stefan
On Behavioral Process Model Similarity Matching : A centroid-based approach (Enlarged Abst ...
In: Mayr, Heinrich C. ; Pinzger, Martin (ed.): INFORMATIK 2016 - Bonn: Köllen, 2016. - pp. 731-732 . - (Proceedings / GI-Edition; 259) (Lecture Notes in Informatics)
http://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings259 ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael
On putative q-analogues of the Fano plane and related combinatorial structures
In: Hagen, Thomas ; Rupp, Florian ; Scheurle, Jürgen (ed.): Dynamical Systems, Number Theory and Applications : A Festschrift in Honor of Armin Leutbecher’s 80th Birthday - New Jersey: World Scientific, 2016. - pp. 141-175
doi:10.1142/9789814699877_0008 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Molinero, Xavier; Olsen, Martin
On the construction of high dimensional simple games
In: Kaminka, Gal A. ; Fox, Maria ; Bouquet, Paolo ; Hüllermeier, Eyke ; Dignum, Virginia ; Dignum, Frank ; van Harmelen, Frank (ed.): ECAI 2016 : 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ; proceedings - New York: IOS Press, 2016. - pp. 880-885 . - (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; 285)

Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Singular spaces with trivial canonical class
In: Kollár, János ; Fujino, Osamu ; Mukai, Shigeru ; Nakayama, Noboru (ed.): Minimal Models and Extremal Rays (Kyoto, 2011) - Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan, 2016. - pp. 67-113 . - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 70)
doi:10.2969/aspm/07010067 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Rund, Armin; Wächter, Markus
Trajectory optimization of a hypersonic plane s.t. heat limits
In: Tikhomirov, Dmitrij ; Mammen, Heinz-Theo ; Pawletta, Thorsten (ed.): ASIM-Treffen STS/GMMS 2016 - Workshop der ASIM/GI Fachgruppen STS und GMMS : Tagungsband : am 10.- 11. 3. 2016 an der Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt - Wien: ARGESIM, 2016. - pp. 101-108 . - (ARGESIM Report; 51)

Schönwetter, Dominik; Ditter, Alexander; Kleinert, Bruno; Hendricks, Arne; Aizinger, Vadym; Fey, Dietmar
Virtualization Guided Tsunami and Storm Surge Simulations for Low Power Architectures
In: Obaidat, Mohammad S. ; Kacprzyk, Janusz ; Ören, Tuncer ; Filipe, Joaquim (ed.): Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016. - pp. 99-114
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31295-8_7 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
Restatements of input-to-state stability in infinite dimensions : what goes wrong?
Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2016) - Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2016. - pp. 667-674

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
A real-time pricing scheme for residential energy systems using a market maker
In: The Institution of Engineers Australia (ed.): Proceedings of 2015 Australian Control Conference (AUCC) - Barton, Australia, 2015. - pp. 259-262
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arn ...

Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Schönig, Stefan; Jablonski, Stefan
Resource-Aware Process Model Similarity Matching
In: Toumani, Farouk (ed.): Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2014 Workshops - Cham: Springer, 2015. - pp. 96-107 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 8954)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22885-3_9 ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Effects of Linear Feedback Trading in an Interactive Market Model
In: American Automatic Control Council in cooperation with IFAC (ed.): American Control Conference (ACC), 2015 - Chicago: IEEE, 2015. - pp. 3880-3885
doi:10.1109/ACC.2015.7171935 ...

Müller, Matthias A.; Grüne, Lars
Economic model predictive control without terminal constraints : optimal periodic operatio ...
Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2015. - pp. 4946-4951
doi:10.1109/CDC.2015.7402992 ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Frapporti, Davide
The fundamental group and torsion group of Beauville surfaces
In: Bauer, Ingrid ; Garion, Shelly ; Vdovina, Alina (ed.): Beauville surfaces and groups - Cham: Springer, 2015. - pp. 1-14 . - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics; 123)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-13862-6_1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ulm, Volker; Reiss, Kristina; Ufer, Stefan; Wienholtz, Gabriele
Mathematik und der Lernbereich "Globale Entwicklung"
In: Kultusminsterkonferenz (ed.): Orientierungsrahmen für den Lernbereich Globale Entwicklung im Rahmen einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Bonn, 2015. - pp. 335-372

Grüne, Lars; Panin, Anastasia
On non-averaged performance of economic MPC with terminal conditions
Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2015. - pp. 4332-4337
doi:10.1109/CDC.2015.7402895 ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Optimal binary subspace codes of length 6, constant dimension 3 and minimum subspace dista ...
Kyureghyan, Gohar ; Mullen, Gary L. ; Pott, Alexander (Hrsg.): Topics in Finite Fields - Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 2015. - pp. 157-176 . - (Contemporary Mathematics; 632)
doi:10.1090/conm/632/12627 ...

Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
Predictive control of a smart grid : a distributed optimization algorithm with centralized ...
Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2015. - pp. 5593-5598
doi:10.1109/CDC.2015.7403096 ...

Campana, Frédéric; Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Peternell, Thomas
Rationally connected manifolds and semipositivity of the Ricci curvature
In: Hacon, Christopher D. ; Mustaţă, Mircea ; Popa, Mihnea (ed.): Recent Advances in Algebraic Geometry : A Volume in Honor of Rob Lazarsfeld’s 60th Birthday - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. - pp. 71-91 . - (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series; 417)
doi:10.1017/CBO9781107416000.006 ...

Schönwetter, Dominik; Ditter, A.; Kleinert, B.; Hendricks, Arne; Aizinger, Vadym; Koestler, H.; Fey, D.
Tsunami and Storm Surge Simulation Using Low Power Architectures : Concept and Evaluation
In: Obaidat, Mohammad S. (ed.): SIMULTECH 2015 : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Volume 1 - Setúbal: SCITEPRESS, 2015. - pp. 377-382
doi:10.5220/0005566603770382 ...

Worthmann, Karl; Reble, Marcus; Grüne, Lars; Allgöwer, Frank
Unconstrained nonlinear MPC : performance estimates for sampled-data systems with zero ord ...
Proceedingss of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2015. - pp. 4971-4976
doi:10.1109/CDC.2015.7402996 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Ito, Hiroshi
Construction of iISS Lyapunov functions for interconnected parabolic systems
Proceedings of 2015 European Control Conference (ECC '15) - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2015. - pp. 37-42
doi:10.1109/ECC.2015.7330522 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
A note on input-to-state stability of linear and bilinear infinite-dimensional systems
Proceedings of 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2015. - pp. 495-500
doi:10.1109/CDC.2015.7402277 ...

Worthmann, Karl; Kellett, Christopher M.; Grüne, Lars; Weller, Steven R.
Distributed control of residential energy systems using a market maker
Boje,Edward (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress : IFAC-PapersOnLine - Cape Town, South Africa, 2014. - pp. 11641-11646
doi:10.3182/20140824-6-ZA-1003.01785 ...

Fishchuk, Ivan I.; Kadashchuk, Andrey; Hoffmann, Sebastian T.; Athanasopoulos, Stavros; Genoe, Jan; Bässler, Heinz; Köhler, Anna
Analytic model of hopping transport in organic semiconductors including both energetic dis ...
Palassini, Matteo (Ed.):15th International Conference on Transport in Interacting Disordered Systems (TIDS15) - Melville, NY: AIP Publishing, 2014. - pp. 47-52 . - (AIP Conference Proceedings; 1610)
doi:10.1063/1.4893509 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Maday, Yvon; Stamm, Benjamin
Comparison of Some Reduced Representation Approximations
Quarteroni, Alfio ; Rozza, Gianluigi (Hrsg.): Reduced Order Methods for Modeling and Computational Reduction - Basel: Springer, 2014. - pp. 67-100 . - (Modeling, Simulation and Applications; 9)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02090-7_3 ...

Troffaes, Matthias C. M.; Hable, Robert
In: Augustin, Thomas ; Coolen, Franciscus P. A. ; Cooman, Gert de ; Troffaes, Matthias C. M. (ed.): Introduction to imprecise probabilities - Chichester: Wiley, 2014. - pp. 329-337 . - (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
doi:10.1002/9781118763117.ch16 ...

Björnsson, Jóhann; Giesl, Peter; Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr; Kellett, Christopher M.; Li, Huijuan
Computation of continuous and piecewise affine Lyapunov functions by numerical approximati ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control Held in Los Angeles, California, 2014 - Los Angeles, CA, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014. - pp. 5506-5511
doi:10.1109/CDC.2014.7040250 ...

Li, Huijuan; Baier, Robert; Grüne, Lars; Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr; Wirth, Fabian
Computation of local ISS Lyapunov functions via linear programming
MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Groningen: University of Groningen Press, 2014. - pp. 1189-1195

Li, Huijuan; Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr; Kellett, Christopher M.
Computation of Lyapunov functions for discrete-time systems using the Yoshizawa constructi ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control Held in Los Angeles, California, 2014 - Los Angeles, CA, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014. - pp. 5512-5517
doi:10.1109/CDC.2014.7040251 ...

Grüne, Lars; Sigurani, Manuela
Construction of event-based ISS controllers on coarse quantizations
2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2014. - pp. 836-841
doi:10.1109/CDC.2014.7039485 ...

Peternell, Thomas; Schrack, Florian
Contact Kähler Manifolds : Symmetries and Deformations
In: Frühbis-Krüger, Anne ; Kloosterman, Remke Nanne ; Schütt, Matthias (ed.): Algebraic and Complex Geometry : In Honour of Klaus Hulek's 60th Birthday - Cham: Springer, 2014. - pp. 285-308 . - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics; 71)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05404-9_11 ...

Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr; Kellett, Christopher M.; Li, Huijuan
Continuous and piecewise affine Lyapunov functions using the Yoshizawa construction
American Control Conference (ACC), 2014 - Portland, OR, USA: IEEE, 2014. - pp. 548-553
doi:10.1109/ACC.2014.6858660 ...

Huntley, Nathan; Hable, Robert; Troffaes, Matthias C. M.
Decision making
In: Augustin, Thomas ; Coolen, Franciscus P. A. ; Cooman, Gert de ; Troffaes, Matthias C. M. (ed.): An introduction to imprecise probabilities - Chichester: Wiley, 2014. - pp. 190-206 . - (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
doi:10.1002/9781118763117.ch8 ...

Ulm, Volker
Entwicklung mathematischer Kompetenzen mit Lernumgebungen : Kompetenzorientierter Unterric ...
In: Höller, Karin ; Ulm, Volker (ed.): Aufgaben für kompetenzorientierten Mathematikunterricht - Bayreuth: Universität Bayreuth, 2014. - pp. 5-8

Bartels, Sören; Bebendorf, Mario; Bratsch, Michael
A Fast and Accurate Numerical Method for the Computation of Unstable Micromagnetic Configu ...
Griebel, Michael (Hrsg.): Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models - Springer: Basel, 2014. - pp. 413-434
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00786-1_18 ...

Wassermann, Alfred; Drakulić, Darko; Pesek, Igor; Blaž, Zmazek
JSXGraph in i-textbooks
In: Pesek, Igor ; Zmazek, Blaž ; Milekšič, Vladimir (ed.): Slovenian i-textbooks - Ljubljana: The National Education Institute Slovenia, 2014. - pp. 93-114

Grüne, Lars; Sigurani, Manuela
A Lyapunov based nonlinear small-gain theorem for discontinuous discrete-time large-scale ...
MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Groningen: University of Groningen, 2014. - pp. 1031-1037
http://fwn06.housing.rug.nl/mtns2014-papers/fullPa ...

Grüne, Lars; Stieler, Marleen
A Lyapunov function for economic MPC without terminal conditions
Proceedings of the IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control Held in Los Angeles, California, 2014 - Los Angeles, CA: IEEE, 2014. - pp. 2740-2745
doi:10.1109/CDC.2014.7039809 ...

Gugisch, Ralf; Kerber, Adalbert; Kohnert, Axel; Laue, Reinhard; Meringer, Markus; Rücker, Christoph; Wassermann, Alfred
MOLGEN 5.0, a Molecular Structure Generator
In: Basak, Subhash C. ; Restrepo, Guillermo ; Villaveces, José L (ed.): Advances in Mathematical Chemistry and Applications. Band 1 - Sharjah, UAE: Bentham, 2014. - pp. 113-138

Grüne, Lars
Nominal model predictive control
Samad, Tariq ; Baillieul, John (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Systems and Control - London: Springer, 2014
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_1-2 ...

Baier, Robert; Hafstein, Sigurdur Freyr
Numerical computation of control Lyapunov functions in the sense of generalized gradients
MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Groningen: University of Groningen Press, 2014. - pp. 1173-1180

Grüne, Lars
Numerical methods for nonlinear optimal control problems
Samad, Tariq ; Baillieul, John (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Systems and Control - London: Springer, 2014
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_208-2 ...

Braun, Michael; Kiermaier, Michael; Nakić, Anamari
On the automorphism group of the binary q-analog of the Fano plane
Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems : MTNS 2014 - Groningen: Univ., 2014. - pp. 1402-1405
http://fwn06.housing.rug.nl/mtns2014-papers/fullPa ...

Grüne, Lars; Palma, Vryan Gil
On the benefit of re-optimization in optimal control under perturbations
MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Groningen: University of Groningen, 2014. - pp. 439-446
http://fwn06.housing.rug.nl/mtns2014-papers/fullPa ...

Chudej, Kurt; Klingler, Anna-Lena
Optimal Control of a 3D Flight of a Hang-Glider through a Thermal
Ecker, H. ; Steindl, A. ; Jakubek, S. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference - Wien: Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, 2014

Michael, Johannes; Chudej, Kurt; Gerdts, Matthias; Pannek, Jürgen
Optimal Rendezvous Path Planning to an Uncontrolled Tumbling Target
Schilling, Klaus ; Schmidt, Marco ; Leutert, Florian (Hrsg.): 19th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace 2013 - Wien: International Control in Aerospace, 2014. - pp. 347-352 . - (Automatic Control in Aeorspace; 19,1)
doi:10.3182/20130902-5-DE-2040.00001 ...

Koltai, Peter; Junge, Oliver
Quantized nonlinear feedback design by a split dynamic programming approach
MTNS 2014 : the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems ; Proceedings - Groningen, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, 2014
http://fwn06.housing.rug.nl/mtns2014-papers/fullPa ...

Fleig, Arthur; Grüne, Lars; Guglielmi, Roberto
Some results on Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck equation
MTNS 2014 : 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, July 7-11, 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands ; Proceedings - Groningen, 2014. - pp. 1203-1206
http://fwn06.housing.rug.nl/mtns2014-papers/extend ...

Boccia, Andrea; Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Stability and feasibility of state-constrained linear MPC without stabilizing terminal con ...
MTNS 2014 : Proceedings on the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, July 7-11, 2014, University of Groningen - Groningen, 2014. - pp. 453-460
http://fwn06.housing.rug.nl/mtns2014-papers/fullPa ...

Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.
Strong implication-form ISS-Lyapunov functions for discontinuous discrete-time systems
MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Groningen: University of Groningen, 2014. - pp. 1023-1030
https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/2003/1/Gruene_Kellett ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Ito, Hiroshi
Integral input-to-state stability of bilinear infinite-dimensional systems
Proceedings of 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2014. - pp. 3155-3160
doi:10.1109/CDC.2014.7039876 ...

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Lyapunov methodology for stability analysis of impulsive systems
Proceedings of SICE Multi Symposium on Control Systems 2014 - Tokyo, Japan, 2014

Mironchenko, Andrii; Yang, Guosong; Liberzon, Daniel
Lyapunov small-gain theorems for not necessarily ISS hybrid systems
Proceedings of 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014) - Groningen, The Netherlands: University of Groningen Press, 2014. - pp. 1001-1008
http://mironchenko.com/__My_php_sources/Papers/MYL ...

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Stability of nonlinear infinite dimensional impulsive systems and their interconnections
Proceedings of 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2014. - pp. 2071-2076
doi:10.1109/CDC.2014.7039703 ...

Grüne, Lars; Sigurani, Manuela
Numerical ISS controller design via a dynamic game approach
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013) : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2013. - pp. 1732-1737
doi:10.1109/CDC.2013.6760132 ...

Ehmann, Matthias; Müller, Carsten
App Entwicklung im Unterricht mit dem App Inventor
In: Breier, Norbert ; Stechert, Peer ; Wilke, Thomas (ed.): INFOS 2013 : 15. GI-Fachtagung "Informatik und Schule" ; Praxisband - Kiel, 2013. - pp. 143-152 . - (Kiel Computer Science Series : KCSS)

Gerdts, Matthias; Xausa, Ilaria
Avoidance trajectories using reachable sets and parametric sensitivity analysis
Hömberg, Dietmar ; Tröltzsch, Fredi (Hrsg.): System Modeling and Optimization : 25th IFIP TC 7 Conference, CSMO 2011, Berlin, Germany, September 12-16, 2011. Revised Selected Papers - Berlin–Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. - pp. 491-500 . - (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; 391)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36062-6_49 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt

Grünauer, Gerold; Mayer, Markus; Knapp, Matthias; Jäger, Philipp; Ebner, Thomas; Wagner, Karl C.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Derivation of accurate tensor data of materials in SAW devices by solving a parameter iden ...
2013 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) - Piscataway: IEEE, 2013. - pp. 1700-1703
doi:10.1109/ULTSYM.2013.0433 ...

Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg
Experiments with the transcendental Brauer-Manin obstruction
Howe, Everett W. ; Kedlaya, Kiran S. (Hrsg.): ANTS X : Proceedings - Berkeley, CA: Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2013. - pp. 369-394 . - (The Open Book Series; 1)
doi:10.2140/obs.2013.1.369 ...

Grüne, Lars; Karafyllis, Iasson
Lyapunov function based step size control for numerical ODE solvers with application to op ...
In: Hüper, Knut ; Trumpf, Jochen (ed.): Mathematical System Theory : Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday - S.l.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. - pp. 183-210

Christmann, Andreas; Hable, Robert
On the Bootstrap Approach for Support Vector Machines and Related Kernel Based Methods
Proceedings of the 59th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, 2013, Hong Kong - The Hague, The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute, 2013. - pp. 3779-3784

Christmann, Andreas; Hable, Robert
On the Consistency of the Bootstrap Approach for Support Vector Machines and Related Kerne ...
In: Schölkopf, Bernhard ; Luo, Zhiyuan ; Vovk, Vladimir (ed.): Empirical Inference : Festschrift in Honor of Vladimir N. Vapnik - Berlin ; New York: Springer, 2013. - pp. 231-244
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-41136-6_20 ...

Michael, Johannes; Chudej, Kurt; Gerdts, Matthias; Pannek, Jürgen
Optimal Rendezvous Path Planning to an Uncontrolled Tumbling Target
Schilling, Klaus ; Schmidt, Marco ; Leutert, Florian (Hrsg.): Preprints of the 19th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, 2.-6.9.2013, Würzburg - Würzburg: Universität Würzburg, 2013. - pp. 342-347

Korch, Matthias; Ramming, Tobias; Rein, Gerhard
Parallelization of particle-in-cell codes for nonlinear kinetic models from mathematical p ...
International Conference on Parallel Processing, The 42nd Annual Conference ICPP 2013 : Proceedings ; 1 - 4 October 2013 Lyon, France - Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, 2013. - pp. 523-529
doi:10.1109/ICPP.2013.65 ...

Braun, Philipp; Pannek, Jürgen; Worthmann, Karl
Predictive control algorithms : stability despite shortened optimization horizons
Lambertini, Luca (Hrsg.): 15th 2012 IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization - Rimini, 2013. - pp. 274-279
doi:10.3182/20120913-4-IT-4027.00042 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Salibián-Barrera, Matías; van Aelst, Stefan
Qualitative Robustness of Bootstrap Approximations for Kernel Based Methods
In: Becker, Claudia ; Fried, Roland ; Kuhnt, Sonja (ed.): Robustness and Complex Data Structures : Festschrift in Honour of Ursula Gather - Heidelberg ; New York: Springer, 2013. - pp. 263-278
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35494-6_16 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Salibián-Barrera, Matías; van Aelst, Stefan
Qualitative Robustness of Bootstrap Approximations for Kernel Based Methods
Proceedings of the 59th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, 2013, Hong Kong, China - The Hague, The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute, 2013. - pp. 1802-1807

Hable, Robert; Christmann, Andreas
Robustness Versus Consistency in Ill-Posed Classification and Regression Problems
In: Giusti, Antonio ; Ritter, Gunter ; Vichi, Maurizio (ed.): Classification and Data Mining - Berlin: Springer, 2013. - pp. 27-35
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28894-4_4 ...

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Schubert, Kristina
Spacings : an example for universality in random matrix theory
In: Alsmeyer, Gerold ; Löwe, Matthias (ed.): Random matrices and iterated random functions - Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. - pp. 45-71 . - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics; 53)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38806-4_3 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Mironchenko, Andrii; Kozłowski, Jan
Optimal allocation strategies of perennial plants
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013) : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2013. - pp. 3361-3366
doi:10.1109/CDC.2013.6760397 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian; Wulff, Kai
Stabilization of switched linear differential-algebraic equations via time-dependent switc ...
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2013. - pp. 5975-5980
doi:10.1109/CDC.2013.6760832 ...

Baptist, Peter
Towards Teaching and Learning Inquiry-Based Mathematics
In: Artigue, Michèle ; Baptist, Peter (ed.): Inquiry in Mathematics Education : Background Resources For Implementing Inquiry in Science and Mathematics at School - Paris ; Bayreuth, 2012. - pp. 13-25

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen; Seehafer, Martin; Worthmann, Karl
Analysis of unconstrained nonlinear MPC schemes with time varying control horizon
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : Final Program and Book of Abstracts - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2012. - pp. 2605-2610
doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426581 ...

Xausa, Ilaria; Baier, Robert; Gerdts, Matthias; Gonter, Mark; Wegwerth, Christian
Avoidance trajectories for driver assistance systems via solvers for optimal control probl ...
Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012), July 9-13, 2012, Melbourne, Australia - Melbourne, Australia: Think Business Events, 2012. - pp. 8
http://fwn06.housing.rug.nl/mtns2012/Full%20Paper/ ...

Pesch, Hans Josef; Bechmann, Simon; Wurst, Jan-Eric
Bang-Bang and Singular Controls in Optimal Control Problems with Partial Differential Equa ...
2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012): Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2012. - pp. 7671-7678
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ielx5/6416474/6425800/0 ...

Baptist, Peter; Raab, Dagmar
The Basic Patterns as Key Aspects of Inquiry Pedagogy : How to work with basic patterns
In: Baptist, Peter ; Raab, Dagmar (ed.): Implementing Inquiry in Mathematics Education - Bayreuth: Universität, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik und ihre Didaktik, 2012. - pp. 14-22

Pesch, Hans Josef
Caratheodory on the Road to the Maximum Principle
Grötschel, Martin (Hrsg.): Optimization Stories - Berlin: Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung, 2012. - pp. 317-329 . - (Documenta Mathematica : Extra Volume)
http://www.emis.ams.org/journals/DMJDMV/vol-ismp/4 ...

Pesch, Hans Josef; Plail, Michael
The Cold War and the Maximum Principle of Optimal Control
Grötschel, Martin (Hrsg.): Optimization Stories - Berlin: Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung, 2012. - pp. 331-343 . - (Documenta Mathematica : Extra Volume)
http://www.emis.ams.org/journals/DMJDMV/vol-ismp/4 ...

Grüne, Lars; Jahn, Thomas U.
Computing reachable sets via barrier methods on SIMD architectures
Eberhardsteiner, Josef ; Böhm, Helmut J. ; Rammerstorfer, Franz G. (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012) Held at the University of Vienna, Austria, September 10-14, 2012 - Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, 2012. - pp. 2076-2095

Grünauer, Gerold; Mayer, Markus; Gholamreza, Dadgar Javid; Ebner, Thomas; Wagner, Karl C.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Derivation of accurate tensor data of materials in SAW devices by solving a parameter iden ...
2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) - Piscataway: IEEE, 2012. - pp. 827-830
doi:10.1109/ULTSYM.2012.0206 ...

Stoll, Michael
Descent on elliptic curves
In: Belabas, Karim ; Beukers, Frits ; Gaudry, Pierrick ; McCallum, William ; Poonen, Bjorn ; Siksek, Samir ; Stoll, Michael ; Watkins, Mark (ed.): Explicit methods in number theory : Rational points & Diophantine equations. Lectures from the Special Trimester held at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, September–December 2004 - Paris: Société Mathématique de France, 2012. - pp. 51-80 . - (Panoramas et Synthèses; 36)

Kiermaier, Michael; Landjev, Ivan
Designs in projective Hjelmslev spaces
Lavrauw, Michel (Hrsg.): Theory and Applications of Finite Fields - Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2012. - pp. 111-121 . - (Contemporary Mathematics; 579)
doi:10.1090/conm/579/11524 ...

Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
A Distributed NMPC Scheme without Stabilizing Terminal Constraints
In: Johansson, Rolf ; Rantzer, Anders (ed.): Distributed Decision Making and Control - London: Springer, 2012. - pp. 261-287 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 417)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-2265-4_12 ...

Grüne, Lars
Economic MPC without terminal constraints
Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012) - Melbourne, Australia: Think Business Events, 2012

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen; Worthmann, Karl
Ensuring stability in networked systems with nonlinear MPC for continuous time systems
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : Final Program and Book of Abstracts - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2012. - pp. 14-19
doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426278 ...

Worthmann, Karl
Estimates of the Prediction Horizon Length in MPC : a Numerical Case Study
4th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference - Red Hook, NY: Curran, 2012. - pp. 232-237

Worthmann, Karl
Estimates on the prediction horizon length in model predictive control
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Melbourne, 2012

Witzgall, Matthias; Chudej, Kurt
Flight path optimization subject to instationary heat constraints
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2012) - Wien: International Federation of Automatic Control, 2012. - pp. 1141-1146 . - (Mathematical Modelling; 7,1)
doi:10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00202 ...

Witzgall, Matthias; Chudej, Kurt
Flight path optimization subject to instationary heat constraints
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): Preprints MATHMOD 2012 Vienna - Full Paper Volume - Wien: ARGESIM, 2012 (ARGESIM Report; S38)

Darmann, Andreas; Elkind, Edith; Kurz, Sascha; Lang, Jérôme; Schauer, Joachim; Woeginger, Gerhard
Group Activity Selection Problem
Goldberg, Paul (Hrsg.): Internet and network economics - Berlin: Springer, 2012. - pp. 156-169 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7695)
http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-642- ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
Inoue type manifolds and Inoue surfaces : a connected component of the moduli space of sur ...
In: Faber, Carel ; Farkas, Gavril ; de Jong, Robin (ed.): Geometry and arithmetic - Zürich: European Mathematical Society, 2012. - pp. 23-56
doi:10.4171/119-1/2 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Michael, Johannes; Chudej, Kurt; Pannek, Jürgen
Modelling and Optimal Control of a Docking Maneuver with an Uncontrolled Satellite
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2012) - Wien: International Federation of Automatic Control, 2012. - pp. 1135-1140 . - (Mathematical Modelling; 7,1)
doi:10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00201 ...

Michael, Johannes; Chudej, Kurt; Pannek, Jürgen
Modelling and Optimal Control of a Docking Maneuver with an Uncontrolled Satellite
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): Preprints MATHMOD 2012 Vienna - Full Paper Volume - Wien: ARGESIM, 2012 (ARGESIM Report; S38)
http://seth.asc.tuwien.ac.at/proc12/full_paper/Con ...

Kornienko, Igor; Gerdts, Matthias
A new version of necessary conditions for optimal control problems with differential algeb ...
Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012) - Melbourne, Australia: Think Business Events, 2012; July 9-13

Baier, Robert; Hessel-von Molo, Mirko
Newton’s method and secant method for set-valued mappings
In: Lirkov, Ivan ; Margenov, Svetozar D. ; Waśniewski, Jerzy (ed.): Large-scale scientific computing : 8th international conference, LSSC 2011, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 6 - 10, 2011 ; revised selected papers - Berlin, 2012. - pp. 91-98 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7116)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29843-1_9 ...
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralbaltt

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal control of dynamical systems governed by partial differential equations : A perspe ...
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2012) - Wien: International Federation of Automatic Control, 2012. - pp. 1-12 . - (Mathematical Modelling; 7,1)
doi:10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00003 ...

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal control of dynamical systems governed by partial differential equations : A perspe ...
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): Preprints MATHMOD 2012 Vienna - Full Paper Volume - Wien: Argesim-Verlag, 2012 (ARGESIM Report; S38)
http://seth.asc.tuwien.ac.at/proc12/full_paper/Con ...

Wendland, Holger; Rütten, Markus
Performance Enhancement of Auxiliary Air Intakes by Using Vortex Generators
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition - Nashville, Tennessee, 2012
doi:10.2514/6.2012-57 ...

Pesch, Hans Josef
The Princess and Infinite-dimensional Optimization
Grötschel, Martin (Hrsg.): Optimization Stories - München: Peniope, 2012. - pp. 345-356 . - (Documenta Mathematica : Extra Volume)
http://www.emis.ams.org/journals/DMJDMV/vol-ismp/4 ...

Baier, Robert
Set-valued Euler's method with interpolated distance functions and optimal control solvers
Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012) - Melbourne, Australia: Think Business Events, 2012

Götschel, Sebastian; Weiser, Martin; Schiela, Anton
Solving Optimal Control Problems with the Kaskade 7 Finite Element Toolbox
Dedner, Andreas ; Flemisch, Bernd ; Klöfkorn, Robert (Hrsg.): Advances in DUNE : Proceedings of the DUNE User Meeting, Held in October 6th–8th 2010 in Stuttgart, Germany - Berlin: Springer, 2012. - pp. 101-112
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28589-9_8 ...

Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg
Stability with Uniform Bounds for On-line Dial-a-Ride Problems under Reasonable Load
Johansson, Rolf ; Rantzer, Anders (Hrsg.): Distributed Decision Making and Control - London: Springer, 2012. - pp. 387-412 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 417)

Grußler, Christian; Damm, Tobias
A Symmetry Approach for Balanced Truncation of Positive Linear Systems
Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Held in Maui, Hawaii, 2012 - Maui, Hawaii, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012. - pp. 4308-4313
doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426442 ...

Li, Huijuan; Wirth, Fabian
Zubov's method for interconnected systems : a dissipative formulation
Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012), July 9-13, 2012, Melbourne, Australia - Melbourne, Australia: Think Business Events, 2012
http://www.mtns2012.conference.net.au/Full%20Paper ...

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Constructions of ISS-Lyapunov functions for interconnected impulsive systems
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2012. - pp. 6831-6836
doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426871 ...

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Dwell-time conditions for robust stability of impulsive systems
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Melbourne, Australia, 2012
doi:10.48550/arXiv.1202.3351 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Zwanzger, Johannes
New ring-linear codes from geometric dualization
Augot, Daniel (Hrsg.): WCC 2011 : Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography - Paris: inventeurs du monde numérique (Inria), 2011. - pp. 111-120

Baptist, Peter
Mathematik erleben : das EU-Projekt Fibonacci
Vortragsreihe / 16. Dresdner Kolloquium zur Mathematik und ihrer Didaktik : Februar 2011 - Dresden: Technische Universität, 2011

Gerhäuser, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
Automatic Calculation of plane loci Using Gröbner bases and integration into a dynamic geo ...
In: Schreck, Pascal ; Narboux, Julien ; Richter-Gebert, Jürgen (ed.): Automated deduction in geometry - Berlin: Springer, 2011. - pp. 68-77 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 6877)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25070-5_4 ...

Lönne, Michael
Bifurcation braid monodromy of plane curves
In: Ebeling, Wolfgang ; Hulek, Klaus ; Smoczyk, Knut (ed.): Complex and Differential Geometry : Conference held at Leibniz Universität Hannover, September 14 – 18, 2009 - Berlin: Springer, 2011. - pp. 235-255 . - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics; 8)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20300-8_14 ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
Burniat surfaces I: fundamental groups and moduli of primary Burniat surfaces
In: Faber, Carel ; van der Geer, Gerard ; Looijenga, Eduard (ed.): Classification of algebraic varieties - Zürich: European Mathematical Society, 2011. - pp. 49-76
doi:10.4171/007-1/3 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Baptist, Peter
Dynamic Worksheets
In: Baptist, Peter ; Miller, Carsten ; Raab, Dagmar (ed.): SINUS International : Towards New Teaching in Mathematics - Bayreuth, 2011. - pp. 45-52; Part I

Wassermann, Alfred
Dynamische Mathematik-Software für Web und eBook
In: Schott, Dieter (ed.): Proceedings 9. Workshop Mathematik für ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge, Wilhelmshaven, September 2011 - Wismar: Gottlob-Frege-Zentrum, 2011. - pp. 34-38

Ulm, Volker
Forschendes Lernen - ein Konzept für individuelle Förderung im Mathematikunterricht
In: Füchter, Andreas ; Moegling, Klaus (ed.): Diagonistik und Förderung. Band 2. Beispiele aus der Unterrichtspraxis - Immenhausen: Prolog-Verl., 2011. - pp. 40 . - (Theorie und Praxis der Schulpädagogik; 15)

Peternell, Thomas
Generically nef vector bundles and geometric applications
In: Ebeling, Wolfgang ; Hulek, Klaus ; Smoczyk, Knut (ed.): Complex and Differential Geometry : Conference held at Leibniz Universität Hannover, September 14 – 18, 2009 - Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. - pp. 345-368 . - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics; 8)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20300-8_17 ...

Aizinger, Vadym
A geometry independent slope limiter for the discontinuous Galerkin method
In: Krause, Egon ; Shokin, Yurii ; Resch, Michael ; Kröner, Dietmar ; Shokina, Nina (ed.): Computational Science and High Performance Computing IV - Berlin: Springer, 2011. - pp. 207-217 . - (Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design; 115)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-17770-5_16 ...

Ulm, Volker
Gute Aufgaben Mathematik
In: Metzger, Klaus ; Wiater, Werner (ed.): Erziehen und Unterrichten in der Grundschule : alle Kinder fördern, soziale Kompetenzen stärken, Unterricht erfolgreich gestalten - Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 2011. - pp. 203

Stoll, Michael
How to Solve a Diophantine Equation
Schleicher, Dierk ; Lackmann, Malte (Hrsg.): An Invitation to Mathematics : From Competitions to Research - Heidelberg ; Dordrecht ; London ; New York: Springer, 2011. - pp. 9-19
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19533-4_2 ...

Ulm, Volker
Liens entre enseignement mathématique et enseignement scientifique dans les programmes all ...
Les defis de l'enseignement des mathematiques dans l'edication de base - Paris: UNESCO, 2011. - pp. 65-67

Damm, Tobias; Homeyer, Jan
On Indefinite Damping and Gyroscopic Stabilization
Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011 Held in Milano, Italy - Milano, Italy: International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2011. - pp. 7589-7593
doi:10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.01773 ...

Frantzen, Kristina; Peternell, Thomas
On the Bimeromorphic Geometry of Compact Complex Contact Threefolds
In: Faber, Carel ; van der Geer, Gerard ; Looijenga, Eduard (ed.): Classification of Algebraic Varieties - Zürich: European Mathematical Society, 2011. - pp. 277-288 . - (EMS Series of Congress Reports)
doi:10.4171/007-1/12 ...

Grüne, Lars
Optimal invariance via receding horizon control
50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2011. - pp. 2668-2673
doi:10.1109/CDC.2011.6160242 ...

Troffaes, Matthias C. M.; Hable, Robert
Robustness of natural extension
In: Coolen, Frank (ed.): Imprecise Probability : Theories and Applications. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium (ISIPTA 11) - Innsbruck, 2011. - pp. 361-370
http://www.sipta.org/isipta11/proceedings/papers/s ...

Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Sampled-data redesign for nonlinear multi-input systems
In: Ancona, Fabio ; Bressan, Alberto ; Cannarsa, Piermarco ; Clarke, Francis ; Wolenski, Peter R. (ed.): Geometric Control And Nonsmooth Analysis : in honor of the 73rd birthday of H. Hermes and the 71st birthday of R. T. Rockafellar - New Jersey, NJ: World Scientific, 2011. - pp. 206-227 . - (Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences; 76)
doi:10.1142/9789812776075_0011 ...

Ulm, Volker
Secret Languages : Algorithmic Thinking through Cryptography
In: Ulm, Volker (ed.): Inquiry-based mathematics education for gifted children in primary school - Augsburg, 2011. - pp. 56-59

Jahn, Thomas U.; Pannek, Jürgen
Stability of constrained adaptive model predictive control algorithms
Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011 Held in Milano, Italy - Milano: International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2011. - pp. 9272-9277
doi:10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.01430 ...

Ulm, Volker
Support Mathematically Gifted Children, Mathematical Thinking, Giftedness, Ability and Per ...
In: Ulm, Volker (ed.): Inquiry-based mathematics education for gifted children in primary school - Augsburg, 2011. - pp. 5-9

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Pignatelli, Roberto
Surfaces of general type with geometric genus zero : a survey
In: Ebeling, Wolfgang ; Hulek, Klaus ; Smoczyk, Knut (ed.): Complex and differential geometry - Berlin: Springer, 2011. - pp. 1-48 . - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics; 8)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20300-8_1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ulm, Volker
Welche Impulse kann die Fachdidaktik Mathematik im Hinblick auf die Gestaltung von Aufgabe ...
In: Kortenkamp, Ulrich ; Lambert, Anselm ; Zeimetz, Antonia (ed.): Computerwerkzeuge und Prüfungen : Aufgaben mit Technologieeinsatz im Mathematikunterricht - Hildesheim: Franzbecker, 2011. - pp. 153

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii; Naujok, Lars
Autonomous and central control of production networks
In: Hülsmann, Michael ; Scholz-Reiter, Bernd ; Windt, Katja (ed.): Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics : Contributions and Limitations - Theoretical and Practical Perspectives - Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. - pp. 27-43
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19469-6_4 ...

Schiela, Anton; Weiser, Martin
Barrier Methods for a Control Problem from Hyperthermia Treatment Planning
Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering - Berlin: Springer, 2010. - pp. 419-428
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-12598-0_36 ...

Wassermann, Alfred
The Challenge of a New Hardware Generation to Mathematics Education
In: Ulm, Volker ; Bianco, Tamara (ed.): Mathematics education with technology : experiences in Europe - Augsburg, 2010. - pp. 166-171
http://www.math.uni-augsburg.de/prof/dida/innomath ...

Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Kohnert, Axel; Wassermann, Alfred
Construction of Codes for Network Coding
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Budapest, 2010. - pp. 1811-1814

Ulm, Volker
Digital Media : A Catalyst for Innovations in Mathematics Education?
In: UIm, Volker ; Bianco, Tamara (ed.): Mathematics education with technology : experiences in Europe - Augsburg, 2010. - pp. 7-29

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza
The Directed Subdifferential of DC functions
In: Leizaarowitz, A. ; Mordukhovich, B. S. ; Shafrir, I. ; Zaslavski, A. J. (ed.): Nonlinear analysis and optimization II. Optimization : a conference in celebration of Alex Ioffe's 70th and Simeon Reich's 60th birthdays, June 18-24, 2008, Haifa, Israel - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010. - pp. 27-43 . - (Contemporary Mathematics; 514)
doi:10.1090/conm/514 ...
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt

Ulm, Volker
Geheimsprachen, algorithmisches Denken mit Kryptographie schulen
In: Ulm, Volker (ed.): Mathematische Begabungen fördern - Berlin: Cornelsen, 2010

Grüne, Lars; Müller, Florian
Global optimal control of quantized systems
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2010 - Budapest, 2010. - pp. 1231-1237

Greiner, Alfred; Grüne, Lars; Semmler, Willi
Growth and Climate Change : Threshold and Multiple Equilibria
In: Crespo Cuaresma, Jesús ; Palokangas, Tapio ; Tarasyev, Alexander (ed.): Dynamic Systems, Economic Growth, and the Environment - Berlin: Springer, 2010. - pp. 63-78 . - (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance; 12)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02132-9_4 ...

Altmüller, Nils; Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Instantaneous Control of the linear wave equation
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2010 - Budapest, 2010. - pp. 1895-1899

Deuflhard, Peter; Kornhuber, Ralf; Sander, Oliver; Schiela, Anton; Weiser, Martin
Mathematics cures virtual patients
MATHEON - Mathematics for Key Technologies - Zürich: European Math. Soc., 2010. - pp. 7-25 . - (EMS Series in Industrial and Applied Mathematics; 1)
doi:10.4171/137 ...

Ulm, Volker
Mathematisches Denken und mathematische Begabung
In: Ulm, Volker (ed.): Mathematische Begabungen fördern - Berlin: Cornelsen, 2010

Catanese, Fabrizio; Lönne, Michael; Wajnryb, Bronislaw
Moduli spaces of surfaces and monodromy invariants
In: Akbulut, Selman ; Auroux, Denis ; Önder, Turgut (ed.): Proceedings of the Gökova Geometry Topology Conference 2009 - Somerville, Mass.: International Press, 2010. - pp. 58-98

Kiermaier, Michael; Zwanzger, Johannes
A new series of ℤ₄-linear codes of high minimum Lee distance derived from the Kerdock code ...
Edelmayer, András (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Budapest, 2010. - pp. 929-932

Grüne, Lars; von Lossow, Marcus; Worthmann, Karl
NMPC Suboptimality Estimates for Sampled–Data Continuous Systems
In: Diehl, Moritz ; Glineur, Francois ; Jarlebring, Elias ; Michiels, Wim (ed.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering - Berlin: Springer, 2010. - pp. 329-338
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-12598-0_29 ...

Siksek, Samir; Stoll, Michael
On a problem of Hajdu and Tengely
Hanrot, Guillaume ; Morain, Francois ; Thomé, Emmanuel (Hrsg.): Algorithmic Number Theory : 9th international symposium, ANTS-IX, Nancy, France, July 19-23, 2010, proceedings - Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. - pp. 316-330 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 6197)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14518-6_25 ...

Wendl, Stefan; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
On a State-Constrained PDE Optimal Control Problem arising from ODE-PDE Optimal Control
Diehl, Moritz ; Glineur, F. ; Jarlebring, E. ; Michiels, W. (Hrsg.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering : The 14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization - Berlin: Springer, 2010. - pp. 429-438
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-12598-0_37 ...

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza; Roshchina, Vera
On Computing the Mordukhovich Subdifferential Using Directed Sets in Two Dimensions
In: Burachik, Regina S. ; Yao, Jen-Chih (ed.): Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation in Optimization and Control : In Honor of Boris S. Mordukhovich - New York: Springer, 2010. - pp. 59-93 . - (Springer Optimization and its Applications; 47)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-0437-9_3 ...
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt

Baptist, Peter
On Going for a Walk with an Artist and a Famous Mathematician
In: UIm, Volker ; Bianco, Tamara (ed.): Mathematics education with technology : experiences in Europe - Augsburg: University of Augsburg, 2010. - pp. 153-166

Altmüller, Nils; Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Performance of NMPC Schemes without Stabilizing Terminal Constraints
In: Diehl, Moritz ; Glineur, Francois ; Jarlebring, Elias ; Michiels, Wim (ed.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering - Berlin: Springer, 2010. - pp. 289-298
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-12598-0_25 ...

Grüne, Lars; Sager, Sebastian; Allgöwer, Frank; Bock, Hans Georg; Diehl, Moritz
Predictive Planning and Systematic Action : On the Control of Technical Processes
In: Grötschel, Martin ; Lucas, Klaus ; Mehrmann, Volker (ed.): Production Factor Mathematics - Berlin: Springer, 2010. - pp. 9-37
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-11248-5_2 ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
The rationality of certain moduli spaces of curves of genus 3
In: Bogomolov, Fedor ; Tschinkel, Yuri (ed.): Cohomological and geometric approaches to rationality problems - Boston: Birkhäuser, 2010. - pp. 1-16 . - (Progress in Mathematics; 282)
doi:10.1007/978-0-8176-4934-0_1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Altmüller, Nils; Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Receding horizon optimal control for the wave equation
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2010. - pp. 3427-3432
doi:10.1109/CDC.2010.5717272 ...

