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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences

Department of Mathematics

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TdM 2019 award ceremony


Day of Mathematics (2nd weekend in July)

Already since 2006, the Day of Mathematics usually takes place on the second weekend in July and shows mathematics in its exciting facets.

Mathematical Colloquium (always on Thursdays in the semester after announcement)

The Mathematical Colloquium takes place every Thursday in the semester after announcement. It offers professors, staff and students specialised lectures from the broad spectrum of mathematics.

Further events

Please see the German web page for further mathematical events at our university.

A selection of further events on the German page:

  • Maths Olympiad (state round)
  • MINT offers for secondary school students
  • MINT offers for prospective students
  • “Hochschulinformationstag” – get to know our university and its bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in mathematics

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