Aizinger, Vadym; Hauser, Andreas; Wittum, Gabriele
Simulation of Flow and Transport in a Static Mixer Using Adaptive and Higher Order Numeric ...
In: Bockhorn, Henning ; Mewes, D. ; Peukert, W. ; Warnecke, H.-J. (ed.): Micro and Macro Mixing : analysis, simulation and numerical calculation - Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. - pp. 245-262 . - (Heat and Mass Transfer)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04549-3_14 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Steinwart, Ingo
Universal Kernels on Non-Standard Input Spaces
In: Lafferty, John D. ; Williams, C. K. I. ; Shawe-Taylor, J. ; Zemel, R. S. ; Culotta, A. (ed.): Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23. Volume 1 - Red Hook, NY: Curran, 2010. - pp. 406-414

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Karimi, Hamid Reza; Kosmykov, Michael; Mironchenko, Andrii; Naujok, Lars
Application of the LISS Lyapunov-Krasovskii small-gain theorem to autonomously controlled ...
2010 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2010. - pp. 765-770
doi:10.1109/SYSTOL.2010.5676085 ...

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
On the uniform input-to-state stability of reaction-diffusion systems
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings - Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2010. - pp. 6547-6552
doi:10.1109/CDC.2010.5717779 ...

Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Kreowski, Hans-Jörg; Kuske, Sabine; Mironchenko, Andrii; Naujok, Lars; von Totth, Caroline
Production networks as communities of autonomous units and their stability
In: Echahed, Rachid ; Habel, Annegret ; Mosbah, Mohamed (ed.): GCM 2010: The Third International Workshop on Graph Computation Models : Proceedings - Enschede, The Netherlands, 2010. - pp. 17-32 . - (CTIT Workshop Proceedings WP; 2010-05)
http://gcm2010.imag.fr/pages/gcm2010-preproceeding ...

Augustin, Thomas; Hable, Robert
On the impact of robust statistics on imprecise probability models : a review
Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastructures and Engineering Systems : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, ICOSSAR 13-17 September 2009, Osaka, Japan - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009

Stoll, Michael
Rational Points on Curves of Genus 2 : Experiments and Speculations
Johannes A. Buchmann, John Cremona and Michael E. Pohst (editors): Algorithms and Number Theory - Wadern, 2009 (Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings; 09221)

Grüne, Lars; Müller, Florian
An algorithm for event-based optimal feedback control
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2009. - pp. 5311-5316

Ulm, Volker; Brandl, Matthias
Anwendungen der Differentialrechnung, Optimieren und Modellieren
In: Schätz, Ulrike ; Eisentraut, Franz (ed.): Delta neu. Band 11 - Bamberg: Buchner, 2009

Ulm, Volker
Auch Begabte brauchen Förderung : Ansätze für das Fach Mathematik
25. Eichstätter Kolloquium zur Didaktik der Mathematik - Eichstätt: Kath. Univ., Math.-Geograph. Fak., 2009

Baier, Robert; Gerdts, Matthias
A computational method for non-convex reachable sets using optimal control
Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) - Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, 2009. - pp. 97-102
doi:10.23919/ECC.2009.7074386 ...

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Domains of attraction of interconnected systems : A Zubov method approach
Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2009. - pp. 91-96
doi:10.23919/ECC.2009.7074385 ...

Schiela, Anton
An extended mathematical framework for barrier methods in function space
Bercovier, Michel ; Gander, Martin J. ; Kornhuber, Ralf ; Widlund, Olof (Hrsg.): Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering XVIII - Berlin: Springer, 2009. - pp. 201-208 . - (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering; 70)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02677-5_21 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Steinwart, Ingo; Christmann, Andreas
Fast learning from non-i.i.d. observations
In: Bengio, Yoshua ; Schuurmans, D. ; Lafferty, J. D. ; Williams, C. K. I. ; Culotta, A. (ed.): Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22. Volume 3 - Red Hook, NY: Curran, 2009. - pp. 1768-1776
https://papers.nips.cc/paper/3736-fast-learning-fr ...

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
Faster Load Changes for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Systems
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, F. (Hrsg.): Proceedings MATHMOD 09 Vienna - Wien: Argesim-Verlag, 2009. - pp. 2406-2415 . - (ARGESIM Report; 35)

Karafyllis, Iasson; Grüne, Lars
Feedback Stabilization Methods for the Numerical Solution of Systems of Ordinary Different ...
Numerical analysis and applied mathematics : International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009 - Melville, NY: American Inst. of Physics, 2009. - pp. 152-155 . - (AIP Conference Proceedings; 1168)
doi:10.1063/1.3241391 ...

Ulm, Volker
Forschendes Lernen in der Mathematik
In: Messner, Rudolf (ed.): Schule forscht : Ansätze und Methoden zum forschenden Lernen - Hamburg: Ed. Körber-Stiftung, 2009. - pp. 89

Krämer, Florian; Bebendorf, Mario; Ostrowski, Joerg Marc; Hiptmair, Ralf
Hierarchical matrix preconditioners for eddy current problems
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2009 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2009. - pp. 724-727
doi:10.1109/ICEAA.2009.5297293 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Wächter, Markus; Sachs, Gottfried; Le Bras, Florent
Instationary heat constrained trajectory optimization of a hypersonic space vehicle by ODE ...
Buttazzo, Giuseppe ; Frediani, A. (Hrsg.): Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering - Berlin: Springer, 2009. - pp. 127-144 . - (Springer Optimization and its Applications; 33)
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-95857-6_8 ...

Ulm, Volker; Brandl, Matthias; Siebe, Birgit
Koordinatengeometrie im Raum
In: Schätz, Ulrike ; Eisentraut, Franz (ed.): Delta neu. Band 11 - Bamberg: Buchner, 2009

Ulm, Volker
Lernumgebungen für individuelles und kooperatives Arbeiten
In: Prenzel, Manfred (ed.): Von SINUS lernen : wie Unterrichtsentwicklung gelingt - Seelze-Velber: Klett, Kallmeyer, 2009
http://www.math.uni-augsburg.de/prof/dida/studium/ ...

Ulm, Volker
Mathematische Begabung und ihre Förderung im Unterricht
In: Verband zur Förderung des MINT-Unterrichts (ed.): Tagungsband zum 100. MNU Kongress - Regensburg, 2009
http://www.mnu.de/extern/lv-rp-lvt2009/Artikel_Her ...

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen; Worthmann, Karl
A networked unconstrained nonlinear MPC scheme
Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2009. - pp. 371-376
doi:10.23919/ECC.2009.7074430 ...

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
On Some New Adjoining Approaches for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems
Simos, Theodore E. ; Psihoyios, George ; Tsitouras, Ch.: (Hrsg.): Numerical analysis and applied mathematics. Band 2 - Melville, NY: AIP, 2009. - pp. 1322-1323 . - (AIP Conference Proceedings; 1168)
doi:10.1063/1.3241325 ...

Rambau, Jörg; Schwarz, Cornelius
On the benefits of using NP-hard problems in Branch & Bound
Fleischmann, Bernhard ; Borgwardt, Karl Heinz ; Klein, Robert ; Tuma, Axel (Hrsg.): Selected papers of the annual international conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) - Berlin: Springer, 2009. - pp. 463-468 . - (Operations Research Proceedings; 2008)

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Wächter, Markus
Optimal Control of Extremely Fast Aircraft
Rodellar, José ; Reithmeier, Eduard (Hrsg.): 15th International Workshop on Dynamics and Control - Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2009. - pp. 119-126
http://www.researchgate.net/publication/262272056_ ...

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen; Worthmann, Karl
A prediction based control scheme for networked systems with delays and packet dropouts
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2009. - pp. 537-542

Byrne, Eimear; Greferath, Marcus; Kohnert, Axel; Skachek, Vitaly
Refined bounds for ring-linear codes
International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics : proceedings - Varna, Bulgaria, 2009. - pp. 55-61

Kohnert, Axel
Sets of type (d₁,d₂) in projective Hjelmslev planes over Galois rings
Klin, Mikhail (Hrsg.): Algorithmic algebraic combinatorics and Gröbner bases - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. - pp. 269-278
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01960-9_9 ...

Steinwart, Ingo; Christmann, Andreas
Sparsity of SVMs that use the epsilon-insensitive loss
In: Koller, Daphne ; Schuurmans, D. ; Bengio, Y. ; Bottou, L. (ed.): Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21 - Red Hook, NY: Curran, 2009. - pp. 1569-1576
http://papers.nips.cc/paper/3466-sparsity-of-svms- ...

Peternell, Thomas
Submanifolds with ample normal bundles and a conjecture of Hartshorne
In: Bates, Daniel J. ; Besana, GianMario ; Di Rocco, Sandra ; Wampler, Charles W. (ed.): Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry : A Conference in Honor of Andrew Sommese Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry, May 22–24 2008, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana - Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2009. - pp. 317-330 . - (Contemporary Mathematics; 496)

Baptist, Peter
Und er bewegt sich doch - der Mathematikunterricht
In: Prenzel, Manfred ; Friedrich, Anja ; Stadtler, Matthias (ed.): Von SINUS lernen : Wie Unterrichtsentwicklung gelingt - Seelze-Velber: Kallmeyer, 2009. - pp. 146-159

Grüne, Lars; Sager, Sebastian; Allgöwer, Frank; Bock, Hans Georg; Diehl, Moritz
Vorausschauend Planen, Gezielt Handeln : Über die Regelung und Steuerung technischer Proze ...
In: Gröschel, Martin ; Lucas, Klaus ; Mehrmann, Volker (ed.): Produktionsfaktor Mathematik - Berlin: Springer, 2009. - pp. 27-62
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-89435-3_2 ...

Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Nonlinear sampled-data redesign : analytical formulas and their practical implementation
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2008) : Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium Blacksburg, Virginia, USA - Blacksburg, VA, USA, 2008

Grüne, Lars; Müller, Florian
Set oriented optimal control using past information
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2008) : Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium Blacksburg, Virginia, USA - Blacksburg, VA, USA, 2008

Grüne, Lars; Pannek, Jürgen
Trajectory based suboptimality estimates for receding horizon controllers
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2008) : Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium Blacksburg, Virginia, USA - Blacksburg, VA, USA, 2008

Kohnert, Axel; Kurz, Sascha
Construction of large constant dimension codes with a prescribed minimum distance
Jacques Calmet, Willi Geiselmann and Jörn Müller-Quade (Hrsg.): Mathematical methods in computer science: essays in memory of Thomas Beth - Berlin: Springer, 2008. - pp. 31-42 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 5393)

Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
Double and bordered α-circulant self-dual codes over finite commutative chain rings
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory 2008 - Pamporovo, 2008. - pp. 144-150

Steinwart, Ingo; Christmann, Andreas
How SVMs can estimate quantiles and the median
In: Platt, John C. ; Koller, Daphne ; Singer, Y. ; Roweis, S. (ed.): Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20. Volume 1 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008. - pp. 305-312
http://papers.nips.cc/paper/3180-how-svms-can-esti ...

Wendland, Holger
Hybrid methods for fluid-structure-interaction problems in Aeroelasticity
In: Griebel, Michael ; Schweitzer, Marc A. (ed.): Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV - Berlin: Springer, 2008. - pp. 335-358 . - (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering; 65)

Ulm, Volker
Im Unscheinbaren Tiefe entdecken : Von Quadraten zu Cauchy-Folgen in metrischen Räumen
In: Schönbeck, Jürgen (ed.): Mosaiksteine moderner Schulmathematik : Werner Ast zum 65. Geburtstag - Heidelberg: Mattes, 2008. - pp. 137 . - (Schriftenreihe der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg; 51)

Ulm, Volker
Immer vier! Always four?
In: Ulm, Volker (ed.): Gute Aufgaben Mathematik : Heterogenität nutzen - Berlin: Cornelsen, 2008. - pp. 24

Ulm, Volker
Innovationen im Mathematikunterricht mit Neuen Medien : Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für di ...
In: Warwas, Julia ; Sembill, Detlef (ed.): Zeitgemäße Führung - zeitgemäßer Unterricht - Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren, 2008. - pp. 227

Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Kuijlaars, A. B. J.; McLaughlin, K. D. T.-R.; Miller, Peter D.
Locating the zeros of partial sums of eᶻ with Riemann-Hilbert methods
Integrable systems and random matrices : in honor of Percy Deift - Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2008. - pp. 183-195 . - (Contemporary Mathematics; 458)
doi:10.1090/conm/458/08936 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ulm, Volker
Mit "guten Aufgaben" arbeiten
In: Ulm, Volker (ed.): Gute Aufgaben Mathematik : Heterogenität nutzen - Berlin: Cornelsen, 2008. - pp. 8

Chudej, Kurt; Bauer, Marco; Pesch, Hans Josef; Schittkowski, Klaus
Numerical Simulation of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell by Partial Differential Algebraic Equ ...
Breitner, Michael H. ; Denk, Georg ; Rentrop, Peter (Hrsg.): From Nano to Space : Applied Mathematics Inspired by Roland Bulirsch - Berlin: Springer, 2008. - pp. 57-70
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74238-8_6 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
On the minimum Lee distance of quadratic residue codes over ℤ₄
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory proceedings - Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2008. - pp. 2617-2619
doi:10.1109/ISIT.2008.4595465 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Load Changes for a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Model
Kunisch, Karl ; Of, Gunther ; Steinbach, Olaf (Hrsg.): Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - Berlin: Springer, 2008. - pp. 769-776
http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&sour ...

Grüne, Lars
Optimization Based Stabilization of Nonlinear Control Systems
In: Lirkov, Ivan D. ; Margenov, Svetozar ; Waśniewski, Jerzy (ed.): Large-Scale Scientific Computing : 6th International Conference, LSSC 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 5-9, 2007 ; revised papers - Berlin: Springer, 2008. - pp. 52-65 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 4818)
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-78827-0_5 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Fischer, T.
A Purely Algebraic Approach to Preconditioning Based on Hierarchical LU Factorizations
Kunisch, Karl ; Of, Günther ; Steinbach, Olaf (Hrsg.): Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications : Proceedings of ENUMATH 2007, the 7th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Graz, Austria, September 2007 - Berlin: Springer, 2008. - pp. 135-142
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-69777-0_15 ...

Ulm, Volker
Dem Zufall auf der Spur : wie fällt ein Reißnagel?
In: Ulm, Volker (ed.): Gute Aufgaben Mathematik : Heterogenität nutzen - Berlin: Cornelsen, 2008. - pp. 96

Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
Approximately optimal nonlinear stabilization with preservation of the Lyapunov function p ...
46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2007. - pp. 702-707
doi:10.1109/CDC.2007.4434428 ...

Ulm, Volker
Begabte Schüler in der Sekundarstufe mit dynamischer Mathematik fördern : Erkundung der Kr ...
Begabungen entfalten : Hochbegabte in der Schule individuell fördern - Dillingen: Akad., 2007. - pp. 103-113 . - (Akademiebericht / Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen; 429)

Ulm, Volker
Bilder des Multiplizierens
In: Bodensteiner, Paula (ed.): Wissensgenese an Schulen : Beiträge einer Bilddidaktik - München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2007. - pp. 137-138

Lönne, Michael
Braid monodromy and π1 of discriminant complements
In: Brasselet, Jean-Paul (ed.): Singularities in geometry and topology : proceedings - Singapore: World Scientific, 2007. - pp. 661-668

Rein, Gerhard
Collisionless Kinetic Equations from Astrophysics : The Vlasov-Poisson System
Dafermos,Constantine M.; Feireisl, E. (Hrsg.): Handbook of Differential Equations : Evolutionary Equations. Vol. 3 - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. - pp. 383-476
doi:10.1016/S1874-5717(07)80008-9 ...

Grüne, Lars
Computing stability and performance bounds for unconstrained NMPC schemes
46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2007. - pp. 1263-1268
doi:10.1109/CDC.2007.4434156 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Demand forecasting for companies with many branches, low sales numbers per product, and no ...
Macedo Mourelle, Luiza de (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications - Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2007. - pp. 196-204

Kemmler, Wolfgang; Lauber, Dirk; Mayhew, Jerry; Wassermann, Alfred
Effektivität maximaler Wiederholungsleistung zur Bestimmung des 1-Wiederholungsmaximums im ...
In: Backhaus, Jost ; Borkenhagen, Frederik ; Funke-Wieneke, Jürgen (ed.): SportStadtKultur : Abstracts - Hamburg, 2007. - pp. 94 . - (Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft; 168)

Baier, Robert
Generalized Steiner Selections Applied to Standard Problems of Set-Valued Numerical Analys ...
In: Staicu, Vasile (ed.): Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational Problems - Basel: Birkhäuser, 2007. - pp. 49-60 . - (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications; 75)
doi:10.1007/978-3-7643-8482-1_4 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rang, Joachim
Index Analysis of Models
Sundmacher, Kai (Hrsg.): Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells : Modeling, Analysis, Simulation and Control - Weinheim: WILEY-VCH, 2007. - pp. 63-74
doi:10.1002/9783527611324.ch4 ...

Baptist, Peter
Mathematik erleben - Anregungen zu individuellen Lernwegen
Schriften zum BLK-Modellversuch SINUS-Transfer - Bayreuth, 2007

Grüne, Lars; Nešić, Dragan; Pannek, Jürgen
Model predictive control for nonlinear sampled-data systems
In: Findeisen, Rolf ; Allgöwer, Frank ; Biegler, Lorenz T. (ed.): Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Berlin: Springer, 2007. - pp. 105-113 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 358)
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-72699-9_8 ...

Sternberg, Kati; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control Strategies
Sundmacher, Kai (Hrsg.): Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells : Modeling, Analysis, Simulation and Control - Weinheim: WILEY-VCH, 2007. - pp. 201-210
doi:10.1002/9783527611324.ch10 ...

Steinmetz, T.; Gödel, N.; Wimmer, G.; Clemens, Markus; Kurz, S.; Bebendorf, Mario; Rjasanow, S.
Symmetric Coupling of the Finite-Element and the Boundary-Element Method for Electro-Quasi ...
Ciuprina, Gabriela ; Ioan, Daniel (Hrsg.): Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering - Berlin: Springer, 2007. - pp. 309-315 . - (Mathematics in Industry; 11)
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-71980-9_33 ...

Ehmann, Matthias; Miller, Carsten
Teaching and Learning mathematics with dynamic worksheets
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching - Hradec Králové, 2007

Ulm, Volker
Wie viele Möglichkeiten gibt es eigenlich? Stochastische Fragen zur Förderung mathematisch ...
Begabungen entfalten : Hochbegabte in der Schule individuell fördern - Dillingen: Akad., 2007. - pp. 93-102 . - (Akademiebericht / Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen; 429)

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Pignatelli, Roberto
Complex surfaces of general type : some recent progress
In: Catanese, Fabrizio ; Esnault, Hélène ; Huckleberry, Alan T. ; Hulek, Klaus ; Peternell, Thomas (ed.): Global aspects of complex geometry - Berlin: Springer, 2006. - pp. 1-58
doi:10.1007/3-540-35480-8_1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Wendland, Holger
Computational aspects of radial basis function approximation
In: Jetter, Kurt (ed.): Topics in multivariate approximation and interpolation - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006. - pp. 231-256 . - (Studies in Computational Mathematics; 12)
doi:10.1016/S1570-579X(06)80010-8 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars; Nešić, Dragan; Worthmann, Karl
High order approximations by sampled-data feedback
MTNS 2006 : Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto Univ., 2006. - pp. 1780-1787

Chudej, Kurt
Index Analysis for Singular PDE Models of Fuel Cells
Bucchianico, Alessandro di; Mattheij, R. M. M.; Peletier, M. A. (Hrsg.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2004 - Berlin: Springer, 2006. - pp. 212-216 . - (Mathematics in Industry; 8)
doi:10.1007/3-540-28073-1_30 ...

Ulm, Volker
Modellieren : eine mathematische Arbeitsweise und eine Leitidee für den Mathematikunterric ...
In: Mahn, Gernot (ed.): Einfach Mathe : Modellieren mit Excel - Paderborn: Schönigh, 2006

Gerdts, Matthias; Greif, Günter; Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Optimal Control of the Wave Equation : Optimal Boundary Control of a String to R ...
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, F. (Hrsg.): Proceedings - Wien: ARGESIM-Verl., 2006 (ARGESIM Report; 30)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/173_P ...

Kaiser, Ralf
On the geomagnetic direction problem : a nonexistence result
Proceedings "WASCOM 2005" 13th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media - Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2006. - pp. 292-297
doi:10.1142/9789812773616_0039 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Heinz, Stefan; Krumke, Sven O.; Megow, Nicole; Rambau, Jörg; Tuchscherer, Andreas; Vredeveld, Tjark
The Online Target Date Assignment Problem
Erlebach, Thomas ; Persinao, Giuseppe (Hrsg.): Approximation and Online Algorithms - Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, 2006. - pp. 230-243 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 3879)

Grüne, Lars; Junge, Oliver
Optimal stabilization of hybrid systems using a set oriented approach
MTNS 2006 : Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto Univ., 2006. - pp. 2089-2093

Huckleberry, Alan; Peternell, Thomas
Several Complex Variables : Basic Geometric Theory
In: Françoise, Jean-Pierre ; Naber, Gregory L. ; Tsun, Tsou Sheung (ed.): Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics : Vols 1 - 5 - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006. - pp. 540-550
doi:10.1016/B0-12-512666-2/00469-7 ...

Huckleberry, Alan; Peternell, Thomas
Several Complex Variables : Compact Manifolds
In: Françoise, Jean-Pierre ; Naber, Gregory L. ; Tsun, Tsou Sheung (ed.): Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics : Vols 1 - 5 - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006. - pp. 551-559
doi:10.1016/B0-12-512666-2/00448-X ...

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
Simulation and Optimal Control of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, F. (Hrsg.): Proceedings - Wien: ARGESIM-Verl., 2006 (ARGESIM Report; 30)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/041_P ...

Jahnke, Priska; Peternell, Thomas; Radloff, Ivo
Some Recent Developments in the Classification Theory of Higher Dimensional Manifolds
In: Catanese, Fabrizio ; Esnault, Hélène ; Huckleberry, Alan T. ; Hulek, Klaus ; Peternell, Thomas (ed.): Global Aspects of Complex Geometry - Berlin: Springer, 2006. - pp. 311-357
doi:10.1007/3-540-35480-8_9 ...

Wendland, Holger
Spatial coupling in Aeroelasticity by meshless kernel-based methods
In: Wesseling, Peter ; Oñate, Eugenio ; Périaux, Jacques. (ed.): Proceedings ECCOMAS CFD 2006 : European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics - Delft: Univ. of Technology, 2006

Grüne, Lars; Ratzer, A.
Suboptimality estimates for receding horizon controllers
MTNS 2006 : Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto Univ., 2006. - pp. 120-127

Ehmann, Matthias; Miller, Carsten
Teaching Mathematics with GEONExT and Dynamic Worksheets
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on the teaching of mathematics - Istanbul, 2006

Pesch, Hans Josef; Sternberg, Kati; Chudej, Kurt
Towards the Numerical Solution of a Large Scale PDAE Constrained Optimization Problem Aris ...
Di Pillo, Gianni ; Roma, M. (Hrsg.): Large-scale nonlinear optimization - New York: Springer, 2006. - pp. 243-253 . - (Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications; 83)
doi:10.1007/0-387-30065-1_15 ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Grunewald, Fritz
Beauville surfaces without real structures
In: Bogomolov, Fedor ; Tschinkel, Yuri (ed.): Geometric methods in algebra and number theory - Boston: Birkhäuser, 2005. - pp. 1-42 . - (Progress in Mathematics; 235)
doi:10.1007/0-8176-4417-2_1 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Braun, Michael; Kohnert, Axel; Wassermann, Alfred
Construction of (sometimes) optimal linear codes
In: Kerber, Adalbert (ed.): ALCOMA '05 - Bayreuth: Mathemat. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2005. - pp. 69-75 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 74)

Braun, Michael; Kohnert, Axel; Wassermann, Alfred
Construction of linear codes with prescribed minimum distance
Optimal Codes and Related Topics : proceedings ; fourth International Workshop, June 17-23, 2005, Pamporovo, Bulgaria - Sofia: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2005
ftp://ftp.mathe2.uni-bayreuth.de/axel/papers/kohne ...

Baptist, Peter
Dynamic Worksheets : a Tool for Individual and Cooperative Learning
In: Booker, George ; Rogerson, Alan; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (ed.): Thinking mathematically making sense and solving problems : The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project - Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 2005. - pp. 41-44
http://math.unipa.it/~grim/21_project/21_malasya_B ...

Pesch, Hans Josef; Karkhin, Victor A.; Ilin, A. S.; Prikhodovsky, Andrey; Ploshikhin, Vasily; Makhutin, Maksym; Zoch, H.-W.
Effects of Latent Heat of Fusion on Thermal Processes During Welding
Cerjak, Horst (Hrsg.): Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena. Band 7 - London: Inst. of Materials, 2005. - pp. 39-62

Grüne, Lars; Nešić, Dragan; Pannek, Jürgen
Model predictive sampled-data redesign for nonlinear systems
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Piscatawny, NJ: IEEE, 2005. - pp. 36-41
doi:10.1109/CDC.2005.1582127 ...

Ahrem, Regine; Beckert, Armin; Wendland, Holger
A new multivariate interpolation method for large-scale spatial coupling problems in aeroe ...
In: DLRG ; International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, IFASD (ed.): Conference Proceedings : Vorträge ; [München, June 28 - July 1, 2005] - Bonn: DGLR, 2005 (DGLR-Bericht; 2005.04)

Grüne, Lars; Nešić, Dragan
Nonlinear sampled-data controller redesign via Lyapunov functions
In: Horáček, Petr (ed.): Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control : July 3 - 8, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic - s.l.: IFAC, 2005

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Simulation of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
Hofer, Eberhard P. ; Reithmeier, Eduard (Hrsg.): Modeling and Control of Autonomous Decision Support Based Systems : Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Dynamics & Control - Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2005. - pp. 227-234

Rambau, Jörg
On a generalization of Schönhardt's polyhedron
Goodman, Jacob E. ; Pach, János ; Welzl, Emo (Hrsg.): Combinatorial and computational geometry - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. - pp. 501-516 . - (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications; 52)

Petzet, Verena; Büskens, Christof; Pesch, Hans Josef; Karkhin, Victor A.; Makhutin, Maksym; Prikhodovsky, Andrey; Ploshikhin, Vasily
OPTILAS: Numerical Optimization as a Key Tool for the Improvement of Advanced Multi-Beam L ...
Bode, Arndt (Hrsg.): High performance computing in science and engineering, Garching 2004 : transactions - Berlin: Springer, 2005. - pp. 153-166
doi:10.1007/3-540-28555-5_14 ...

Baier, Robert
Selection Strategies for Set-Valued Runge-Kutta Methods
In: Li, Zhilin ; Vulkov, Lubin ; Waśniewski, Jerzy (ed.): Numerical Analysis and Its Applications : Third International Conference, NAA 2004, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 29-July 3, 2004 ; Revised Selected Papers - Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, 2005. - pp. 149-157 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 3401)
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-31852-1_16 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Grüne, Lars; Saint-Pierre, Patrick
A set valued characterization of ISDS Lyapunov functions
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Piscatawny, NJ: IEEE, 2005. - pp. 4718-4723
doi:10.1109/CDC.2005.1582127 ...

Helmer, Gerhard; Garavaglia, Andrea; Knopp, Gunther; Koch, Wolfgang; Bolik, Jürgen; Wassermann, Alfred
Capacity Optimization for Adaptive Multi Rate in UMTS Systems
Proceedings of the IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference. Volume 7 - Los Angeles, 2004. - pp. 4991-4995
doi:10.1109/VETECF.2004.1405048 ...

Peternell, Thomas; Sommese, Andrew J.
Ample Vector Bundles and Branched Coverings : II
In: Collino, Alberto; Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Matematica (ed.): The Fano Conference : organized to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Gino Fano (1871 - 1952) ; Torino (Italy), 29 September - 5 October 2002 ; proceedings - Torino: Univ. di Torino, Dipartamento di Matematica, 2004. - pp. 625-645

Ulm, Volker
Besondere Linien im Dreieck
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8. Bd. 2. Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern : das Handbuch zur CD-ROM - Seelze: Friedrich, 2004 (Mathematik verstehen durch Handeln)

Ulm, Volker
Ein besonderes Viereck : das Trapez
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8. Bd. 2. Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern : das Handbuch zur CD-ROM - Seelze: Friedrich, 2004 (Mathematik verstehen durch Handeln)

Ulm, Volker
Eine Briefmarke voller Quadrate
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8. Bd. 2. Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern : das Handbuch zur CD-ROM - Seelze: Friedrich, 2004 (Mathematik verstehen durch Handeln)

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Characterizing controllability probabilities of stochastic control systems via Zubov's met ...
In: de Moor, B. ; Motmans, Bart ; Willems, J. ; van Dooren, Paul ; Blondel, Vincent (ed.): Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2004) - Leuven: KU Leuven - ESAT, 2004

Tzschoppe, Carsten; Rothlauf, Franz; Pesch, Hans Josef
The Edge-Set Encoding Revisited: On the Bias of a Direct Representation for Trees
Deb, Kalyanmoy... (Hrsg.): Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2004. Vol. 2 - Berlin: Springer, 2004. - pp. 258-270 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 3103)

Ulm, Volker
Der Flächeninhalt von Trapezen
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8. Band 2. Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern : das Handbuch zur CD-ROM - Seelze: Friedrich, 2004

Dontcheva, Radinka; Wassermann, Alfred
New self-dual [120,60,20] and [96,48,16] codes
Ninth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory : Proccedings - Sofia, 2004. - pp. 137-142

Christmann, Andreas
On Properties of Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition in Finite Samples
In: Hubert, Mia ; Pison, Greet ; Struyf, Anja ; Van Aelst, Stefan (ed.): Theory and Applications of Recent Robust Methods - Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 2004. - pp. 49-58 . - (Statistics for Industry and Technology)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-7958-3_5 ...

Grüne, Lars
Quantitative aspects of the input-to-state stability property
In: Queiroz, Marcio S. de ; Malisoff, Michael ; Wolenski, Peter (ed.): Optimal control, stabilization and nonsmooth analysis - Berlin: Springer, 2004. - pp. 215-230 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 301)

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio
Some new surfaces with pg=q=0
The Fano Conference - Torino: Univ. di Torino, Dipartamento di Matematica, 2004. - pp. 123-142
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Wendland, Holger
Spatial coupling in Aeroelasticity by meshless kernel-based methods
In: Neamtu, Marian ; Saff, Edward B. (ed.): Advances in Constructive Approximation : Vanderbilt 2003 - Brentwood, USA: Nashboro Press, 2004

Griesse, Roland; Walther, Andrea
Using AD-generated Derivatives in Optimal Control of an Industrial Robot
Buikis, Andris... (Hrsg.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002 - Berlin: Springer, 2004. - pp. 127-132 . - (The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry; 5)

Baptist, Peter
Was sind dynamische Arbeitsblätter?
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): 2. Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8 : Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern - Velber: Friedrich Verlag, 2004. - pp. 6-9 . - (Geonext)

Gaborit, Philippe; Nedeloaia, Carmen-Simona; Wassermann, Alfred
Weight enumerators of duadic and quadratic residue codes
Proceedings 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Piscataway, NJ, 2004. - pp. 488

Dettweiler, Michael
Construction of relative motives with interesting étale realization using the middle convo ...
In: Tschinkel, Yuri (ed.): Seminars Summer Term 2004 - Göttingen: Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2004. - pp. 1-7 . - (Universitätsdrucke Göttingen)

Pfeifle, Julian; Rambau, Jörg
Computing Triangulations Using Oriented Matroids
Joswig, Michael ; Takayama, Nobuki (Hrsg.): Algebra, Geometry and Software Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2003. - pp. 49-76

Bauch, Manfred J.; Thiere, Bianca; Unger, Luise; Wassermann, Alfred
Dynamic mathematics software delivering multimedia support in education
Online Educa Berlin : 9th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training - Berlin, 2003

Jäger, Monika; Hülsermann, Ralf; Krumke, Sven O.; Poensgen, Diana; Rambau, Jörg; Tuchscherer, Andreas
Dynamic routing algorithms in transparent optical networks
Cinkler, Tibor ; Jakab, Tivadar ; Tapolcai, Csaba (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 7th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2003). Vol. 1 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Press, 2003. - pp. 293-312

Christmann, Andreas
Generalisierte lineare Modelle mit SAS 8e
In: Becker, Christine ; Redlich, Heinz (ed.): Data Mining und Statistik in Hochschule und Wirtschaft : Proceedings der 7. Konferenz der SAS®-Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung (KSFE); [20. Februar - 21. Februar 2003, Universität Potsdam] - Aachen: Shaker, 2003. - pp. 22-36

Grüne, Lars; Kloeden, Peter E.
Numerical Schemes of Higher Order for a Class of Nonlinear Control Systems
In: Dimov, Ivan ; Lirkov, Ivan ; Margenov, Svetozar ; Zlatev, Zahari (ed.): Numerical Methods and Applications : 5th International Conference, NMA 2002 Borovets, Bulgaria, August 20–24, 2002 ; Revised Papers - Berlin: Springer, 2003. - pp. 213-220 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2542)
doi:10.1007/3-540-36487-0_23 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Rjasanow, S.
Numerical Simulation of Exhaust Systems in Car Industry : Efficient Calculation of Radiati ...
Jäger, Willi ; Krebs, Hans-Joachim (Hrsg.): Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future - Berlin: Springer, 2003. - pp. 55-62
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-55753-8_5 ...

van Dijk, Marten; Egner, Sebastian; Greferath, Marcus; Wassermann, Alfred
On binary linear [160,80,24] codes
Proceedings 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Piscataway, NJ, 2003
doi:10.1109/ISIT.2003.1228176 ...

Grötschel, Martin; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg; Torres, Luis M.
Online-Dispatching of Automobile Service Units
Leopold-Wildburger, Ulrike (Hrsg.): Operations Research Proceedings 2002 : selected papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (SOR 2002), Klagenfurt, September 2 - 5, 2002 - Berlin, 2003. - pp. 168-173

Büskens, Christof; Chudej, Kurt; Winderl, Susanne
Parametric sensitivity analysis of a realistic concern model
Neck, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Modelling and Control of Economic Systems 2001 - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003. - pp. 249-254
doi:10.1016/B978-008043858-0/50043-7 ...

Büskens, Christof; Chudej, Kurt
Parametric sensitivity analysis: A case study in flight dynamics
Sachs, Ekkehard ; Tichatschke, R. (Hrsg.): System Modeling and Optimization XX : IFIP TC7 20th Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, July 23 - 27, 2001, Trier, Germany - Boston: Kluwer, 2003. - pp. 189-197 . - (International Federation for Information Processing; 130)

Wendland, Holger
Reconstructing multivariate functions from large data sets
In: Haußmann, Werner (ed.): Modern developments in multivariate approximation : 5th International Conference, Witten-Bommerholz (Germany), September, 2002 - Basel: Birkhäuser, 2003. - pp. 295-308 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 145)
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Griesse, Roland
A reduced SQP Algorithm for the optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations
Sachs, Ekkehard ; Tichatschke, R. (Hrsg.): System Modeling and Optimization XX : IFIP TC7 20th Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, July 23 - 27, 2001, Trier, Germany - Bosten: Kluwer, 2003. - pp. 239-253 . - (International Federation for Information Processing; 130)

Chahma, Ilyes Aïssa
Set-Valued Discrete Approximations of State-Constrained Differential Inclusions
In: Chahma, Ilyes Aissa (ed.): Set-Valued Discrete Approximations of State-Constrained Differential Inclusions - Bayreuth: Mathemat. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2003. - pp. 3-161 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 67)
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Pesch, Hans Josef; Gerdts, Matthias
Simulation of Test-Drives of Automobiles at Driving Limit
Jäger, Willi ; Krebs, Hans-Joachim (Hrsg.): Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future : Joint Projects between Universities and Industry - Berlin: Springer, 2003. - pp. 74-83

Wendland, Holger; Schaback, Robert
Approximation by positive definite kernels
In: Buhmann, Martin D. ; Mache, Detlef H. (ed.): Advanced Problems in Constructive Approximation - Basel: Birkhäuser, 2002. - pp. 203-221 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 142)

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Pignatelli, Roberto
Canonical rings of surfaces whose canonical system has base points
In: Bauer, Ingrid ; Catanese, Fabrizio ; Peternell, Thomas ; Kawamata, Yujiro ; Siu, Yum-Tong (ed.): Complex geometry : Collection of Papers Dedicated to Hans Grauert - Berlin: Springer, 2002. - pp. 37-72
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-56202-0_3 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Christmann, Andreas
Classification based on the support vector machine and on regression depth
In: Dodge, Yadolah (ed.): Statistical Data Analysis Based on the L_1-Norm and Related Methods - Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 2002. - pp. 341-352 . - (Statistics for Industry and Technology)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-8201-9_28 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Fischer, Paul; Joachims, Thorsten
Classification based on the support vector machine, regression depth, and discriminant ana ...
In: Härdle, Wolfgang ; Rönz, Bernd (ed.): COMPSTAT : Proceedings in Computational Statistics. 15th symposium held in Berlin - Heidelberg: Physica, 2002. - pp. 225-230
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-57489-4_30 ...

Wassermann, Alfred
Computing the minimum distance of linear codes
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory (ACCT VIII), Tsarskoe Selo, Russia - Tsarskoe Selo, 2002. - pp. 254-257

Schindler, Barbara; Rothlauf, Franz; Pesch, Hans Josef
Evolution Strategies, Network Random Keys, and the One-Max Tree Problem
Stefano Cagnoni (Hrsg.): Applications of evolutionary computing - Berlin: Springer, 2002. - pp. 143-152 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2279)
doi:10.1007/3-540-46004-7_15 ...

Wendland, Holger
Fast evaluation of radial basis functions : methods based on partition of unity
In: Chui, Charles K. (ed.): Approximation theory X : [selections of papers that were presented at the Tenth International Conference on Approximation Theory, held in St. Louis, Missouri, in March 2001] - Nashville, Tn: Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 2002. - pp. 473-483
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars
Gain preserving Lyapunov functions for perturbed and controlled systems
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 1 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2002. - pp. 707-712
doi:10.1109/CDC.2002.1184587 ...

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
A generalization of Zubov's method to perturbed systems
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 3 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2002. - pp. 3518-3523
doi:10.1109/CDC.2002.1184420 ...

Krumke, Sven O.; Lipmann, M; de Paepe, Willem E.; Poensgen, Diana; Rambau, Jörg; Stougie, Leen; Woeginger, Gerhard
How to cut a cake almost fairly
Proceedings of the thirteenth annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms - New York: ACM Press, 2002. - pp. 263-264

Ulm, Volker
Lehren und Lernen im Mathematikunterricht
In: Weth, Thomas (ed.): Nürnberger Kolloquium zur Didaktik der Mathematik - Nürnberg, 2002

Dawson, Clint; Aizinger, Vadym
The local discontinuous Galerkin method for advection-diffusion equations arising in groun ...
In: Chadam, John ; Cunningham, Al ; Ewing, Richard E. ; Ortoleva, Peter ; Wheeler, Mary F. (ed.): Resource Recovery, Confinement, and Remediation of Environmental Hazards - New York: Springer, 2002. - pp. 231-245 . - (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications; 131)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-0037-3_13 ...

Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas; Sommese, Andrew J.
Manifolds with Nef Rank 1 Subsheaves in ΩX1
In: Bauer, Ingrid ; Catanese, Fabrizio ; Kawamata, Yujiro ; Peternell, Thomas ; Siu, Yum-Tong (ed.): Complex Geometry : Collection of Papers Dedicated to Hans Grauert - Berlin: Springer, 2002. - pp. 157-164
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-56202-0_11 ...

Cyganowski, Sasha; Grüne, Lars; Kloeden, Peter E.
MAPLE for Jump-Diffusion Stochastic Differential Equations in Finance
In: Nielsen, Søren S. (ed.): Programming Languages and Systems in Computational Economics and Finance - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publ., 2002. - pp. 441-460 . - (Advances in Computational Economics; 18)

Baier, Robert; Dyn, N.; Farkhi, E.
The Metric Average of 1D Compact Sets
In: Chui, Charles K. ; Schumaker, Larry L. ; Stöckler, Joachim (ed.): Approximation Theory X : selections of papers that were presented at the Tenth International Conference on Approximation Theory, held in St. Louis, Missouri, in March 2001. Volume 1. Abstract and classical analysis - Nashville: Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 2002. - pp. 9-22 . - (Innovations in Applied Mathematics)
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Ploshikhin, Vasily; Zoch, H.-W.; Karkhin, Victor A.; Pesch, Hans Josef; Diepers, H.-J.; Steinbach, I.
Multiscale Modelling of Laser Beam Welding. Part I: Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Scale
Sepold, Gerd ; Wagner, F. ; Tobolski, J. (Hrsg.): Kurzzeitmetallurgie : Handbuch zum Abschlußkolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms - Bremen: BIAS Verlag, 2002. - pp. 33-40 . - (Strahltechnik; 18)

Diepers, H.-J.; Steinbach, I.; Ploshikhin, Vasily; Zoch, H.-W.; Karkhin, Victor A.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Multiscale Modelling of Laser Beam Welding. Part II: Microscopic Scale
Sepold, Gerd ; Wagner, F. ; Tobolski, J. (Hrsg.): Kurzzeitmetallurgie : Handbuch zum Abschlußkolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms - Bremen: BIAS Verlag, 2002. - pp. 41-50 . - (Strahltechnik; 18)

Ploshikhin, Vasily; Zoch, H.-W.; Karkhin, Victor A.; Makhutin, Maksym; Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical optimisation of the temperature field for the prevention of solidification crack ...
Proceedings : papers, keynotes and plenaries of Materials Week 2002 - Frankfurt: Werkstoff-Informationsges., 2002
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/LEHRE/ps-files/ ...

Kaiser, Ralf; Tilgner, Andreas
On the generalized energy method for channel flows
Proceedings "WASCOM 2001" 11th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media - River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2002. - pp. 259-270
doi:10.1142/9789812777331_0033 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars
Quantitative aspects of the input-to-state stability property
In: Gilliam, David S. ; Rosenthal, Joachim (ed.): Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2002 : University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA, August 12 - 16, 2002 - South Bend, Indiana, 2002

Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg; Torres, Luis M.
Real-time Dispatching of Guided and Unguided Automobile Service Units with Soft Time Windo ...
Algorithms - ESA 2002 : proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 2002. - pp. 637-648 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2461)
doi:10.1007/3-540-45749-6_56 ...

Bauer, Thomas; Campana, Frédéric; Eckl, Thomas; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas; Rams, Sławomir; Szemberg, Tomasz; Wotzlaw, Lorenz
A Reduction Map for Nef Line Bundles
In: Bauer, Ingrid ; Catanese, Fabrizio ; Kawamata, Yujiro ; Peternell, Thomas ; Siu, Yum-Tong (ed.): Complex Geometry : Collection of Papers Dedicated to Hans Grauert - Berlin: Springer, 2002. - pp. 27-36
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-56202-0_2 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Büskens, Christof; Graf, Tobias
Solution of a Hard Flight Path Optimization Problem by Different Optimization Codes
Breuer Michael ; Durst, F. ; Zenger C. (Hrsg.): High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing - Berlin: Springer, 2002. - pp. 289-296 . - (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering; 21)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-55919-8_32 ...

Grüne, Lars; Nešić, Dragan
Stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems via their approximate models : an optimiza ...
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 1 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2002. - pp. 1934-1939
doi:10.1109/CDC.2002.1184810 ...

Grüne, Lars
Subdivision techniques for the computation of domains of attraction and reachable sets
In: Kuržanskij, Aleksandr B. ; Fradkov, A. L. (ed.): Nonlinear control systems 2001 : (NOLCOS 2001); a proceedings volume from the 5th IFAC Symposium St. Petersburg, Russia, 4 - 6 July 2001. Volume 2 - Oxford: Pergamon, 2002. - pp. 762-767

Rambau, Jörg
TOPCOM : Triangulations of Point Configurations and Oriented Matroids
Cohen, Arjeh M. (Hrsg.): Mathematical software : proceedings of the First International Congress of Mathematical Software - New Jersey: World Scientific, 2002. - pp. 330-340

Peternell, Thomas
Subsheaves in the Tangent Bundle : Integrability, Stability and Positivity
In: Demailly, J.-P. ; Göttsche, L. ; Lazarsfeld, R. (ed.): School on Vanishing Theorems and Effective Results in Algebraic Geometry : 25 April - 12 May 2000 - Trieste: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2001. - pp. 285-334 . - (ICTP Lecture Notes; 6)

Grüne, Lars
Adaptive grid generation for evolutive Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations
In: Falcone, Maurizio ; Makridakis, Charalampos (ed.): Numerical Methods for Viscosity Solutions and Applications - Singapore: World Scientific, 2001. - pp. 153-172 . - (Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences; 59)

Baptist, Peter
Aus der Praxis des Modellprogramms : Mathematikunterricht verändern - Verständnis fördern ...
In: Klieme, Eckhard; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (ed.): TIMSS - Impulse für Schule und Unterricht : Forschungsbefunde, Reforminitiativen, Praxisberichte und Video-Dokumente - München, 2001. - pp. 67-73

Baptist, Peter
Überlegungen zur Qualitäts- und Standardsicherung im Mathematikunterricht der Oberstufe
In: Bayerischer Philologenverband (ed.): Mathematikunterricht im Wandel : Dokumentation des Bayerischen Philologenverbandes - München, 2001

Baptist, Peter; Winter, Heinrich
Überlegungen zur Weiterentwicklung des Mathematikunterrichts in der Oberstufe des Gymnasiu ...
In: Tenorth, Heinz-Elmar (ed.): Kerncurriculum Oberstufe : Mathematik, Deutsch, Englisch ; Expertisen - Weinheim: Beltz, 2001. - pp. 54-76

Wendland, Holger; Schaback, Robert
Characterization and construction of radial basis functions
In: Dyn, Nira ; Leviatan, D. ; Levin, D. ; Pinkus, A. (ed.): Multivariate Approximation and Applications - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. - pp. 1-24

Grötschel, Martin; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg; Winter, Thomas; Zimmermann, Uwe T.
Combinatorial Online Optimization in Real Time
Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 679-704

Peternell, Thomas
Compact Kähler Threefolds with Small Picard Numbers
In: Ciliberto, Ciro ; Hirzebruch, Friedrich ; Miranda, Rick ; Teicher, Mina (ed.): Applications of Algebraic Geometry to Coding Theory, Physics and Computation : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Eilat, Israel, from 25th February to 1st March 2001 - Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2001. - pp. 271-290 . - (NATO Science Series : Series II, Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry; 36)
doi:10.1007/978-94-010-1011-5_14 ...

Peternell, Thomas
Contact Structures, Rational Curves and Mori Theory
In: Casacuberta, Carles ; Miró-Roig, Rosa Maria ; Verdera, Joan ; Xambó-Descamps, Sebastià (ed.): European Congress of Mathematics : Barcelona, July 10–14, 2000, Volume I - Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2001. - pp. 509-518 . - (Progress in Mathematics; 201)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-8268-2_30 ...

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza M.
Directed Derivatives of Convex Compact-Valued Mappings
In: Hadjisavvas, Nicolas ; Pardalos, Panos M. (ed.): Advances in Convex Analysis and Global Optimization : honoring the memory of C. Caratheodory (1873 - 1950) - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - pp. 501-514 . - (Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications; 54)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-0279-7_32 ...
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt für Mathematik

Grüne, Lars; Kloeden, Peter E.
Discretization, inflation and perturbation of attractors
In: Fiedler, Bernold (ed.): Ergodic theory, analysis and efficient simulation of dynamical systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 399-416
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-56589-2_17 ...

Wendland, Holger
Gaussian interpolation revisited
Trends in approximation theory 2000 : Vanderbild University, Nashville - Nashville: Vanderbilt Univ. Press, Nashville, TN, 2001. - pp. 417-426
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars
Homogeneous control Lyapunov functions for homogeneous control systems
In: el Jai, Abdelhaq (ed.): Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Zielona Gora: Techn. Univ. Press, 2001
https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~helton/MTNSHISTORY/CONT ...

Cyganowski, Sasha; Grüne, Lars; Kloeden, Peter
MAPLE for Stochastic Differential Equations
In: Blowey, James F. ; Coleman, John P. ; Craig, Alan W. (ed.): Theory and Numerics of Differential Equations : Durham 2000 - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 127-177
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04354-7_3 ...

Wendland, Holger
Moving least squares approximation on the sphere
In: Lyche, Tom ; Schumaker, Larry L. (ed.): Mathematical methods for curves and surfaces : Oslo 2000 - Nashville: Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 2001. - pp. 517-526

Fischer, Torsten; Leugering, Günter
On instantaneous control of singularly perturbed hyperbolic equations on graphs
In: Mehmeti, Felix Ali ; Below, Joachim von ; Nicaise, Serge (ed.): Partial differential equations on multistructures : proceedings of the conference held in Luminy, France - New York: Dekker, 2001. - pp. 69-98 . - (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics; 219)
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Leugering, Günter; Rathmann, Wigand
On modeling, analysis and simulation of optimal control problems for dynamic networks of E ...
In: Chen, Goong ; Lasiecka, Irena ; Zhou, Jianxin (ed.): Control of nonlinear distributed parameter systems - New York: Dekker, 2001. - pp. 199-232 . - (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics; 218)
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt für Mathematik

Krumke, Sven O.; de Paepe, Willem E.; Rambau, Jörg; Stougie, Leen
Online Bin Coloring
Algorithms - ESA 2001 : proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 74-85 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2161)
doi:10.1007/3-540-44676-1_6 ...

Grötschel, Martin; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg
Online Optimization of Complex Transportation Systems
Grötschel, Martin (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 705-729

Büskens, Christof; Chudej, Kurt; Winderl, Susanne
Parametric sensitivity analysis of a realistic concern model
Preprints of the IFAC Symposium on Modeling and Control of Economic Systems, 6.-8.9.2001, Klagenfurt, Österreich, Universität Klagenfurt - Klagenfurt: Universität Klagenfurt, 2001. - pp. 21-23

Büskens, Christof; Maurer, Helmut
Real-Time Control of an Industrial Robot under Control and State Constraints
Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 83-92
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04331-8_5 ...

Seelecke, Stefan; Büskens, Christof; Müller, Ingo; Sprekels, Jürgen
Real-Time Optimal Control of Shape Memory Alloy Actuators in Smart Structures
Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 93-104
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04331-8_6 ...

Büskens, Christof; Gerdts, Matthias
Real-Time Optimization of DAE Systems
Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 117-128
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04331-8_8 ...

Büskens, Christof
Real-Time Solutions for Perturbed Optimal Control Problems by a Mixed Open- and Closed-Loo ...
Grötschel, Martin ; Krumke, Sven O. ; Rambau, Jörg (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 105-116
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662 ...

Büskens, Christof; Pesch, Hans Josef; Winderl, Susanne
Real-Time Solutions of Bang-Bang and Singular Optimal Control Problems
Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 129-142
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04331-8_9 ...

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
A regularization of Zubov's equation for robust domains of attraction
In: Isidori, Alberto ; Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Françoise ; Respondek, Witold (ed.): Nonlinear control in the Year 2000. Volume 1 - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 277-290 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 258)
doi:10.1007/BFb0110220 ...

Christmann, Andreas
Robust Estimation in Generalized Linear Models
In: Kunert, Joachim ; Trenkler, Götz (ed.): Mathematical Statistics with Applications in Biometry : Festschrift in honour of Prof. Dr. Siegfried Schach - Köln: Eul, 2001. - pp. 215-230

Büskens, Christof; Maurer, Helmut
Sensitivity Analysis and Real-Time Control of Parametric Optimal Control Problems Using No ...
Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 57-68
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04331-8_3 ...

Büskens, Christof; Maurer, Helmut
Sensitivity Analysis and Real-Time Optimization of Parametric Nonlinear Programming Proble ...
Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems - Berlin: Springer, 2001. - pp. 3-16
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04331-8_1 ...

Grüne, Lars; Camilli, Fabio; Wirth, Fabian
Zubov's method for perturbed differential equations
In: el Jai, Abdelhaq (ed.): Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Zielona Gora: Techn. Univ. Press, 2001

Bebendorf, Mario; Rjasanow, S.; Tyrtyshnikov, E. E.
Approximation using diagonal-plus-skeleton matrices
Bonnet, Marc ; Sändig, Anna-Margarete ; Wendland, Wolfgang L. (Hrsg.): Mathematical aspects of boundary element methods - Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2000. - pp. 45-52 . - (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 414)

Grüne, Lars
Attractors under perturbation and discretization
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 3 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2000. - pp. 2118-2122
doi:10.1109/CDC.2000.914107 ...

Grüne, Lars
Computation of the Lyapunov Spectrum (Appendix D)
In: Colonius, Fritz ; Kliemann, Wolfgang (ed.): The Dynamics of Control - Boston ; Basel: Birkhäuser, 2000. - pp. 569-596

Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Computing control Lyapunov functions via a Zubov type algorithm
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 3 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2000. - pp. 2129-2134
doi:10.1109/CDC.2000.914109 ...

Lempio, Frank
Finite element methods : from ancient to modern times (in Bulgarian)
In: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (ed.): Mathematics and Education in Mathematics : Proceedings of Twenty Ninth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Lovetch, April 3-6, 2000 - Sofia, 2000. - pp. 5-17

Grüne, Lars
Homogeneous state feedback stabilization of homogeneous systems
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 4 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2000. - pp. 3409-3414
doi:10.1109/CDC.2000.912230 ...

Dawson, Clint; Aizinger, Vadym; Cockburn, Bernardo
The Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Contaminant Transport Problems
In: Cockburn, Bernardo ; Karniadakis, G. E. ; Shu, C.-W. (ed.): Discontinuous Galerkin Methods : Theory, Computation and Applications - Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, 2000. - pp. 309-314 . - (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering; 11)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-59721-3_26 ...

Bebendorf, Mario; Rjasanow, S.
Matrix Compression for the Radiation Heat Transfer in Exhaust Pipes
Sändig, Anna-Margarete ; Schiehlen, Werner ; Wendland, Wolfgang L. (Hrsg.): Multifield Problems : State of the Art - Berlin: Springer, 2000. - pp. 183-192
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04015-7_20 ...

Falcone, Maurizio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
A maximum time approach to the computation of robust domains of attraction
In: Fiedler, Bernold ; Gröger, Konrad ; Sprekels, Jürgen (ed.): International Conference on Differential Equations : Berlin, Germany, 1 - 7 August 1999. Volume 1 - Singapore: World Scientific, 2000. - pp. 844-849

Baptist, Peter
Nach TIMSS und vor PISA : Gedanken zum Mathematikunterricht
In: Flade, Lothar ; Herget, Wilfried (ed.): Lehren und Lernen nach TIMSS : Anregungen für die Sekundarstufen - Berlin: Volk und Wissen, 2000. - pp. 7-12

Büskens, Christof; Gerdts, Matthias
Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with DAE Systems of Higher Index
Optimalsteuerungsprobleme in der Luft- und Raumfahrt - München: Hieronymus, 2000. - pp. 27-38

Schaback, Robert; Wendland, Holger
Numerical techniques based on radial basis functions
In: Cohen, Albert ; Rabut, Christophe ; Schumaker, Larry L. (ed.): Curve and surface fitting : Saint-Malo 99 - Nashville: Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 2000. - pp. 359-374

Grüne, Lars; Sontag, E.; Wirth, Fabian
On equivalence of exponential and asymptotic stability under changes of variables
In: Fiedler, Bernold ; Gröger, Konrad ; Sprekels, Jürgen (ed.): International Conference on Differential Equations. Volume 2 - Singapore: World Scientific, 2000. - pp. 850-852

Xu, Lanxi; von Wahl, Wolf
On the nonlinear stability of plane parallel convective shear flows of a heterogeneous flu ...
In: Maremonti, Paolo (ed.): Advances in fluid dynamics - Roma: Aracne, 2000. - pp. 271-287 . - (Quaderni di Matematica; 4)

Hauptmeier, Dietrich; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg
The online dial-a-ride problem under reasonable load
Bongiovanni, Carlo (Hrsg.): Algorithms and Complexity : 4th Italian conference, CIAC 2000, Rome, Italy, March 1 - 3, 2000 ; proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 2000. - pp. 125-136 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 1767)

Lachner, Rainer; Breitner, Michael H.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Real-Time Collision Avoidance : Differential Game, Numerical Solution, and Synthesis of St ...
Filar, Jerzy A. (Hrsg.): Advances in dynamic games and applications - Basel: Birkhäuser, 2000. - pp. 115-135 . - (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games; 5)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-1336-9_6 ...

Peternell, Thomas
The scientific work of Michael Schneider
In: Peternell, Thomas ; Schreyer, Frank-Olaf (ed.): Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry : A Volume in Memory of Michael Schneider - Berlin: de Gruyter, 2000. - pp. 375-388 . - (De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics)
doi:10.1515/9783110806090-018 ...

Ascheuer, Norbert; Grötschel, Martin; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg
Combinatorial online optimization
Kall, Peter ; Lüthi, Hans-Jakob (Hrsg.): Operations Research Proceedings 1998 : selected papers of the International Conference on Operations Research, Zurich, August 31 - September 3, 1998 - Berlin: Springer, 1999. - pp. 21-37

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, E.
Directed Sets and Differences of Convex Compact Sets
In: Polis, Michael P. ; Dontchev, Asen L. ; Kall, Peter ; Lasiecka, Irena ; Olbrot, Andrzej W. (ed.): Systems modelling and optimization : Proceedings of the 18th IFIP TC7 Conference held in Detroit, Michigan, July 22-25, 1997 - Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall, 1999. - pp. 135-143 . - (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 396)
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Hauptmeier, Dietrich; Krumke, Sven O.; Rambau, Jörg; Wirth, Hans-Christoph
Euler is standing in line
Widmayer, Peter (Hrsg.): Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science : 25th international workshop, WG '99, Ascona, Switzerland, June 17 - 19, 1999 ; proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 1999. - pp. 42-54 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 1665)
doi:10.1007/3-540-46784-X ...

von Wahl, Wolf
Functional calculus for unbounded operators by integration over the positive real axis : A ...
In: Escher, Joachim ; Simonett, Gieri (ed.): Topics in nonlinear analysis : The Herbert Amann Anniversary Volume - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1999. - pp. 731-744 . - (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications; 35)
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Poonen, Bjorn; Stoll, Michael
A local-global principle for densities
Ahlgren, Scott D. ; Andrews, George E. ; Ono, Ken (Hrsg.): Topics in Number Theory : in Honor of B. Gordon and S. Chowla - Boston, MA: Springer US, 1999. - pp. 241-244 . - (Mathematics and its Applications; 467)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-0305-3_16 ...

Grüne, Lars; Sontag, Eduardo D.; Wirth, Fabian
On the equivalence between asymptotic and exponential stability, and between ISS and finit ...
Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 2 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1999. - pp. 1220-1225

Campana, Frédéric; Peternell, Thomas
Recent Developments in the Classification Theory of Compact Kähler Manifolds
In: Schneider, Michael ; Siu, Yum-Tong (ed.): Several Complex Variables - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. - pp. 113-159 . - (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications; 37)

Christmann, Andreas
SAS-Kurse am HRZ der Universität Dortmund : Ein Erfahrungsbericht
In: Ortseifen, Carina (ed.): Proceedings der 3. Konferenz für SAS-Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung (KSFE) - Heidelberg: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, 1999. - pp. 67-68
http://de.saswiki.org/images/0/01/3.KSFE-1999-Chri ...

Grüne, Lars
Stabilization by sampled and discrete feedback with positive sampling rate
In: Aeyels, Dirk ; Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Françoise ; Schaft, Arjan van der (ed.): Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems - Berlin: Springer, 1999. - pp. 165-182 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 246)
doi:10.1007/1-84628-577-1_9 ...

Christmann, Andreas
Statistische Analysen mit SAS und LogXact
In: Ortseifen, Carina (ed.): Proceedings der 3. Konferenz für SAS-Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung (KSFE); 25./26. Februar 1999, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - Heidelberg: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, 1999. - pp. 69-71

Schaback, Robert; Wendland, Holger
Using compactly supported radial basis functions to solve partial differential equations
In: Chen, C. S. ; Brebbia, C. A. ; Pepper, D. W. (ed.): Boundary Element Technology XIII : Incorporating Computational Methods and Testing for Engineering Integrity - Southampton, USA: WIT Press, 1999. - pp. 311-324 . - (Boundary Elements; 2) (WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation ; 23)

Chudej, Kurt
Accelerating Multiple Shooting for State-Constrained Trajectory Optimization Problems
Schmidt, W., Heier, K., Bittner, L., Bulirsch, R. (Eds.): Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1998. - pp. 197-206 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 124)
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-034 ...

Lempio, Frank; Veliov, V. M.
Discrete approximations of differential inclusions
Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften - Bayreuth: Math. Inst. der Univ., 1998. - pp. 149-232 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 54)
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Osmolovskii, Nikolai P.; Lempio, Frank
Jacobi conditions and the riccati equation for a broken extremal
Differencialʹnye uravnenija = Differential equations : International Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of L. S. Pontryagin - Moskva: Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1998. - pp. 187-215

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars
Maximal solutions for a class of singular Hamilton-Jacobi equations
In: Beghi, Alessandro (ed.): Mathematical theory of networks and systems : Proceedings of the MTNS 98 Symposium held in Padova, Italy, July 1998 - Padova: Il Poligrafo, 1998. - pp. 447-450

Peternell, Thomas
Moishezon Manifolds and Rigidity Theorems
In: Peternell, Thomas ; Zeitler, H. ; Lempio, Frak ; Veliov, V. (ed.): Moishezon Manifolds and Rigidity Theorems : Altes und Neues über Quasigruppen ; Discrete Approximations of Differential Inclusions - Bayreuth, 1998. - pp. 1-108 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 54)

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.
New results for the asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials and related problems via the Lax ...
Recent advances in partial differential equations : Venice 1996 ; proceedings of a conference in honor of the 70th birthdays of Peter D. Lax and Louis Nirenberg - Providence, R.I.: American Math. Soc., 1998. - pp. 87-104 . - (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics; 54)
doi:10.1090/psapm/054/1492693 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Wendland, Holger
Numerical solution of variational problems by radial basis functions
In: Chui, Charles K. ; Schumaker, Larry L. (ed.): Approximation Theory IX. Volume 2. Computational Aspects - Nashville, USA: Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 1998. - pp. 361-368

Grüne, Lars
Numerical stabilization at singular points
In: Beghi, Alessandro (ed.): Mathematical theory of networks and systems : Proceedings of the MTNS 98 Symposium held in Padova, Italy, July 1998 - Padova: Il Poligrafo, 1998. - pp. 633-636

Christmann, Andreas
On estimators with positive breakdown point in regression models for grouped data
Data Science, Classification, and Related Methods : VI conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies - Roma: Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, 1998. - pp. 66-69

Grüne, Lars
On input-to-state stabilizability of semilinear control systems
In: Beghi, Alessandro (ed.): Mathematical theory of networks and systems : Proceedings of the MTNS 98 Symposium held in Padova, Italy, July 1998 - Padova: Il Poligrafo, 1998. - pp. 181-184

Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
On linear convergence of discounted optimal control problems with vanishing discount rate
In: Beghi, Alessandro (ed.): Mathematical theory of networks and systems : Proceedings of the MTNS 98 Symposium held in Padova, Italy, July 1998 - Padova: Il Poligrafo, 1998. - pp. 185-188

Lachner, Rainer; Breitner, Michael H.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Real-Time Computation of Strategies of Differential Games with Applications to Collision A ...
Schmidt, Werner H. ; Heier, Knut ; Bittner, Leonhard ; Bulirsch, Roland (Hrsg.): Variational calculus, optimal control and applications - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1998. - pp. 281-290 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 124)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-8802-8_28 ...

Schuster, S.; Stoll, Michael
A simple method to analyze resonators in fish hearing
Elsner Norbert ; Wehner, Rüdiger (eds.): Proceedings of the 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference. Vol. 2. Göttingen neurobiology report 1998 - Stuttgart: Thieme, 1998. - pp. 303

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; McLaughlin, K. T.-R.; Venakides, S.; Zhou, X.
Uniform asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Vol. III - Bielefeld: Fak. für Mathematik, 1998. - pp. 491-501
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Grüne, Lars
Discrete Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Control Systems at a Singular Point
In: Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole N° 2 (ed.): European Control Conference : ECC 97 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1997. - pp. 3200-3203
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&ar ...

Chudej, Kurt
Effiziente indirekte Lösung zustandsbeschränkter Flugbahnoptimierungsaufgaben mit Minimalk ...
In: Sonderforschungsbereich 255 Transatmosphärische Flugsysteme, Technische Universität München (ed.): Proc. des SFB 255-Workshops Optimalsteuerungsprobleme von Hyperschall-Flugsystemen, Workshop, Universität Greifswald - München, Deutschland, 1997. - pp. 115-123

Christmann, Andreas; Schwichtenberg, Günter
KIT200x : Eine Expertenumfrage über die Zukunft der Kommunikations- und Informationstechni ...
In: Grundel, Herbert (ed.): Struktur und Leistungsspektrum innovativer Rechenzentren : Vorträge der 12. GI-Fachtagung über Rechenzentren am 19. und 20. Juni 1997 in Stuttgart-Möhringen - Heidelberg: Hüthig, 1997. - pp. 1-26

Andreatta, M.; Peternell, Thomas
On the limits of manifolds with nef canonical bundles
In: Ancona, Vincenzo ; Ballico, E. ; Mirò-Roig, R. M. ; Silva, A. (ed.): Complex analysis and geometry - Harlow, UK: Longman, 1997. - pp. 1-6 . - (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 366)

Pesch, Hans Josef; Heim, A.; von Stryk, Oskar; Schäffler, H.; Scheuer, K.
Parameteridentifikation, Bahnoptimierung und Echtzeitsteuerung von Robotern in der industr ...
Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz (Hrsg.): Mathematik : Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft ; Verbundprojekte zwischen Universität und Industrie - Berlin: Springer, 1997. - pp. 551-564
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-60550-5_45 ...

Wendland, Holger
Sobolev-type error estimates for interpolation by radial basis functions
In: Le Méhauté, Alan ; Rabut, Christophe ; Schumaker, Larry L. (ed.): Surface Fitting and Multiresolution Methods : Papers from the Third International Conference on Curves and Surfaces. Volume 2 - Nashville, USA: Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 1997. - pp. 337-344

Betten, Anton; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
Some simple 7-designs
In: Hirschfeld, James W. P. ; Magliveras, Spyros S. ; de Resmini, Marialuisa J. (ed.): Geometry, combinatorial designs and related structures - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. - pp. 15-25 . - (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series; 245)

Grüne, Lars
A spectral condition for asymptotic controllability and stabilization at singular points
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 5 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1997. - pp. 4431-4435
doi:10.1109/CDC.1997.649648 ...

Betten, Anton; Wassermann, Alfred
{0,1}-Solutions of integer linear equation systems
In: Bode, Arndt (ed.): Parallel virtual machine - Berlin: Springer, 1996. - pp. 311-314 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 1156)
doi:10.1007/3540617795_40 ...

Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Venakides, Stephanos
Forced lattice vibrations
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Nonlinear Physics, Theory and Experiment - Singapore: World Scientific, 1996. - pp. 377-389
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Christmann, Andreas
High breakdown point estimators for regression models with large strata
In: Pratt, Albert ; Ripoll, Enric (ed.): COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics ; 12th symposium held in Barcelona, Spain, 1996 - Barcelona: UPC, 1996. - pp. 31-32

Christmann, Andreas
High breakdown point estimators in logistic regression
In: Rieder, Helmut (ed.): Robust Statistics, Data Analysis, and Computer Intensive Methods : In Honor of Peter Huber's 60th Birthday - New York: Springer, 1996. - pp. 79-89 . - (Lecture Notes in Statistics; 109)

Demailly, J. P.; Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, M.
Holomorphic line bundles with partially vanishing cohomology
In: Teicher, Mina; Bar-Ilan University (ed.): Proceedings of the Hirzebruch 65 Conference on Algebraic Geometry : May 2 - 7, 1993 - Ramat Gan, Israel, 1996. - pp. 165-198 . - (Israel Mathematics Conference Proceedings; 9)

Peternell, Thomas
Manifolds of semi-positive curvature
In: Catanese, Fabrizio ; Ciliberto, Ciro (ed.): Transcendental Methods in Algebraic Geometry : Lectures given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Cetraro, Italy, July 4–12, 1994 - Cham: Springer Nature, 1996. - pp. 98-142 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 1646)
doi:10.1007/BFb0094303 ...

Kaiser, Ralf; von Wahl, Wolf
A new functional for the Taylor-Couette problem in the small-gap limit
Mathematical theory in fluid mechanics - Harlow, Essex: Longman, 1996. - pp. 114-134 . - (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 354)
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Chudej, Kurt
Numerical computation of optimal ascent trajectories with a dynamic pressure limit
Neunzert, Helmut (Hrsg.): Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 94 - Chichester: John Wiley, 1996. - pp. 25-31 . - (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry; 13)

Hinsberger, H.; Miesbach, Stefan; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Temperature Control of Semibatch Polymerization Reactors
Keil, Frerich ; Mackens, Wolfgang ; Voß, Heinrich ; Werther, Joachim (Hrsg.): Scientific computing in chemical engineering - Berlin: Springer, 1996. - pp. 75-83
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-80149-5_9 ...

Peternell, Thomas; Oguiso, Keiji
Semi-positivity and cotangent bundles
In: Ancona, Vincenzo ; Ballico, Edoardo ; Silva, Allesandro (ed.): Complex analysis and geometry : proceedings of the conference at Trento - New York: Dekker, 1996. - pp. 349-368 . - (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics; 173)

Baptist, Peter; Neidhardt, Wolfgang; Wassermann, Alfred
Symmetry and Regular Polygons
In: Kmetič, Silva (ed.): Prispevki k poučevanju matematike = The improvement of mathematics education in secondary schools : a Tempus project - Maribor: Rotis, 1996. - pp. 1-16

Peternell, Thomas; Wilson, P. Μ. H.
Threefolds with extremal Chern classes
In: Andreatta, Marco ; Peternell, Thomas (ed.): Higher Dimensional Complex Varieties : Proceedings of the International Conference held in Trento, Italy, June 15 - 24, 1994 - Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1996. - pp. 357-378 . - (De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics)
doi:10.1515/9783110814736.357 ...

Stoll, Michael
Regular geodesic languages for 2-step nilpotent groups
In: Duncan, Andrew J. ; Gilbert, N. D. ; Howie, James (ed.): Combinatorial and geometric group theory : Edinburgh 1993 - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. - pp. 294-299 . - (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series; 204)

Busse, Friedrich
Bifurcations far from Criticality in Fluid Systems
In: Doelman, Arjen ; van Harten, Aart (ed.): Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in the natural environment - Harlow, Essex: Longman, 1995. - pp. 37-51 . - (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 335)

Betten, Anton; Kerber, Adalbert; Kohnert, Axel; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
The discovery of simple 7-designs with automorphism group PΓL(2,32)
In: Cohen, Gérard (ed.): Applied algebra, algebraic algorithms and error correcting codes - Berlin: Springer, 1995. - pp. 131-145 . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 948)
doi:10.1007/3-540-60114-7_10 ...

Betten, Anton; Kerber, Adalbert; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
Es gibt 7-Designs mit kleinen Parametern!
Konstruktion molekularer Graphen mit gegebenen Hybridisierungen und überlappungsfreien Fragmenten : vorgelegt von Roland Grund - Bayreuth, 1995. - pp. 213 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 49)

Chudej, Kurt
Realistic Modelling in Aerospace Engineering : A Challenge for Optimal Control
In: Breitenecker, Felix ; Husinsky, Irmgard (ed.): Eurosim 95 - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1995. - pp. 403-408

Lempio, Frank
Set-valued interpolation, differential inclusions, and sensitivity in optimization
In: Lucchetti, Roberto ; Revalski, Julian (ed.): Recent Developments in Well-Posed Variational Problems - Dordrecht: Springer, 1995. - pp. 137-169 . - (Mathematics and its Applications; 331)
doi:10.1007/978-94-015-8472-2_6 ...
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Pesch, Hans Josef; Gabler, I.; Miesbach, Stefan; Breitner, Michael H.
Synthesis of Optimal Strategies for Differential Games by Neural Networks
Olsder, Geert Jan (Hrsg.): New Trends in Dynamic Games and Applications - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1995. - pp. 111-141 . - (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games; 3)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-4274-1_6 ...

Lachner, Rainer; Breitner, Michael H.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Three-Dimensional Air Combat : Numerical Solution of Complex Differential Games
Olsder, Geert Jan (Hrsg.): New Trends in Dynamic Games and Applications - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1995. - pp. 165-190 . - (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games; 3)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-4274-1_8 ...

Baier, Robert; Lempio, Frank
Approximating Reachable Sets by Extrapolation Methods
In: Laurent, Pierre-Jean ; Le Méhauteé, Alain ; Schumaker, Larry L. (ed.): Curves and Surfaces in Geometric Design : Papers from the Second International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, held in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France, July 10-16, 1993 - Wellesley, Mass.: Peters, 1994. - pp. 9-18
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Christmann, Andreas
Ausreißeridentifikaton im logistischen Regressionsmodell
In: Pöppl, Siegfried ; Lipinski, H.-G. ; Mansky, T. (ed.): Medizinische Informatik : Ein integrierender Teil arztunterstützender Technologien: Lübeck, September 1993 - München: MMV Medizin Verlag GmbH, 1994. - pp. 478-481 . - (Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie; 77)

Baier, Robert; Lempio, Frank
Computing Aumann's Integral
In: Kuržanskij, Aleksandr B. ; Veliov, Vladimir M. (ed.): Modeling Techniques for Uncertain Systems : Proceedings of a Conference held in Sopron, Hungary, July 6-10, 1992 - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1994. - pp. 71-92 . - (Progress in Systems and Control Theory; 18)
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mtahematik

Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, Michael
Neuere Entwicklungen in der Komplexen Geometrie
In: Artin, Michael ; Kraft, Hanspeter ; Remmert, Reinhold (ed.): Duration and change : fifty years at Oberwolfach - Berlin: Springer, 1994. - pp. 275-306
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-78502-3_30 ...

Pesch, Hans Josef
Off-Line and On-Line Computation of Optimal Trajectories in the Aerospace Field
Miele, Angelo ; Salvetti, Attilio (Hrsg.): Applied Mathematics in Aerospace Science and Engineering - New York: Plenum Press, 1994. - pp. 165-220 . - (Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering; 44)
doi:10.13140/2.1.1333.2483 ...

von Wahl, Wolf
On a problem from thermal convection
In: Clément, Philippe (ed.): Evolution equations, control theory, and biomathematics : proceedings of the Han-sur-Lesse Conference - New York: Dekker, 1994. - pp. 577-580 . - (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics; 155)
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Breitner, Michael H.; Koslik, Birgit; von Stryk, Oskar; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control of Investment, Level of Employment and Stockkeeping
Bachem, Achim (Hrsg.): Operations research '93 : extended abstracts - Heidelberg: Physica-Verl., 1994. - pp. 60-63
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-46955-8_17 ...

Chudej, Kurt
Optimization of the stage separation and the flight path of a future launch vehicle
Henry, Jacques ; Yvon, Jean-Pierre (Hrsg.): System Modelling and Optimization : Proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 1994. - pp. 491-500 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 197)
doi:10.1007/BFb0035498 ...

Breitner, Michael H.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Reentry Trajectory Optimization under Atmospheric Uncertainty as a Differential Game
Basar, Tamer ; Haurie, Alain (Hrsg.): Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications - Boston: Birkhäuser, 1994. - pp. 70-86 . - (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games; 1)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-0245-5_4 ...

Maurer, Helmut; Pesch, Hans Josef
Solution differentiability for parametric nonlinear control problems with inequality const ...
Henry, Jacques ; Yvon, Jean-Pierre (Hrsg.): System Modelling and Optimization : Proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 1994. - pp. 437-446 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 197)
doi:10.1007/BFb0035492 ...

Pesch, Hans Josef
Solving Optimal Control and Pursuit-Evasion Game Problems of High Complexity
Bulirsch, Roland ; Kraft, Dieter (Hrsg.): Computational Optimal Control - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1994. - pp. 43-61 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 115)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-8497-6_4 ...

Baptist, Peter
Wandel in der Betrachtungsweise : Beobachtungen an einem historischen Beispiel
In: Pickert, Günter ; Weidig, Ingo (ed.): Mathematik erfahren und lehren : Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Vollrath - Stuttgart: Klett, 1994. - pp. 46-54

Bulirsch, Roland; Nerz, Edda; Pesch, Hans Josef; von Stryk, Oskar
Combining Indirect and direct Methods in Optimal Control : Range Maximization of a Hang Gl ...
Bulirsch, Roland ; Miele, A. ; Stoer, J. ; Well, K. (Hrsg.): Optimal control : calculus of variations, optimal control theory and numerical methods - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1993. - pp. 273-288 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 111)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-7539-4_20 ...

Kugelmann, Bernd; Pesch, Hans Josef
Controllability Investigations of a Two-Stage-to-Orbit Vehicle
Bulirsch, Roland ; Miele, A. ; Stoer, J. ; Well, K. (Hrsg.): Optimal control : calculus of variations, optimal control theory and numerical methods - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1993. - pp. 327-339 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 111)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-7539-4_24 ...

Lempio, Frank
Difference methods for monotone differential inclusions
In: Karmann, Alexander ; Mosler, Karl ; Schader, Martin ; Uebe, Götz (ed.): Operations Research ’92 : Extended Abstracts of the 17th Symposium on Operations Research held at the Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg at August 25–28, 1992 - Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 1993. - pp. 235-236
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-12629-5_69 ...

Bulirsch, Roland; Chudej, Kurt
Guidance and Trajectory Optimization under State Constraints : Applied to a Sänger-type Ve ...
De Bra, Daniel B. (Hrsg.): Automatic control in aerospace 1992 : selected papers - Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1993. - pp. 483-488 . - (IFAC Symposia Series; 12)

Lempio, Frank
Modified Euler methods for differential inclusions
In: Kurzanskij, Aleksandr B. ; Veliov, Vladimir M. (ed.): Set-Valued Analysis and Differential Inclusions : A Collection of Papers resulting from a Workshop held in Pamporovo, Bulgaria, September 17-21, 1990 - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1993. - pp. 131-148 . - (Progress in Systems and Control Theory; 16)
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Chudej, Kurt
Optimal ascent of a hypersonic space vehicle
Bulirsch, Roland ; Miele, A. ; Stoer, J. ; Well, K. (Hrsg.): Optimal control : calculus of variations, optimal control theory and numerical methods - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1993. - pp. 317-326 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 111)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-7539-4_23 ...

Peternell, Thomas
Tangent Bundles, Rational Curves, and the Geometry of Manifolds of Negative Kodaira Dimens ...
In: Ancona, Vincenzo ; Silva, Alessandro (ed.): Complex analysis and geometry - New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1993. - pp. 293-310 . - (The University Series in Mathematics)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-9771-8_12 ...

Wassermann, Alfred
Zur Arithmetik in endlichen Körpern
In: Becker, Andreas ; Krämer, Manfred (ed.): Fixraumdimensionen von Untergruppen bei Darstellungen der SO(4) - Bayreuth, 1993. - pp. 147-251 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 44)

Baptist, Peter
Christian Heinrich von Nagel : Elementargeometer und Lehrer
6. Bausteine zur Tübinger Universitätsgeschichte - Tübingen, 1992. - pp. 77-90; 6

Schmitt, Burkhard J.; von Wahl, Wolf
Decomposition of solenoidal fields into poloidal fields, toroidal fields and the mean flow ...
The Navier-Stokes equations II : theory and numerical methods - Berlin: Springer, 1992. - pp. 291-305 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 1530)
doi:10.1007/BFb0090349 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Lempio, Frank
Difference Methods for Differential Inclusions
In: Krabs, Werner (ed.): Modern Methods of Optimization : Proceedings of the Summer School "Modern Methods of Optimization", held at the Schloss Thurnau of the University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, FRG, October 1 - 6, 1990 - Berlin: Springer, 1992. - pp. 236-273 . - (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems; 378)
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-02851-3_8 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Bulirsch, Roland; Chudej, Kurt
Guidance and Trajectory Optimization under State Constraints : Applied to a Sänger-type Ve ...
DeBra, Daniel B. ; Gottzein, Eveline (Hrsg.): Aerospace control '92 : preprints - Düsseldorf: VDI-VDE-Ges. Meß- und Automatisierungstechnik, 1992. - pp. 533-538

Peternell, Thomas; Szurek, Michal; Wiśniewski, Jarosław A.
Numerically effective vector bundles with small Chern classes
In: Hulek, Klaus ; Peternell, Thomas ; Schneider, Michael ; Schreyer, Frank-Olaf (ed.): Complex Algebraic Varieties : Proceedings of a Conference held in Bayreuth, Germany, April 2–6, 1990 - Cham: Springer, 1992. - pp. 145-156 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 1507)
doi:10.1007/BFb0094516 ...

Bulirsch, Roland; Chudej, Kurt
Ascent Optimization of an Airbreathing Space Vehicle
A collection of technical papers. Band 1 - Washington, DC: AIAA, 1991. - pp. 520-528
doi:10.2514/6.1991-2656 ...

Breitner, Michael H.; Grimm, Werner; Pesch, Hans Josef
Barrier trajectories of a realistic missile/traget pursuit-evasion game
Differential games - developments in modelling and computation : proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 1991. - pp. 48-57 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 156)
doi:10.1007/BFb0040225 ...

Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, Michael
Compactifications of ℂn : A survey
In: Bedford, Eric (ed.): Several complex variables and complex geometry, Part 2 : [proceedings of the Summer Research Institute on Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry held at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, July 10 - 30, 1989] - Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1991. - pp. 455-466 . - (Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics; 52,2)

Peternell, Thomas
Hodge-Kohomologie und Steinsche Mannigfaltigkeiten
In: Diederich, Klas (ed.): Complex Analysis : Dedicated to H. Grauert ; Proceedings of the International Workshop Wuppertal 1990 - Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1991. - pp. 235-246 . - (Aspects of Mathematics; 1)
doi:10.1007/978-3-322-86856-5_35 ...

Lempio, Frank
The numerical treatment of differential inclusions
In: Popivanov, Petăr R. ; Tersian, S. (ed.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Applications : held in Rousse, Bulgaria, August 13-19, 1989 - Rousse: Centre of Mathematics, 1991. - pp. 353-364

Alt, Walter
Parametric optimization with applications to optimal control and sequential quadratic prog ...
Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften - Bayreuth: Lehrstuhl II für Mathematik, 1991. - pp. 1-37 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 35)
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Kugelmann, Bernd; Pesch, Hans Josef
Real-Time Computation of Feedback Controls with Applications in Aerospace Engineering : Co ...
A collection of technical papers. Band 1 - Washington, DC: AIAA, 1991. - pp. 537-542
doi:10.2514/6.1991-2658 ...

Kaiser, Ralf
Resistive Ballooning Modes in W7-X
In: Junker, J. (ed.): Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Wendelstein 7-X - Garching bei München: Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 1991. - pp. 76-81

Bauer, Ingrid; Kosarew, Siegmund
Some aspects of Hodge theory on non-complete algebraic manifolds
In: Noguchi, Junjiro ; Ohsawa, Takeo (ed.): Prospects in complex geometry : proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 1991. - pp. 281-316 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 1468)
doi:10.1007/BFb0086198 ...
rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Pesch, Hans Josef
The Accessory Minimum Problem and Its Importance for the Numerical Computation of Closed-L ...
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Band 2 - New York: IEEE, 1990. - pp. 952-953
doi:10.1109/CDC.1990.203732 ...

Decker, Wolfram; Peternell, Thomas; le Potier, Joseph; Schneider, Michael
Half-canonical surfaces in IP4
In: Sommese, Andrew John ; Biancofiore, Aldo ; Livorni, Elvira Laura (ed.): Algebraic Geometry : Proceedings of the International Conference held in L’Aquila, Italy, May 30–June 4, 1988 - Cham: Springer Nature, 1990. - pp. 91-110 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 1417)
doi:10.1007/BFb0083335 ...

Wassermann, Alfred
Konstruktion von Normalbasen
Fixraumdimensionen von Untergruppen bei Darstellungen der SO(4): Carre, C. - Bayreuth, 1990. - pp. 155-164 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 31)

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal and Nearly Optimal Guidance by Multiple Shooting
Mécanique spatiale : Colloque = Space Dynamics / Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales - Toulouse: Cepadues-Ed., 1990. - pp. 761-771
doi: ...

Bulirsch, Roland; Montrone, Francesco; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control in Abort Landing of a Passenger Aircraft
Siguerdidjane, Houria B. (Hrsg.): Control applications of nonlinear programming and optimization 1989 : proceedings - Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990. - pp. 21-25 . - (IFAC Workshop Series; 2)
doi: ...

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control Problems under Disturbances
Sebastian, H. J. ; Tammer, K. (Hrsg.): System modelling and optimization : proceedings - Berlin: Springer, 1990. - pp. 377-386 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 143)
doi:10.1007/BFb0008389 ...

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Re-Entry Guidance of Space Vehicles under Control and State Constraints
Siguerdidjane, Houria B. (Hrsg.): Control applications of nonlinear programming and optimization 1989 : proceedings - Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990. - pp. 33-38 . - (IFAC Workshop Series; 2)
doi: ...

Baptist, Peter
Ein Beispiel aus der Dreiecksgeometrie des 19. Jahrhunderts
In: Binder, Christa; Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften (ed.): Mathematik - à la mode? : Tendenzen und Modeerscheinungen in Forschung, Lehre und Stil; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge; Neuhofen an der Ybbs, 22. bis 28. Oktober 1989 : 2. Österreichisches Symposium der Geschichte der Mathematik - Wien: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, 1989. - pp. 1-6

Pesch, Hans Josef; Rentrop, Peter
Numerical Solution of Asymptotic Two-Point Boundary Value Problems with Application to the ...
Boffi, Vinicio ; Neunzert, Helmut (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Third German-Italian Symposium Applications of Mathematics in Industry and Technology - Stuttgart: Teubner, 1989. - pp. 327-338
doi:10.1007/978-3-322-96692-6_24 ...

Baptist, Peter
Der fünfte merkwürdige Punkt : Anmerkungen zu seinem Entdecker und dessen Untersuchungen z ...
In: Binder, Christa; Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften (ed.): Mathematik - anregend oder angeregt? : über das Wechselspiel zwischen "reiner" und "angewandter" Mathematik im Laufe der Geschichte ; 1. Österreichisches Symposium zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Neuhofen an d. Ybbs, 9.-15. Nov. 1986 ; Kurzfass. d. Vorträge - Wien: Institut für Technische Mathematik, TU, 1986. - pp. 37-44

Baptist, Peter
A Journey Into Elementary Triangle Geometry
In: International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching ; OW & OC (ed.): Mathématiques pour tous ... à l'âge de l'ordinateur : Mathematics for all ... in the Computer age : compte rendu de la 37e rencontre internationale, CIEAEM, Leiden, 4 - 10 August 1985 - Utrecht: State University of Utrecht, 1986. - pp. 176-180

Baptist, Peter
Merkwürdige Punkte und Geraden im Dreieck
Mathematik : Vorträge und Informationen. Band 1986 - Hamburg: Verein zur Förderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts, 1986. - pp. 7-64 . - (Schriften des Deutschen Vereins zur Förderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts; 35)

Peternell, Thomas
On the rigidity problem for the complex projective space
In: Barlet, Daniel; Société Mathematique de France (ed.): Journées complexes 85 : [au Département de Mathématiques de l'Université de Nancy durant la période du 20 au 25 mai 85]; S.M.F.-C.N.R.S. - Nancy: Universite Nancy : Vandoeuvre les Nancy, 1986 (Institut Elie Cartan; 10)

Peternell, Thomas
Rational curves in moisězon 3-folds
In: Grauert, Hans (ed.): Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry : Proceedings of a Conference held in Göttinqen, June 25 - July 2, 1985 - Cham: Springer Nature, 1986. - pp. 133-144 . - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 1194)
doi:10.1007/BFb0077000 ...

Baptist, Peter
Transversalenschnittpunkte und ihr elementargeometrisches Umfeld
Geometrie : neue didaktische Perspektiven - Dillingen, 1985. - pp. 59-114 . - (Akademiebericht / Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen; 81)

Baptist, Peter
The Berlekamp-algorithm for linear Diophantine equations
In: International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching (ed.): Moyens et medias dans l'enseignement des mathematiques : CIEAEM 34e rencontre ; 31 juillet - 6 août 1982 - Orleans: Université, 1984. - pp. 208-211

Lempio, Frank; Zowe, Jürgen
Higher order optimality conditions
In: Korte, Bernhard (ed.): Modern applied mathematics : optimization and operations research ; collection of state-of-the-art surveys based on lectures presented at the Summer School "Optimization and Operations Research", held at the University of Bonn, September 14-22, 1979 - Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1982. - pp. 147-193
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Pesch, Hans Josef
On Optimum Linear Perturbation Guidance of Space Vehicles
Well, K. H. (Hrsg.): 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Nonlinear Programming and Optimization : collection of papers - Oberpfaffenhofen: DFVLR, 1980. - pp. 242-247

Lempio, Frank
Dualität und Stabilität
In: Ansorge, Rainer ; Glashoff, Klaus ; Werner, B. (ed.): Numerical Mathematics : Numerische Mathematik; Symposium on the Occasion of the Retirement of Lothar Collatz at the Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Hamburg, January 25–26, 1979; Symposium anläßlich der Emeritierung von Lothar Collatz am Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Hamburg, vom 25.–26. Januar 1979 - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1979. - pp. 107-124 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 49)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-6285-1_8 ...
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank; Maurer, Helmut
Differentiable Perturbations of Infinite Optimization Problems
In: Henn, Rudolf ; Korte, Bernhard ; Oettli, Werner (ed.): Optimization and Operations Research : Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the University of Bonn, October 2–8, 1977 - Berlin: Springer, 1978. - pp. 181-191 . - (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems; 157)
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank
Minimumnormprobleme und Zeitoptimale Steuerungen
In: Collatz, Lothar ; Werner, H. ; Meinardus, Günter (ed.): Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie : Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory; Vortragsauszüge der Tagung über numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie vom 25. bis 31. Mai 1975 im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Schwarzwald) - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1976. - pp. 277-298 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 30) (Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie ; 3)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-7692-6_14 ...
rev.: Mathematical reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Dickmanns, Ernst D.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Influence of a Reradiative Heating Constraint on Lifting Entry Trajectories for Maximum La ...
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Tokyo 1975 - Tokyo: AGNE Publ., 1975. - pp. 241-246
doi:10.13140/2.1.3996.6725 ...

Lempio, Frank
Anwendungen der Lagrangeschen Multiplikatorenregel auf Approximations-, Variations- und St ...
In: Albrecht, Julius ; Collatz, Lothar (ed.): Numerische Methoden bei Differentialgleichungen und mit funktionalanalytischen Hilfsmitteln : Vortragsauszüge der Tagung über Funktionalanalysis und numerische Mathematik vom 31. Mai bis 2. Juni 1972 in der Technischen Universität Clausthal-Zellerfeld und über Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen vom 4. bis 10. Juni 1972 am Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1974. - pp. 147-157 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 19)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-6988-1_13 ...
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank
Bemerkungen zur Lagrangeschen Funktionaldifferentialgleichung
In: Albrecht, Julius ; Collatz, Lothar (ed.): Numerische Methoden bei Differentialgleichungen und mit funktionalanalytischen Hilfsmitteln : Vortragsauszüge der Tagung über Funktionalanalysis und numerische Mathematik vom 31. Mai bis 2. Juni 1972 in der Technischen Universität Clausthal-Zellerfeld und über Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen vom 4. bis 10. Juni 1972 am Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1974. - pp. 141-146 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 19)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-6988-1_12 ...
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank
A Note on the Slater-Condition
In: Collatz, L. ; Wetterling, W. (ed.): Numerische Methoden bei Optimierungsaufgaben : Vortragsauszüge der Tagung über Numerische Methoden bei Optimierungsaufgaben vom 18. bis 24. November 1973 im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Schwarzwald). Bd. 2 - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1974. - pp. 165 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 23)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-5321-7_14 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank
Zur optimalen Steuerung nichtlinearer Entwicklungen
In: Künzi, Hans P. (ed.): VI. Oberwolfach-Tagung über Operations Research : 29. Juli - 4. August 1973 ; Teil 2 - Meisenheim am Glan: Hain, 1974. - pp. 35-41 . - (Operations-Research-Verfahren; 19)
rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank
Dualität und Optimale Steuerungen
In: Collatz, Lothar ; Wetterling, W. (ed.): Numerische Methoden bei Optimierungsaufgaben : Vortragsauszüge der Tagung über numerische Methoden bei Optimierungsaufgaben vom 14. bis 20. November 1971 im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Schwarzwald) - Basel: Birkhäuser, 1973. - pp. 101-109 . - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics; 17)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-5971-4_9 ...
rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank
Eine Verallgemeinerung des Satzes von Fritz John
In: Henn, R. ; Künzi, H. P. ; Schubert, H. (ed.): V. Oberwolfach-Tagung über Operations Research : 13. - 19. August 1972. Band 2 - Meisenheim am Glan: Hain, 1973. - pp. 239-247 . - (Operations-Research-Verfahren; 17)
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Lempio, Frank
Differenzierbare Optimierung mit unendlich vielen Nebenbedingungen
In: Henn, Rudolf ; Künzi, H. P. ; Schubert, H. (ed.): IV. Oberwolfach-Tagung über Operations Research : 25. - 31. Juli 1971. Bd. 2 - Meisenheim am Glan: Hain, 1972. - pp. 265-273 . - (Operations-Research-Verfahren; 13)
rev.: Zentralblatt für Mathematik

Article in a book (not peer-reviewed)

Zehnder, Moritz
Flexibel und originell? Kreative Leistungen mathematisch besonders begabter, leistungsstar ...
In: IDMI-Primar Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (ed.): Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2022 : 56. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 29.08.2022 bis 02.09.2022 in Frankfurt am Main - Münster: WTM-Verlag, 2023. - pp. 1401-1404
doi:10.17877/DE290R-23450 ...

Zehnder, Moritz
Diagnostizieren mathematisch begabter Neunt- und Zehntklässler
In: Siller, Hans-Stefan ; Weigel, Wolfgang ; Wörler, Jan Franz (ed.): Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020 - Münster: WTM-Verl., 2020. - pp. 1061-1064
doi:10.17877/DE290R-21642 ...

Weigand, Hans-Georg; Drösemeier, Annalisa; Greefrath, Gilbert; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Ulm, Volker
Eine empirische Überprüfung von Grundvorstellungen zu Ableitungen und Integralen
In: Frank, Andreas ; Krauss, Stefan ; Binder, Karin (ed.): Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2019. Band 2 - Münster: WTM Verlag für wissenschaftliche Texte und Medien, 2020. - pp. 881-884
doi:10.17877/DE290R-20737 ...

Zehnder, Moritz
Mathematische Begabung in den Jahrgangsstufen 9 und 10 : Ein Beitrag zur pädagogischen Dia ...
In: Frank, Andreas ; Krauss, Stefan ; Binder, Karin (ed.): Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2019 - Münster: WTM-Verl., 2020. - pp. 1425
doi:10.17877/DE290R-20925 ...

Drösemeier, Annalisa
BeGREIFEN des Integralbegriffs : Lernmaterialien zur enaktiven Entwicklung von Grundvorste ...
In: Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (ed.): Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht - Münster: WTM, 2019

Grüne, Lars; Dower, Peter
Hamiltonian based a posteriori error estimation for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations
Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Hong Kong, 2018. - pp. 372-374

Grüne, Lars; Schaller, Manuel; Schiela, Anton
Sensitivity analysis of optimal control motivated by model predictive control
Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Hong Kong, 2018. - pp. 93-96

Gehring, Carolin; Ulm, Volker
The European Project KeyCoMath
In: Gehring, Carolin ; Ulm, Volker (ed.): Developing Key Competences by Mathematics Education - Bayreuth, 2015. - pp. 5-6
http://btmdx1.mat.uni-bayreuth.de/kcm/data/Materia ...

Andresen, Mette; Binterová, Helena; Gehring, Carolin; Herbst, Marta; Pech, Pavel; Ulm, Volker
Key Competences for Lifelong Learning : Concepts for Initial Teacher Education
In: Gehring, Carolin ; Ulm, Volker (ed.): Developing Key Competences by Mathematics Education - Bayreuth, 2015. - pp. 18-22
http://btmdx1.mat.uni-bayreuth.de/kcm/data/Materia ...

Gehring, Carolin; Ulm, Volker
Learning Environments : a Key to Teachers' Professional Development
In: Gehring, Carolin ; Ulm, Volker (ed.): Developing Key Competences by Mathematics Education - Bayreuth, 2015. - pp. 34-35
http://btmdx1.mat.uni-bayreuth.de/kcm/data/Materia ...

Scharfenberg, Franz-Josef; Ulm, Volker; Bogner, Franz X.
"Begeistern für die 'harten' Disziplinen".
Leible, Stefan ; Steiger, Elisabeth (Hrsg.): Neue Wege denken : 40 Jahre Universität Bayreuth - Bayreuth: Univ. Bayreuth, 2015. - pp. 76-77

Zehetmeier, Stefan; Piok, Manfred; Höller, Karin; Kenderov, Petar; Chehlarova, Toni; Sendova, Evgenia; Gehring, Carolin; Ulm, Volker
Concepts for in-service mathematics teacher education : examples from Europe
In: Gehring, Carolin ; Ulm, Volker (ed.): Developing Key Competences by Mathematics Education - Bayreuth, 2015. - pp. 23-33
http://btmdx1.mat.uni-bayreuth.de/kcm/data/Materia ...

Stoll, Michael
Descent and covering collections
In: Beshaj, Lubjana ; Shaska, Tony ; Zhupa, Eustrat; NATO (ed.): Advances on superelliptic curves and their applications : Including papers based on the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography held in Ohrid, August 25-September 5, 2014 - Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2015. - pp. 176-193 . - (NATO Science for Peace and Security : Series D, Information and Communication Security; 41)
doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-520-3-176 ...

Oetjen, Jan; Engel, Max; Effkemann, Christoph; May, Simon M.; Pudasaini, Shiva P.; Wöffler, Theide; Aizinger, Vadym; Schüttrumpf, Holger; Brückner, Helmut
Numerical modelling of tsunami scenarios for the island of Bonaire (Leeward Antilles)
Abstract of the 4th International Tsunami Field Symposium - s.l., 2015. - pp. 81-85

Grüne, Lars; Allgöwer, Frank; Findeisen, Rolf; Fischer, Jörg; Groß, Dominic; Hanebeck, Uwe D.; Kern, Benjamin; Müller, Matthias A.; Pannek, Jürgen; Reble, Marcus; Stursberg, Olaf; Varutti, Paolo; Worthmann, Karl
Distributed and networked model predictive control
Lunze, Jan (Hrsg.): Control theory of digitally networked dynamic systems - Cham: Springer, 2014. - pp. 111-167
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-01131-8_4 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt

Kießling, Miriam; Kreisel, Tobias; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Evaluation of a new supply strategy based on stochastic programming for a fashion discount ...
In: Helber, Stefan (ed.): Operations Research Proceedings 2012 - Cham: Springer, 2014. - pp. 515-520 . - (Operations Research Proceedings; 2012)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00795-3_77 ...

Grüne, Lars; Hirche, Sandra; Junge, Oliver; Koltai, Peter; Lehmann, Daniel; Lunze, Jan; Molin, Adam; Sailer, Rudolf; Sigurani, Manuela; Stöcker, Christian; Wirth, Fabian
Event-based control
Lunze, Jan (ed.): Control theory of digitally networked dynamic systems - Cham: Springer, 2014. - pp. 169-261
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-01131-8_5 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt

Lunze, Jan; Grüne, Lars
Introduction to networked control systems
Lunze, Jan (Hrsg.): Control theory of digitally networked dynamic systems - Cham: Springer, 2014. - pp. 1-30
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-01131-8_1 ...
rev.: Zentralblatt

Kurz, Sascha; Mishkin, Valery
Large-volume open sets in normed spaces without integral distances
EuroCG 2013 : The 29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry ; March 17-20, 2013 - Braunschwieg, 2014. - pp. 209-2012
http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&sour ...

Grüne, Lars; Zanon, Mario
Periodic optimal control, dissipativity and MPC
MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Groningen: University of Groningen, 2014. - pp. 1804-1807
http://fwn06.housing.rug.nl/mtns2014-papers/extend ...

Damm, Tobias
Euclidean Norm Optimal Realization Revisited
Hüper, Knut ; Trumpf, Jochen (Hrsg.): Mathematical System Theory : Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday - Würzburg (Germany) ; Canberra (Australia): CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. - pp. 91-102
http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~trumpf/UH60Festschri ...

Deuflhard, Peter; Schiela, Anton
Katz und Maus
publ: Biermann, Katja; Grötschel, Martin; Lutz-Westphal, Brigitte
Besser als Mathe : Moderne angewandte Mathematik aus dem MATHEON zum Mitmachen. 2., aktualisierte Auflage - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2013. - pp. 29-40
doi:10.1007/978-3-658-01004-1_5 ...

Bebendorf, Mario
Wideband nested cross approximation for Helmholtz problems
Oberwolfach reports, Vol. 10,1 - Oberwolfach, 2013. - pp. 142-146
doi:10.4171/OWR/2013/03 ...

Raab, Dagmar
The Basic Patterns as Key Aspects of Inquiry Pedagogy : The concept of basic patterns
In: Baptist, Peter ; Raab, Dagmar (ed.): Implementing Inquiry in Mathematics Education - Bayreuth, 2012. - pp. 13-14

Kurz, Sascha
Competitive learning of monotone Boolean functions
Suhl, Leena; Mitra, Gautam et al. (Hrsg.): Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling: APMOD 2012 Extended Abstracts, University of Paderborn, Germany 2012 - Paderborn, 2012. - pp. 416-421 . - (DSOR-Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik; 8)
http://www.wm.uni-bayreuth.de/fileadmin/Sascha/Pub ...

Klapproth, Corinna; Schiela, Anton; Deuflhard, Peter
Fast algorithms for the simulation of human knee joint motion
publ: Hellmich, C.; Hamza, M. H.; Simsik, D.
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2012), February 15-17, 2012, Innsbruck, Austria - Anaheim, CA: ACTA Press, 2012. - pp. 696-699
doi:10.2316/P.2012.764-176 ...

Ehmann, Matthias; Gerhäuser, Michael; Miller, Carsten; Vogel, Heiko; Wassermann, Alfred
IBME and ICT : interactive geometry for the web and mobile devices
In: Baptist, Peter ; Raab, Dagmar (ed.): Implementing inquiry in mathematics education - Bayreuth, 2012. - pp. 54-64
http://fibonacci.uni-bayreuth.de/resources/resourc ...

Ulm, Volker
Inquiry-based Mathematics Education in Primary School : Overview and Examples
In: Baptist, Peter ; Raab, Dagmar (ed.): Implemeting Inquiry in Mathematics Education - Bayreuth, 2012. - pp. 65-81

Ehmann, Matthias; Gerhäuser, Michael; Miller, Carsten; Vogel, Heiko; Wassermann, Alfred
Interactive Geometry for the web and mobile devices
In: Baptist, Peter ; Raab, Dagmar (ed.): Implementing inquiry in mathematics education - Bayreuth: Univ. Bayreuth, 2012. - pp. 54 . - (The Fibonacci Project)

Palma, Vryan Gil; Grüne, Lars
Stability, performance and robustness of sensitivity-based multistep feedback NMPC
MTNS 2012 : Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - Melbourne, 2012

Rambau, Jörg; Reiner, Victor
A survey of the higher Stasheff-Tamari orders
Müller-Hoissen, Folkert ; Pallo, Jean Marcel ; Stasheff, Jim (Hrsg.): Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures : Tamari Memorial Festschrift - Basel: Birkhäuser, 2012. - pp. 351-390 . - (Progress in Mathematics; 299)
doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-0405-9 ...

Baptist, Peter
Towards new Teaching in Mathematics
In: Baptist, Peter ; Raab, Dagmar (ed.): Implementing Inquiry in Mathematics Education - Bayreuth: Universität, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik und ihre Didaktik, 2012. - pp. 1-11

Bebendorf, Mario; Fischer, Thomas
Efficient solution of non-linear systems at metal forming processes using hierarchical mat ...
In: Hirt, Gerhard (ed.): Modelling of incremental forming processes : Final report of the DFG priority programme SPP 1146 - Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2010. - pp. 195-213

Rambau, Jörg
Die gelben Engel von Noehtam
Biermann, Katja ; Grötschel, Martin ; Lutz-Westphal, Brigitte (Hrsg.): Besser als Mathe : Moderne angewandte Mathematik aus dem MATHEON zum Mitmachen - Wiesbaden: Vieweg + Teubner, 2010. - pp. 59-74

Bebendorf, Mario; Ostrowski, Joerg Marc
Hierarchical matrix preconditioners for the curl-curl operator
Oberwolfach reports, Vol. 7,1 - Oberwolfach, 2010. - pp. 424-428
doi:10.4171/OWR/2010/10 ...

Gaul, Constantin; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
The Combinatorics of (S,M,L,XL) or the best fitting delivery of T-shirts
Models and Algorithms for Optimization in Logistics - Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2009 (Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings; 09261)

Stoll, Michael
How to obtain global information from computations over finite fields
Dmitry Kaledin, Yuri Tschinkel (editors): Higher-dimensional geometry over finite fields - Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2008. - pp. 189-196 . - (NATO Science for Peace and Security : Series D, Information and Communication Security; 16)

Rambau, Jörg; Schwarz, Cornelius
Optimierte dynamische Einsatzplanung für Gelbe Engel und Lastenaufzüge
Luderer, Bernd (Hrsg.): Die Kunst des Modellierens - Wiesbaden: Vieweg + Teubner, 2008. - pp. 377-398 . - (Studienbücher Wirtschaftsmathematik)

Bebendorf, Mario; Kunis, Stefan
Recompression Techniques for Adaptive Cross Approximation
Trevelyan, J. (ed.): Advances in Boundary Integral Methods : Proceedings of the 6th UK Conference on Boundary Integral Methods - Durham: Durham University, 2007. - pp. 1-11

Smajić, Jasmin; Andjelić, Zoran; Bebendorf, Mario
Fast BEM for Eddy-Current Problems using H-Matrices and Adaptive Cross Approximation
Electromagnetic Field Computation, 12th Biennial IEEE Conference - Miami, Florida: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2006. - pp. 258

Smajić, Jasmin; Cranganu-Cretu, Bogdan; Andjelić, Zoran; Bebendorf, Mario
Fast multipole algorithm versus ACA in computational electromagnetics
IABEM 2006 conference : Book of abstracts - Graz: Universität Graz, 2006. - pp. 251-254

Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian
Calculating the domain of attraction : Zubov's method and extensions
Proceedings of the Stability and Control Processes Conference (SCP 2005), dedicated to the 75th birthday anniversary of V. I. Zubov - St. Petersburg, 2005. - pp. 27-36

Rambau, Jörg
Deferment Control for Reoptimization : How to Find Fair Reoptimized Dispatches
Algorithms for Optimization with Incomplete Information - Wadern: Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), 2005 (Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings; 05031)

Ostrowski, Joerg Marc; Andjelić, Zoran; Cranganu-Cretu, Bogdan; Bebendorf, Mario; Smajić, Jasmin
Fast BEM-Solution of Laplace problems with H-matrices and ACA
Proceedings of the IEEE Compumag Conference 2005 - Shenyang, China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2005

Miller, Carsten
GEONExT - Dynamische Mathematik in der Hauptschule : entdeckendes Lernen mit dynamischen A ...
In: Bayerischer Lehrer- und Lehrerinnenverband (ed.): Ideen für eine neue Lern- und Leistungskultur - Bayreuth, 2005

Miller, Carsten
Math-Lab : das Mathematiklabor
In: Lernort Labor - Zentrum für Beratung und Qualitätsentwicklung (ed.): Forschen statt Pauken : Herausforderungen und Chancen außerschulischer Bildungsangebote - Kiel, 2005

Laue, Reinhard; Vogel, Heiko; Wassermann, Alfred
Simple 8-(40,12,λ) Designs from PSL(4,3)
In: Kerber, Adalbert (ed.): ALCOMA '05 : proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications, Designs and Codes ; April 3 - 10, 2005, Thurnau, Germany - Bayreuth, 2005. - pp. 233-238 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 74)

Baptist, Peter; Oetterer, Thomas
Billard und Minigolf
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): 2. Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8 : Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern - Velber: Friedrich, 2004

Aizinger, Vadym; Dawson, Clint
A discontinuous Galerkin method for three-dimensional shallow water flows with free surfac ...
In: Miller, Cass T. ; Farthing, M. W. ; Gray, W. G. ; Pinder, G. F. (ed.): Computational Methods in Water Resources. Volume 2. Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004. - pp. 1691-1702 . - (Developments in Water Science; 55,2)
doi:10.1016/S0167-5648(04)80177-1 ...

Baptist, Peter; Oetterer, Thomas
Satz des Thales
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): 2. Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8 : Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern - Velber: Friedrich, 2004

Baptist, Peter; Oetterer, Thomas
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): 2. Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8 : Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern - Velber: Friedrich, 2004

Baptist, Peter; Oetterer, Thomas
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): 2. Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8 : Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern - Velber: Friedrich, 2004

Baptist, Peter; Oetterer, Thomas
Vom Quadrat zum Achteck
In: Baptist, Peter (ed.): 2. Dynamische Arbeitsblätter Mathematik Klasse 7/8 : Lernen und Lehren mit dynamischen Arbeitsblättern - Velber: Friedrich, 2004

Dettweiler, Michael
Middle Convolution and Galois Realizations
In: Hashimoto, Ki-ichiro ; Miyake, Katsuya ; Nakamura, Hiroaki (ed.): Galois Theory and Modular Forms - Boston, MA: Springer, 2004. - pp. 143-158 . - (Developments in Mathematics; 11)
doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-0249-0_7 ...
rev.: AMS MathSciNet

Dawson, Clint; Aizinger, Vadym
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for shallow water flow and transport
In: Hassanizadeh, S. Majid ; Schotting, R. J. ; Gray, W.G. ; Pinder, G. F. (ed.): Computational Methods in Water Resources. Volume 2. Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2002. - pp. 915-922 . - (Developments in Water Science; 47,2)

Baptist, Peter
Mathematikunterricht heute : aus deutscher Sicht
In: Bundesvereinigung der deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände, BDA (ed.): In Mathe mangelhaft : die TIMS-Studie: deutsche, niederländische und Schweizer Schüler im Vergleich - Berlin, 2000

Schiela, Anton; Olsson, Hans
Mixed-mode integration for real-time simulation
Papers of the Modelica Workshop 2000 - Linköping, Sweden: Modelica Association, 2000. - pp. 69-75
https://www.modelica.org/events/workshop2000/proce ...

Baptist, Peter
Veränderungen beim Lehren und Lernen
Lehrerbildung - Gymnasium 2000 : Kongress des Bayerischen Philologenverbandes in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitskreis Gymnasium und Wirtschaft und dem Forum Universität - Gymnasium, am 14. Januar 2000 in Nürnberg (2000) - München: Bayerischer Philologenverband, 2000

Lempio, Frank
Über zwei Jahrtausende Finite Elemente : Von Eudoxos bis zur Hyperthermietherapie
In: Jöllenbeck, Armin (ed.): Nichtkommutative Charaktertheorie der symmetrischen Gruppen - Bayreuth: Mathemat. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 1999. - pp. 59-78 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 56)

Dellnitz, Michael
In: Jöllenbeck, Armin (ed.): Nichtkommutative Charaktertheorie der symmetrischen Gruppen - Bayreuth: Mathemat. Inst. der Univ., 1999. - pp. 43-58 . - (Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften; 56)
rev.: Mathematical Reviews

Baptist, Peter
Elemente einer neuen Aufgabenkultur : Anregungen zu den Modulen 1 und 5
BLK-Modellversuch : Steigerung der Effizienz des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts : Materialien zum Mathematikunterricht - Bayreuth, 1998
http://www.sinus-transfer.de/fileadmin/Materialien ...

Baptist, Peter
TIMSS - eine Studie und ihre Folgen
27. Kolloquium Mathematik-Didaktik der Universität Bayreuth - Bayreuth: Lehrstuhl für Mathematik und Ihre Didaktik der Universität, 1998

von Wahl, Wolf
Stability in Hydrodynamics
Analysis-Seminar SS 1994 - WS 1995/96 - Bonn, 1997. - pp. 127-142 . - (Vorlesungsreihe / Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Sonderforschungsbereich 256, Nichtlineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen; 40)

Bakema, Jos; Bebendorf, Mario; Laitinen, Mika; Pessl, Günther; Stefanidis, Vassilios
Solder spreading
Proceedings of the 1995 ECMI Modelling Week in Glasgow - Glasgow: University of Strathclyde, 1996. - pp. 4-14

Baptist, Peter
Variationen zu einer historischen Aufgabe : Unterrichtsvorschläge zum Fermat-Problem
23. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht : Vorträge auf der 23. Bundestagung für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 28.2. bis 3.3.1989 in Berlin - Bad Salzdetfurth: Franzbecker, 1989

Baptist, Peter
Klassische Elementargeometrie : Anregungen für den Schulunterricht
19. Beiträge zum Mathematikuntericht : Vorträge auf der 19. Bundestagung für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 5.3. bis 8.3.1985 in Giessen - Bad Salzdetfurth: Franzbecker, 1985

Baptist, Peter
Lösungseinschließung bei Iterationsverfahren
14. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht : Vom 4.3. bis 7.3.1980 in Dortmund - Hannover: Schroedel, 1980

Conference item (peer-reviewed)

Appel, Christian; Chudej, Kurt
MPC bei einem Krankheitsmodell mit mehreren Tierarten
Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Leipzig

Niotis, Aristeidis; Chudej, Kurt
Berechnung der Basisreproduktionszahl eines Corona Modells
Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Bayreuth

Chudej, Kurt; Folger, Gaby
Dengue Fieber Modelle
Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Bayreuth

Bauer, Maximilian
Räumliche Modellierung von vektorübertragenen Krankheiten
Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Bayreuth

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
On the Risks of Feedback-Trading
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, University of Bayreuth

Sauerteig, Philipp; Worthmann, Karl; Chudej, Kurt
Towards Model Predictive Control for Maintainig a Hard Infection Cap During an Outbreak of ...
Mathmod 2022 - 10th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Wien, Österreich

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Influence, Success and Manipulation in Weighted Committee Voting
5th ETH Workshop on Democracy, Zürich

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Financial Stability and Actively Traded Exchange-Traded Funds
26th Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF), University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece

Oldenburg, Reinhard; Greefrath, Gilbert; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Basic Mental Models of Derivative and Integral : First Hypothesis
Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), Bolzano, Italien

Schwarz, Christina
The principle of solving a mixed boundary value problem from linear elasticity with the he ...
ICNAAM 20th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Heraklion, Griechenland

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
On Feedback Trading, Stochastic Differential Equations, and Fubini’s Theorem
The 2021 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, United States, online

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Janischewski, Anja
What are Asset Price Bubbles? A Survey on Definitions of Financial Bubbles
AMASES Annual Conference 2021, Department of Law, Economics and Human Sciences (DIGIES) of the University of Reggio Calabria / online

Janischewski, Anja; Baumann, Michael Heinrich
What Are Asset Price Bubbles? A Survey on Definitions of Financial Bubbles
33rd Annual EAEPE Conference (EAEPE 2021) - European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Online

Janischewski, Anja; Baumann, Michael Heinrich
What Are Asset Price Bubbles? A Survey on Definitions of Financial Bubbles
Tinbergen Summer School in Behavioral Macro and Complexity, Online

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Janischewski, Anja
What are Asset Price Bubbles? A Survey on Definitions of Financial Bubbles
25nd Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF), University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece / online

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Influence in Weighted Committees
GAMES 2020, the 6th World Congres of the Game Theory Society, Budapest, Ungarn

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander
Values under uncertainty
GAMES 2020, the 6th World Congres of the Game Theory Society, Budapest

Kazemi, Fatemeh; Kurz, Sascha; Soljanin, Emina; Sprintson, Alex
Efficient Storage Schemes for Desired Service Rate Regions
IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2020, virtuell

Folger, Gaby; Chudej, Kurt
Numerical simulation of a four serotype dengue fever model
ECMI 2021 Conference, Wuppertal - Online

Chudej, Kurt; Folger, Gaby; Wessely, Anja; Fischer, Anne
Simulation and Optimal Control of Dengue Fever Models
Joint Workshop of GAMM Activity Groups "Dynamics and Control Theory" and "Optimization with Partial Differential Equations", Bayreuth

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
Improving Heterogeneous Agent Models by Avoiding Explicit Discretizations of Stiff Equatio ...
8th UECE Conference on Economic and Financial Adjustments, Online / Lisbon, Portugal

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
Improving Heterogeneous Agent Models by Avoiding Explicit Discretizations of Stiff Equatio ...
GENED Mini Workshop on Agent Based Modelling and New Economic Dynamics, Online

Kazemi, Fatemeh; Kurz, Sascha; Soljanin, Emina
A geometric view of the service rates of codes problem and its application to the service ...
https://2020.ieee-isit-virtual.org/presentation/le ...
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2020, Los Angeles, USA

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
On Modeling Heterogeneous Agents Avoiding Stiff Equations
43rd Annual Meeting of the AMASES Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences, Perugia, Italy

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
Analyzing Heterogeneous Agents Models: Avoiding the Explicit Discretization of Stiff Equat ...
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...
Second Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop: Heterogeneity and Expectations in Macroeconomics and Finance, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

Bauer, Maximilian
Low-rank Approximations for Discretised Boundary Integral Operators via an Adaptive Matrix ...
Joint Workshop Kinetics & BEM on the Saar, Saarbrücken, Deutschland

Njoroge, Parmenas Kim; Shevchenko, Dmitry; Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Stock Price Reactions to Publications of Financial Statements : Evidence from the Moscow S ...
5th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF 2019), University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Influence in Weighted Committee Games : A Power Index, Rule Comparisons, and the IMF Execu ...
European Public Choice Society, Jerusalem

Etzion, Tuvi; Kurz, Sascha; Otal, Kamil; Özbudak, Ferruh
Subspace Packing
WCC 2019: The Eleventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, France

Aizinger, Vadym; Hajduk, Hennes
Bathymetry reconstruction using modified shallow-water equations discretized by a disconti ...
Workshop der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe Simulation und Optimierung komplexer Systeme, Oberammergau, Deutschland

Bauer, Maximilian; Bebendorf, Mario
The Coupling of low-rank Approximations with the Solution Process for discretised Boundary ...
International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE 2019), Innsbruck, Österreich

Albrecht, Gaby; Chudej, Kurt
Optimal control of a two serotype dengue fever model with vaccination of seropositive huma ...
International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE 2019), Innsbruck, Österreich

Albrecht, Gaby; Chudej, Kurt
Optimal disease control in a new mathematical dengue fever model
OCIP 2019 : Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, TU München, Garching bei München, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt; Albrecht, Gaby
Optimale Impfstrategien für Dengue-seropositiv Erkrankte
Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Kassel, Deutschland

Bauer, Maximilian
The proof of the cross approximation using interpolation by radial basis functions
17. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications, Hirschegg, Österreich

Chudej, Kurt; Albrecht, Gaby; Wessely, Anja
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of a mathematical two serotype model for den ...
Workshop der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe Simulation und Optimierung komplexer Systeme, Oberammergau, Deutschland

Feist, Bernd; Bebendorf, Mario
Fractional Laplacian : Approximation of the Dense FEM Stiffness matrix by H-Matrices
International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE 2019), Innsbruck, Österreich

Feist, Bernd
Fractional Laplacian : Approximation of the dense FEM stiffness matrix by uniform H-matric ...
17. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications, Hirschegg, Österreich

Hof, Frits; Kern, Walter; Kurz, Sascha; Paulusma, Daniël
Simple Games versus Weighted Voting Games
11th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, SAGT 2018, Beijing, China

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Stieler, Marleen
Noncooperative Model Predictive Control
International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science ODS 2018 : XLVIII Annual Meeting of AIRO-Italian Operations Research Society, Taormina, Italien

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds, Investment Strategies, and Financial Stability
The 50th Annual Conference of the Money, Macro & Finance Research Group (MMF), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds, Investment Strategies, and Financial Stability
Digitale Wirtschaft : Jahrestagung 2018 des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Freiburg im Breisgau

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Stieler, Marleen
Noncooperative Model Predictive Control
18th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Grenoble, France

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Beating the Market? : A Mathematical Puzzle to Market Efficiency
6th International PhD Meeting in Economics 2018, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece

Chudej, Kurt; Fischer, Anne; Albrecht, Gaby
Optimal Control in a Mathematical Dengue Fever Model
14th Viennese Conference Optimal Control and Dynamic Games, Wien, Österreich

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Beating the Market? : A Mathematical Puzzle to Market Efficiency
Seventeenth Annual European Economics and Finance Society Conference (EEFS2018), Department of Economics, City, University of London, London, England

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds, Investment Strategies, and Financial Stability
First Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop: New Approaches to Macro-Financial Instability and Inequality, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds, Investment Strategies, and Financial Stability
Seventeenth Annual European Economics and Finance Society Conference (EEFS2018), Department of Economics, City, University of London, London, England

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Beating the Market? : A Mathematical Puzzle to Market Efficiency
22nd Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted Committee Games
European Public Choice Society, Rome

Fischer, Anne; Albrecht, Gaby; Herath, Mark; Chudej, Kurt
Optimale Mückenbekämpfung bei einem neuen mathematischen Dengue-Fieber Modell mit zwei Ser ...
Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Hannover, Deutschland

Stieler, Marleen; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Noncooperative Model Predictive Control
89th GAMM Annual Meeting 2018, München

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Beating the Market? : A Mathematical Puzzle to Market Efficiency
XIX Workshop on Quantitative Finance – QFW2018, University of Roma Tre

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Shen, Bo-Wen
High-dimensional Lorenz Modeling in Python : Chaotic, Limit Cycle and Quasi-Periodic Solut ...
98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting; Eighth Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python, Austin, USA

Chudej, Kurt; Regensburger, Dominik
Optimal Flight of a Hang-Glider through a Thermal
5th European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO), Trier, Deutschland

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds and Financial Stability
International Rome Conference on Money, Banking and Finance (MBF), LUMSA University Palermo, Italy

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds and Financial Stability
German Network for New Economic Dynamics (GENED), KIT, Karlsruhe

Bauer, Maximilian; Bebendorf, Mario
Additional adaptive methods for the cross approximation of BEM-matrices
15. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications, Hirschegg, Österreich

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Erler, Alexander
Limitations of stabilizing effects of fundamentalists facing positive feedback traders
- Bayreuth, 2017
The 49th Money, Macro and Finance Research Group Annual Conference, King's College, Strand, London, UK

Chudej, Kurt; Fischer, Anne
Optimal Vaccination Strategies against Dengue Fever
18th French-German-Italian Conference on Optimization 2017, Paderborn, Deutschland

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
Effects of Control-based Trading : Between the Poles of Economics&Finance and Mathematics& ...
Interdisciplinary Symposium - Track "interdisciplinarity in economics", Corté, Università di Corsica, France

Kurz, Sascha
Measuring voting power in continuous policy spaces
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Opinion Dynamics and Collective Decision 2017, Bremen

Thäter, Markus; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef
L¹- and L²-Optimal vaccination strategies against a generic disease modelled by an SEIR co ...
New Horizons in Optimal Control 2017, Porto, Portugal

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds and Financial Stability
- Bayreuth, 2017
The Sixteenth Annual European Economics and Finance Society Conference 2017, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Erler, Alexander
Limitations of Stabilizing Effects of Fundamentalists Facing Positive Feedback Traders
- Bayreuth, 2017
The Sixteenth Annual European Economics and Finance Society Conference 2017, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Shen, Bo-Wen
Quasi-Periodic Orbits in the Five-Dimensional Non-Dissipative Lorenz Model : the Role of t ...
10th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, Barcelona, Spain

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds and Financial Stability
- Bayreuth, 2017
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
21st Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF) 2017, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Chudej, Kurt; Fischer, Anne; Schreppel, Christina; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Vaccination Strategies for Dengue-Fever
OCIP 2017 - Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, Garching bei München, Deutschland

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Erler, Alexander
Limitations of stabilizing effects of fundamentalists facing positive feedback traders
- Bayreuth, 2017
XVIII Workshop on Quantitative Finance, Mailand, Italien

Bauer, Maximilian
Adaptive multiscale methods for elliptic PDEs
88th GAMM Annual Meeting, Weimar

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
Strategy optimization in beachvolleyball : applying a two scale approach to the olympic ga ...
MathSport International 2017 Conference, Padua (Italy)

Kurz, Sascha; Molinero, Xavier; Olsen, Martin
On the Construction of High Dimensional Simple Games
22. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2016, The Hague, Holland

Zehnder, Moritz
Mathematical Giftedness and its identification in secondary school
ICME 13, Hamburg, Deutschland

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
Strategy Optimization in Sports : A Two-Scale Approach via Markov Decision Problems
28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Polen

Kurz, Sascha; Molinero, Xavier; Olsen, Martin; Serna, Maria
Dimension and codimension of simple games
Cologne Twente Workshop 2016, Gargnano, Italy

Feist, Bernd
Solution of the suicide substrate kinetics with an O'Malley/Hoppensteadt approximation of ...
Joint DMV and GAMM Annual Meeting 2016, Braunschweig

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Positive Expected Feedback Trading Gain for all Essentially Linearly Representable Prices
The XVII Workshop on Quantitative Finance - Pisa 2016, Pisa

Britzelmeier, Andreas; Chudej, Kurt; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Wächter, Markus
Optimal Control of a Hang-Glider
2015 Sino-German Flight Dynamics and Autonomous Control Workshop, Peking, China

Koster, Maurice; Kurz, Sascha; Lindner, Ines; Napel, Stefan
The Prediction Value
CoopMAS 2015 - The Sixth Workshop on Cooperative Games in Multiagent Systmes, Istanbul, Turkey

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Portfolioverluste bei plötzlichen Kurssprüngen beim Hedgen von Optionen
http://valueday.at/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/201 ...
Value Day 2015 -- Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft, FH Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, Österreich

Bechmann, Simon; Fischer, Julia
Primal-Dual Active Set Strategy for Singular Optimal Control Problems
GAMM 86th Annual Scientific Conference, Lecce, Italien.

Wrensch, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
A Bridge from State-constrained ODE Optimal Control to State-constrained Elliptic PDE Opti ...
GAMM 86th Annual Scientific Conference, Lecce, Italien.

Baumann, Michaela
Nicht-rekombinierbare Binomialbäume und ihre Anwendung in der Finanzmathematik
Value Day 2015, FH Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef; Wrensch, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Rund, Armin
State Constrained PDE Optimal Control Problems as Shape Optimization Problems
Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, TU München, Garching bei München, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Britzelmeier, Andreas
Trajectory optimization of a hang-glider in a valley breeze
Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, TU München, Garching bei München, Deutschland

Wrensch, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
New Contributions to Theory and Numerics for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Pr ...
- Bayreuth, 2014
The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, Spanien

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
New Contributions to Theory and Numerics for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Pr ...
- Bayreuth, 2014
NetCO 2014 : Conference on New Trends in Optimal Control, Tours, Frankreich

Tautenhahn, Nikolas; Kurz, Sascha
Classes of complete simple games that are all weighted
- Bayreuth, 2014
3rd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems : ICORES 2014, Angers, France

Rund, Armin; Chudej, Kurt
Optimal Control of Load Changes for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
- Bayreuth, 2013
18th ÖMG Congress and Annual DMV Meeting, Innsbruck, Österreich

Christmann, Andreas
On the bootstrap approach for support vector machines and related kernel based methods
59th International Statistical Institute World Statistics Congress (ISI), Hong Kong, China

Braun, Michael; Etzion, Tuvi; Östergård, Patric R. J.; Vardy, Alexander; Wassermann, Alfred
Construction of q-analogs of Steiner systems
http://www.selmer.uib.no/WCC2013/PreProceedings.pd ...
WCC 2013 International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Bergen, Norwegen

Ulm, Volker
Innovations in Mathematics Education on European Level
Together for Basic Skills, Brüssel

Pesch, Hans Josef; Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Rund, Armin; Wurst, Jan-Eric
Multiple Boundary-Value-Problem Formulation for PDE-constrained Optimal Control Problems w ...
- Bayreuth, 2013
Multiple Shooting and Time Domain Decomposition Methods (MuTDD 2013), Heidelberg

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
A New Numerical Method Based on Shape Calculus for State-constrained Optimal Control Probl ...
- Bayreuth, 2013
SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT13), San Diego, California, USA

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
New Optimality Conditions and Methods for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Probl ...
- Bayreuth, 2013
16th French-German-Polish Conference on Optimization (FGP'13), Krakau, Polen

Fischer, Julia
Optimal Control Problems of Quasilinear Equations : Existence of Solutions and Convergence ...
- Bayreuth, 2013
59th Workshop International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia", Erice, Italy

Lang, Jérôme; Darmann, Andreas; Elkind, Edith; Kurz, Sascha; Schauer, Joachim; Woeginger, Gerhard
Group Activity Selection Problem
- Bayreuth, 2012
http://home.agh.edu.pl/~faliszew/COMSOC-2012/acc.s ...
Fourth International Workshop on Computational Social Choice : COSMOC 2012, Kraków, Poland

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
Bridges from ODE Optimal Control to PDE Optimal Control
- Bayreuth, 2012
5th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing : Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, Hanoi, Vietnam

Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
New Jump Conditions in State-constrained Optimal Control for a Coupled ODE-PDE System
- Bayreuth, 2012
5th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing : Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, Hanoi, Vietnam

Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef
State-Constrained Optimal Control Problems in the Modelling of Laser Melting Technologies ...
- Bayreuth, 2012
7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling - MATHMOD 2012, Wien, Österreich

Rund, Armin; Chudej, Kurt; Kerler, Johanna; Pesch, Hans Josef; Sternberg, Kati
Direct (FDTO) versus indirect (FOTD) methods in Real-Life Applications of PDE Optimal Cont ...
- Bayreuth, 2012
21th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Berlin

Pesch, Hans Josef
An Introduction to Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations with Real-life Applic ...
- Bayreuth, 2012
2nd Sino-German Workshop on Optimization, Modeling, Methods and Applications in Industry and Management, Chinese Academy of Science, Peking, China.

Pesch, Hans Josef
Building Bridges from ODE to PDE Optimal Control
- Bayreuth, 2011
Workshop on Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Wasserschloss Klaffenbach, Chemnitz, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Wächter, Markus; Le Bras, Florent
Minimum-Fuel Interkontinental Hypersonic Flights under Aerothermic Heat Constraints
- Bayreuth, 2011
7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Rund, Armin; Chudej, Kurt; Kerler, Johanna
Model Reduction, Simulation and Optimization of a Load Change for a Molten Carbonate Fuel ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
SIAM Conference on Optimization, Darmstadt

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
New Necessary Conditions for Distributed Linear-quadratic Elliptic Optimal Control Problem ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
15th Austrian-French-German Conference on Optimization, Toulouse, Frankreich

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
New Necessary Conditions for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints
- Bayreuth, 2011
International Workshop on Control and Optimization of PDEs, Mariatrost, Österreich

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
New Necessary Conditions for State-constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems and Their ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
The 2011 Annual Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference, Glenelg, Australien

Pesch, Hans Josef; Wendl, Stefan; Rund, Armin
On some Intrinsic Difficulties in Solving State-constrained Optimal Control Problems for D ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Melbourne, Australien

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control of a Hypersonic Passenger Jet as an Example of ODE-PDE Constrained Optimal ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
Sino-German Workshop on Optimization, Modeling, Methods and Applications in Industry and Management, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum, Berlin

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations : Theory, Numerics and Applications
- Bayreuth, 2011
International Conference on Numerical Analysis & Optimization Theory and Applications (NAOTA 2011), King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
Solving State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems Based on New Necessary Conditi ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
Solving state-constrained elliptic optimal control problems based on new necessary conditi ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
25th IFIP TC 7 Conference 2011, Berlin

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Rund, Armin
Solving state-constrained elliptic optimal control problems based on new necessary conditi ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
25th IFIP TC 7 Conference 2011, Berlin

Ulm, Volker
Systemic Innovations of Science Education via In-Service Teacher Education
1st Scientix Conference 2011, Brüssel, Belgien

Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin; Wendl, Stefan
Time-optimal control of coupled systems of ordinary and partial differential equations
- Bayreuth, 2011
82nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, GAMM 2011, Graz, Österreich

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
Transfer of the Bryson-Denham-Dreyfus Approach for State-constrained ODE Optimal Control P ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
16th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR'2011), Miedzyzdroje, Polen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Caratheodory's Royal Road of the Calculus of Variations: Missed Exits to the Maximum Princ ...
- Bayreuth, 2010
14th International Symposium on Dynamic Games, Banff, Alberta, Kanada

Fischer, Julia
Existence Results for Optimal Control Problems Governed by Elliptic PDEs with Nonlinear an ...
- Bayreuth, 2010
Summer School and Workshop on Analysis and Numerics of PDE Constrained Optimization, Lambrecht, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations Under State Constraints : Numerical Fine ...
- Bayreuth, 2010
ANZIAM 2010, Queenstown, New Zealand

Chudej, Kurt
Optimization of load changes for molten carbonate fuel cells
- Bayreuth, 2010
International Conference Operations Research "Mastering Complexity", München

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
Solving PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems with State Constraints by Means of Shape-Lin ...
- Bayreuth, 2010
8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010), Island of Rhodes, Greece

Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
Solving PDE-constrained Optimization Problems with State Constraints by Means of Shape-Lin ...
- Bayreuth, 2010
Summer School and Workshop on Analysis and Numerics of PDE Constrained Optimization, Lambrecht, Deutschland

Kroupa, Tomáš; Hable, Robert
Structure of the Set of Belief Functions Generated by a Random Closed Interval
BELIEF 1: International Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, Brest, Frankreich

Christmann, Andreas; Steinwart, Ingo
On Consistency and Robustness of Support Vector Machines
57th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI-2009), Durban, South Africa

Škulj, Damjan; Hable, Robert
Coefficients of ergodicity for imprecise Markov chaines
http://www.sipta.org/isipta09/proceedings/papers/s ...
6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ; ISIPTA, Durham, United Kingdom

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Wächter, Markus; Rund, Armin; Wendl, Stefan
Day Trips from Europe to Down Under by Hypersonic Aircraft : a Challenge for Optimal Contr ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
53rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Adelaide, Australia

Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin; Wendl, Stefan
Interface and Jump Conditions in PDE Optimal Control
- Bayreuth, 2009
4th German-Polish Conference on Optimization, Moritzburg, Deutschland

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
New Necessary Conditions for Distributed Elliptic Optimal Control Problems with State Cons ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
7th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2009, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Wendl, Stefan; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
On a prototype of an ODE-PDE optimal control problem
- Bayreuth, 2009
14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization, Leuven, Belgien

Pesch, Hans Josef; Petzet, Verena
On a twofold state-constrained semi-infinite optimization problem with applications in las ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
GAMM Tagung 2009, Danzig, Polen

Wendl, Stefan; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
Optimal Control of a Rocket Car under a Heat Constraint
- Bayreuth, 2009
GAMM Tagung 2009, Danzig, Polen

Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan
Optimal Control of a Special Class of State-constrained Dynamical Systems with ODEs and PD ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
Numerical Techniques for Optimization Problems with PDE Constraints, Oberwolfach, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Rund, Armin; Wendl, Stefan
Optimal Control of Extremely Fast Aircraft and "Pretty" Fast Cars
- Bayreuth, 2009
15th International Workshop on Dynamics and Control, Tossa de Mar, Costa Brava, Spain

Pesch, Hans Josef; Petzet, Verena
Optimal Multi-beam Laser Welding by State-constrained Semi-infinite Optimization
- Bayreuth, 2009
SIAM Conference on Mathematics for Industry: Challenges and Frontiers, San Francisco, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef; Bechmann, Simon; Frey, Michael; Rund, Armin
A Short Introduction into PDE Constrained Optimization Including a New Method for State-Co ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
53rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Adelaide, Australia

Ulm, Volker
Systemic Innovations of Mathematics Education with Dynamic Worksheets as Catalysts
http://ife.ens-lyon.fr/publications/edition-electr ...
Cerme 6, Lyon, Frankreich

Ehmann, Matthias; Miller, Carsten; Wassermann, Alfred
Dynamic Mathematics with GEONExT : New Concepts
- Trondheim, 2008
http://jsxgraph.uni-bayreuth.de/talks/jsxgraphMath ...
4th European Workshop on Mathematical and Scientific e-Contents, Trondheim, Norwegen

Chudej, Kurt
Hypersonic Flight of a Space Vehicle subject to PDE constraints
- Bayreuth, 2008
DMV Tagung, Erlangen, Deutschland

Ulm, Volker
Innovations in Mathematics Education on European Level : a Systemic Approach
L'Apprentissage des sciences dans l'Europe de la connaissance, Paris, Frankreich

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Rund, Armin; Wächter, Markus; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan
On an ODE-PDE Constrained Optimal Control Problem with Applications to Hypersonic Flight u ...
- Bayreuth, 2008
SIAM Conference on Optimization, Boston, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan; Chudej, Kurt
State Constrained Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of ODEs and PDEs Motivated by Hyperso ...
- Bayreuth, 2008
The Banach Center Conference on 50 Years of Optimal Control, Bedlewo, Polen

Hoffmann, Kathrin; Lebiedz, Dirk; Maurer, Helmut; Pesch, Hans Josef
Simulation and optimal control of 2D chemotactical processes via nonlinear programming
- Bayreuth, 2007
EUCCO 2007 - Second European Conference on Computational Optimization, Montpellier, Frankreich

Ulm, Volker
Incremental-evolutionary Systemic Changes in Teaching and Learning via Dynamic Mathematics
ICTMT8, Hradec Králové, Tschechien

Petzet, Verena
Model reduction in laser welding
- Bayreuth, 2007
ICIAM 2007, 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zürich, Schweiz

Petzet, Verena; Pesch, Hans Josef
Model Reduction in Laser Welding
- Bayreuth, 2007
SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, San Francisco, California, USA

Chudej, Kurt
Numerical simulation of the dynamics of molten carbonate fuel cells
- Bayreuth, 2007
Marie Curie Workshop on Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Utrecht, Niederlande

Chudej, Kurt
Optimal Boundary Control of a MCFC Model
- Bayreuth, 2007
13th Czech-French-German Conference on Optimization, Heidelberg, Deutschland

Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control and Model Reduction of PDAE Fuel Cell Models
- Bayreuth, 2007
SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, San Francisco, California, USA

Hoffmann, Kathrin; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control of 2D Quasilinear Chemotactic Processes by Nonlinear Programming Methods
- Bayreuth, 2007
SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, San Francisco, California, USA

Rund, Armin
Optimal Control, Simulation and Model Reduction of Large PDAE-Systems
- Bayreuth, 2007
ICIAM 2007, 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zürich, Schweiz

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Sternberg, Kati; Rund, Armin
Sensitivity analysis of a large scale PDE-constrained optimal control problem
- Bayreuth, 2007
Workshop "Optimierungsmethoden, Approximation und Adaptivität bei Optimierungsproblemen mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen", Linz, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef; Lang, Matthias
Switching structures identification in optimal control by direct methods with application ...
- Bayreuth, 2006
IIASA/IFAC Workshop on New Approaches in Dynamic Optimization to Assessment of Economic and Environmental Systems, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Schloß Laxenburg, Laxenburg, Österreich

Gerdts, Matthias; Greif, Günter; Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Optimal Control of the Wave Equation : Optimal Boundary Control of a String to a ...
- Bayreuth, 2006
SIAM Annual Meeting, Boston, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
On Two Applications in PD(A)E Constrained Optimization: Laser Welding & Fuel Cell Control
- Bayreuth, 2006
Numerical Techniques for Optimization Problems with PDE Constraints, Oberwolfach

Rund, Armin
Optimal Control, Simulation and Model Reduction of large PDAE Systems
- Bayreuth, 2006
Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of PEM Fuel Cells, WIAS (Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik), Berlin, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Load Changes of a Fuel Cell - Boundary Control of a PDAE
- Bayreuth, 2006
NUMDIFF 11, Halle (Saale), Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Sternberg, Kati
Suboptimal Control of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
- Bayreuth, 2006
21st European Conference on Operational Research, Reykjavik, Island

Ulm, Volker
Talent im Land : begabte Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund im Mathematikunterricht erkennen ...
- Dillingen, 2006
https://www.yumpu.com/de/document/view/20692929/ta ...
Workshop im Rahmen des Symposiums "Talent im Land - Migration als Chance", Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung, Dillingen, Deutschland

Petzet, Verena; Sternberg, Kati; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef
Applications of PDE Constrained Optimization - First Discretize, then Optimize? Or Vice Ve ...
- Bayreuth, 2005
5th Conference on Computer Methods and Systems, Krakau, Polen

Pesch, Hans Josef; Reitzenstein, Johannes; Theißen, Karsten
Computing Mountain Passes and Transition States on Potential Energy Surfaces via Methods o ...
- Bayreuth, 2005
22nd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Turin, Italien

Ulm, Volker
Improving Teacher Education in Mathematics
Advancing Teacher Learning, Design and Implementation of Innovative Professional Development, Ascona, Schweiz

Sternberg, Kati
Numerical Solution and Optimal Control of a PDAE System Describing a Molten Carbonate Fuel ...
- Bayreuth, 2005
GAMM Jahrestagung 2005, Luxemburg

Chudej, Kurt
Optimal Trajectories of a Hypersonic Vehicle Subject to Instationary Heat Constraints
- Bayreuth, 2005
GAMM Jahrestagung 2005, Luxemburg

Rund, Armin; Scholle, Markus; Aksel, Nuri; Büskens, Christof; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimization of Flow over Rippled Bottoms
- Bayreuth, 2005
GAMM Jahrestagung 2005, Luxemburg

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
PDAE-constrained optimization of a fuel cell model
- Bayreuth, 2005
2nd ECMI-Workshop on Numerical Methods in Multibody Dynamics, Bad Herrenalb, Deutschland

Karkhin, Victor A.; Pesch, Hans Josef; Petzet, Verena; Prikhodovsky, Andrey
Constrained Nonlinear Optimization in Laser Beam Welding in Order to Eliminate Hot Crackin ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
12th French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization, Avignon, Frankreich

Knauer, Matthias
Higher Order Real-Time Approximations in Optimal Control of Industrial Robots
- Bayreuth, 2004
Euromech 452 Colloquium on Advances in Simulation Techniques for Applied Dynamics, Halle, Deutschland

Sternberg, Kati
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell : Simulation and Optimization of a Partial Differential Dynamic ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
13th Conference on Mathematics for Industry ECMI 2004, Eindhoven, Niederlande

Griesse, Roland
A Nonlinear Primal-Dual Active Set Method for Optimal Boundary Control of a 3D Reaction-Di ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
European Conference on Computational Optimization EUCCO 2004, Dresden, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Models of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
- Bayreuth, 2004
Euromech 452 Colloquium on Advances in Simulation Techniques for Applied Dynamics, Halle, Deutschland

Petzet, Verena
On a Constrained Nonlinear Programming Problem for Preventing Hot Cracking in Laser Beam W ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
13th Conference on Mathematics for Industry ECMI 2004, Eindhoven, Niederlande

Scholle, Markus; Rund, Armin; Aksel, Nuri; Büskens, Christof; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimierung der Bodentopographie bei Filmströmungen : I. Parameteroptimierung
- Bayreuth, 2004
GAMM Jahrestagung 2004, Dresden

Rund, Armin; Scholle, Markus; Aksel, Nuri; Büskens, Christof; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimierung der Bodentopographie bei Filmströmungen : II. Formoptimierung durch optimale S ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
GAMM Jahrestagung 2004, Dresden

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Sternberg, Kati
Optimization and Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
- Bayreuth, 2004
12th French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization, Avignon, Frankreich

Griesse, Roland
Parametric Sensitivities for Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion Control Problems
- Bayreuth, 2004
European Conference on Computational Optimization EUCCO 2004, Dresden, Deutschland

Griesse, Roland
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis for a Perturbed 3D Reaction Diffusion Control Problem
- Bayreuth, 2004
40th Workshop "Large Scale Nonlinear Optimization", International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia" of the E. Majorana Centre of Scientific Culture, Erice, Italien

Sternberg, Kati
Partial Differential-Algebraic Dynamic Model of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
- Bayreuth, 2004
GAMM Jahrestagung 2004, Dresden

Rang, Joachim; Chudej, Kurt
A perturbation index for a singular PDE model of a fuel cell
- Bayreuth, 2004
European Conference on Computational Optimization EUCCO 2004, Dresden, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Fuel Cell Models
- Bayreuth, 2004
MACSI-net-Workshop: Coupled Problems and Model Reduction in Technical Simulation, Wuppertal, Deutschland

Sternberg, Kati
Singular PDE models for fuel cells - simulation, parameter identification, optimization
- Bayreuth, 2004
European Conference on Computational Optimization EUCCO 2004, Dresden, Deutschland

Karkhin, Victor A.; Pesch, Hans Josef
Effects of Latent Heat on Fusion of Thermal Processes
- Bayreuth, 2003
7th International Seminar "Numerical Analysis of Weldability", Graz-Seggau, Österreich

Petzet, Verena
1-D-PDAE-Model for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells : Mathematical Model, Numerical Discretizat ...
- Bayreuth, 2003
DMV Jahrestagung - Studentenkonferenz, Rostock, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Indices and Numerical Solutions of Fuel Cell PDAE Modells
- Bayreuth, 2003
10th Seminar NUMDIFF on Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations, Halle, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimalsteuerungsprobleme bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen und einige Anwendungen
- Bayreuth, 2003
Workshop "Optimierung und ihre Anwendung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften", Hamburg, Deutschland

Sternberg, Kati
Optimization in Cancer Chemotherapy
- Bayreuth, 2003
3. GAMM Workshop on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra with special emphasis on Applications in Medicine and Biology, Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Deutschland

Griesse, Roland
Parametric Analysis for Control-Constrained Reaction-Diffusion Optimal Control Problems
- Bayreuth, 2003
International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations SciCADE 2003, Trondheim, Norwegen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Simulation of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells and Their Controllability Devices
- Bayreuth, 2003
Numerical Techniques for Optimization Problems with PDE Constraints, Oberwolfach, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Simulation of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells With an Outlook on Their Future Control
- Bayreuth, 2003
First EMS-SMAI-SMF Joint Conference "Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics", Nizza, Frankreich

Winderl, Susanne
An Algorithm for Exploiting the Structure of Linear Optimal Control Problems
- Bayreuth, 2002
The 4th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2002), Singapore

Ulm, Volker
Innovative Unterrichtskonzepte im Mathematikunterricht unter Einbeziehung neuer Medien
Intel Lehren für die Zukunft, Dillingen, Deutschland

Griesse, Roland
Optimal Control of a Reaction-Diffusion Process
- Bayreuth, 2002
Workshop: Optimization in Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Heidelberg, Deutschland

Winderl, Susanne
An Algorithm for Exploiting the Special Structure of Optimal Control Problems with Linear ...
- Bayreuth, 2001
Optimization 2001, Aveiro, Portugal

Griesse, Roland
Calculation of Sensitivity Derivatives for Perturbed Parabolic Optimal Control Problems
- Bayreuth, 2001
Workshop Stabilität und Sensitivität stetiger Optimierungs- und Steuerungsprobleme, Burg (Spreewald)

Gerdts, Matthias; Büskens, Christof
Consistent Initialization of Sensitivity Matrices in Direct Shooting Methods for DAE Optim ...
- Bayreuth, 2001
International Conference on SCIentific Computation And Differential Equations, Vancouver, Canada

Griesse, Roland
Neumann Boundary Control of Reaction-Diffusion Equations
- Bayreuth, 2001
SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, San Diego, USA

Gerdts, Matthias; Büskens, Christof
Numerical Treatment of Optimal Control Problems with Differential-Algebraic Equations and ...
- Bayreuth, 2001
SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, San Diego, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
On Pursuit-Evasion Games and Their Numerical Treatment
- Bayreuth, 2001
SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, San Diego, USA

Griesse, Roland
Optimal Control of Time-dependent Partial Differential Equations with Strict Terminal Cond ...
- Bayreuth, 2001
Workshop: Adjoints - Analysis and Applications, Decin, Tschechien

Büskens, Christof; Seelecke, Stefan
Real-Time Optimal Control of Shape Memory Alloy Actuators in Smart Structures : Mathematic ...
- Bayreuth, 2001
SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, San Diego, USA

Büskens, Christof; Seelecke, Stefan
Real-Time Optimal Control of Shape Memory Alloy Actuators in Smart Structures : Modeling a ...
- Bayreuth, 2001
SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, San Diego, USA

Büskens, Christof
Real-Time Optimization and Real-Time Control
- Bayreuth, 2001
Workshop Stabilität und Sensitivität stetiger Optimierungs- und Steuerungsprobleme, Burg (Spreewald)

Büskens, Christof
Real-Time Optimization of Finite Dimensional And Infinite Dimensional Optimization Problem ...
- Bayreuth, 2001
SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, San Diego, USA

Büskens, Christof
Real-Time Optimization of perturbed DAE Control Systems
- Bayreuth, 2001
International Conference on SCIentific Computation And Differential Equations, Vancouver, Canada

Griesse, Roland
Ein adaptiver POD-Algorithmus zur optimalen Steuerung der Wärmeleitungsgleichung
- Bayreuth, 2000
Workshop on POD and its applications, Graz, Österreich

Winderl, Susanne
On a Complex Microeconomical Model for the Optimal Control of a Concern
Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF 2000), Barcelona, Spanien

Pesch, Hans Josef
Survey on Offline and Online Methods for Optimal Control and Differential Game Problems wi ...
- Bayreuth, 2000
Internationales Kolloquium über Anwendungen der Mathematik zum Gedächtnis an Lothar Collatz, Hamburg, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
DAE Methods for Flight Path Optimization
- Bayreuth, 1999
Workshop Optimalsteuerungsprobleme in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, Greifswald, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Offline and Online Methods of Optimal Control and Differential Games with Applications in ...
- Bayreuth, 1999
International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1999, Edinburgh, Großbritannien

Büskens, Christof
Real-Time Optimization of Perturbed Optimal Control Problems by a Mixed Open-Loop-Closed-L ...
- Bayreuth, 1999
Moving-Horizon-Workshop des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms: Echtzeitoptimierung großer Systeme, Rolduc, Niederlande

Chudej, Kurt
Numerische Lösung von Flugbahnoptimierungsaufgaben
- Bayreuth, 1998
19. Norddeutsches Kolloquium über Angewandte Analysis und Numerik, Hamburg, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Offline and Online Control of Chemical Processes
International FORTWIHR-Conference 1998, München

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control of Large Scale DAE-Systems in Chemical Engineering
International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse
Münchner Stochastik-Tage 1998, München

Chudej, Kurt
An alternative approach for solving state-constrained optimal control problems
- Bayreuth, 1997
6th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games, Nonlinear Analysis and Adaptive Systems, Wien, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef
Collision Avoidance as a Differential Game : Real-Time Approximation of Optimal Strategies ...
16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Lausanne, Schweiz

Chudej, Kurt
Comparing different boundary-value problems for solving a complicated trajectory optimizat ...
- Bayreuth, 1997
16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Lausanne, Schweiz

Chudej, Kurt
Effiziente Flugbahnoptimierung mit DAE-Techniken
- Bayreuth, 1997
14. Österreichischer Mathematikerkongreß, Salzburg, Österreich

Chudej, Kurt
Schnelle Lösung von komplizierten Flugbahnoptimierungsaufgaben
- Bayreuth, 1997
Workshop Optimalsteuerungsprobleme von Hyperschall-Flugsystemen, Greifswald, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Applications of Direct Methods of Optimal Control to Differential-Algebraic Systems
12th Conference of Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications, Trassenheide

Chudej, Kurt
Ascent optimization of a two-stage hypersonic space vehicle system
- Bayreuth, 1996
Dept. of Mathematics der University of California San Diego, San Diego, USA

Chudej, Kurt
Improving the convergence of multiple shooting for certain optimal control problems with ...
- Bayreuth, 1996
Fifth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Victoria, Kanada

Chudej, Kurt
Optimal control problems from aerospace engineering
- Bayreuth, 1996
12th Conference on Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications, Trassenheide, Usedom, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Process Control in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
Conference on Optimal Control, Oberwolfach

Pesch, Hans Josef
Applications of Optimal Control and Differential Game Theory in Aerospace Engineering
The Third International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg

Chudej, Kurt
Existenz von Kontaktpunkten mit Anwendung in der Flugbahnoptimierung
- Bayreuth, 1995
Jahrestagung der DMV 1995, Ulm, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Solution of Delay Differential Equations : Survey, Comparision of Methods, and A ...
The Third International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control of Differential-Algebraic Systems with Applications to Downhill Skiing and ...
Conference on the Mathematics of Numerical Analysis, Park City, USA

Chudej, Kurt
Berechnung der optimalen Flugbahn und Stufentrennung für ein horizontalstartendes Raumtra ...
- Bayreuth, 1993
XIII. Österreichischer Mathematikerkongreß, Linz, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef
The Maximum Principle, Bellman's Equation and Caratheodory's Work
Fifth Workshop on Control Mechanics in Honor of the Seventieth Birthday of Angelo Miele, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Combining Direct and Indirect Methods in Nonlinear Optimal Control : Range Maximization of ...
Optimalsteuerung und Variationsrechnung - Optimal Control, Oberwolfach

Pesch, Hans Josef
Abort Landing of a Passanger Aircraft in the Presence of a Windshear
Conference on Scientific Computation, Wien, Östereich

Pesch, Hans Josef
Abort Landing of a Passanger Aircraft in the Presence of a Windshear
Internationales Kolloquium über Anwendungen der Mathematik, Hamburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Abort Landing of a Passanger Aircraft in the Presence of a Windshear
International Conference on Operations Research, Wien, Österreich

Chudej, Kurt
Optimale Steuerung und Stufung eines zweistufigen Raumtransporters
- Bayreuth, 1990
Workshop des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms Anwendungsbezogene Optimierung und Steuerung, Thurnau, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
The Accessory Minimum Problem and Closed-Loop Controls
14th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Leipzig

Pesch, Hans Josef
An Approximate Synthesis Method Appropriate for Real-Time Computations on Parallel Compute ...
IFAC Workshop on Singular Perturbations and Asymptotic Methods in Systems and Control, Boston, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
A Survey over a Class of Methods for the Guidance of Space Vehicles
GAMM Tagung 1989, Karlsruhe

Pesch, Hans Josef
The accessory minimum problem and its importance for the rapid computation of feedback con ...
Mathematical Programming - Theory and Applications, Eisenach, DDR

Pesch, Hans Josef
Neighboring Optimum Feedback Controls for Constrained Optimal Control Problems
Optimalsteuerung und Variationsrechnung, Oberwolfach

Pesch, Hans Josef
Real-Time Computation of Neighbouring Optimum Feedback Control Schemes for Constrained Opt ...
6th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Nonlinear Programming and Optimization, London

Pesch, Hans Josef
Neighboring Optimum Feedback
Optimierung und Optimale Steuerung, Oberwolfach

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Computation of Optimum Flight Path Corrections
8th IFAC Conference on Optimization Techniques, Würzburg

Conference item (not peer-reviewed)

Kurz, Sascha
Wahlen, Macht und Mathematik
Bayreuther Stadtgespräche, Bayreuth

Kurz, Sascha
Netzwerke, Codes und Optimierung
WiWis wollens wissen - Science Slam der RW Fachschaft, Bayreuth

Kießling, Miriam; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Tightening MILPs by Reformulation
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2024), Montreal, Kanada

Chudej, Kurt; Appel, Christian
Theoretische und Numerische Untersuchungen eines Krankheitsmodells mit mehreren Tierarten
Vortrag im Oberseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg

Kurz, Sascha; Samaniego, Dani
Simple games with minimum
33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Kopenhagen

Kurz, Sascha; Landjev, Ivan; Rousseva, Assia
Quadratic Sets and (3 mod 5)-arcs in PG(r,5)
20th EAI International Conference, CSECS 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria

Kurz, Sascha
Wahlen, Macht und Mathematik : Wie findet man faire Stimmgewichte
Kinderuni - Elternvortrag, Bayreuth

Chudej, Kurt; Appel, Christian
Modellierung, Simulation und Analyse invasiver mückenübertragener Krankheiten
Vortrag am Institut für angewandte Mathematik und wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Fakultät für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, Universität der Bundeswehr, München, München

Kurz, Sascha
Digital vs. analog - Discrete Structures and their Challenges
2. BayLDS-Tag 2024, Bayreuth

Chudej, Kurt; Appel, Christian
Mathematische Modellierung und Numerische Simulation von vektorübertragenen Krankheiten
GAMM Workshop Control and Optimization in the Age of Data, Bayreuth

Kurz, Sascha; Landjev, Ivan; Pavese, Francesco; Rousseva, Assia
Arcs of High Divisibility and Their Applications to Coding Theory
National Mathematics Colloquium of the union of bulgarian mathematicians, Sofia, Bulgarien

Filmus, Yuval; Hirsch, Edward A.; Ihringer, Ferdinand; Kurz, Sascha; Ryazanov, Artur; Smal, Alexander V.; Vinyals, Marc
Irreducible subcube partitions
Annual Meeting of the IMU, Rehovot, Israel

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Angersbach, Richard; Alt, Christoph; Kenter, Tobias; Köstler, Harald
Algorithm re-design and code generation for performance improvements of a discontinuous Ga ...
European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH) 2023, Lisbon, Portugal

Kurz, Sascha
Combined Constructions for Subspace Codes
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (AG23), Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Kurz, Sascha
Nachrichten und geheimnisvolle Codes
KinderUni: Alles andere als langweilig : Forschen und Entdecken für Kinder zwischen 7 und 12 Jahren, Bayreuth

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Angersbach, Richard; Zint, Daniel; Kemmler, Samuel; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
HPC code generation framework for the discontinuous Galerkin method as a technology demons ...
Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2023, Davos, Switzerland

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Angersbach, Richard
A parameter-free adaptivity indicator for a p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin discretizati ...
SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS23), Bergen, Norway

Bamberg, John; Filmus, Yuval; Ihringer, Ferdinand; Kurz, Sascha
Affine vector space partitions
Workshop Combinatorics in Digital Communication, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Körner, Theresa; Kurz, Sascha
Partial results on the possible effective lengths of divisible codes
Workshop Combinatorics in Digital Communication, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Kurz, Sascha
Subspace Codes and Divisible Codes
Course capita selecta in Galois geometry, Ghent

Kurz, Sascha
Network Coding and Subspace Codes
Course capita selecta in Galois geometry, Ghent

Körner, Theresa; Kurz, Sascha
Lengths of divisible codes with restricted column multiplicities
Research Seminar - Foundations of Computation University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Schweiz

Kurz, Sascha
Quadratisch, praktisch, gut : Mathe ist mehr als nur Schokolade
Regionale Landesrunde der Mathematik-Olympiade Bayern für Schüler der 5./6. Klassen der Bayreuther und Hofer Gymnasien, Bayreuth

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Angersbach, Richard; Kemmler, Samuel; Köstler, Harald
A discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations on CPU-GPU systems
Oral presentation at ASIM Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Bayreuth, Germany

Kurz, Sascha
Divisible codes
ALgebraic and combinatorial methods for COding and CRYPTography, Marseille, Frankreich

Körner, Theresa; Kurz, Sascha
Lengths of divisible codes
ALgebraic and combinatorial methods for COding and CRYPTography, Marseille, Frankreich

Kurz, Sascha
Discrete structures, algorithms, and applications
BayLDS-Tag, Bayreuth

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Angersbach, Richard; Zint, Daniel; Kemmler, Samuel; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
Computational performance optimizations for a discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the ...
Invited presentation at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Lappeenranta, Finland

Schwarz, Christina
Kernfusion - Die Lösung unserer Energieprobleme? Die mathematische Simulation als wichtige ...
Werbung für das Mathematik-Studium - Was kann man mit Mathematik alles machen?, Gymnasiums GCE, Bayreuth, Oberstufe (Q11, Q12)

Kurz, Sascha; Landjev, Ivan; Rousseva, Assia
Strong (t mod q)-arcs in PG(k-1,q)
http://people.sabanciuniv.edu/~mlavrauw/Irsee6/Sli ...
Finite Geometries 2022 - Sixth Irsee Conference, Irsee, Deutschland

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Angersbach, Richard; Zint, Daniel; Kemmler, Samuel; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
GHODDESS : p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin discretization for ocean simulations
LSS Summer Retreat 2022, Waischenfeld, Germany

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
On Exchange-Traded Funds, Agent-based Models, and Euler Schemes
Forschungsseminar VWL, TU Chemnitz

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Angersbach, Richard; Köstler, Harald
Hardware-optimized numerics for a discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Oslo, Norway

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Zint, Daniel; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Kemmler, Samuel; Aizinger, Vadym; Grosso, Roberto; Köstler, Harald
Shallow water simulations on complex ocean domains using block-structured grids
Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2022, Basel, Switzerland

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Feedback Trading in Efficient Markets
Working Group on Algorithmic Trading, online

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Influence and manipulation in weighted committee voting
Aggregation across disciplines: connections and frameworks, CY Cergy Paris Université, Neuville-sur-Oise

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
Code Generation for quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations of the Shallow- ...
Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2021, Online-Conference

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Aizinger, Vadym; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto; Kenter, Tobias; Shambhu, Adesh
Combining hardware, software, and numerical methodologies to improve computational perform ...
SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS21), Online-Conference

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Power and Social Choice in Weighted Commitees
Adam Smith Seminar - Center of Conflict Resolution, München

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Janischewski, Anja
Price bubble definitions and strict local martingales
Maths in the Social Sciences Research Group, Online

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
Improving Heterogeneous Agent Models by Avoiding Explicit Discretizations of Stiff Equatio ...
FAST (Finance & Stochastic) Research Seminar, University of Sussex, Online / Brighton, Sussex, UK

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Aizinger, Vadym; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
A Quadrature-free p-adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation for Shallow-water Equation ...
Modeling and Simulation of Transport Phenomena, Treis-Karden, Deutschland

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation for Shallow-water Equations with Code G ...
ECMWF Annual Seminar 2020, Online-Conference

Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan
The Voting Weight of Nations
Australasian Public Choice Conference 2019, Brisbane, Australia

Chudej, Kurt; Albrecht, Gaby; Wessely, Anja; Fischer, Anne
Mathematische Modellierung und Numerische Simulation gefährlicher Krankheiten
Kolloquium des Instituts für Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Greifswald, Greifswald, Deutschland

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Aizinger, Vadym; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
Beyond ExaStencils : Code Generation for Quadrature-Free Discontinuous Galerkin Methods in ...
SPPEXA Final Symposium 2019, ExaStencils, Dresden

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Derived designs of q-Fano planes and q-analogs of group divisible designs
http://www.mathe2.uni-bayreuth.de/michaelk/data/ta ...
Academy Contact Forum: Coding Theory and Cryptography VIII, The royal Flemish academy of Belgium for science and arts, Brussels, Belgium

Kurz, Sascha; Moyouwou, Issofa; Touyem, Hilaire
Decisions with a continuum of options
Application-Oriented Computational Social Choice, Wadern, Deutschland

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Shallow-water Equations
Earth System Modeling Summer School, Bad Aibling, Germany

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
Analyzing Heterogeneous Agents Models: Avoiding the Explicit Discretization of Stiff Equat ...
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...
Graduiertenseminar der VWL-Lehrstühle der Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander
Values under Uncertainty
15th European Meeting on Game Theory 2019 : Sing15, Turku, Finland

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym; Kuckuk, Sebastian; Zint, Daniel; Köstler, Harald; Grosso, Roberto
Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Shallow-water Equations
9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Valencia, Spain

de Beule, Jan; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
On q-analogs of group divisible designs
9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bled, Slovenia

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted Committee Games
Individual Preferences and Social Choice, Graz, Österreich

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
(Multi-)Sets of subspaces and divisible codes
Algebraic Coding Theory for Networks, Storage, and Security, Schloß Dagstuhl, Wadern

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
On the lengths of divisible codes
http://www.mathe2.uni-bayreuth.de/michaelk/data/ta ...
Kolloquium über Kombinatorik (KolKom), Universität Paderborn

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Beating the Market? : A Mathematical Puzzle to Market Efficiency
Forschungsseminar am Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung und Banken der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Deutschland

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds, Investment Strategies, and Financial Stability
Forschungsseminar am Lehrstuhl Finanzierung und Banken der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted Committee Games
SING14 - 14th European Meeting on Game Theory, Bayreuth

Kurz, Sascha; Molinero, Xavier; Napel, Stefan; Olsen, Martin; Serna, Maria
Dimension of simple games and coding theory
European Meeting on Game Theory 2018 : Sing14, Bayreuth

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
Markov Decision Processes for Sport Strategy Optimization
29th European Conference On Operational Research, Valencia, Spain

Rambau, Jörg; Richter, Rónán R.C.
Optimizing strategic substitution in soccer
29th European Conference On Operational Research, Valencia, Spain

Kurz, Sascha
Limit theorems for power indices
29th European Conference On Operational Research, Valencia, Spain

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
Markov Decision Processes for Sport Strategy Optimization
23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Bordeaux (France)

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Random Linear Network Coding - Wissenschaftliches Rechnen für den 5G-Standard?
Modellierung und Simulation (MODUS), Bayreuth

Kurz, Sascha
Generalized roll-call model for the Shapley-Shubik index
5. Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory in Business Practice - Financial Networks, Leipzig

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted committee games
The 14th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Seoul

Faghih-Naini, Sara; Aizinger, Vadym
A Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Shallow Water Equations
16th European Finite Element Fair (EFEF 2018), Heidelberg

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Influence in Weighted Committee Games
Mathematics and Politics - Democratic Decision Making, Hannover

Kurz, Sascha
Limit results for power indices
Mathematics and Politics : Democratic Decision Making, Hannover, Germany

Heinlein, Daniel; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Tables of Subspacecodes
https://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/events/munich-worksho ...
Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2018, München

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Basics of Modern Stochastic Finance
Seminar bei Dmitry Shevchenko, Südliche Föderale Universität, Rostow am Don, Russische Föderation

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Beating the Market? : A Mathematical Puzzle to Market Efficiency
Seminar bei Dmitry Shevchenko, Südliche Föderale Universität, Rostow am Don, Russische Föderation

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds, Investment Strategies, and Financial Stability
Seminar bei Dmitry Shevchenko, Südliche Föderale Universität, Rostow am Don, Russische Föderation

Heinlein, Daniel; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
q-Analoga von Designs, Subspace Codes und verwandte Objekte
https://gdmv2018.abstract-management.de/program/in ...
Gemeinsame Jahrestagung GDMV 2018, Paderborn

Wassermann, Alfred; Buratti, Marco; Kurz, Sascha; Nakić, Anamari; Kiermaier, Michael
q-analogs of group divisible designs
Discretaly: A Workshop in Discrete Mathematics, Rome, Italy

Stieler, Marleen; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Nichtkooperative linear-quadratische Spiele, ihre Beziehung zu Riccati-artigen Gleichungen ...
Forschungszentrum Modellierung und Simulation (MODUS), Bayreuth

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Beating the Market? : A Mathematical Puzzle to Market Efficiency
Graduiertenseminar der VWL-Lehrstühle der Universität Bayreuth, Franken-Akademie Schloß Schney, Lichtenfels

Kurz, Sascha; Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
Upper bounds for constant dimension codes
Academy Contact Forum "Coding Theory and Cryptography VII", Brüssel, Belgien

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Projective divisible binary codes
WCC 2017, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Classification of optimal binary subspace codes of length 8, constant dimension 4 and mini ...
WCC 2017, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
Asymptotic bounds for the sizes of constant dimension codes and an improved lower bound
5th ICMCTA, Vihula Manor, Estonia

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Classification of optimal binary subspace codes of length 8, constant dimension 4 and mini ...
5th ICMCTA, Vihula Manor, Estonia

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds and Financial Stability
Summer School in Economics and Finance SSEF Canazei 2017, Alba di Canazei, Trento, Italy

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Herz, Bernhard
Exchange-traded Funds and Financial Stability
Graduiertenseminar der VWL-Lehrstühle der Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
The linear programming method for partial spreads
Summer School on Finite Geometry, Brighton

Baumann, Michaela; Hoffmeister, Susanne
Process Model Similarity Matching : Usage, Methods, Classification, and Portability & Ähnl ...
Modellierung und Simulation (MODUS), Bayreuth

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Upper bounds for partial spreads from divisible codes
The 13th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications, Gaeta, Italy

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Upper bounds for partial spreads
Computeralgebra-Tagung 2017, Kassel, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
Diskrete Strukturen und algorithmische 2017 Mathematik
Faszination Wirtschaftsmathematik, Rosenheim

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Subspace codes
Workshop in coding theory and cryptography, Brussels

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
Dimension of the Lisbon voting rules in the EU Council : a challenge and new world record ...
Workshop on Political Economy, Bayreuth

Chudej, Kurt; Huebner, Dominik; Schreppel, Christina; Fischer, Anne
Optimale Steuerung in den Lebenswissenschaften
Oberseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Institut für Mathematik, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg

Chudej, Kurt; Schreppel, Christina; Fischer, Anne
Optimale Impfstrategien für Dengue-Fieber
Kolloquium Angewandte Mathematik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg bei München

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Regelungsbasierte Handelsstrategien auf verrauschten Märkten
Forschungszentrum für die Modellierung und Simulation (MODUS), Bayreuth

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control of Dynamical Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations : a Persp ...
Colloquium, Mathematics Department, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Fribourg, Schweiz

Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
Coset Construction for Subspace Codes
Network Coding and Designs, Dubrovnik, Kroatien

Kurz, Sascha
Improved upper bounds for partial spreads
Network Coding and Designs, Dubrovnik, Kroatien

Bebendorf, Mario
Mathematik an der Universität Bayreuth
Hochschultag an der Hochschule Hof, Hof

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik und Hochtechnologie
Berufsinfoabend ab der 10. Jahrgangsstufe, Städtisches Elsa-Brändström-Gymnasium, München, München

Bebendorf, Mario
Mathematik an der Universität Bayreuth
Hochschultag an der Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth

Chudej, Kurt
Brennstoffzellen und Dengue-Fieber
Werbevortrag zum Mathematikstudium für Abiturienten des Augustinus-Gymnasiums Weiden, Bayreuth

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Regelungsbasierte Handelsstrategien auf verrauschten Märkten
Hanns Seidel Stiftung - Selbstgestaltete Tagung für Promovenden, Bildungszentrum Kloster Banz

Heinlein, Daniel
Tables for Sizes of largest known Codes in Network Coding
DARNEC'15 : Design and Application of Random Network Codes 2015, Istanbul

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Simultaneously Long Short Trading Strategies When Price is Governed by Merton's Jump Diffu ...
Prof. B. Ross Barmish's Skype Seminar, Via Skype among others in Bayreuth, Germany, and Madison, WI, USA

Thäter, Markus; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal vaccination strategies for an improved SEIR model
OR 2015 : International Conference on Operations Research 2015 : Optimal Decisions and Big Data, Wien, Austria

Börner, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
How to win a Beach Volleyball Match Using Multi-Scale Markov Decision Processes
27th European Conference in Operational Research, EURO2015, Glasgow

Rambau, Jörg; Hegselmann, Rainer; König, Stefan; Kurz, Sascha; Niemann, Christoph
Optimal control and the campaign problem
27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Scotland

Kaniovski, Serguei; Kurz, Sascha
Representation compatible power indices
27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Scotland

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
Dimension of the European Union Council according to the Lisbon Treaty
27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Scotland

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Improved bounds and classification results for binary subspace codes
7th Workshop on Coding and Systems, Salamanca, Spain

Börner, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
How to Win a Beach Volleyball Match Using Multi-Scale Markov Decision Processes
MathSport International 2015, Loughborough, United Kingdom

Pesch, Hans Josef; Wrensch, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Rund, Armin
Building a bridge from optimal control problems for ODEs under state constraints to those ...
Fakultätskolloquium der Fakultät für Mathematik, Technische Universität München, Garching bei München

Kaniovski, Serguei; Kurz, Sascha
The average representation : a cornucopia of power indices?
The 2015 Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Groningen, The Netherlands

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
ILP techniques for binary subspace codes
Algebraic combinatorics and applications - ALCOMA 2015, Kloster Banz, Germany

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Towards a classification of special partial spreads and subspace codes
Algebraic combinatorics and applications - ALCOMA 2015, Kloster Banz, Germany

Hoffmann, Isabella; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Approximation of the Maximum Scatter TSP
WIO - Women in Optimization, Heidelberg, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
Dimension of the European Union Council according to the Lisbon Treaty
- Bayreuth, 2015
2nd German Day on Computational Game Theory, Berlin, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
Optimal control of opinion dynamics
- Bayreuth, 2015
http://www9.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/LSIX%20Web ...
Mathematisches Kolloquium - Mathematical Colloquium : Oberseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Würzburg, Deutschland

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Linear Feedback Trading in an Interactive Market Model
Graduiertenseminar der VWL-Lehrstühle der Universität Bayreuth, Muggendorf

Wrensch, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
State constrained PDE optimal control problems as shape optimization problems
- Bayreuth, 2014
Universität Heidelberg: IWR-Colloquium on Computational Methods in Sciences, Heidelberg

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
Fibonacci sequences and the golden number in voting systems
- Bayreuth, 2014
16th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their Applications, Rochester, New York

Kurz, Sascha
Optimale Strategien für Schere, Stein, Papier
Tag der Begabtenförderung der Gymnasien in Oberfranken, Bindlach, Deutschland

Koster, Maurice; Kurz, Sascha; Lindner, Ines; Napel, Stefan
The prediction value
- Bayreuth, 2014
European Social Networks Conference, Barcelona, Spanien

Xausa, Ilaria; Baier, Robert; Bokanowski, Olivier; Gerdts, Matthias; Töpfer, Daniel
Software for verification of collision avoidance algorithms via optimal control techniques
Conference on New Trends in Optimal Control (NetCO 2014), Tours, Frankreich

Pesch, Hans Josef; Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Rund, Armin
New Contributions to Theory and Numerics for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Pr ...
- Bayreuth, 2014
Lothar Collatz Kolloquium, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg

Kurz, Sascha
Price of fairness for indivisible goods
- Bayreuth, 2014
Workshop on fair division, voting and computational complexity, Graz, Österreich

Kurz, Sascha
Optimal control of opinion dynamics
- Bayreuth, 2014
GAMM 2014 - 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Erlangen, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
The inverse problem for power distributions in committees
- Bayreuth, 2014
1st German Day on Computational Game Theory, Paderborn, Deutschland

Heinlein, Daniel
Network Coding
IEEE European School of Information Theory 2014, Tallinn, Estonia

Bechmann, Simon
A Combined PDAS Switching Point Algorithm for a State-Constrained, Parabolic Optimal Contr ...
IDK Abschlusstreffen 2013, Thurnau, Deutschland

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
A New Approach for the Solution of State-constrained Elliptic PDE Optimal Control Problems
- Bayreuth, 2013
Closing Event of the International Doctoral Program, Internationales Doktorandenkolleg im Elitenetzwerk Bayern: Identifikation, Optimierung und Steuerung für technische Anwendungen, Thurnau

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung von partiellen Differentialgleichungen : Was können Theorie und Numerik ...
- Bayreuth, 2013
Kolloquium, Universität Ulm, Universität Ulm

Kurz, Sascha; Mishkin, Valery
Large-volume open sets in normed spaces without integral distances
- Bayreuth, 2013
EuroCG 2013, Braunschweig, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
On the limit behavior of the nucleolus
- Bayreuth, 2013
Research seminar of the Game Theory Research Group, Manresa, Catalonia, Spain

Koster, Maurice; Kurz, Sascha; Lindner, Ines; Napel, Stefan
Conditional prediction values
- Bayreuth, 2012
SING 8 - The 8th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, Budapest, Ungarn

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
Enumerations of voting systems : Fibonacci sequences and the golden number
- Bayreuth, 2012
25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania

Kurz, Sascha
Finding extremal voting systems via integer linear programming
- Bayreuth, 2012
25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius, Litauen

Bechmann, Simon
On Regularity Results for a Specific, State-Constrained, Parabolic Optimal Control Problem
IDK Sommerschule 2012, Pommersfelden, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
Sets avoiding integral distances
- Bayreuth, 2012
Mittagsseminar AI6 & AI7, Bayreuth

Kurz, Sascha; Kießling, Miriam; Rambau, Jörg
An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem
- Bayreuth, 2012
2nd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2012), Athen, Griechenland

Kurz, Sascha
Competitive learning of monotone Boolean functions
- Bayreuth, 2012
APMOD 2012 (International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling), Paderborn

Chudej, Kurt
Virtueller Test von Neuwagen auf dem Computer und Brennstoffzellen : Technomathematik stud ...
- Bayreuth, 2012
Hofer Hochschultag, Hochschule Hof

Kurz, Sascha
Finding extremal voting systems via integer linear programming
- Bayreuth, 2012
Dagstuhl-Seminar Computation and Incentives in Social Choice, Wadern, Deutschland

Kießling, Miriam; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
ISPO : an integrated size and price optimization for a fashion discounter with many branch ...
- Bayreuth, 2012
16th Combinatorial Optimization Workshop, Aussois, Frankreich

Klapproth, Corinna; Schiela, Anton; Deuflhard, Peter
Adaptive numerical integration of dynamical contact problems
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM 2011), 2011, Hannover, Germany 2012
Thematic Conference of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), 2nd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM 2011), Hannover, Germany

Pesch, Hans Josef
An Introduction to Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations with Real-life Applic ...
- Bayreuth, 2012
ITN SADCO Summer school and workshop "New Trends in Optimal Control", Biblioteca Francescana, Ravello, Italy

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik & Hochtechnologie : von der Brachistochrone zur Brennstoffzelle
- Bayreuth, 2012
Regionale Lehrerfortbildung "Angewandte Mathematik" des Bayerischen Philologenverband für Lehrkräfte an Gymnasien in Oberfranken am Graf-Münster-Gymnasium Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung von partiellen Differentialgleichungen: Anspruch und Möglichkeiten aus ...
- Bayreuth, 2012
Mathematisches Kolloquium, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Wuppertal

Kurz, Sascha
Über das inverse Machtindexproblem
- Bayreuth, 2011
1. Süddeutsches Power-Meeting, Augsburg

Kurz, Sascha; Freixas, Josep
Alpha-roughly weighted monotone Boolean functions
- Bayreuth, 2011
Colloquium on Combinatorics 2011, Magdeburg

Kießling, Miriam; Kreisel, Tobias; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Evaluation of supply strategies for a fashion discounter
- Bayreuth, 2011
OR 2011 - International Conference on Operations Research, Zürich, Schweiz

Bechmann, Simon
Solving State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems based on new Necessary Conditi ...
IDK Sommerschule 2011, Pommersfelden, Deutschland

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
On minimal integer representations of weighted games
- Bayreuth, 2011
24th European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Pesch, Hans Josef; Plail, Michael
The Maximum Principle of Optimal Control : A History of Ingenious Ideas and Missed Opportu ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
AMSI-CIAM Optimisation and Control Day 2011 University of Southern Australia, Adelaide, Australien

Pesch, Hans Josef
Das Maximum-Prinzip der Optimalsteuerung : Eine Geschichte genialer Ideen und verpasster G ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
Mathematisches Kolloquium, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Rund, Armin; Wendl, Stefan; von Wahl, Wolf; Sachs, Gottfried; Wächter, Markus; Le Bras, Florent
Minimum-fuel trajectories for a hypersonic passenger aircraft under a temperature restrict ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
Workshop on Aerospace Applications of Control and Optimization, École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA ParisTech), Paris, Frankreich

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mit Hyperschall über'n Teich - schneller als eine Pistolenkugel über'n Salzsee
- Bayreuth, 2011
Seminar, Institut für Numerische Mathematik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
New Necessary Conditions for State-constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems and Solvi ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
Vortrag am Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Linz, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Lösung von zustandsbeschränkten Optimalsteuerungsproblemen für gekoppelte Syste ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
Mathematisches Kolloquium, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena

Pesch, Hans Josef; Maurer, Helmut
Optimal control of a micro-economical model under multiple inequality constraints and a sh ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
Vortrag an der Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Frey, Michael; Bechmann, Simon; Rund, Armin; Pesch, Hans Josef
Solving State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems Based on New Necessary Conditi ...
- Bayreuth, 2011
Sommerschule des Internationalen Doktorandenkollegs im Elitenetzwerk Bayern: Identifikation, Optimierung und Steuerung für technische Anwendungen, Pommersfelden

Kießling, Miriam; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Integrierte Größen- und Preisoptimierung bei einem Textildiscounter
- Bayreuth, 2010
14. Workshop Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization, Graz, Österreich

Kurz, Sascha
The inverse power index problem
- Bayreuth, 2010
24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV), Lissabon, Portugal

Kurz, Sascha
On unit-distance graphs
- Bayreuth, 2010
44. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von DMV und GDM : Minisymposium "Discrete Geometry & Discrete Topology", München

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik und Hochtechnologie
- Bayreuth, 2010
Vortrag vor Schülerinnen und Schülern des Graf-Münster-Gymnasiums, des Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Gymnasiums und des Richard-Wagner-Gymnasiums, alle Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Modellierung, Simulation und Optimale Steuerung von Schmelzcarbonat-Brennstoffzellen
- Bayreuth, 2010
Forschungseminar, Institut für Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Greifswald, Greifswald

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung von Hyperschall-Passagierflugzeug : ein Beispiel für ein Optimalsteueru ...
- Bayreuth, 2010
Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, Technische Universität Wien, Wien, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung von Hyperschall-Passagierflugzeug : ein Beispiel für ein Optimalsteueru ...
- Bayreuth, 2010
Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Simulation, Optimale Steuerung und Sensitivitätsanalyse von Schmelzcarbonat-Brennstoffzell ...
- Bayreuth, 2010
Seminar, Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik, Universität Rostock, Rostock

Pesch, Hans Josef
Warum schwimmt der Hai so schnell und beißt so schön?
- Bayreuth, 2010
Festvortrag anläßlich der Verabschiedung von Professor Dr. Helmut Maurer, Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster

Kurz, Sascha
Enumeration of complete simple games and weighted voting games
- Bayreuth, 2009
Colloquium on Combinatorics 2009, Magdeburg

Kurz, Sascha
Optimal Control of Opinion-forming Dynamics
- Bayreuth, 2009
20th International Symposium of Mathematical Programming, Chigaco, USA

Knauer, Matthias; Büskens, Christof; Pesch, Hans Josef
Kransystem im Hochregallager : Zur Zusammenarbeit von Industrie und Mathematik
- Bayreuth, 2009
Workshop Gemeinsam Wettbewerbsvorteile schaffen! Hochschule und Wirtschaft in Oberfranken - Zeit für Innovationen, Thurnau

Pesch, Hans Josef
Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Angewandten Mathematik : Optimale Steuerung mit partiell ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
9. Alumni-Tag, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Das Brachistochronenproblem und sein Einfluss auf Anwendungen moderner Mathematik
- Bayreuth, 2009
Vortrag vor Schülerinnen und Schülern des Augustinus-Gymnasiums Weiden, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Day Trips Down Under oder Warum schwimmt der Hai so schnell?
- Bayreuth, 2009
Festvortrag am Tag der Mathematik, Technische Universität München, München, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan
The Hypersonic Rocket Car : Optimal Control of a Coupled System of an ODE and a PDE
- Bayreuth, 2009
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Wächter, Markus; Rund, Armin; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan
On the Mutual Impact of Systems Governed by ODEs and PDEs in Optimal Control with Applicat ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, and German Institute of Science and Technology, Singapore

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control in Aerospace Engineering
- Bayreuth, 2009
Workshop Mathematische Optimierung in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme, Bremen, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Wächter, Markus; Le Bras, Florent; Sachs, Gottfried
Optimal Control of a Hypersonic Passenger Aircraft
- Bayreuth, 2009
Workshop Mathematische Optimierung in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme, Bremen, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Wächter, Markus; Rund, Armin; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan
Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of ODEs and PDEs with State Constraints : an Analysis o ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Sydney, Australien

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Heidebrecht, Peter; Mangold, Michael; Kienle, Achim; Sundmacher, Kai
Optimal Control of Load Changes for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Systems : A Challenge in PD ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Rund, Armin; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan
Optimal Control of State-constrained Coupled ODE-PDE Systems with Applications in Hyperson ...
- Bayreuth, 2009
Kolloquium im Forschungsseminar "Scientific Computing" der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Was kann man mit Mathematik machen und wie studiert man Mathematik?
- Bayreuth, 2009
Vortrag vor Schülerinnen und Schülern des Augustinus-Gymnasiums Weiden, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
Regular matchstick graphs
- Bayreuth, 2008
http://www.wm-archive.uni-bayreuth.de/fileadmin/Sa ...
Colloquium on Combinatorics 2008, Magdeburg

Kurz, Sascha; Lätsch, Martin
Bounds for the minimum oriented diameter
- Bayreuth, 2008
Operations Research 2008, Augsburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Wieviel Mathematik braucht ein Hai?
- Bayreuth, 2008
Hauptvortrag zum Tag der Mathematik im Jahr der Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Constantin Carathéodory, Bellman's Equation and the Maximum Principle
- Bayreuth, 2008
The Banach Center Conference on 50 Years of Optimal Control, Bedlewo, Polen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik studieren in Bayreuth
- Bayreuth, 2008
Berufsberatung der Arbeitsagentur Hof am J. Chr. Reinhart-Gymnasium Hof, Hof, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik studieren in Bayreuth
- Bayreuth, 2008
Berufsberatung der Arbeitsagentur Hof am Luisenburg-Gymnasium Wunsiedel, Wunsiedel, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik studieren in Bayreuth
- Bayreuth, 2008
Berufsberatung der Arbeitsagentur Hof am Schiller-Gymnasium Hof, Hof, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Wächter, Markus; Sachs, Gottfried; Le Bras, Florent
Minimum fuel optimal control of a hypersonic aircraft under instationary heat constraints
- Bayreuth, 2008
NLP-Workshop, Astos Solutions GmbH, Stuttgart, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan
New necessary conditions for a type of ODE-PDE constrained optimal control problems
- Bayreuth, 2008
1st Workshop of the EU-Network OPTPDE (Optimization with PDE Constraints) of the European Science Foundation, Warschau, Polen

Wendl, Stefan
On a prototype of an ode-pde state-constrained optimal control problem
- Bayreuth, 2008
Sommerschule des Internationalen Doktorandenkollegs im Elitenetzwerk Bayern: Identifikation, Optimierung und Steuerung für technische Anwendungen, Thurnau, Deutschland

Wendl, Stefan
On a prototype of an ode-pde state-constrained optimal control problem
- Bayreuth, 2008
Evaluation des Internationalen Doktorandenkollegs im Elitenetzwerk Bayern, Tutzing, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control of Fuel Cells and Hypersonic Aircraft as Challenges for PDE Constrained Op ...
- Bayreuth, 2008
Kolloquiumsvortrag am Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Warum schwimmt ein Hai so schnell oder wie komme ich in zwei Stunden in die USA oder wie v ...
- Bayreuth, 2008
Festvortrag anlässlich der Ehrenpromotion von Herrn Dipl.-Ing. Joachim F. Berndt, Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Warum schwimmt ein Hai so schnell?
- Bayreuth, 2008
Studientag des Augustinus-Gymnasium Weiden an der Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Warum schwimmt ein Hai so schnell?
- Bayreuth, 2008
Vortrag zum Jahr der Mathematik, Kepler-Gymnasium Weiden, Weiden, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Was hat Mathe mit Haien zu tun? Technomathematik studieren in Bayreuth
- Bayreuth, 2008
Vortrag am Berufsbildungszentrum der Arbeitsagentur Weiden, Weiden, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
The Top-Dog Index : A New Measurement of the Size Distribution in Pre-Pack Orders for a Fa ...
- Bayreuth, 2007
22th European Conference on Operational Research, Prague, Czech Republic

Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Demand forecasting for companies with many branches, low sales numbers per product, and no ...
- Bayreuth, 2007
7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien

Kurz, Sascha
Integral point sets in Euclidean spaces
- Bayreuth, 2007
1. Workshop on Integral Figure Geometry, Sofia, Bulgarien

Kurz, Sascha
Integral point sets over finite fields
- Bayreuth, 2007
1. Workshop on Integral Figure Geometry, Sofia, Bulgarien

Kurz, Sascha
Integral point sets
- Bayreuth, 2007
1st Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference, Banff, Canada

Kurz, Sascha
Integral point sets over finite fields
- Bayreuth, 2007
Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Workshop 2007, Ottawa, Canada

Pesch, Hans Josef
Über einige ingenieurwissenschaftliche Anwendungen aus dem Gebiet der Nicht-Standard-Optim ...
- Bayreuth, 2007
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Der "hypersonische Oszillator" und andere (seriösere) ingenieurwissenschaftliche Anwendung ...
- Bayreuth, 2007
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Wendl, Stefan
An Introduction to Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations
- Bayreuth, 2007
Gemeinsamer Workshop der GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.30 und 1.40, Salzburg, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik und Hochtechnologie
- Bayreuth, 2007
Berufsberatung der Arbeitsagentur Bayreuth am Graf-Münster-Gymnasium Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Rund, Armin
Model reduction of large-scale PDAE fuel cell models for optimal control
- Bayreuth, 2007
Summer School Optimization and Control with Applications in Modern Technologies, Elitenetzwerk Bayern, Thurnau, Deutschland

Wendl, Stefan
On optimal control of partial differential equations
- Bayreuth, 2007
Doktorandenseminar des Internationalen Doktorandenkollegs im Elitenetzwerk Bayern: Identifikation, Optimierung und Steuerung für technische Anwendungen, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Was macht der Mathematiker eigentlich?
- Bayreuth, 2007
Berufsberatung der Arbeitsagentur Bayreuth am Markgräfin-Wilhelmine-Gymnasium Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
Integral point sets over Z_p^2
- Bayreuth, 2006
Colloquium on Combinatorics 2006, Magdeburg, Deutschland

Brandes, Kerstin
Quantitative Stability Analysis of Optimal Solutions in PDE-Constrained Optimization
- Bayreuth, 2006
Kolloquium des Internationalen Doktorandenkollegs im Elitenetzwerk Bayern, Schloss Thurnau, Thurnau

Kurz, Sascha; Kohnert, Axel
Integral point sets over Z_n^m
- Bayreuth, 2006
Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithms (ODSA) 2006, Rostock, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
Polyominoes with maximum convex hull
- Bayreuth, 2006
10. Workshop über Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization (FRICO 2006), Chemnitz, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik in der Hochtechnologie
- Bayreuth, 2006
Werbevortrag für das Mathematikstudium am Graf-Münster Gymnasium Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Brandes, Kerstin
Quantitative Stability Analysis of Optimal Solutions in PDE-Constrained Optimization
- Bayreuth, 2006
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Linz, Österreich

Chudej, Kurt
Was macht der Mathematiker eigentlich?
- Bayreuth, 2006
Werbevortrag für das Mathematikstudium am Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Wie kommt man am besten über den Berg? Wie verdient man das meiste Geld?
- Bayreuth, 2006
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Köln, Köln, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Numerische Simulation von Brennstoffzellen
- Bayreuth, 2005
Kolloquium über Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Flugbahnoptimierung und Simulation von Brennstoffzellen
- Bayreuth, 2005
Kolloquiumsvortrag im Fachbereich Maschinenbau, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik : Querschnitts- und Schlüsseltechnologie
- Bayreuth, 2005
Festvortrag, Tag der Mathematik und Physik, Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik, eine verborgene Schlüsseltechnologie oder Der Mathematiker, was macht "der" ei ...
- Bayreuth, 2005
Vortrag am Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Simulation des dynamischen Verhaltens von Schmelzcarbonat-Brennstoffzellen
- Bayreuth, 2005
Mathematik Kolloquium, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald, Greifswald, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Petzet, Verena; Sternberg, Kati
On PDE Constrained Optimal Control - Mainly a Numerical Approach
- Bayreuth, 2005
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit'a di Roma "La Sapienza", Rom, Italien

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Petzet, Verena; Sternberg, Kati
On PDE Constrained Optimal Control : An Application Oriented Approach
- Bayreuth, 2005
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Johann Radon-Institut der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Universität Linz, Linz, Österreich

Petzet, Verena
Optimierung des Mehrstrahl-Laserschweissverfahrens zur Verhinderung der Heissrissbildung
- Bayreuth, 2005
Vortrag am WIAS (Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik), Berlin, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Schlüsseltechnologie Mathematik
- Bayreuth, 2005
Eingeladener Vortrag, Technische Universität Aachen, Aachen, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt; Petzet, Verena; Sternberg, Kati
Zur Mathematik hinter Brennstoffzellensystemen und Schweissverfahren
- Bayreuth, 2005
7. Absolvententag, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Kurz, Sascha
On the minimum diameter of plane integral point sets
- Bayreuth, 2004
Colloquium on Combinatorics 2004, Magdeburg, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Die Brachistochrone : eine Herausforderung des 17. Jahrhunderts und ihre Auswirkungen bis ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
"Absolventenfeier Informatik" im Rahmen des Jahres der Technik, Fachbereich Informatik und Mathematik, Fachhochschule Regensburg, Regensburg, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
An Introduction to the Field of Optimal Control with its Wide Spectrum of Applications
- Bayreuth, 2004
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Institut Operations Research, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik, eine verborgene Schlüsseltechnologie oder Der Mathematiker, was macht "der" ei ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
Hauptstudiumskolloquium, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik, eine verborgene Schlüsseltechnologie oder Der Mathematiker, was macht "der" ei ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
Berufsinformationszentrum im Arbeitsamt Weiden, Weiden, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik, eine verborgene Schlüsseltechnologie oder Der Mathematiker, was macht "der" ei ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
Werbeveranstaltung für das Mathematik-Studium an der Universität Bayreuth, Gymnasium Ottobrunn, Ottobrunn bei München, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik, eine verborgene Schlüsseltechnologie oder Der Mathematiker, was macht "der" ei ...
- Bayreuth, 2004
Werbeveranstaltung für das Mathematikstudium im Markgräfin-Wilhelmine-Gymnasium Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerungen : Numerische Methoden, Komplexe Anwendungen, Echtzeitsteuerung
- Bayreuth, 2004
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef; Petzet, Verena; Büskens, Christof; Karkhin, Victor A.; Prikhodovsky, Andrey; Ploshikhin, Vasily; Makhutin, Maksym
Preventing Hot Cracking in Laser Beam Welding : a first review
KONWIHR-Result and Reviewing Workshop, Garching

Kurz, Sascha
A bijection between the d-dimensional simplices with all distances in {1,2} and the partit ...
- Bayreuth, 2003
Colloquium on Combinatorics 2003, Magdeburg, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik, eine verborgene Schlüsseltechnologie oder Der Mathematiker, was macht "der" ei ...
- Bayreuth, 2003
Vortrag in der Reihe "Uni+Gym", Gymnasium Miesbach, Miesbach, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Ein altes Problem von Johann Bernoulli - seine modernen Variationen, und wie man damit nic ...
- Bayreuth, 2003
Kolloquium über Geschichte und Didaktik der Mathematik, Universität Münster, Münster, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik, eine verborgene Schlüsseltechnologie
- Bayreuth, 2003
Kolloquium, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme, Magdeburg, Deutschland

Büskens, Christof
Mathematik: Ein blinder Fleck in unserer Zivilisation? (Mathematik habe ich schon in der S ...
- Bayreuth, 2003
Studientag des Gymnasiums Christian-Ernestinum und des Markgräfin-Wilhelmine-Gymnasiums, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Numerische Simulation einer Schmelzkarbonat-Brennstoffzelle
- Bayreuth, 2003
VDI Vortragsreihe, Kompetenzzentrum Neue Materialien Nordbayern GmbH, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Simulation und Optimierung von Schmelzkarbonat-Brennstoffzellen
- Bayreuth, 2003
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin, Deutschland

Sternberg, Kati
Optimal Control and Parametric Sentitivity Analysis in Cell-Cycle-Specific Cancer Chemothe ...
- Bayreuth, 2003
Vortrag im Rahmen des SFB Optimierung und Kontrolle, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control Applications
- Bayreuth, 2003
German-Israeli Minerva School on Modern Optimization and Its Applications in Engineering II, Thurnau, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Echtzeitsteuerung
- Bayreuth, 2002
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Variationsrechnung und Optimale Steuerungen, ein klassisches und ein modernes Teilgebiet d ...
- Bayreuth, 2002
Seminar des Vereins QED von Teilnehmern an den Landes- und Bundeswettbewerben jugend-forscht in Mathematik, Bamberg, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Anwendungen zustandsbeschränkter optimaler Steuerungsaufgaben
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg

Baptist, Peter
Neue Ansätze für den zeitgemäßen Mathematikunterricht : Vom Kalkül zum Verständnis
6. DASU-Symposium zu Schnittstellen zwischen Schulmathematik und Studium. Schwerpunkt: Ingenieurwissenschaften, Hannover, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Optimale Steuerung eines mikroökonomischen Modells
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern

Chudej, Kurt
Mathematik und Hochtechnologie
- Bayreuth, 2001
High-Tech-Tag im Freistaat Bayern, Fak. für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Über die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten mathematischer Methoden am Beispiel der opti ...
- Bayreuth, 2000
Seminar des Vereins QED von Teilnehmern an den Landes- und Bundeswettbewerben jugend-forscht in Mathematik, Ingolstadt, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik in der Hochtechnologie
- Bayreuth, 2000
Vortrag am Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Marktredwitz, Marktredwitz, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik in der Hochtechnologie
- Bayreuth, 2000
Vortrag am Stiftland-Gymnasium Tirschenreuth, Tirschenreuth, Deutschland

Büskens, Christof; Maurer, Helmut
Numerische Lösung parametergestörter optimaler Steuerprozesse in Echtzeit
- Bayreuth, 2000
DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Echtzeitoptimierung großer Systeme": Workshop "Optimierungsprobleme bei unsicheren Daten", Berlin

Chudej, Kurt
Numerische Lösung zustandsbeschränkter optimaler Steuerungsaufgaben
- Bayreuth, 2000
Bayerisches Mathematisches Kolloquium, Beilngries, Deutschland

Büskens, Christof
Real-Time Optimization of Perturbed Optimal Control Problems in Flightdynamics
- Bayreuth, 2000
Seminar, Institut für Flugmechanik und Flugregelung, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Deutschland

Chudej, Kurt
Schnelle Trajektorienoptimierung mit Minimalkoordinaten
- Bayreuth, 2000
Oberseminar des Lehrstuhls für Flugmechanik und Flugregelung, Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen, Technische Universität München, Garching bei München, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Ist Mathematik, sind Mathematiker zu etwas nütze? oder Die Folgen der Preisfrage des Johan ...
Jahrestag der Universität Bayreuth 1999, Bayreuth

Chudej, Kurt
Numerical Methods for Solving Optimal Control Problems from Engineering
- Bayreuth, 1999
International Seminar Analytic Problems of Optimal Control and their Applications, Uniwersytet Szczecinski (Stettin), Stettin, Polen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Mathematik in der Hochtechnologie : von der Antike über die Renaissance zur Gegenwart
Tag der Forschung 1999, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung und Echtzeitsteuerung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse
Kolloquium, Institut für Prozess- und Anlagentechnik, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin

Pesch, Hans Josef
Simulation von Testfahrten eines Kraftfahrzeugs im fahrdynamischen Grenzbereich
Seminar, Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Differentialspiele als Modelle für Optimalsteuerungsprobleme unter Unsicherheiten
Kolloquium, Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Universität München, München

Pesch, Hans Josef
Eine mathematische Aufgabenstellung und Lösungen für unterschiedliche Anwendungen : Der Vo ...
Seminar, McKinsey Unternehmensberatung, Köln

Pesch, Hans Josef
Neue Herausforderungen bei der optimalen Steuerung technischer Prozesse
Kolloquium, Graduiertenkolleg Nichtlineare kontinuierliche Systeme, Institut für Numerische und instrumentelle Mathematik, Universität Münster, Münster

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Simulation der optimalen Positionierung von Sektionen und Großsektionen im Schi ...
Seminar, Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung komplexer technischer Prozesse und ihre Echtzeitsteuerung unter Unsiche ...
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Mathematik, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung und Echtzeitsteuerung technischer und ökonomischer Prozesse
Kolloquium, Institut für Mathematik, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung und Echtzeitsteuerung technischer und ökonomischer Prozesse
Kolloquium, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung und Echtzeitsteuerung technischer und ökonomischer Prozesse : Von Johan ...
Kolloquium, Fakultät für Mathematik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Ulm, Ulm

Pesch, Hans Josef
Synthese optimaler Rückkopplungssteuerungen
Berichtskolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktes Echtzeit-Optimierung großer Systeme, Berlin

Pesch, Hans Josef
Von Caratheodorys Königsweg der Variationsrechnung zum Maximumprinzip, seine Geschichte un ...
Festvortrag, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München

Pesch, Hans Josef
Fahren im fahrdynamischen Grenzbereich
Seminar, Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Neue Herausforderungen bei der optimalen Steuerung technischer Prozesse
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern

Pesch, Hans Josef
Neue Herausforderungen bei der optimalen Steuerung technischer Prozesse
Kolloquium, RWTH Aachen, Aachen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Methoden für optimale Steuerungsprobleme und Differentialspiele mit Anwendungen ...
Kolloquium, Mathematisches Institut, Universität Köln, Köln

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung und Echtzeitsteuerung großer technischer Prozesse
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Bremen, Bremen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung von Luft- und Raumfahrzeugen, von Robotern, Kraftfahrzeugen und chemisc ...
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrt, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Echtzeit-Steuerung dynamischer Systeme : Theorie und Numerik
Antragskolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktes Echtzeit-Optimierung großer Systeme, Bonn

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung eines Semi-Batch-Polymerizationsreaktors
Scientific Computing in der Chemischen Verfahrenstechnik, Workshop der DMV, GAMM und GI, Hamburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und optimale Steuerung von Flugzeugen, Raumfahrzeugen, Fahrzeug ...
Vortragsreihe: Was steckt dahinter? Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Darmstadt

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Control Problems with Many Inequality Constraints and Their Application in Aeronau ...
Seminar, Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics, Virgina Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Caratheodory, the Maximum Principle, and Applications in Aerospace Engineering and Robotic ...
Seminar, Universität der Ägäis, Karlovassi, Griechenland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Caratheodory, the Maximum Principle, and Applications in Aerospace Engineering
Seminar, Technische Hochschule Athen, Athen, Griechenland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Caratheodory, das Minimumprinzip und Anwendungen in der Luft- und Raumfahrt
Kolloquium, Institut für Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg

Chudej, Kurt
Numerische Berechnung staudruckbeschränkter optimaler Flugbahnen mit der Mehrzielmethode
- Bayreuth, 1994
Workshop Optimalsteuerungsprobleme von Hyperschall-Flugsystemen, SFB 255 Transatmosphärische Flugsysteme, Greifswald, Deutschland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Methoden für realistische Optimalsteuerungsprobleme und Differentialspiele in T ...
Kolloquium, Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerungsprobleme und Differentialspiele mit Anwendungen in Raumfahrt, Ökonomie ...
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerungsprobleme und Differentialspiele mit Anwendungen in Raumfahrt, Ökonomie ...
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimalsteuerungsprobleme und Differentialspiele mit mehrfachen Beschränkungen : Anwendung ...
Kolloquium, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Flugzeuge und Roboter optimal steuern
Kolloquium, Institut für Mathematik, Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal

Pesch, Hans Josef
Flugzeuge und Roboter optimal steuern
Kolloquium, Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Medizinische Universität Lübeck, Lübeck

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Solution of Complex Optimal Control Problems in Aeronautics and Robotics
Minissemester über Parametric and Shape Optimization, Stefan-Banach-Zentrum, Institut für Mathematik, Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Warschau, Polen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Lösung komplexer Optimalsteuerungsprobleme in Luft-, Raumfahrt und Robotik
Kolloquium, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Greifswald, Greifswald

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Lösung komplexer Optimalsteuerungsprobleme in Luft-, Raumfahrt und Robotik
Kolloquium, Institut für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Berlin

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimization Methods for Control and Guidance
Space Course, München

Pesch, Hans Josef
Practical Recipes for the Solution of Optimal Control Problems
Minissemester über Parametric and Shape Optimization, Stefan-Banach-Zentrum, Institut für Mathematik, Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Warschau, Polen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Real-Time Computation of Feedback Controls for Optimal Control Problems
Minissemester über Parametric and Shape Optimization, Stefan-Banach-Zentrum, Institut für Mathematik, Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Warschau, Polen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Simulation und Optimierung technischer Prozesse
Kolloquium, Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig

Pesch, Hans Josef
Simulation und Optimierung technischer Prozesse durch Hochleistungsrechnen
Kolloquium, Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Echtzeit-Berechnung optimaler Flugbahnen
Tagung des Sonderforschungsbereichs 255 Transatmosphärische Flugsysteme, Technische Universität München, München

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Steuerung in Luft- und Raumfahrt und in der Robotik
Kollquium, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Österreich

Pesch, Hans Josef
High-Precission Solutions of Optimal Control Problems with Applications in Aerospace Engin ...
Seminar, Mathematische Gesellschaft der UdSSR, Moscow Institute of Electrical Machinery, Department of Cybernetics, Moskau, Rußland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Offline and Online Computation of Optimal Trajectories
Seminar, Wissenschaftliches Institut für Systemforschung (Scientific Institute of Systems Research, VNIISI), Moskau, Rußland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Optimal Control : Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Control
Seminar, Institut für Luftfahrt (Moscow Aviation Institute), Moskau, Rußland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Optimal Control of Demanding Flight-Trajectory Problems by Multiple Shooting
Seminar, Institut für Probleme der Mechanik der Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR, Moskau, Rußland

Pesch, Hans Josef
Offline and Online Computation of Optimal Trajectories in the Aerospace Field
12th Course in Applied Mathematics in the Aerospace Field, Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, International School of Mathematics G. Stampacchia, Erice, Italien

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Optimal Control of Demanding Flight-Trajectory Problems
Seminar, NASA Ames Research Center, Ames, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Recent Results in Numerical Optimal Control : Abort Landings of an Aircraft in a Strong Wi ...
Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Integration of Hamiltonian Systems
Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerical Optimal Control by Multiple Shooting and Homotopy : Singular Controls and State ...
Interdisciplinary Shortcourse on Nonlinear Control, Bielefeld

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Flugbahnen für Flug- und Raumfahrzeuge : Algorithmen für Echtzeit-Rechnungen
Kolloquium, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Flugbahnen für Flug- und Raumfahrzeuge : Algorithmen für Echtzeit-Rechnungen
Kolloquium, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik und Statistik, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Stand und Entwicklungsperspektiven der Numerischen Mathematik unter besonderer Berücksicht ...
Kolloquium, Fachbereich Mathematik - Informatik, Universität Bremen, Bremen

Pesch, Hans Josef
Über den Einsatz der Mathematik bei der Steuerung von Raumfahrzeugen
Bayerisches Mathematisches Kolloquium, Falkenstein

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Flugbahnen für Luft- und Raumfahrzeuge : Algorithmen für Echtzeit-Rechnungen
Kolloquium, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimale Rückkopplungssteuerung beim atmosphärischen Wiedereintritt eines Raumgleiters
Tagung des DFG-Schwerpunktes Anwendungsbezogene Optimierung und Steuerung, Augsburg

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Berechnung fastoptimaler Rückkopplungssteuerungen
Tagung des DFG-Schwerpunktes Anwendungsbezogene Optimierung und Steuerung, Irsee

Pesch, Hans Josef
Neighboring Optimum Feedback Control Schemes with and without a Pre-Check of the Observati ...
Seminar, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Neighboring Optimum Feedback Control Schemes with and without a Pre-Check of the Observati ...
Seminar, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Heating Constrained Crossrange Maximization of a Space Shuttle Vehicle
Kolloquium, Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Real-Time Computation of Neighbouring Optimum Feedback Control Schemes for Constrained Opt ...
Kolloquium, Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego, USA

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Berechnung optimaler Steuerungen und fastoptimaler Rückkopplungssteuerungen mit ...
Optimierung deterministischer dynamischer Systeme - Erfahrungen über Verfahren und Anwendungen, Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GmbH, Ottobrunn

Pesch, Hans Josef
Echtzeitberechnung fastoptimaler Rückkopplungssteuerungen bei Steuerungsproblemen mit Besc ...
Kolloquium, Mathematisches Institut, Technische Universität München, München

Pesch, Hans Josef
Echtzeitberechnung fastoptimaler Flugbahnkorrekturen am Beispiel von Apollo und Space Shut ...
Kolloquium, Arbeitsgruppe Technomathematik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Berechnung optimaler Steuerungen mit Hilfe der Mehrzielmethode dokumentiert am ...
Seminar, Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen

Master's, Magister, Diploma, or Admission thesis

Aziz, Sandra
Efficient Construction of Exponentially Convergent Harmonic Spaces
Bayreuth, 2024
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth)

Müller, Johanna
Non-linear stability of matter shells surrounding a point mass
Bayreuth, 2024. - 101 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007704 ...
(master's thesis, 2024, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Streifinger, Florian
Modellierung, Analyse und Simulation von Krankheiten
Bayreuth, 2024
(master's thesis, 2024, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Gollwitzer, Lorenz
Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten unter Verwendung von Quasi Monte Carlo Methoden
Bayreuth, 2024
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Appel, Christian
Untersuchung eines Krankheitsmodells mit mehreren Tierarten
Bayreuth, 2024
(master's thesis, 2024, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Büttner, Markus
Approximation of quantities of interest in parametric PDEs by kernel-based methods
Bayreuth, 2023
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Köhler, Dominik
Herleitung oberer Schranken für die Approximation mit radialen Basisfunktionen unter Verwe ...
Bayreuth, 2023
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Schmidt, Hannes
Mathematische Kompartimentmodelle für Krankheiten
Bayreuth, 2023
(master's thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Aurbach, Franziska
Backward Bifurkation bei Impfung gegen eine invasive Krankheit
Bayreuth, 2022
(master's thesis, 2022, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Köhne, Frederik
Operatortheoretische Untersuchung kernbasierter Approximationsräume
Bayreuth, 2022
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Schwarz, Christina
Geometric multigrid for the gyrokinetic Poisson equation from fusion plasma applications
Erlangen, 2021. - 64 pp.
(master's thesis, 2022, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Technische Fakultät, Department Informatik)

Witt, Annika
Künstliche neuronale Netze zum Lösen von partiellen Differentialgleichungen
Bayreuth, 2021
(master's thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Üblacker, Tanja
Trainingsverfahren zweiter Ordnung mit Niedrigrangapproximationen für neuronale Netze
Bayreuth, 2021
(master's thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Reinhardt, Anne Marit
Fehlerabschätzung für regularisierte, kernbasierte Approximationsverfahren in höherdimensi ...
Bayreuth, 2021
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Reger, Henrik
Low Rank Approximation of Partial Differential Equations with Stochastic Coefficients
Bayreuth, 2021
(master's thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Siegl, Alexander
Iterative Löser zur Schrittberechnung in einer Composite-Step Methode
Bayreuth, 2020. - ii, 64 pp.
(master's thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Mathematisches Institut)

Herath, Mark
Mathematische Modellierung und Numerische Simulation invasiver Krankheiten
Bayreuth, 2020
(master's thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Rau, Thomas
Schnelle Methoden zur Approximation der Elastizitäts-Gleichungen
Bayreuth, 2020
(master's thesis, 2019, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Straub, Christopher
Stability of the King model : a coercivity-based approach
Bayreuth, 2020. - 85 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005033 ...
(master's thesis, 2019, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Flothow, Amelie
Untersuchung mathematischer Krankheitsmodelle
Bayreuth, 2020
(master's thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Faghih-Naini, Sara
Theory and Numerics for Convective Heat Transport in Nanofluids
Erlangen, 2019
(master's thesis, 2019, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Jende, Lucas
Analyse und Simulation von gefährlichen Krankheiten
Bayreuth, 2019
(master's thesis, 2019, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Hoff, Daniel Peter
Ein gitterfreies Verfahren zur numerischen Lösung von Problemen der optimalen Steuerung pa ...
Bayreuth, 2019
(master's thesis, 2019, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Angewandte und Numerische Analysis)

Martin, Maximilian
Problemlösen mit Schwerpunkt Beweisen im Mathematikunterricht am Beispiel der Geometrie
Bayreuth, 2018. - V, 86 pp. http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(master's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Richter, Rónán R.C.
Bayreuth, 2018
(master's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsmathematik)

Weber, Jörg
Optimal Control of the Two-Dimensional Vlasov-Maxwell-System
Bayreuth, 2018. - 89 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(master's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Stemmer, Corina
Trajektorienoptimierung eines Hängegleiters
Bayreuth, 2018
(master's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Kempf, Rüdiger
Kernel-based reconstructions for parametric partial differential equations
Bayreuth, 2017
(master's thesis, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Angewandte und Numerische Analysis)

Stöcklein, Matthias
Optimal Control of Static Contact Problems in Linear Elasticity
Bayreuth, Germany, 2016. - 96 pp.
(master's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science)

Regensburger, Dominik
Flugbahnoptimierung eines Drachenfliegers
(master's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Bauer, Maximilian
Konvergenz und Stabilität adaptiver Multilevelverfahren
Bayreuth, 2016
(master's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Angewandte und Numerische Analysis)

Fischer, Anne
Optimale Impfstrategien für Dengue-Fieber
Bayreuth, 2016
(master's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Huebner, Dominik
Optimale Kombinationstherapie für ein Krebsmodell
Bayreuth, 2016
(master's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Schmidt, Miriam
Rank metric codes
Bayreuth, 2016. - VI, 67 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(master's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Mathematik II)

Schreppel, Christina
Bekämpfung des Denguefiebers als Optimalsteuerungsproblem
Bayreuth, 2015
(master's thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Miller, Franziska
Einblicke in die Mechanismen von Korruption durch mathematische Modelle
Bayreuth, 2015
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Franz, Tino
Konvergenz des Hamiltonian Particle-Mesh Verfahrens
Bayreuth, 2015
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Angewandte und Numerische Analysis)

Günther, Julia
Numerische Simulation gewellter Federn unter Anwendung der Finite-Elemente-Methode
Bayreuth, 2015
(master's thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Kullmann, Johannes
Optimalsteuerungsprobleme mit Anwendungen in den Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Bayreuth, 2015
(master's thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Feist, Bernd
Untersuchung mathematischer Modelle der Enzymkinetik
(master's thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Thäter, Markus
Restringierte Optimalsteuerungsprobleme bei Epidemiemodellen
2014. - 105 pp.
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Baumann, Michaela
Nicht-rekombinierbare Binomialbäume und ihre Anwendung in der Finanzmathematik
Bayreuth, 2014
(master's thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik)

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Portfolioverluste bei plötzlichen Kurssprüngen beim Hedgen von Optionen
Bayreuth, 2014. - 115 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Mathematik V)

Hiemenz-Müller, Janna
Analyse nichtlinearer dynamischer Systeme aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
(diploma thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Jakob, Andreas
Automatische Codegenerierung zur Lösung von linear-elliptischen Optimalsteuerungsproblemen ...
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Börner, Susanne
Markovsche Entscheidungsprobleme für Sportspiele
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsmathematik)

Heinlein, Daniel
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsmathematik)

Wagner, Lisa
Optimale Steuerung in der Krebstherapie
Bayreuth, 2014
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Seitz, Tobias
Optimale Steuerung mit Navier-Stokes Gleichungen
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Weiß, Janina
Optimale Steuerung von Modellen zur Beschreibung der Ausbreitung von AIDS
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Schmidt, Andreas
Optimalsteuerung einer parabolischen Differentialgleichung mit integraler Zustandsbeschrän ...
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Sandler, Manuel
Optimierung einer Behandlungstherapie bei Krebserkrankungen durch optimale Steuerung von Z ...
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Pfab, Karin
Bang-bang und singuläre Steuerungen bei Optimalsteuerungsproblemen mit elliptischen partie ...
(master's thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Hoffmann, Isabella
CHAMP -- Control of Heat in Automatic Model Production — Sequencing
(master's thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsmathematik)

Klingler, Anna-Lena
Flugbahnopimierung mit direkten Methoden
Bayreuth, 2013
(diploma thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Ingenieurmathematik)

Bauerfeind, Tobias
L∞-Beschleunigungs- und Ruckminimale Interpolation im Rⁿ
Bayreuth, 2013
(diploma thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Bodensteiner, Martin
Optimale Regelung einer Raumsonde beim Andockmanöver an Weltraumschrott
(diploma thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Treimer, Martin
Simulation und Optimierung von Aufgabenstellungen mit den Eulerschen Gleichungen der Fluid ...
(master's thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Wurst, Jan-Eric
Bang-bang und singuläre Steuerungen bei Optimalsteuerungsproblemen mit der Wellengleichung ...
(diploma thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Frewer, Elisabeth
Numerische Berechnung optimaler Steuerungsprobleme bei technischen Anwendungen
(diploma thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Meyerholz, Falk
Optimale Steuerung bei infiniten Zeithorizonten mit Anwendungen in der Ökonomie
(diploma thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Kerler, Johanna
Optimale Steuerung einer Schmelzkarbonatbrennstoffzelle mit direkten Verfahren
(master's thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Feist, Eleonora
Optimierung der Antiangiogenese-Therapie in der Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen mit Metho ...
(diploma thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Michael, Johannes
Optimale Steuerung eines Satelliten zur Weltraumschrottbeseitigung
(diploma thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Kleinhenz, Anja
Optimale Steuerung von schnellen, kleinen, wendigen Hochleistungsflugzeugen
(diploma thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Jahn, Thomas U.
Implementierung numerischer Algorithmen auf CUDA–Systemen
Bayreuth, 2010. - 171 pp.
http://num.math.uni-bayreuth.de/de/thesis/2010/Jah ...
(diploma thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Mathematik V)

Thäter, Markus
Die Platonischen Körper und ihre Symmetriegruppen
2010. - 63 pp.
(examination thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Mathematik VIII)

Kleier, Wolfgang
Ein direkter Löser für parabolische Optimalsteuerungsprobleme mit Hilfe eines objektorient ...
(diploma thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Heller, Dominik
Gebietszerlegungsmethoden in Anwendung auf Optimalsteuerungsprobleme mit partiellen Differ ...
(diploma thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Hänel, Maria
Optimierung von Kamerapositionen zur Überwachung teils unbekannter Umgebungen
Bayreuth, 2010
https://resy-server.inf.uni-bayreuth.de/resypub/fi ...
(diploma thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Neidnicht, Martin
Analyse und Implementierung des Lanczos-Algorithmus zur Eigenwertberechnung großer, dünn b ...
(diploma thesis, 2009, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Frank, Nicole
Analyse verschiedener Diskretisierungsansätze bei der numerischen Lösung von Optimalsteuer ...
(diploma thesis, 2009, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Witzgall, Matthias
Optimale Steuerung eines Hyperschallflugzeugs mit Beschränkung der instationären aerotherm ...
(diploma thesis, 2009, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Vasold, Nicole
Zweidimensionale numerische Simulation der bewegten Zweiphasengrenzschicht eines Doppelroh ...
(diploma thesis, 2009, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik und Transportprozesse)

Tautenhahn, Nikolas
Enumeration einfacher Spiele mit Anwendungen in der Stimmgewichtsverteilung
Bayreuth, 2008. - 269 pp.
(diploma thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsmathematik)

Loos, Florian
Eine direkte Methode für Optimalsteuerungsprobleme mit parabolischen Differentialgleichung ...
(diploma thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Bernhard, Christian
Optimierung einer Fahrwerkachse mittels der Response-Surface-Methode
(diploma thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Kreisel, Tobias
Optimierung von Patientenrouting und Ressourcen-Allokation in Krankenhäusern
Bayreuth, 2008. - 82 pp.
(diploma thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsmathematik)

Häberlein, Florian
Reactive-Transport Applied to CO2 Geological Storage Modelling
(diploma thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Frey, Michael
Regularisierungsmethoden für Optimalsteuerungsprobleme bei partiellen Differenzialgleichun ...
(diploma thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Bechmann, Simon
Regularisierungsmethoden für Optimalsteuerungsprobleme bei partiellen Differenzialgleichun ...
(diploma thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Allescher, Stefan
Hinreichende Optimalitätsbedingungen für Optimalsteuerungsaufgaben mit bang-bang und singu ...
(diploma thesis, 2007, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Tomety, Ekue-sse Situ
Konjugierte Gradientenverfahren zur Lösung von Optimalsteuerungsproblemen mit semi-lineare ...
(diploma thesis, 2007, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Götschel, Sebastian
Parameteridentifizierung bei parabolischen partiellen Differentialgleichungen mittels Opti ...
(diploma thesis, 2007, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Altmüller, Nils
Poiseuille- und Quetschströmungen zwischen gewellten Platten
Bayreuth, 2007
(diploma thesis, 2007, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Fischer, Julia
A solution method for nonsmooth optimal control problems and the application on an economi ...
Bayreuth, 2007
(diploma thesis, 2007, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Ingenieurmathematik)

Bauer, Marco
1D-Modellierung und Simulation des dynamischen Verhaltens einer Schmelzkarbonat-Brennstoff ...
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Klatte, Jörg
Analytical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flows in Open Capillary Channels
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Heining, Christian
Bistabile Resonanz bei Filmströmungen über gewellte Oberflächen
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Worthmann, Karl
Digitale Implementierung kontinuierlicher Regler : Analyse und Optimierung
Bayreuth, 2006
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Ramming, Tobias
Dynamische Systeme aus der Biomathematik
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Maul, Peter
Modellieren mit Differentialgleichungen und deren numerische Behandlung im Kontext des gym ...
(examination thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Gallardo Yances, Stephanie
Modellprädiktive Regelung bei Optimalsteuerungsproblemen mit partiellen Differentialgleich ...
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Kaiser-Hugel, Nadine
Modellprädiktive Regelung bei Optimalsteuerungsproblemen mit partiellen Differentialgleich ...
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Perner, Michael
Numerische Berechnung optimaler Steuerungen bei elliptischen Differentialgleichungen : ers ...
(diploma thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Wendl, Stefan
Numerische Berechnung optimaler Steuerungen bei elliptischen Differentialgleichungen : ers ...
(diploma thesis, 2006, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik, Universität Bayreuth)

Hönick, Markus
Numerische Simulation und optimale Steuerung eines MCFC-Brennstoffzellenmodells mittels Li ...
(diploma thesis, 2006, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik, Universität Bayreuth)

Sutter, Stefanie
Optimale Mischung von Sanden unter unsicherer Lagerinformation
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Schott, Stephan
Portfolio-Optimierung mittels des dualen Critical-Line-Algorithmus : Analyse, Implementier ...
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Uhl, Martin
Portfolio-Optimierung mittels des primalen Critical-Line-Algorithmus : Analyse, Implementi ...
(diploma thesis, 2006, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik, Universität Bayreuth)

Fischer, Julia
Robuste Schätzung im semiparametrischen Mixture-Modell
Bayreuth, 2006
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Stochastik)

Lang, Matthias
Schaltstrukturerkennung und Schaltpunkte-Optimierung bei Optimalsteuerungsproblemen mit li ...
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Hoffmann, Kathrin
Simulation und Optimale Steuerung von chemotaktischen Strukturbildungsprozessen
(diploma thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Rund, Armin
Optimierung des Materialtransportes in schleichenden Filmströmungen
Bayreuth, 2005
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Vohwinkel, Lorenz
Ausgewählte numerische Verfahren für den Mathematikunterricht am Gymnasium : Anwendungsbei ...
(examination thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Reitzenstein, Johannes
Designing and Computing Mountain-Pass Trajectories via Methods of Optimal Control with App ...
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Lossow, Marcus von
Mengenorientierte optimale Steuerung und Fehlerschätzung
Bayreuth, 2005
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Alka, Michaela
Modellierung und Simulation der Alzheimerschen Krankheit mittels eines gekoppelten Systems ...
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Lieb, Julia
Modellierung und Simulation von Be- und Entwässerungsvorgängen im Boden mit Hilfe der Rich ...
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Reinl, Christian
Modellierung und Simulation von Polierprozessen bei der Herstellung von Brillengläsern
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Pannek, Jürgen
Modellprädiktive Regelung nichtlinearer sampled-data Systeme
Bayreuth, 2005
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Greif, Günter
Numerische Simulation und optimale Steuerung der Wellengleichung
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Blume, Michael
Numerische Untersuchungen an der Richardsgleichung aus der Bodenphysik : Diskretisierung u ...
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Leeske, Melanie
Optimierte Flugmanöver eines Hubschraubers am Beispiel einer BO105
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Utz, Margarete
Pattern Formation in a Metapopulation Model with Explicit Resource-Consumer Dynamics
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Brandes, Kerstin
Robustheit optimaler Lösungen bei Optimalsteuerungsaufgaben mit partiellen Differentialgle ...
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Raetsch, Henner
Vergleichende Betrachtung von Allokationsverfahren in Grid-Rechnernetzen
(diploma thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Kurz, Sascha
Polyominoes with maximum convex hull
Bayreuth, 2004
ftp://ftp.mathe2.uni-bayreuth.de/DIPLOM/dipl_kurz. ...
(diploma thesis, 2004, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Mathematik II)

Lasch, Peter
Modellierung, Identifizierung und Optimale Steuerung eines realistischen Motorradmodells
(diploma thesis, 2004, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Raps, Timo
Parameteridentifikation in partiell differential-algebraischen Gleichungen : Simulation vo ...
Bayreuth, 2004
(diploma thesis, 2004, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Ingenieurmathematik)

Viebrock, Christian
Vergleich unterschiedlicher Repräsentationen für naturanaloge Optimierungsverfahren zur Ab ...
(diploma thesis, 2004, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Perria, Gilbert
Gerichtete Polytope : Arithmetische Operationen und Visualisierung mittels CGAL
Bayreuth, 2003
(diploma thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik)

Tzschoppe, Carsten
Der Einfluss der Edge-Set-Kodierung auf die Lösungsqualität von Evolutionären Algorithmen ...
(diploma thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Zenglein, Anja
Modellierung, Optimierung und Analyse komplexer Kranmodelle
(diploma thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Petzet, Verena
Numerische Simulation von Schmelzkarbonat-Brennstoffzellen : 1-D-PDAE-Modelle, ihr Differe ...
(diploma thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Scherdel, Sabine
Numerische Simulation von Schmelzkarbonat-Brennstoffzellen : 1-D-PDAE-Modelle, ihr MOL-Ind ...
(diploma thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Schindler, Barbara
Einsatz von evolutionären Strategien zur Optimierung baumförmiger Kommunikationsnetzwerke ...
(diploma thesis, 2002, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Sacher, Matthias
Konzeption und Realisierung naturanaloger Optimierungsverfahren zur Ablaufplanung im Krank ...
(diploma thesis, 2002, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Sternberg, Kati
Modellierung optimaler Steuerungsprobleme und ihre Sensitivitätsanalyse bei Problemstellun ...
(diploma thesis, 2002, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik, Universität Bayreuth)

Witzmann, Maria
Modellierung und Optimierung in der Mikroökonomie : Steuerung von Investitionen, Beschäfti ...
(diploma thesis, 2002, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Maier, Christian
Numerische Lösung von Optimalsteuerungsproblemen mit gemischt-ganzzahligen Entscheidungsva ...
(diploma thesis, 2002, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Niklas, Tanja
Parameteridentifizierung in parabolischen partiellen Differentialgleichungen mit Anwendung ...
(diploma thesis, 2002, Universität Bayreuth Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Graf, Tobias
Flugbahnoptimierung eines Niedrig-Schub-Raumfahrzeugs
(diploma thesis, 2001, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Luthardt, Axel
Numerische Berechnung der optimalen Steuerung eines Flugzeuges bei Fallwinden mittels dire ...
(diploma thesis, 2001, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Knauer, Matthias
Sensitivitätsanalyse verschiedener Gütekriterien bei der optimalen Bahnplanung von Industr ...
(diploma thesis, 2001, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Grüne, Lars
Numerische optimale Steuerung und Stabilisierung
Augsburg, 1994
https://num.math.uni-bayreuth.de/pool/dokumente/ab ...
(diploma thesis, 1994, Universität Augsburg, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Mathematik)

Rambau, Jörg
Cohomologie-Trilinearformen auf 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten
(diploma thesis, 1993, Ruhruniversität Bochum)

Baier, Robert
Konvergenz und numerische Realisierung von Mehrgitterverfahren und Diskretisierungsmethode ...
Bayreuth, 1990. - XIX, 202 pp.
(diploma thesis, 1990, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Wassermann, Alfred
Schnelle Multiplikationsverfahren
(diploma thesis, , Universität Bayreuth)

Baptist, Peter
Die Behandlung nichtidealer Gase im Rahmen der kinetischen Gastheorie in der Kollegstufe
Bayreuth, 1977
(examination thesis, 1977, Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl Mathematik und ihre Didaktik)

Baptist, Peter
Lösung des Dekompositionsverfahrens von Dantzig und Wolfe mit einer Simplexmethode, die au ...
Würzburg, 1973
(diploma thesis, , Universität Würzburg)

Bachelor thesis

Michl, Carola
Frames und Hilbert-Räume mit reproduzierendem Kern
Bayreuth, 2023
(bachelor's thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Reihl, Jonas
Krankheitsmodellierung mit retardierten Differentialgleichungen
Bayreuth, 2023
(bachelor's thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Niotis, Aristeidis
Mathematische Analyse eines Krankheitsmodells
Bayreuth, 2023
(bachelor's thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Rohlfs, Jann
Numerik und Theorie eines Dengue-Fieber Modells
Bayreuth, 2023
(bachelor's thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Schwarzinger, René
Spektrale Bipartition in Anwendung einer Datenbank
Bayreuth, 2023
(bachelor's thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Selder, Hannah
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Lösung des Pickup and Delivery Problems mit Zeitfenstern und ...
Bayreuth, 2022
(bachelor's thesis, 2022, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Urban, Manuel
Greedy Approximation with Applications in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
Bayreuth, 2022
(bachelor's thesis, 2022, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Bludau, Johann
Backward Bifurcation in einfachen mathematischen Krankheitsmodellen
Bayreuth, 2021
(bachelor's thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Schmidt, Hannes
Mathematische Analyse eines Modells einer mückenübertragenen Krankheit
Bayreuth, 2021
(bachelor's thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Oltersdorff, Joanina
Vergleich von Neuronalen Netzen und kernbasierten Verfahren zum Einfärben von Bildern
Bayreuth, 2021
(bachelor's thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Fischer, Daniel Christoph
Über kernbasierte Lernverfahren und neuronale Netze
Bayreuth, 2019
(bachelor's thesis, 2019, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Angewandte und Numerische Analysis)

Fechner, Pascal
Analyse und Numerische Simulation eines Chikungunyafieber Modells
Bayreuth, 2018
(bachelor's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth; Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen; Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Bioprozesstechnik)

Flothow, Amelie
Analyse der hierarchischen Steifigkeitsmatrix beim Lösen einer elliptischen Differentialgl ...
Bayreuth, 2018
(bachelor's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Üblacker, Tanja
Bewältigung des "Fluchs der Dimensionen" bei der Lösung von linearen Gleichungssystemen mi ...
Bayreuth, 2018
(bachelor's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Clemens, Martin
Efficient computation of the electrostatic potential of proteins
Bayreuth, 2018
(bachelor's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Kreifels, Lucas
Hierarchical matrices for the general curl-curl problem based on a damped admissibility co ...
Bayreuth, 2018
(bachelor's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Witt, Annika
Kompression von Bildern und Videos mit Tensormethoden
Bayreuth, 2018
(bachelor's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Klier, Anne
Mathematische Analyse eines Dengue-Fieber-Modells
Bayreuth, 2018
(bachelor's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Hach, Carolin
Vergleich von Interpolationsmethoden auf Basis von Newtonschen und Lagrangeschen Basen bei ...
Bayreuth, 2018
(bachelor's thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Herath, Mark
Mathematische Überlegungen zu Dengue-Fieber-Modellen
Bayreuth, 2017
(bachelor's thesis, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Frankenberger, Maria
Simulation einer schwingenden Membran
(bachelor's thesis, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)

Faghih-Naini, Sara
Modellierung und Numerik für Verkehrsflussprobleme
Erlangen, 2016
(bachelor's thesis, 2016, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Rau, Thomas
Adaptivität bei der Approximation nicht-lokaler Operatoren
(bachelor's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Hoff, Daniel Peter
Approximative Berechnung der Helmholtz-Hodge-Zerlegung mittels radialer Basisfunktionen
Bayreuth, 2016
(bachelor's thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Angewandte und Numerische Analysis)

Schrader, Theresa
Optimale Steuerungsprobleme mit Turnpike Lösungen
Bayreuth, 2015
(bachelor's thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Britzelmeier, Andreas
Optimale Steuerung eines Hängegleiters durch eine Thermik
Bayreuth, 2014
(bachelor's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Ingenieurmathematik)

Bauer, Maximilian
Adaptive Multilevelverfahren zur Interpolation und Kollokation mit radialen Basisfunktione ...
(bachelor's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Angewandte und Numerische Analysis)

Weiß, Janina
Durch Impfungen beeinflussbare Krankheitsdynamiken
(bachelor's thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Schmidt, Hannes
Optimierung eines Düngestreuers
(bachelor's thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Schreppel, Christina
Die Rolle der Gametozyten und einer nicht-perfekten Impfung auf die Verbreitung von Malari ...
Bayreuth, 2013
(bachelor's thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Thäter, Markus
Globale Eigenschaften von differenzierbaren Kurven
2012. - 60 pp.
(bachelor's thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Mathematik VIII)

Günther, Julia
Optimale Steuerung gesellschaftspolitisch relevanter Themen
(bachelor's thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Feist, Bernd
Singuläre Randwertprobleme : unendliche Intervalle
(bachelor's thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Risikomaße auf Aktienmärkten [Measures of risk in a financial market]
München, 2011. - 42 pp.
(bachelor's thesis, 2011, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik)

Baumann, Michaela
Conditional risk measures and their robust representation
(bachelor's thesis, 2011, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Treimer, Martin
Analyse verschiedener realistischer Lotka-Volterra-Populationsmodelle hinsichtlich Stabili ...
(bachelor's thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Schmidt, Andreas
Lösung eines singulär gestörten Enzymmodells
(bachelor's thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Sandler, Manuel
Mathematische Modellierung und Analyse von Nervenimpulsen
(bachelor's thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Jakob, Andreas
Mathematische Modellierung von Epidemiemodellen
(bachelor's thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Kerler, Johanna
Simulation und Modellreduktion eines dynamischen Modells einer Schmelzcarbonat-Brennstoffz ...
(bachelor's thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurmathematik)

Querfurth, Frank
Modellierung und Simulation von Wärmeübertragungsprozessen mittels partieller Differential ...
(bachelor's thesis, 2009, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Lehrstuhl Chemische Verfahrenstechnik)
, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Lehrstuhl Chemische Verfahrenstechnik


Ulm, Volker
Borwein, Jonathan ; Devlin, Keith: Experimentelle Mathematik
PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule

Ulm, Volker
Daume, Peggy: Finanzmathematik im Unterricht
PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule

Ulm, Volker
Rimscha, Markus von: Algorithmen kompakt und verständlich
PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule
Hallbergmoos 2011

Ulm, Volker
Gläser-Zikuda, Michaela ; Seifried, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Lehrerexpertise : Analyse und Bedeutun ...
PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule

Ulm, Volker
Mason, John ; Burton, Leone ; Stacey, Kaye: Mathematisch denken
PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule

Ulm, Volker
http://www.lehrer-online.de/realmath.php?sid=84875 ...
reviewed: Meier, Andreas: realmath.de - Konzeption und Evaluation einer interaktiven dynamischen Lehr-Lernumgebung für den Mathematikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe I. Hildesheim, 2009

Ulm, Volker
Baptist, Peter: Alles ist Zahl
PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule

Ulm, Volker
Hengartner, Elmar ; Hirt, Ueli ; Wälti, Beat: Lernumgebungen für Rechenschwache bis Hochbe ...
PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule

Preprint, postprint, working paper, discussion paper

Kurz, Sascha
Optimal additive quaternary codes of dimension 3.5
Bayreuth, 2025. - 14 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008210 ...

Sperl, Mario; Saluzzi, Luca; Kalise, Dante; Grüne, Lars
Separable approximations of optimal value functions and their representation by neural net ...
Bayreuth, 2025. - 20 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2502.08559 ...

Grüne, Lars; Sperl, Mario; Chatterjee, Debasish
Representation of practical nonsmooth control Lyapunov functions by piecewise affine funct ...
Bayreuth, 2025. - 9 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008178 ...

Schiller, Julian D.; Grüne, Lars; Müller, Matthias A.
Performance guarantees for optimization-based state estimation using turnpike properties
Bayreuth ; Hannover, 2025. - 16 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2501.18385 ...

Grüne, Lars; Pioch, Kilian; Kriecherbauer, Thomas; Margaliot, Michael
Random attraction in TASEP with time-varying hopping rates
Bayreuth ; Tel Aviv, 2025. - 20 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2501.16777 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Samaniego, Dani
Simple games with minimum
Bayreuth, 2025. - 16 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008169 ...

Grüne, Lars; Zanon, Mario
Stabilization of strictly pre-dissipative nonlinear receding horizon control by terminal c ...
Bayreuth ; Lucca, 2025. - 7 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2412.13538 ...

Zanon, Mario; Grüne, Lars
Stabilization of strictly pre-dissipative receding horizon linear quadratic control by ter ...
Bayreuth ; Lucca, 2025. - 13 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2501.03691 ...

Arora, Sahiba; Mironchenko, Andrii
Input-to-state stability in integral norms for linear infinite-dimensional systems
Bayreuth, 2025. - 22 pp.

Mironchenko, Andrii
Modeling and stability analysis of live systems with time-varying dimension
Bayreuth, 2025. - 9 pp.

Kurz, Sascha
Additive codes attaining the Griesmer bound
Bayreuth, 2025. - 99 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008100 ...

Chen, Qiaoling; Mironchenko, Andrii; Wirth, Fabian
Lyapunov criterion for output-to-state stability of distributed parameter systems
Bayreuth, 2025. - 6 pp.

Sperl, Mario; Mysliwitz, Jonas; Grüne, Lars
On the Existence and Neural Network Representation of Separable Control Lyapunov Functions
Bayreuth, 2025. - 11 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008101 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Bounds on the minimum distance of locally recoverable codes
Bayreuth, 2024. - 23 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007405 ...

Bachmann, Patrick; Dashkovskiy, Sergey; Mironchenko, Andrii
Characterization of input-to-output stability for infinite dimensional systems
Würzburg, 2024. - 16 pp.

Ahmed, Saeed; Bachmann, Patrick; Trenn, Stephan
Lyapunov characterization for ISS of impulsive switched systems
Groningen, The Netherlands, 2024. - 15 pp.
doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2410.22521 ...

Schiller, Julian D.; Grüne, Lars; Müller, Matthias A.
Optimal state estimation : Turnpike analysis and performance results
Bayreuth ; Hannover, 2024. - 8 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.14873 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Lei, Yunwen
Bootstrap SGD: Algorithmic Stability and Robustness
arXiv, 2024. - 20 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.01074 ...

Weigl, Laura; Schiela, Anton
Newton's method for nonlinear mappings into vector bundles
Bayreuth, 2024. - 31 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.04073 ...

Köhne, Frederik; Philipp, Friedrich M.; Schaller, Manuel; Schiela, Anton; Worthmann, Karl
L∞-error bounds for approximations of the Koopman operator by kernel extended dynamic mode ...
Ilmenau ; Bayreuth, 2024. - 21 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2403.18809 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Computer classification of linear codes based on lattice point enumeration and integer lin ...
Bayreuth, 2024. - 7 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007636 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Lengths of divisible codes - the missing cases
Bayreuth, 2024. - 12 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007502 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Non-projective two-weight codes
Bayreuth, 2024. - 18 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007498 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Constructions and bounds for subspace codes
Bayreuth, 2024. - I, 102 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007398 ...

Atnip, Jason; Froyland, Gary; Koltai, Peter
An inflated dynamic Laplacian to track the emergence and disappearance of semi-material co ...
arXiv, 2024

Froyland, Gary; Kalia, Manu; Koltai, Peter
Spectral clustering of time-evolving networks using the inflated dynamic Laplacian for gra ...
arXiv, 2024
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.11984 ...

Filmus, Yuval; Hirsch, Edward; Ihringer, Ferdinand; Kurz, Sascha; Riazanov, Artur; Smal, Alexander; Vinyals, Marc
Irreducible Subcube Partitions
Bayreuth, 2023. - 38 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006837 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Divisible minimal codes
Bayreuth, 2023. - 14 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007346 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Capacity of an infinite family of networks related to the diamond network for fixed alphab ...
Bayreuth, 2023. - 14 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007255 ...

Körner, Theresa; Kurz, Sascha
Lengths of divisible codes with restricted column multiplicities
Bayreuth, 2023. - 26 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007285 ...

Köhne, Frederik; Kreis, Leonie; Schiela, Anton; Herzog, Roland
Adaptive Step Sizes for Preconditioned Stochastic Gradient Descent
Bayreuth ; Heidelberg, 2023. - 31 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2311.16956 ...

Herzog, Roland; Köhne, Frederik; Kreis, Leonie; Schiela, Anton
Frobenius-Type Norms and Inner Products of Matrices and Linear Maps with Applications to N ...
Bayreuth ; Heidelberg, 2023. - 14 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2311.15419 ...

Herberg, Evelyn; Herzog, Roland; Köhne, Frederik; Kreis, Leonie; Schiela, Anton
Sensitivity-Based Layer Insertion for Residual and Feedforward Neural Networks
Bayreuth ; Heidelberg, 2023. - 15 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2311.15995 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Trifferent codes with small lengths
Bayreuth, 2023. - 11 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007256 ...

Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
On Galois realizations of special linear groups
arXiv, 2023
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2309.14115 ...

Schießl, Jonas; Ou, Ruchuan; Faulwasser, Timm; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Turnpike and dissipativity in generalized discrete-time stochastic linear-quadratic optima ...
Bayreuth, 2023
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2309.05422 ...

de Diego Unanue, Alvaro; Froyland, Gary; Junge, Oliver; Koltai, Peter
A dynamic p-Laplacian
arXiv, 2023
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2308.05947 ...

Amram, Meirav; Dettweiler, Michael; Reiter, Stefan
Monodromy of the Radon transform
arXiv, 2023
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2308.02379 ...

Sproll, Tobias; Schiela, Anton
Numerical Solution of an Identifcation Problem in Electromyography
Bayreuth, 2023. - 21 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-7 ...

Herberg, Evelyn; Herzog, Roland; Köhne, Frederik
Time Regularization in Optimal Time Variable Learning
Heidelberg, 2023. - 9 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2306.16111 ...

Köhler, Hannes
Lp- and Risk Consistency of Localized SVMs
Bayreuth, 2023. - 29 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2305.09385 ...

Guo, Zheng-Chu; Christmann, Andreas; Shi, Lei
Optimality of Robust Online Learning
Fudan University Shanghai, China, 2023. - 26 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2304.10060 ...

Körner, Theresa; Kurz, Sascha
Lengths of divisible codes with restricted column multiplicities
Bayreuth, 2023. - 26 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007285 ...

Köhler, Hannes
On the Connection between Lₚ and Risk Consistency and its Implications on Regularized Kern ...
Bayreuth, 2023. - 33 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.15210 ...

Mironchenko, Andrii; Schwenninger, Felix
Coercive quadratic converse ISS Lyapunov functions for linear analytic systems
Enschede, The Netherlands, 2023. - 22 pp.

Kurz, Sascha
Vector space partitions of GF(2)^8
Bayreuth, 2023. - 27 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006861 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Classification of Δ-divisible linear codes spanned by codewords of weight Δ
Bayreuth, 2023. - 12 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006857 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Divisible Codes
Bayreuth, 2022. - II, 102 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007397 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
The Art and Beauty of Voting Power
Bayreuth, 2022. - 20 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006568 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
The Art and Beauty of Voting Power
Bayreuth, 2022. - 20 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006568 ...

Kurz, Sascha
The Public Good index for games with several levels of approval in the input and output
Bayreuth, 2022. - 16 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006449 ...

Geißer, Michael; Körner, Theresa; Kurz, Sascha; Zahn, Anne
Squares with three digits
Bayreuth, 2022. - 42 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005938 ...

Frenkler, Joachim
How the Spirals in the Milky Way's ISM form
arXiv, 2022
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2203.08672 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Plane point sets with many squares or isosceles right triangles
Bayreuth, 2021. - 31 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005936 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Samaniego, Dani
A note on simple games with two equivalence classes of players
Bayreuth, 2021. - 13 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005911 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Landjev, Ivan; Rousseva, Assia
Classification of (3 mod 5) arcs in PG(3,5)
Bayreuth, 2021. - 33 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005712 ...

Kurz, Sascha
The interplay of different metrics for the construction of constant dimension codes
Bayreuth, 2021. - 18 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005780 ...

Feng, Tao; Kurz, Sascha; Liu, Shuangqing
Bounds for the multilevel construction
Bayreuth, 2021. - 95 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005691 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Are weighted games sufficiently good for binary voting?
Bayreuth, 2021. - 7 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005539 ...

Cossidente, Antonio; Kurz, Sascha; Marino, Giuseppe; Pavese, Francesco
Combining subspace codes
Bayreuth, 2021. - 17 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005905 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Bounds for flag codes
Bayreuth, 2021. - 23 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005430 ...

Köhler, Hannes; Christmann, Andreas
Total Stability of SVMs and Localized SVMs
Bayreuth, 2021. - 30 pp.

Wulkow, Niklas; Koltai, Peter; Sunkara, Vikram; Schütte, Christof
Data-driven modelling of nonlinear dynamics by barycentric coordinates and memory
arXiv, 2021. - 33 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2112.06742 ...

von Lindheim, Johannes; Harikrishnan, Abhishek; Dörffel, Tom; Klein, Rupert; Koltai, Peter; Mikula, Natalia; Müller, Annette; Névir, Peter; Pacey, George; Polzin, Robert; Vercauteren, Nikki
Definition, detection, and tracking of persistent structures in atmospheric flows
arXiv, 2021. - 64 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2111.13645 ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Gleißner, Christian
Towards a Classification of Rigid Product Quotient Varieties of Kodaira Dimension 0
Bayreuth, 2021. - 32 pp.

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg; Richter, Rónán R.C.
Wie man beim Beachvolleyball öfter gewinnt
Bayreuth, 2021. - 6 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005891 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Advanced and current topics in coding theory
Bayreuth, 2020. - 202 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005204 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Classification of 8-divisible binary linear codes with minimum distance 24
Bayreuth, 2020. - 53 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005193 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Designing codes for storage allocation
Bayreuth, 2020. - 30 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005191 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Classification of indecomposable 2ʳ-divisible codes spanned by by codewords of weight 2ʳ
Bayreuth, 2020. - 7 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005157 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Mattheus, Sam
A generalization of the cylinder conjecture for divisible codes
Bayreuth, 2020. - 16 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005152 ...

Gensler, Patrick; Christmann, Andreas
On the robustness of kernel-based pairwise learning
Bayreuth, 2020

Kazemi, Fatemeh; Kurz, Sascha; Soljanin, Emina; Sprintson, Alex
Efficient Storage Schemes for Desired Service Rate Regions
Bayreuth, 2020. - 5 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005129 ...

dela Cruz, Romar; Kurz, Sascha
On the maximum number of minimal codewords
Bayreuth, 2020. - 13 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005128 ...

Kurz, Sascha
No projective 16-divisible binary linear code of length 131 exists
Bayreuth, 2020. - 4 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004891 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Generalized LMRD code bounds for constant dimension codes
Bayreuth, 2020. - 5 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004886 ...

Greb, Daniel; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Projective flatness over klt spaces and uniformisation of varieties with nef anti-canonica ...
Ithaca, NY, USA, 2020

Kurz, Sascha
Are weighted games sufficiently good for binary voting?
Bayreuth, 2020. - 7 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004880 ...

Höring, Andreas; Peternell, Thomas
A Nonvanishing Conjecture for Cotangent Bundles
Ithaca, NY, USA, 2020. - 30 pp.

Kurz, Sascha
A note on the growth of the dimension in complete simple games
Bayreuth, 2020. - 9 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004878 ...

Kurz, Sascha
On the number of minimal codewords in codes generated by the adjacency matrix of a graph
Bayreuth, 2020. - 11 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004876 ...

Bauer, Maximilian; Bebendorf, Mario; Feist, Bernd
Kernel-independent adaptive construction of H²-matrix approximations
Bayreuth, 2020. - 24 pp.

Leppmeier, Max
Das dritte Hilbert'sche Problem und die Dehn-Invariante : Eine Elementarisierung mit Hilfe ...
Bayreuth, 2020. - 37 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004856 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Bounds for flag codes
Bayreuth, 2020. - 22 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004845 ...

dela Cruz, Romar; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
On the minimum number of minimal codewords
Bayreuth, 2020. - 9 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004877 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Lifted codes and the multilevel construction for constant dimension codes
Bayreuth, 2020. - 40 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004840 ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Baumann, Michaela; Grüne, Lars; Herz, Bernhard
Improving Heterogeneous Agent Models by Avoiding Explicit Discretizations of Stiff Equatio ...
Bayreuth, 2020. - 38 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004718 ...

Fischer, Florian; Fleig, Arthur; Klar, Markus; Grüne, Lars; Müller, Jörg
An Optimal Control Model of Mouse Pointing Using the LQR
Bayreuth, 2020

Bouyukliev, Iliya; Bouyuklieva, Stefka; Kurz, Sascha
Computer classification of linear codes
Bayreuth, 2020. - 18 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004618 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Moyouwou, Issofa; Touyem, Hilaire
Axiomatizations for the Shapley-Shubik power index for games with several levels of approv ...
Bayreuth, 2020. - 25 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kazemi, Fatemeh; Kurz, Sascha; Soljanin, Emina
A geometric view of the service rates of codes problem and its application to the service ...
Bayreuth, 2020. - 8 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Yaakobi, Eitan
PIR Codes with Short Block Length
Bayreuth, 2020. - 10 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha
The [46,9,20]₂ code is unique
Bayreuth, 2020. - 7 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha
A note on the linkage construction for constant dimension codes
Bayreuth, 2020. - 9 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Etzion, Tuvi; Kurz, Sascha; Otal, Kamil; Özbudak, Ferruh
Subspace Packings : Constructions and Bounds
Bayreuth, 2020. - 30 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Grüne, Lars; Schaller, Manuel; Schiela, Anton
Exponential sensitivity analysis for Model Predictive Control of PDEs
Bayreuth, 2020. - 4 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
On the lengths of divisible codes
Bayreuth, 2020. - 17 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Grüne, Lars
Why does strict dissipativity help in model predictive control?
Bayreuth, 2020. - 4 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Mollenhauer, Mattes; Koltai, Peter
Nonparametric approximation of conditional expectation operators
arXiv, 2020. - 37 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2012.12917 ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Pignatelli, Roberto
Rigid but not infinitesimally rigid compact complex manifolds
Bayreuth, 2020. - 21 pp.

Heinlein, Daniel; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Tables of subspace codes
Bayreuth, 2019. - 44 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha
LinCode - computer classification of linear codes
Bayreuth, 2019. - 12 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Shi, Minjia; Solé, Patrick
Three-weight codes over rings and strongly walk regular graphs
Bayreuth, 2019. - 28 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Laue, Reinhard
Bounds for the minimum diameter of integral point sets
Bayreuth, 2019. - 8 pp.

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted Committee Games
Bayreuth, 2019. - 25 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Schiela, Anton; Stöcklein, Matthias
Algorithms for Optimal Control of Elastic Contact Problems with Finite Strain
Bayreuth, 2019. - 21 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
The lengths of projective triply-even binary codes
Bayreuth, 2019. - 6 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Subspaces intersecting in at most a point
Bayreuth, 2019. - 4 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Bounds for the diameter of the weight polytope
Bayreuth, 2019. - 16 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Moyouwou, Issofa; Touyem, Hilaire
An Axiomatization of the Shapley-Shubik Index for Interval Decisions
Bayreuth, 2019. - 28 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Leppmeier, Max
The Voronoi Cell in a saturated Circle Packing and an elementary proof of Thue´s theorem
Bayreuth, 2019. - 10 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004374 ...

Leppmeier, Max
The Dodecahedron as a Voronoi Cell - and its (minor) importance for the Kepler conjecture
Bayreuth, 2019. - 7 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004313 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
On the lengths of divisible codes
Bayreuth, 2019. - 17 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Which criteria qualify power indices for applications? A comment to "The story of the poor ...
Bayreuth, 2019. - 6 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Ortiz, Julián; Schiela, Anton
A composite step method for equality constrained optimization on manifolds
Bayreuth, 2019. - 27 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Buratti, Marco; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Nakić, Anamari; Wassermann, Alfred
q-analogs of group divisible designs
Bayreuth, 2019. - 18 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Dumpert, Florian
Quantitative Robustness of Localized Support Vector Machines
Bayreuth, 2019

Schiela, Anton; Ortiz, Julián
Second order directional shape derivatives
Bayreuth, 2019. - 25 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
Skill Estimates – Olympic Beach Volleyball Tournament 2012
Bayreuth, 2019. - 17 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Johnson type bounds for mixed dimension subspace codes
Bayreuth, 2019. - 16 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Heinlein, Daniel; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
A subspace code of size 333 in the setting of a binary q-analog of the Fano plane
Bayreuth, 2019. - 18 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
Dimension of the Lisbon voting rules in the EU Council : a challenge and new world record
Bayreuth, 2019. - 8 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...

Wendland, Holger; de Marchi, S.
On the Convergence of the Rescaled Localized Radial Basis Function Method
Bayreuth ; Padova, 2019

Gerlach, Raphael; Koltai, Peter; Dellnitz, Michael
Revealing the intrinsic geometry of finite dimensional invariant sets of infinite dimensio ...
arXiv, 2019. - 22 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.1902.08824 ...

Wendland, Holger; Künemund, Jens
Solving partial differential equations on (evolving) surfaces
Bayreuth, 2019

Leppmeier, Max
Die Zerlegung eines Prismas in Pyramiden : ein geometrisches Experiment
Bayreuth, 2019. - 15 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004551 ...

Etzion, Tuvi; Kurz, Sascha; Otal, Kamil; Özbudak, Ferruh
Subspace packings
Bayreuth, 2018. - 10 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Hof, Frits; Kern, Walter; Kurz, Sascha; Pashkovich, Kanstantsin; Paulusma, Daniël
Simple games versus weighted voting games: Bounding the critical threshold value
Bayreuth, 2018. - 10 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Schaller, Manuel; Schiela, Anton; Stöcklein, Matthias
A Composite Step Method with Inexact Step Computations for PDE Constrained Optimization
Bayreuth, 2018. - 29 pp.

Schiela, Anton; Stöcklein, Matthias
Optimal Control of Static Contact in Finite Strain Elasticity
Bayreuth, 2018. - 28 pp.

Kurz, Sascha
A note on limit results for the Penrose-Banzhaf index
Bayreuth, 2018. - 9 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Generalized roll-call model for the Shapley-Shubik index
Bayreuth, 2018. - 19 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
The roll-call interpretation of the Shapley value with dependent cooperation
Bayreuth, 2018. - 15 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Heden's bound on the tail of a vector space partition
Bayreuth, 2018. - 5 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Classification of large partial plane spreads in PG(6,2) and related combinatorial objects
Bayreuth, 2018. - 31 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
On minimum sum representations for weighted voting games
Bayreuth, 2018. - 7 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Hof, Frits; Kern, Walter; Kurz, Sascha; Paulusma, Daniël
Simple Games versus Weighted Voting Games
Bayreuth, 2018. - 13 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
Binary subspace codes in small ambient spaces
Bayreuth, 2018. - 20 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Correction to "On minimum sum representations for weighted voting games"
Bayreuth, 2018. - 2 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
An improvement of the Johnson bound for subspace codes
Bayreuth, 2018. - 12 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
The power of the largest player
Bayreuth, 2018. - 7 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Freixas, Josep; Kurz, Sascha
Bounds for the Nakamura number
Bayreuth, 2018. - 22 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Influence in systems with convex decisions
Bayreuth, 2018. - 18 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Approximating power by weights
Bayreuth, 2018. - 21 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Heinlein, Daniel
New LMRD bounds for constant dimension codes and improved constructions
Bayreuth, 2018

Braun, Philipp; Sauerteig, Philipp; Worthmann, Karl
Distributed optimization based control on the example of microgrids
Newcastle, Australia ; Ilmenau, Germany, 2018. - 28 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Wendland, Holger; Rieger, Christian
Sampling inequalities for anisotropic tensor product grids
Bayreuth ; Bonn, 2018

Braun, Philipp; Kellett, Christopher M.; Zaccarian, Luca
Unsafe Point Avoidance in Linear State Feedback
Newcastle, Australia, 2018. - 8 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Classifying optimal binary subspace codes of length 8, constant dimension 4 and minimum di ...
Bayreuth, 2017. - 16 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Riedl, Wolfgang; Baier, Robert; Gerdts, Matthias
Analytical and numerical estimates of reachable sets in a subdivision scheme
Bayreuth ; Neubiberg/München, 2017. - 15 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005055 ...

Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
Asymptotic bounds for the sizes of constant dimension codes and an improved lower bound
Bayreuth, 2017. - 30 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Heinlein, Daniel; Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
Projective divisible binary codes
Bayreuth, 2017. - 10 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Partial spreads and vector space partitions
Bayreuth, 2017. - 30 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Freixas, Josep; Freixas, Marc; Kurz, Sascha
Characterization of threshold functions : state of the art, some new contributions and ope ...
Bayreuth, 2017. - 26 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
A new upper bound for subspace codes
Bayreuth, 2017. - 9 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kurz, Sascha
Upper bounds for partial spreads
Bayreuth, 2017. - 4 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Christof, Constantin; Müller, Georg
A Note on the Equivalence and the Boundary Behavior of a Class of Sobolev Capacities
Bayreuth, 2017. - 27 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Braun, Philipp; Kellett, Christopher M.
On (the existence of) Control Lyapunov Barrier Functions
Newcastle, Australia, 2017. - 19 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Dumpert, Florian
Universal Consistency and Robustness of Localized Support Vector Machines
Bayreuth, 2017

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Constructions and Bounds for Mixed-Dimension Subspace Codes
Bayreuth, 2016. - 35 pp.

Kurz, Sascha
Improved upper bounds for partial spreads
Bayreuth, 2016. - 8 pp.

Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan
Fair Representation and a Linear Shapley Rule
Bayreuth, 2016. - 20 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Olsen, Martin; Kurz, Sascha; Molinero, Xavier
On the Construction of High Dimensional Simple Games
Bayreuth, 2016. - 13 pp.

Kurz, Sascha
Computing the Power Distribution in the IMF
Bayreuth, 2016. - 19 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Molinero, Xavier; Olsen, Martin; Serna, Maria
Dimension and codimension of simple games
Bayreuth, 2016. - 5 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Müller, Georg; Schiela, Anton
On the Control of Time Discretized Dynamical Contact Problems
Bayreuth, 2016. - 35 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha; Wassermann, Alfred
The order of the automorphism group of a binary q-analog of the Fano plane is at most two
Bayreuth, 2016. - 10 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Baier, Robert; Le, Thuy Thi Thien
Construction of the Minimum Time Function Via Reachable Sets of Linear Control Systems. Pa ...
Bayreuth ; Padova, 2015. - 30 pp.

Baier, Robert; Le, Thuy Thi Thien
Construction of the Minimum Time Function Via Reachable Sets of Linear Control Systems. Pa ...
Bayreuth ; Padova, 2015. - 16 pp.

Heinlein, Daniel; Kurz, Sascha
Coset construction for subspace codes
Bayreuth, 2015. - 17 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Kurz, Sascha; García-Valiñas, María; Zaporozhets, Vera
Key drivers of EU budget allocation: Does power matter?
Bayreuth, 2015. - 32 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Hoffmeister, Susanne; Rambau, Jörg
Strategy Optimization in Sports : A Two-Scale Approach via Markov Decision Problems
Bayreuth, 2015

Kaniovski, Serguei; Kurz, Sascha
Representation-compatible power indices
Bayreuth, 2015. - 28 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Lubkoll, Lars; Schiela, Anton; Weiser, Martin
An affine covariant composite step method for optimization with PDEs as equality constrain ...
Berlin, 2015. - 40 pp. . - (ZIB-Report; 15-09)

Hegselmann, Rainer; König, Stefan; Kurz, Sascha; Niemann, Christoph; Rambau, Jörg
Optimal Opinion Control : The Campaign Problem
Bayreuth, 2015. - 47 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...

de la Cruz, Javier; Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred; Willems, Wolfgang
Algebraic structures of MRD Codes
Cornell, 2015

Hoffmann, Isabella; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
The Maximum Scatter TSP on a Regular Grid
Bayreuth, 2015. - 6 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Kiermaier, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred; Zwanzger, Johannes
New upper bounds on binary linear codes and a ℤ₄-code with a better-than-linear Gray image ...
Cornell, 2015

Kurz, Sascha
Optimal control of the convergence time in the Hegselmann-Krause dynamics
Bayreuth, 2014. - 14 pp.
https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/1778/1/control_conver ...

Honold, Thomas; Kiermaier, Michael; Kurz, Sascha
Optimal binary subspace codes of length 6, constant dimension 3 and minimum distance 4
Bayreuth, 2014. - 24 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...

Hable, Robert
Practical Tikhonov Regularized Estimators in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for Statist ...
Ithaka, New York, : Cornell University, 2014

Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan; Weber, Matthias
Mostly sunny : a forecast of tomorrow's power index research
Bayreuth, 2014. - 17 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...

Schiela, Anton
A flexible framework for cubic regularization algorithms for non-convex optimization in fu ...
Hamburg-Harburg, 2014. - 26 pp. . - (Bericht / Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Mathematik; 183)
https://www.mat.tu-harburg.de/forschung/rep/rep183 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Tautenhahn, Nikolas
Classes of complete simple games that are all weighted
Bayreuth, 2014
http://www.wm.uni-bayreuth.de/fileadmin/Sascha/Pub ...

Kurz, Sascha; Noll, Landon Curt; Rathbun, Randall; Simmons, Chuck
Constructing 7-clusters
Bayreuth, 2014. - 15 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...

Koltai, Peter
Split optimal policy iteration for LQR problems
arXiv, 2014. - 14 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.1404.5209 ...

Hable, Robert
Asymptotic Confidence Sets for General Nonparametric Regression and Classification by Regu ...
Ithaca, New York, : Cornell University, 2013

Braun, Michael; Etzion, Tuvi; Östergård, Patric R. J.; Vardy, Alexander; Wassermann, Alfred
Existence of q-Analogs of Steiner Systems
Cornell, 2013

Christmann, Andreas; Hable, Robert
On the Consistency of the Bootstrap Approach for Support Vector Machines and Related Kerne ...
Cornell University Library, arXiv, : Cornell University Library, 2013. - 13 pp.

Kießling, Miriam; Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem
Bayreuth, 2012. - 15 pp.

Bauer, Ingrid
Product-Quotient Surfaces : Result and Problems
Bayreuth, 2012

Braun, Michael; Wassermann, Alfred
q-Steiner Systems Do Exist
Cornell, 2012

Koltai, Peter
Discrete infinitesimal generator of the Frobenius-Perron operator semigroup associated wit ...
arXiv, 2011. - 4 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.1103.0530 ...

Christmann, Andreas; Salibián-Barrera, Matías; van Aelst, Stefan
On the stability of Bootstrap estimators
Cornell University Library, arXiv, : Cornell University Library, 2011. - 12 pp.

Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin; von Wahl, Wolf; Wendl, Stefan
On some new phenomena in state-constrained optimal control if ODEs as well as PDEs are inv ...
Bayreuth, 2009. - 15 pp. . - (Preprint IOC; 27)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/IOC27 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Sternberg, Kati
Optimal Control of Load Changes for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Systems : A Challenge in PD ...
Bayreuth, 2009. - 19 pp. . - (Preprint IOC; 25)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/IOC25 ...

Pesch, Hans Josef; Plail, Michael
The Maximum Principle of Optimal Control : A History of Ingenious Ideas and Missed Opportu ...
Bayreuth, 2009. - 18 pp. . - (Preprint IOC; 24)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/IOC24 ...

Baier, Robert; Donchev, Tzanko
Discrete Approximation of Impulsive Differential Inclusions
Bonn, 2009. - 22 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-5 ...

Pannek, Jürgen
Horizon Adaptation for Nonlinear Model Predictive Controllers with guaranteed Degree of Su ...
Bayreuth, 2009. - 20 pp.

Baier, Robert; Perria, Gilbert
Hermite Interpolation with Directed Sets
Bonn, 2008
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-5 ...

Baier, Robert; Farkhi, Elza
The Directed Subdifferential of DC functions
Bonn, 2008. - 19 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-5 ...

Rund, Armin; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef; Chudej, Kurt
Optimal control of a large PDAE molten carbonate fuel cell model
Bayreuth, 2008. - 2 pp. . - (Preprint IOC; 12)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/IOC12 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Sternberg, Kati; Pesch, Hans Josef
Optimal Load Changes for a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Model
Bayreuth, 2008. - 8 pp. . - (Preprint IOC; 13)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/IOC13 ...

Sternberg, Kati; Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Rund, Armin
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Fast Load Changes of a Dynamic MCFC Model.
Bayreuth, 2008. - 11 pp. . - (Preprint IOC; 14)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/IOC14 ...

Chudej, Kurt; Pesch, Hans Josef; Wächter, Markus; Sachs, Gottfried; Le Bras, Florent
Instationary heat constrained trajectory optimization of a hypersonic space vehicle by ODE ...
Bayreuth, 2008. - 19 pp. . - (Preprint IOC; 11)
http://www.ingmath.uni-bayreuth.de/FORSCHUNG/IOC11 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg; Schlüchtermann, Jörg; Wolf, Rainer-Johannes
The Top-Dog Index : a New Measurement for the Demand Consistency of the Size Distribution ...
Bayreuth, 2008. - 22 pp.

Aprodu, Marian; Kebekus, Stefan; Peternell, Thomas
Endomorphisms of projective varieties : Version 2
Ithaca, NY, USA, 2007. - 30 pp.

von Wahl, Wolf
On the differential equation ypₓ-xpᵧ=R for real analytic functions with unknown p
Bayreuth, 2007
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...

von Wahl, Wolf
Generation of Centres by Adding Higher Order Terms
Bayreuth, 2007
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...

Bauer, Ingrid; Catanese, Fabrizio; Grunewald, Fritz
The absolute Galois group acts faithfully on the connected components of the moduli space ...
Bayreuth, 2007. - 13 pp.

Ulm, Volker
Höhere Kurven experimentell entdecken
München, 2004 . - (Lernpfad "Intel Lehren für die Zukunft")

Ulm, Volker
GEONExT kennen lernen : eine Anleitung zum Selbststudium
Bayreuth, : Z-MNU, 2003

Ulm, Volker
Konstruieren mit dynamischer Mathematik
München, 2003 . - (Lernpfad "Intel Lehren für die Zukunft")

Ulm, Volker
Objekte in Grafiken : eine Lernumgebung für den Anfangsunterricht Informatik
Bayreuth, : Z-MNU, 2003

Wassermann, Alfred
Pentominoes in a 9 × 10 Rectangle
Bayreuth, 2001
http://did.mat.uni-bayreuth.de/~alfred/home/pentom ...

Neudert, Michael; von Wahl, Wolf
On the global existence of Euler's multiplier
Bayreuth, 2000
http://www.diffgleichg.uni-bayreuth.de/de/download ...

Büskens, Christof; Gerdts, Matthias
Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with DAE Systems of Higher Index
Sonderforschungsbereich 255 Transatmosphärische Flugsysteme: Optimalsteuerungsprobleme in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, Greifswald 1999
Bayreuth, 2000

Winderl, Susanne; Naumer, Birgit
On a State Constrained Optimal Control Problem in Economics with Four Linear Controls
Bayreuth, 2000

Chudej, Kurt; Günther, Michael
A global state space approach for the efficient numerical solution of state-constrained tr ...
Darmstadt, : Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 1997. - 21 pp. . - (Preprint / Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Mathematik; 1950)

Hiltmann, Peter; Chudej, Kurt; Breitner, Michael H.
Eine modifizierte Mehrzielmethode zur Lösung von Mehrpunkt-Randwertproblemen : Benutzeranl ...
München, : Lehrstuhl für Höhere und Numerische Mathematik, 1993. - 45 pp. . - (Report / Sonderforschungsbereich 255, Transatmosphärische Flugsysteme; 14)

von Wahl, Wolf
The Boussinesq-Equations in Terms of Poloidal and Toroidal Fields and the Mean Flow
Bayreuth, 1992

von Wahl, Wolf
Ein einfacher Beweis für die Stetigkeit von D²ᵐu bei parabolischen Systemen dₜu+Au=f der O ...

von Wahl, Wolf
Remarks on Lines of Reversibility for Poincaré's Centre Problem

Project report, research report, expert assessments

Ulm, Volker
Fachliche & kulturelle Diversität in Schule & Universität : Systemische Entwicklung von Le ...
Bayreuth 2020. - 32 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004619 ...

Jak rozpoznat a podpořit matematicky nadané žáky a žákyně = Mathematisch begabte Schülerin ...
publ: Köcher, Tom; Ulm, Volker
Bayreuth 2020. - 110 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004863 ...

Baier, Robert; Lempio, Frank; Polovinkin, Evgenii S.
Set-Valued Integration with Negative Weights
Bayreuth : Mathematisches Institut, 2002

Wassermann, Alfred
Covering the Aztec Diamond with One-sided Tetrasticks : extended version
Bayreuth 2001
http://did.mat.uni-bayreuth.de/~alfred/home/allsol ...

Betten, Anton; Veigneau, Sébastien; Wassermann, Alfred
Parallel Computation in Combinatorics using PVM

Christmann, Andreas
Bias of the Minimum Hellinger distance estimator in Poisson models
Dortmund : Universität, 1993

Christmann, Andreas
A Note on M-Estimators Proposed by Künsch, Stefanski and Carroll
Dortmund : University of Dortmund, Department of Statistics, 1992

Online post

Greefrath, Gilbert; Oldenburg, Reinhard; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Ulm, Volker; Weigand, Hans-Georg
Test zur Erfassung von Grundvorstellungen zu Ableitungen und Integralen (GV-AI), Empirisch ...
in HAL open science
08. Januar 2021

Steinecke, Annalisa
Das bestimmte Integral als Flächenbilanz
in Lehrer-Online

Steinecke, Annalisa
Bestimmte Integrale beGREIFEN
in Lehrer-Online
https://www.lehrer-online.de/unterricht/sekundarst ...

Begabte fördern
publ: Ulm, Volker
in Lehrer-Online Themenportal Jahr der Mathematik

Ulm, Volker
Objektorientierte Modellierung mit GEONExT
in Lehrer-Online
04. Mai 2006
http://www.lehrer-online.de/modellbildung-geonext. ...

Ulm, Volker
Lernen mit dynamischer Mathematik
in Lehrer-Online
: Lehrer Online, 13. Januar 2006
http://www.lehrer-online.de/dynamische-mathematik. ...

Ulm, Volker
Die Ableitung der Sinus- und Kosinusfunktion mit GEONExt
in Lehrer-Online
06. Dezember 2005
http://www.lehrer-online.de/downloads.php/0/sin_co ...

Ulm, Volker
Parameter in der Sinusfunktion mit GEONExT
in Lehrer-Online
06. Dezember 2005
http://www.lehrer-online.de/parameter-geonext.php? ...

Ulm, Volker
Trapeze mit GEONExT
in Lehrer-Online
06. Dezember 2005
http://www.lehrer-online.de/trapeze.php?sid=810545 ...

Ulm, Volker
Ergebnisse zu PISA 2003
in Lehrer-Online
25. Februar 2005

Ulm, Volker; Tramnitz, Birgit
Eine Reise ins "Flächenland" mit GEONExT
in Lehrer-Online
15. Januar 2005
http://www.lehrer-online.de/flaechenland-geonext.p ...

Ulm, Volker
Dynamische Mathematik mit GEONExT
in Lehrer-Online
05. Juni 2003

Ulm, Volker
Aufgabenblätter mit SMART : Lernpfad
in Online-Lehrerfortbildung im Rahmen von "Intel Lehren für die Zukunft"

Ulm, Volker
Besondere Linien im Dreieck : Lernpfad
in Online-Lehrerfortbildung im Rahmen von "Intel Lehren für die Zukunft"

Ulm, Volker
Dynamische Arbeitsblätter für die 5. und 6. Jahrgangsstufe : Lernpfad
in Online-Lehrerfortbildung im Rahmen von "Intel Lehren für die Zukunft"

Ulm, Volker
Dynamische Funktionsgraphen : Lernpfad
in Online-Lehrerfortbildung im Rahmen von "Intel Lehren für die Zukunft"

Doctoral thesis

Straub, Christopher
Pulsating Galaxies
Bayreuth, 2024. - X, 310 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007639 ...
(thesis, 2024, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)

Alessandro, Massimiliano
Constructions and moduli of surfaces of general type and related topics
Bayreuth, 2024. - XV, 167 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007915 ...
(thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Faghih-Naini, Sara
Discontinuous Galerkin methods and high performance computing approaches for ocean simulat ...
Bayreuth, 2024. - XII, 115 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007728 ...
(thesis, 2024, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Krügel, Lisa
Dissipativity-Based Analysis of Multiobjective Optimal and Predictive Control
Bayreuth, 2024. - VII, 139 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007479 ...
(thesis, 2024, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Reihl, Christoph
Gleichmäßige Konfidenzbänder für Erwartungswertfunktional und Kovarianzkern funktionaler D ...
Bayreuth, 2024. - 228 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007640 ...
(thesis, 2024, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Sproll, Tobias
Numerical Identification of Motor Units in Muscle Tissue from High Resolution EMG Data
Bayreuth, 2024. - VIII, 103 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007473 ...
(thesis, 2024, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Fallucca, Federico
On the degree of the canonical map of surfaces of general type
Bayreuth, 2024. - xv, 192 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007385 ...
(thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Wolfschmidt, Sebastian
Stability and Oscillations of Star Clusters in General Relativity
Bayreuth, 2024. - XIV, 268 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007337 ...
(thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)

Linke, Annika Sabine
Wie kann man Bildungsinhalte aus dem Bereich der Inklusion - hier Darstellung von Förders ...
Bayreuth, 2024. - XVI, 286 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007468 ...
(thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Frenkler, Joachim
Dynamics of Globular Clusters and Spiral Galaxies
Bayreuth, 2023. - 109 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006847 ...
(thesis, 2022, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Feist, Bernd
Efficient numerical treamtent of the fractional Laplacian in three dimensions
Bayreuth, 2023. - V, 135 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007173 ...
(thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Pötzl, Bastian
Inexact Proximal Newton Methods for Finite Strain Plasticity
Bayreuth, 2023. - X, 215 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007159 ...
(thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Bauer, Maximilian
Neue Formen der Adaptivität bei der Kreuzapproximation nicht-lokaler Operatoren
Bayreuth, 2023. - 134 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006896 ...
(thesis, 2022, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Kempf, Rüdiger
The Tensor Product Multilevel Method for High-dimensional Meshfree Approximation
Bayreuth, 2023. - VIII, 205 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007006 ...
(thesis, 2023, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Folger, Gaby B.
Modellierung, Analyse und Optimale Steuerung von gefährlichen Krankheiten
Bayreuth, 2021. - VIII, 145 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005320 ...
(thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)

Schaller, Manuel
Sensitivity Analysis and Goal Oriented Error Estimation for Model Predictive Control
Bayreuth, 2021. - IX, 185 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005538 ...
(thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Fleig, Arthur
Model Predictive Control for the Fokker--Planck Equation
Bayreuth, 2021. - VI, 145 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005421 ...
(thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Dorn, Manuela
Tests auf Exogenität im funktionalen linearen Regressionsmodell unter schwacher Stationari ...
Bayreuth, 2021. - III, 186 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005597 ...
(thesis, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Ortiz, Julián
Constrained Optimization on Manifolds
Bayreuth, 2020. - IX, 193 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005186 ...
(thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Franz, Tino
Convergence of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method for Barotropic Flows : Construct ...
Bayreuth, 2020. - 146 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004969 ...
(thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Pirkelmann, Simon
Economic Model Predictive Control and Time-Varying Systems
Bayreuth, 2020. - VII, 146 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004905 ...
(thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Tenzler, Julian
Fourier-Deligne transformation of perverse sheaves and the change of Frobenius traces unde ...
Bayreuth, 2020. - 110 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004633 ...
(thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)

Demleitner, Andreas
On Hyperelliptic Manifolds
Bayreuth, 2020. - III, 192 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005068 ...
(thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Stöcklein, Matthias
Optimal Control of Static Contact in Finite Strain Elasticity
Bayreuth, 2020. - X, 169 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005203 ...
(thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Weber, Jörg
The Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell System with External Electromagnetic Fields
Bayreuth, 2020. - VIII, 148 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004964 ...
(thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Dumpert, Florian
Statistische Eigenschaften lokalisierter maschineller Lernverfahren
Bayreuth, 2020. - ix, 81 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004600 ...
(thesis, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Künemund, Jens
Numerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen auf veränderlichen Oberflächen mit ke ...
München, Verlag Dr. Hut, 2019. - IX, 186 pp.
(thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Müller, Georg
Optimal control of time-discretized contact problems
Bayreuth, 2019. - x, 213 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004379 ...
(thesis, 2019, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Hoffmeister, Susanne
Sport-Strategy Optimization with Markov Decision Processes
Bayreuth, 2019. - 293 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004396 ...
(thesis, 2019, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Heinlein, Daniel
Integer linear programming techniques for constant dimension codes and related structures
Bayreuth, 2018. - 256 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...
(thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Performance and Effects of Linear Feedback Stock Trading Strategies
Bayreuth, 2018. - 160 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Strohriegl, Katharina
On Robustness and Consistency of Support Vector Machines for non-i.i.d. Observations
Bayreuth, 2018. - IV, 147 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Cesarano, Luca
Canonical Surfaces and Hypersurfaces in in Abelian Varieties
Bayreuth, 2018. - XIV, 75 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Leppmeier, Max
Konzepte zur personorientierten Begabungsförderung im Mathematikunterricht und in der Schu ...
Bayreuth, 2018. - VII, 308 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...
(thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Stieler, Marleen
Performance Estimates for Scalar and Multiobjective Model Predictive Control Schemes
Bayreuth, 2018. - X, 119 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Jakob, Konstantin
Rigid Irregular Connections and Wildly Ramified l-adic Local Systems of Type G2
Bayreuth, 2018. - 125 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Ling, Songbo
Classification and Moduli Spaces of Surfaces of General Type with Pg = q =1
Bayreuth, 2017. - 53 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Stock, Isabella
The Maximum Scatter TSP on a Regular Grid : How to Avoid Heat Peaks in Additive Manufactur ...
Bayreuth, 2017. - XI, 157 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)

Knopf, Patrik
Optimal control of a Vlasov-Poisson plasma by an external magnetic field
Bayreuth, 2017. - 115 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Bechmann, Simon
Zeitabhängige optimale Steuerung der Wärmeleitungsgleichung mit Zustandsbeschränkungen : m ...
Bayreuth, 2017. - X, 115 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Gleißner, Christian
Threefolds Isogenous to a Product and Product quotient Threefolds with Canonical Singulari ...
Bayreuth, 2016. - XVI,100 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Braun, Philipp
Hierarchical distributed optimization and predictive control of a smart grid
Bayreuth, 2016. - ix+162 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Li, Binru
Moduli spaces of varieties with symmetries
Bayreuth, 2016. - 72 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Keim, Christopher
Collocation Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations
Bayreuth, 2016
(thesis, , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Cseh, Ágnes
Complexity and algorithms in matching problems under preferences
Berlin, 2016
doi:10.14279/depositonce-5076 ...
(thesis, , Technische Universität Berlin)

Weigl, Sascha
Irreducible Components of the Space of Curves with Split Metacyclic Symmetry
Bayreuth, 2016. - VII, 75 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Sigurani, Manuela
Numerical ISpS controller design on coarse quantizations : A dynamic game approach for lar ...
Bayreuth, 2016. - ii+166 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...
(thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Jahn, Thomas U.
A Feasibility Problem Approach For Reachable Set Approximation
Bayreuth, 2015. - III, 134 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Xausa, Ilaria
Verification of Collision Avoidance Systems using Optimal Control and Sensitivity Analysis
Neubiberg, Universitätsbibliothek der Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2015. - viii+216 pp.
(thesis, 2015, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik)

Palma, Vryan Gil
Robust Updated MPC Schemes
Bayreuth, 2015. - IX, 119 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Li, Huijuan
Computation of Lyapunov functions and stability of interconnected systems
Bayreuth, 2015. - 130 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...
(thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Schüler, Katharina
Moderate, large, and superlarge Deviations for extremal Eigenvalues of unitarily invariant ...
Bayreuth, 2015. - 102 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)

Lubkoll, Lars
An Optimal Control Approach to Implant Shape Design : Modeling, Analysis and Numerics
Bayreuth, 2015. - III, 210 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(thesis, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Gerhäuser, Michael
Interaktive Mathematik im Browser: Werkzeuge, Bibliotheken und Programmierumgebungen
Bayreuth, 2014. - VIII, 148 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...
(thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Altmüller, Nils
Model Predictive Control for Partial Differential Equations
Bayreuth, 2014. - XIV, 169 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...
(thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Matev, Tzanko
Good reduction of 1-motives
Bayreuth, 2014. - IX, 115 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...
(thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Feulner, Thomas
Eine kanonische Form zur Darstellung äquivalenter Codes : Computergestützte Berechnung und ...
Bayreuth, 2014. - IX, 176 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-4 ...
(thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Wendl, Stefan
On a Prototype of an Optimal Control Problem Governed by Ordinary and Partial Differential ...
Bayreuth, 2014. - VIII, 91 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-1 ...
(thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Grimme, Felix
Über eine Erweiterung der Methode von Soshnikov zur Untersuchung des größten Eigenwerts au ...
Bayreuth, 2013
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Chan, Tsz On Mario
Bayreuth, 2013. - 44 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Kießling, Miriam
Integrated size and price optimization for a fashion retailer
Bayreuth, 2013
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Exler, Oliver
New Trust Region SQP Methods for Continuous and Integer Optimization
Bayreuth, 2013. - VI, 171 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Lehmann, Thomas
On Efficient Solution Methods for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear and Mixed-Integer Quadratic Opti ...
Bayreuth, 2013. - 249 S. pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Luthardt, Axel
Ein Verfahren der sequentiellen, konvexen Optimierung mit kombinierter Trust-Region- und M ...
Bayreuth, 2013. - 132 S. pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Rund, Armin
Beiträge zur Optimalen Steuerung partiell-differential algebraischer Gleichungen
Bayreuth, 2012. - XI, 205 pp.
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Ramming, Tobias
Über Familien sphärisch symmetrischer stationärer Lösungen des Vlasov-Poisson-Systems
München, Hut, 2012. - VI, 103 pp.
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Professur Angewandte Mathematik (Angewandte Analysis))

Schulte, Michael
Galois representations of orthogonal rigid local systems
Bayreuth, 2012
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Kiermaier, Michael
Geometrische Konstruktionen linearer Codes über Galois-Ringen der Charakteristik 4 von hoh ...
Bayreuth, 2012. - IV, 95 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Schwarz, Cornelius
Integrated routing & scheduling
München, Dr. Hut, 2012. - IX, 124 pp.
(thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Kirschner, Tim
Irreducible symplectic complex spaces
Bayreuth, 2012
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Nedden, Max
Neue Methoden zur Charakterisierung der QSAR-Anwendungsdomäne : Modifizierte Kerndichtesch ...
Berlin, Springer, 2012. - XVI, 531 pp. (thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Frey, Michael
Shape Calculus Applied to State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems
Bayreuth, 2012. - IX, 182 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Chen, Yifan
Two Irreducible Components of the Moduli Space M can 1,3
Bayreuth, 2012
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-9 ...
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Zwanzger, Johannes
Computergestützte Suche nach optimalen linearen Codes über endlichen Kettenringen unter Ve ...
Bayreuth, 2011
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-8 ...
(thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Vogel, Heiko
Gitterbasenreduktion mit Random Sampling und heuristischen Erweiterungen
Bayreuth, 2011
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-8 ...
(thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Güner, Ridvan
Klassifikation gewisser Darstellungen halbeinfacher Liealgebren
Bayreuth, 2011
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-8 ...
(thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Frischholz, Markus
Selbstgesteuerte Lehr-/Lernprozesse in computergestütztem Analysisunterricht : Neue Konzep ...
München, Verl. Dr. Hut, 2011. - 258 pp.
(thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Worthmann, Karl
Stability Analysis of Unconstrained Receding Horizon Control Schemes
Bayreuth, 2011
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus4- ...
(thesis, 2012, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Lehmann, Sonja
A strictly feasible sequential convex programming method
Bayreuth, 2011
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-9 ...
(thesis, 2011, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Creutz, Brendan
Explicit second p-descent on elliptic curves
https://opus.jacobs-university.de/frontdoor/index/ ...
(thesis, 2010, Jacobs University Bremen)

Schrack, Florian
Algebraische Approximation von Kählermannigfaltigkeiten
Bayreuth, 2010
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-7 ...
(thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Penegini, Matteo
The classification of isotrivially fibred surfaces with p_g=q=2, and topics on Beauville s ...
Bayreuth, 2010
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-7 ...
(thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Müller, Jan Steffen
Computing canonical heights on Jacobians
Bayreuth, 2010
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-7 ...
(thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Riedl, Thorsten
Cosserat Operators of Higher Order and Applications
Bayreuth, 2010
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-6 ...
(thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Fischer, Julia
Optimal Control Problems Governed by Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Inclusio ...
Bayreuth, 2010. - 96 pp.
(thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Liu, Wenfei
Surfaces Isogenous to a Product: Their Automorphisms and Degenerations
Bayreuth, 2010
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-6 ...
(thesis, 2010, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Seehafer, Martin
Existence Results for Plasma Physics Models Containing a Fully Coupled Magnetic Field
Bayreuth, 2009
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-5 ...
(thesis, 2009, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Pannek, Jürgen
Receding Horizon Control: A Suboptimality-based Approach
Bayreuth, 2009
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-6 ...
(thesis, 2009, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Schulze, Achim
Existence and stability of stellardynamic models
Bayreuth, 2008
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-4 ...
(thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Brandl, Matthias
Higher Order Asymptotics for the MSE of Robust M-Estimators of Location on Shrinking Total ...
Bayreuth, 2008
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-5 ...
(thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Petzet, Verena
Mathematische Optimierung und Sensitivitätsanalyse des Mehrstrahlschweissverfahrens zur Ve ...
Düsseldorf, VDI-Verl., 2008. - XXII, 161 pp. (thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Firt, Roman
Stability of flat galaxies
Bayreuth, 2008
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-4 ...
(thesis, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Rollenske, Sönke
Nilmanifolds: complex structures, geometry and deformations
Bayreuth, 2007
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-3 ...
(thesis, 2007, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Perria, Gilbert
Set-valued interpolation
Bayreuth, Mathemat. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2007(thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

rev.: AMS MathSciNet
rev.: Zentralblatt

Sternberg, Kati
Simulation, Optimale Steuerung und Sensitivitätsanalyse einer Schmelzkarbonat-Brennstoffze ...
Bayreuth, 2007. - XVI, 232 pp.
https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/751/1/dissertation_st ...
(thesis, 2007, Universität Bayreuth)

Winderl, Susanne
Über die Behandlung von Optimalsteuerungsproblemen mit linear eingehenden Steuerungen : ei ...
München, Verlag Dr. Hut, 2006. - 161 pp.
(thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Wang, Min
Canonical forms of discrete objects for databases and internet data exchange
Bayreuth, Math. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2006. - IX, 118 pp. (thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Friedrich, Stefan
Globale Existenzaussagen über klassische Lösungen des Vlasov-Nordström-Systems
Bayreuth, Math. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2006(thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Gerlach, Alexander
Die schwache Lösung des dritten Randwertproblems der statischen Elastizitätstheorie in $L^ ...
Bayreuth, 2006
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-2 ...
(thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Perria, Gilbert
Set Valued Interpolation
Bayreuth, 2006
(thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Sternberg, Kati
Simulation, Optimale Steuerung und Sensitivitätsanalyse einer Schmelzkarbonat-Brennstoffze ...
Bayreuth, 2006
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-2 ...
(thesis, 2007, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Höring, Andreas
Two applications of positivity to the classification theory of complex projective varietie ...
2006. - 158 pp.
(thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Böhning, Christian
Derived categories of coherent sheaves on rational homogeneous manifolds
Bayreuth, 2005
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-1 ...
(thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Kurz, Sascha
Konstruktion und Eigenschaften ganzzahliger Punktmengen
Bayreuth, 2005
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-1 ...
(thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Gugisch, Ralf
Konstruktion von Isomorphieklassen orientierter Matroide
Bayreuth, 2005
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-2 ...
(thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Weyers, Stephan
Eine $L^q$-Theorie des Cosseratspektrums in beschränkten Gebieten und Außengebieten
Bayreuth, 2005
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-2 ...
(thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Kohl, Matthias
Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness
Bayreuth, 2005
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-1 ...
(thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Graf, Tobias
Satellitentransfer von einem Geotransferorbit in einen geostationären Orbit
Bayreuth, Math. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2005(thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Kronenthaler, Wolfgang
Zur Moritheorie auf Kählerdreifaltigkeiten mit höchstens terminalen Singularitäten
Bayreuth, 2005
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-1 ...
(thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Miller, Carsten
Entwicklung dynamischer Arbeitsblätter und ihre Realisierung für den Mathematikunterricht ...
München, Verl. Dr. Hut, 2004. - 196 pp. (thesis, 2004, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Ehmann, Matthias
GEONExT : Integration algebraischer Objekte und Internationalisierung
München, Verl. Dr. Hut, 2004(thesis, 2004, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Haberberger, Evi
Isomorphieklassifikation von Inzidenzstrukturen mit dem Lattice-Climbing-Verfahren am Beis ...
Bayreuth, Math. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2004. - VIII, 78 S. pp. (thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Braun, Michael
Konstruktion diskreter Strukturen unter Verwendung von Operationen linearer Gruppen auf de ...
Bayreuth, Math. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2004(thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Meringer, Markus
Mathematische Modelle für die kombinatorische Chemie und die molekulare Strukturaufklärung ...
Berlin, Logos-Verl., 2004. - XXXIV, 354 pp.
(thesis, 2004, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Stark, Matthias
Das schwache Dirichletproblem in L q für das Differentialgleichungssystem v = p und die Lö ...
Bayreuth, Math. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2004. - XII, 352 pp. (thesis, 2004, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Griesse, Roland
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis for Control-Constrained Optimal Control Problems Governed ...
Bayreuth, 2003. - XVIII, 194 pp.
(thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Chahma, Ilyes Aïssa
Set-Valued Discrete Approximations of State-Constrained Differential Inclusions
Bayreuth, 2003
(thesis, 2003, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Meyer, Harald
Konjugationsklassensummen in endlichen Gruppenringen
Bayreuth, Mathemat. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2002. - VIII, 160 pp. (thesis, 2002, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Dressel, Bernd
Zum Einfluß homogener Moden auf Konvektionsmuster in nematischen Flüssigkristallen
2002. - II, 152 pp.
(thesis, 2002, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Bebendorf, Mario
Effiziente numerische Lösung von Randintegralgleichungen unter Verwendung von Niedrigrang- ...
Berlin, dissertation.de, 2001. - II, 119 pp.
(thesis, 2000, Universität Saarbrücken)

Gerdts, Matthias
Numerische Methoden optimaler Steuerprozesse mit differential-algebraischen Gleichungssyst ...
Bayreuth, Mathemat. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2001. - IV, 139 S. pp. (thesis, 2001, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt für Mathematik

Brausch, Oliver
Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion in verschiedenen isotropen und anisotropen Systemen
2001. - 176 pp.
(thesis, 2001, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Radloff, Ivo
Flächen mit semi-positivem Normalenbündel in Dreifaltigkeiten
2000. - IX, 104 pp.
(thesis, 2000, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Rathmann, Wigand
Modellierung, Simulation und Steuerung von Netzwerken schwingender Balken mittels dynamisc ...
Bayreuth, Mathem. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2000. - XVII, 199 pp. (thesis, 2000, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

rev.: Mathematical Reviews
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Betten, Anton
Schnittzahlen von Designs
Bayreuth, Math. Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 2000. - X, 131 pp. (thesis, 2000, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Birner, Michael
Stabilitätskugeln beim rotierenden Bénard-System mit der Methode der linearisierten Stabil ...
2000. - 110 pp.
(thesis, 2000, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Eckl, Thomas
Vektorfelder mit Nullstellen auf algebraischen Varietäten
(thesis, 2000, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Uecker, Hannes
Rollen und modulierende Multipulse in musterbildenden Systemen
1999. - 103 pp.
(thesis, 2000, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Jahnke, Priska
Untermannigfaltigkeiten mit spaltender Tangentialsequenz
(thesis, 2000, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Neudert, Michael
Asymptotisches Verhalten beim Neumannschen Problem für inhomogen harmonische Vektorfelder ...
(thesis, 1998, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Liepelt, Michael
Optimierung großer Systeme mit Penalty-Barrier-Verfahren
(thesis, 1998, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Müdsam, Michael
Regularität semistabiler Rang-2-Vektorbündel auf algebraischen Flächen
(thesis, 1998, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Grüner, Thomas
Strategien zur Konstruktion diskreter Strukturen
(thesis, 1998, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Weiser, Uwe
Ein Eindeutigkeitsresultat bzw. Konvergenzverhalten für die Stokes- und Navier-Stokes-Prob ...
Bayreuth, 1997
(thesis, 1997, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Plegge, Carsten
Gleichungen für Modulkurven
(thesis, 1997, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Ziegler, Thomas
Die Helmholtz-Zerlegung, das schwache Neumann- und Dirichlet-Problem für L q auf unbeschrä ...
(thesis, 1997, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Xu, Lanxi
On the nonlinear stability of some hydrodynamic problems
(thesis, 1997, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Gneiting, Tilmann
Symmetric positive definite functions with applications in spatial statistics
(thesis, 1997, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Zimmer, Thomas Uwe
Theorie und Numerik einer degenerierten parabolischen Gleichung
(thesis, 1997, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Kratz, Henrik
Hermite-Einstein-Bündel zweiter Ordnung und Mannigfaltigkeiten mit numerisch effektivem Co ...
(thesis, 1996, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Grüne, Lars
Numerische Berechnung des Lyapunov-Spektrums bilinearer Kontrollsysteme
Berlin, Logos-Verl., 1996. - II, 131 pp.
(thesis, 1996, Universität Augsburg, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Schäfer, Andreas
Projektive Mannigfaltigkeiten mit semipositivem logarithmischen Tangentialbündel
(thesis, 1996, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Bolik, Jürgen
Zur Lösung potentialtheoretischer Randwertprobleme : A-priori-Abschätzungen und Zerlegungs ...
1996. - 117 pp.
(thesis, 1996, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Grund, Roland
Konstruktion molekularer Graphen mit gegebenen Hybridisierungen und überlappungsfreien Fra ...
Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl II für Mathematik, 1995. - 223 pp. (thesis, 1994, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Decker, Werner
Mathematische Methoden zur Beschreibung strukturbildender Systeme : Eine kritische Analyse
(thesis, 1995, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Barop, Christine
Multiplizitätenfreie Untergruppenketten als Hilfsmittel in der Darstellungstheorie : Anwen ...
(thesis, 1995, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Müller, Reinhard
Das schwache Dirichletproblem in L q für den Bipotentialoperator in beschränkten Gebieten ...
Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl II für Mathematik, 1995(thesis, 1994, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Schmitt, Burkhard J.
Abschätzungen für die Poloidal-Toroidal-Zerlegung : Rein toroidale Lösungen der kinematisc ...
1994. - 111 pp.
(thesis, 1995, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Stoll, Michael
Asymptotics of some number theoretic functions and an application to the growth of nilpote ...
Bonn, 1994. - 67 pp. http://www.mathe2.uni-bayreuth.de/stoll/papers/dis ...
(thesis, 1993, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn)

Detzel, Thomas
Epitaxie und Magnetismus dünner Schichten
(thesis, 1994, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Freitag, Paul
Homöomorphietyp von imprimitiven Fano-3-Mannigfaltigkeiten mit b 2 = 2 und b 3 = 0
(thesis, 1994, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Küfner, Konrad H. W.
Invariante Gebiete für stark gekoppelte quasilineare parabolische Systeme in Divergenzform ...
(thesis, 1994, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Baier, Robert
Mengenwertige Integration und die diskrete Approximation erreichbarer Mengen
Bayreuth, Department of Mathematics, 1994. - XIX, 202 S. pp.
(thesis, 1994, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Chudej, Kurt
Optimale Steuerung des Aufstiegs eines zweistufigen Hyperschall-Raumtransporters
München, 1994. - 165 pp.
(thesis, 1994, Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Mathematik)

Edelmann, Gerhard
3-Mannigfaltigkeiten im P 5 vom Grad 12
(thesis, 1993, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Forced lattice vibrations
Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest Diss. Publ., 1993. - 159 pp.
http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88 ...
(thesis, 1993, New York University)

rev.: AMS MatSciNet

Ni, Qin
General large scale nonlinear programming using sequential quadratic programming methods
Bayreuth, 1993(thesis, 1993, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Ehbauer, Stefan
Graduierte Syzygienzahlen von Punkten im projektiven Raum und Anwendungen
(thesis, 1993, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Nörenberg, Rainer
Minimal-vollkonvexe Mengen in volltrennenden Strahlenkategorien
1993. - 115 pp.
(thesis, 1993, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Achtziger, Wolfgang
Optimierung von einfach und mehrfach belasteten Stabwerken
Bayreuth, Univ., 1993. - XVIII, 353 pp. (thesis, 1993, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

rev.: Mathematical Reviews

Steffens, Andreas
Stabilität des Tangentialbündels von Fano-3-Mannigfaltigkeiten
1993. - VII, 98 pp.
(thesis, 1993, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Geiß, Christof
Tame distributive algebras and related topics
(thesis, 1993, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Toma, Matei
Holomorphe Vektorbündel auf nichtalgebraischen Flächen
1992. - 52 pp.
(thesis, 1992, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Küchle, Oliver
Kompaktifizierungen von C2 x C*
(thesis, 1992, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Schmalz, Bernd
t-Designs zu vorgegebener Automorphismengruppe
Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl II für Mathematik, 1992. - 164 pp. (thesis, 1992, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Pöhlmann, Thomas
Untermannigfaltigkeiten mit positivem Normalenbündel
1992. - 69 pp.
(thesis, 1992, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Grenz, Sybille
Kornsche Ungleichungen und schwache Lösungen Navier'scher Randwertprobleme im Banachraumfa ...
Bayreuth, Univ., 1991. - 190 pp. (thesis, 1991, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Weinfurtner, Roland
Singuläre Bordigaflächen
1991. - 170 pp.
(thesis, 1991, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Kohnert, Axel
Weintrauben, Polynome, Tableaux
Bayreuth, 1991. - 207 pp. http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-opus-2 ...
(thesis, 1990, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Griesinger, Regina
The boundary value problem rot u=f,u vanishing at the boundary and the related decompositi ...
Ferrara, 1990. - 43 pp.
(thesis, 1989, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Kastner-Maresch, Alois
Diskretisierungsverfahren zur Lösung von Differentialinklusionen
Bayreuth, 1990. - 106 pp.
(thesis, 1990, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Fischer, Paul
Mannigfaltigkeiten mit fast positivem Tangentialbündel
Bayreuth, 1990(thesis, 1990, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Müller-Stach, Stefan
Eine Anwendung der Klassifikationstheorie projektiver Varietäten auf Kompaktifizierungen d ...
(thesis, 1989, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Braun, Robert
Über das Normalenbündel von projektiven Varietäten
(thesis, 1989, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Schramm, Helga
Eine Kombination von Bundle- und Trust-Region-Verfahren zur Lösung nichtdifferenzierbarer ...
Bayreuth, Univ., 1989. - VIII, 205 pp. (thesis, 1989, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Hoffmann, Karin
Approximation von stochastischen Integralgleichungen durch Martingaldifferenzschemata
1987. - 146 pp.
(thesis, 1987, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Neidhardt, Wolfgang
Spezielle Punktmengen und geometrische Begriffsbildungen bei der Untersuchung von Steiner- ...
1987. - 148 pp.
(thesis, 1987, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Schilling, Klaus
Simpliziale Algorithmen zur Berechnung von Fixpunkten mengenwertiger Operatoren
Trier, WVT Wiss. Verl., 1986. - 190 pp.
(thesis, 1985, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

rev.: Mathematical Review
rev.: Zentralblatt der Mathematik

Goldmann, Helmut
Antisymmetrische Mannigfaltigkeiten
Bayreuth, 1985
(thesis, 1985, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Weidemaier, Peter
Über lokale und globale Existenz klassischer Lösungen für Randwertprobleme quasilinearer h ...
1985. - V, 49 pp.
(thesis, 1985, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Jawad, Salih
Die klassisch-reguläre Lösbarkeit des Rand-Anfangswertproblems nichtlinearer Wellengleichu ...
1985. - 90 pp.
(thesis, 1985, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Stöcklein, Waldemar
Spinresonanz an Radikalkationen-Salzen des Fluoranthens
1985. - 141 pp.
(thesis, 1985, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Staab, Matthias
Robust parameter estimation for arma models
(thesis, 1984, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Dräxler, Peter
Verallgemeinerte Fasersummen und Darstellungen geordneter Mengen
Bayreuth, 1984. - 183 pp. (thesis, 1984, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Müller, Peter C.
Durchnittseigenschaften von Steiner-Tripel-Systemen
1983. - 78 pp.
(thesis, 1983, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Landes, Margarete
Eindeutigkeit und Stabilität schwacher Lösungen streng nichtlinearer elliptischer Randwert ...
1983. - 104 pp.
(thesis, 1983, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Golembiowski, Andreas
Zur Darstellungstheorie der abzählbar unendlichen symmetrischen Gruppe über Körpern der Ch ...
Bayreuth, 1983(thesis, 1983, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Goebel, Ralf
Über die Existenz klassischer Lösungen semilinearer parabolischer Differentialgleichungen ...
1982. - X, 68 pp.
(thesis, , Universität Bayreuth)

Lübke, Martin
1982. - 80 pp.
(thesis, 1982, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Milbrodt, Hartmut
Asymptotic normality of families of probability measures
(thesis, 1981, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Gruber, Manfred
Lokale Abschätzungen für Sublösungen und Superlösungen quasilinearer parabolischer Differe ...
(thesis, 1981, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Thürlings, Karl-Josef
Eine Verallgemeinerung des Lemmas von Cauchy-Frobenius, kombinatorische und algebraische Z ...
Bayreuth, 1981(thesis, 1981, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Clausen, Michael
Letter-Place-Algebren und ein charakteristik-freier Zugang zur Darstellungstheorie symmetr ...
Bayreuth, 1980. - XVIII, 133 pp. (thesis, 1979, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Wagner, Bernd
Charaktere symmetrischer und monomialer Gruppen als Polynomfunktionen
Bayreuth, 1979. - XII, 111, VII pp. (thesis, 1979, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Alt, Walter
Stabilität mengenwertiger Abbildungen mit Anwendungen auf nichtlineare Optimierungsproblem ...
Bayreuth, Universität, 1979. - VII, 107 pp. (thesis, 1979, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

rev.: Mathematical Review

Kexel, Werner
Zariski-Offenheit von eigentlichen, flachen holomorphen Abbildungen
Bayreuth, Selbstverlag der Universität, 1979. - 82 pp. (thesis, 1977, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Pesch, Hans Josef
Numerische Berechnung optimaler Flugbahnkorrekturen in Echtzeitrechnung
München, 1978. - VI, 182 pp. (thesis, 1978, Technische Universität München)

Baptist, Peter
Über das Konvergenzverhalten gewisser Update-Verfahren zur Minimierung einer reellwertigen ...
Würzburg, 1975
(thesis, , Universität Würzburg)

Lempio, Frank
Separation und Optimierung in linearen Räumen
Hamburg, 1971. - 52 pp.
(thesis, 1971, Universität Hamburg)

Habilitatin thesis

Mironchenko, Andrii
Input-to-State Stability of Distributed Parameter Systems
Passau, 2023. - 285 pp.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2302.00535 ...
(habilitation, 2022, Universität Passau, Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik)

rev.: Zentralblatt

Kurz, Sascha
Discrete Structures, Algorithms, and Applications
Bayreuth, 2008. - 159 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006818 ...
(habilitation, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsmathematik)

Bebendorf, Mario
Hierarchical Matrices : a Means to Efficiently Solve Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
Leipzig, 2007
(habilitation, 2007, Universität Leipzig)

Gerdts, Matthias
Optimal Control of Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential-Algebraic Equations
Bayreuth, 2006
(habilitation, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Büskens, Christof
Echtzeitoptimierung und Echtzeitoptimalsteuerung parametergestörter Probleme
Bayreuth, 2002
(habilitation, 2002, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Grüne, Lars
Asymptotic Behavior of Dynamical and Control Systems under Perturbation and Discretization
Frankfurt/Main, 2001
(habilitation, 2001, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)

Chudej, Kurt
Effiziente Lösung zustandsbeschränkter Optimalsteuerungsaufgaben
Bayreuth, 2001
(habilitation, 2001, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik)

Alt, Walter
Stability of Solutions and the Lagrange-Newton Method for Nonlinear Optimization and Optim ...
Bayreuth, 1991. - X, 112 S. pp.
(habilitation, 1991, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Mathematik V)

Baptist, Peter
Die Entwicklung der Neueren Dreiecksgeometrie aus didaktischer Sicht
Würzburg, 1990
(habilitation, 1990, Universität Würzburg)

Pesch, Hans Josef
Echtzeitberechnung fastoptimaler Rückkopplungssteuerungen bei Steuerungsproblemen mit Besc ...
München, Technische Universität München, Mathematisches Institut, 1987. - 130 pp. (habilitation, 1986, Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik)

Mackenroth, Uwe
Optimalitätsbedingungen und Dualität für zustandsrestringierte konvexe parabolische Kontro ...
Bayreuth, 1981
(habilitation, 1981, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Lempio, Frank
Tangentialmannigfaltigkeiten und infinite Optimierung
Hamburg, 1972. - 73 pp.
(habilitation, 1972, Universität Hamburg, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik)


Kurz, Sascha; Rambau, Jörg
Lösungshinweise zu den Übungsaufgaben "Mathematische Grundlagen für Wirtschaftswissenschaf ...
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004857 ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Grüne, Lars
Simultaneously long short trading in discrete and continuous time - AudioSlides
: Elsevier AudioSlides,
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S ...

ALCOMA 15 : Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications
publ: Kerber, Adalbert; Kiermaier, Michael; Laue, Reinhard; Pavčević, Mario Osvin; Wassermann, Alfred
Bayreuth - 84 pp.

Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Der Mensch sagt „Nein“ und meint doch JA. Der Grund dafür kann vieles sein. Für das Progra ...
Bayreuth - 9 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Baumann, Michael Heinrich
Regelungsbasierte Handelsstrategien in verrauschten Märkten -- Exposee zur Dissertation
Bayreuth - 25 pp.

Baptist, Peter
Alles ist Zahl - manchmal irrational
Gauting : Medien LB,

Baptist, Peter
Everything is Number : Texte zu den Bildern des Mathematik-Kunst-Kalenders 2011
publ: Baptist, Peter; Jost, Eugen

Baptist, Peter; Miller, Carsten; Gollub, Wolfgang
Alles ist Zahl : Konzeption der Sonderausstellung im Deutschen Technikmuseum Berlin, Oktob ...

Baptist, Peter
Alles ist Zahl : Mathematik und Kunst
In: Medien LB (ed.): Gauting

Baptist, Peter
Alles ist Zahl : Mathematik-Kunstkalender 2010
publ: Baptist, Peter; Jost, Eugen
Bayreuth : Universität, Lehrstuhl Mathematik und ihre Didaktik,

Baptist, Peter
Everything is number : Texte zu den Bildern des Mathematik-Kunst-Kalenders 2010
publ: Baptist, Peter; Jost, Eugen

Kurz, Sascha
Mathematik zur Entspannung - The Lighter Side of Mathematics
Spektrum (2008) issue 1 . - pp. 44-47
http://www.neu.uni-bayreuth.de/de/Uni_Bayreuth/Sta ...

Kurz, Sascha
Die rätselhafte Seite der Mathematik
Spektrum (2008) issue 1 . - pp. 5
http://www.neu.uni-bayreuth.de/de/Uni_Bayreuth/Sta ...

Baptist, Peter; Jost, Eugen
Alles ist Zahl: Mathematik-Kunst-Kalender 2008

Rambau, Jörg
Point Configuration and a Triangulation Without Flips as Constructed by Santos


Betten, Anton; Laue, Reinhard; Wassermann, Alfred
DISCRETA : a tool for constructing t-designs

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